Timeless Love: Harfin, Zopher...

Par AJSwagmire

15.4K 144 763

Just some cute, fluffy one-shots about the ships Harfin, Zopher, and Wyvannah/Jordannah from the Disney Chann... Plus

Harper or "Daisy's" Excursion Part 3.5
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Theories for SOSS s3
Crush Factor 2:The Crushening
Sick Day
Harfin Headcanons
That's What I Love About Sunday
Number One Problem
wait in the truck
Crush Factor 3:Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Labor Of Love
Give Heaven Some Hell
Secret Sweethearts
Tall Stack
It FINALLY Happened
Zoey Campbell:Ultimate Babysitter
Stadium Kisses
Time and Time Again
Can I Have This Dance?
Author's Note-Important!
Time Is Of The Essence
In The Meantime
All In Due Time
Father's Day
Time Flies When You're Having Fun
Speak Now
Wyatt's Big Break
It's Just A Matter Of Time
Don't Touch Me
Homecoming Night
Running Out Of Time
Let You Go
Caught In The Act
That Night
Lie Lie Lie
Whiskey Glasses
Sweeter Than Hot Chocolate (Christmas Special)
Nightmare at Nationals
Summer Heat
Risky Business
Loving You Is A Losing Game - Part 2 (collab with killiancaptainhook)
Random Thing
Time's Up (S4 Finale)

Weddings Are Overrated, Right?(Part 2)

150 2 2
Par AJSwagmire

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So for those of you who missed her announcement on the 10th, @yourfavsosslunatic and I are doing a collab together. And since she wrote Part 1, this is Part 2 of said collab. And in case you didn't read Part 1, this one-shot basically picks up a few weeks after the ending of Part 1 when Wyatt and Savannah flew down to Vegas and eloped. Anyways, Happy Reading!!! <3 (Slight AU) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was yet again another gloomy Saturday afternoon. Fall was slowly starting to turn to Winter, which meant that all the nice Summer weather was now becoming very dark, gray and punishing, and anyone who wanted to go outside quickly became a victim of harsh winds and light rain on their face. And, honestly, ever since Halloween came to an end, all of New Orleans looked like something straight out of a 1930s horror film.

So, looking out her living room window, 34-year-old(and almost six months pregnant)Zoey Dunn let out another sullen, sad sigh as she mindlessly rubbed her baby bump and scrolled through TikTok, not even caring to see the videos. Her thumb kept swiping up every three seconds, her ears and brain could only take so much of the same "trending" music she was quickly growing bored of. But, as usual, it was only a matter of time before new sounds and songs invaded her FYP. This time, it just seemed like it would take much longer than normal. She then almost let out the twentieth bored sigh in the span of five minutes, but it was quickly suppressed by an incoming text from Griffin. She squealed happily as she read the text: "Feel like coming down to see Nick? The little squirt really misses you." For those of you who didn't know, Nick is Griffin and Harper's almost one-year old son and the soon-to-be playmate and best friend of Zoey and Topher's twin children, who were the souvenir of their honeymoon down in Hawaii, Zoey finding out she was pregnant not even three weeks after they came back home to their quaint, little two-story house in New Orleans. "Of course I do!!! Omw." Smiling brightly as she got up and told Topher she was going down to Sulphur Springs for the day, Zoey had grabbed her car keys and put on her coat and was almost out the door when she received another text, this time from her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Savannah Dillon. "Wyatt and I are no longer engaged."

That simple text was enough to throw Zoey's entire world off its axis. She blinked a few times as she tried to process this new information that still didn't make any sense no matter how many times she re-read the text. And to make matters worse, there weren't any three dots promising her more info. Zoey typed the word "what?!" in six different ways, yet she never sent the text as she tried to figure out why Wyatt and Savannah would've broken off their engagement. She was so in shock, she didn't even hear Topher walk up behind her. "You good, babe?" asked Topher curiously, with a mixture of worry and confusion on his face as he watched Zoey grip her phone in her hands just a little bit too tightly. "Zozo?" The calling of her name was enough to snap Zoey out of it and looked up at Topher with wide eyes before she quickly sent Griffin another text: "Sorry Griffin, something came up. We'll need to reschedule.", hopped in her car and practically sped out of the driveway, much to Topher's confusion. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zoey then spent the next thirty-five minutes searching for Savannah, but there was no sign of her. It's like she'd turned invisible since she was nowhere to be found. And none of her and Topher's friends from around town had seen her either. But in Zoey's defense, she really didn't have time to explain since she didn't have the full story. And if her and Wyatt's time as the hosts of a super-popular online ghost-hunting blog taught her anything, she knew much better than to tell a half-baked story.

However, the more time she spent burning daylight trying to find Savannah(who still refused to answer her phone)Zoey decided to skip a few steps ahead and instead track down one of the main concerning parties:her own twin brother Wyatt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

And since it was a Saturday, Zoey knew she could find her twin at one of three places: The East New Orleans Regional Library reading a book about sightings of paranormal activity, the Dryades YMCA pool swimming laps or at one of a dozen bakeries with Savannah trying to find a wedding cake. And after she wasn't able to find him at the first two locations, she finally found him at The Sweet Life Bakery waiting in line to place an order. Zoey had already played out the conversation in her head:She asks Wyatt if he can step outside with her to talk privately, she takes him to one of a dozen back alleys in town and then murders him for breaking Savannah's heart. As she got out of her car, she could see a couple people eating cupcakes and talking with their friends and family inside the bakery, but she finally spotted Wyatt at the front of the line, his face showing no sign of heartbreak.

The bell announced her entrance, and Wyatt turned and flashed her a bright smile, happy to see his sister. Suddenly, Zoey couldn't wait to take him outside to talk. "How could you do this?!" she let out angrily, her hormones getting the better of her. "And just a few months after Nick was born, no less!!! This was supposed to be the best year of my life, but you went ahead and ruined it!!!!" As Zoey paced back and forth, her dark-chocolate brown hair flailing around as she did, Wyatt could only watch his pregnant twin sister go into a very un-Zoey yet very-Zoey like rant about something he wasn't sure he quite understood. So far, he'd caught on that he was the responsible party for.....whatever the hell it was that Zoey was talking about. But he really couldn't defend himself, not when his brain had completely and totally shut down, leaving him standing there in the center of the bakery, his mouth slightly parted as all his words died in his throat. His eyes were also wide in reasonable confusion and he felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment because other people were now staring at his pregnant sister continue to rant and flail her arms all around and blame him for things he stopped listening to. But in Wyatt's defense, he really couldn't be blamed for only getting snippets of a very confusing rant 'cause whenever Zoey went on one of her crazy, anger-fueled rants, she was honestly more scarier than any ghost they'd encountered when they went on a cross-country road trip and visited the most haunted places in America back when they were in college. And now that Zoey was heavily pregnant, the scariness of her rants had been turned up by ten, no, fifteen percent.

So Wyatt shook his head to clear out some of the shock, and that's when Zoey's incomprehensible rant slowly started to make sense.

"-Calling it quits!!! Ugh!!!! After everything we've all been through together. I still can't believe it myself. I mean-" The redheads stomach dropped so fast he could've sworn he was riding a roller coaster at Six Flags. But he was smart and quick enough to shake his head again before he grabbed Zoey by the shoulders to stop her from pacing back and forth in the middle of the bakery and leaving a wake of destruction behind. "Wow, wow, wow, Zoey!!!! What do you mean "calling it quits"? I'm not breaking up with Savannah." said Wyatt calmly as he brushed a lose strand of her hair out of her face. "Oh yeah? Explain this to me, then." said Zoey, still glaring at her brother as she unlocked her phone, almost literally shoved it in his face and then showed him the text that Savannah had sent her earlier. Wyatt took the phone with shaking hands and read the message slowly and carefully before he started to laugh incredulously like a madman, much to Zoey's utter surprise and horror. "What's so funny, Wyatt?!" she growled threateningly as she grabbed her phone back out of his hands as he continued to laugh hysterically.

"Okay, I don't know what she was thinking when Savannah sent you that text, but I can promise you that we haven't called it quits. Remember a couple weeks or so ago when both of our phones went dark for a couple days and neither you, Griffin, Harper or Topher could text us?" asked Wyatt as he wiped away a few stray tears that had fallen down his face while he was laughing like an idiot. Zoey just nodded her head curiously, wondering where this story was going. "Well, that's because we'd flown down to Vegas and eloped. Look, long story short, we were both equally tired of all the planning and waiting for our wedding so one random Saturday a few weeks back, Savannah suggested that we go down to Vegas and elope and then we could still have the big church wedding just for show and no one would have to know. And also because Dad's never really approved of Savannah." said Wyatt without missing a beat, letting out a huge sigh when he finished speaking.

Suddenly, Zoey looked utterly stunned and at a loss for words as Wyatt's story slowly started registered in her mind before she let out a loud, ear-piercing scream that easily rivaled some of Savannah's fangirl screams she would let out whenever she saw Griffin and Harper being adorable, making Wyatt and a few other patrons inside cover their ears. "YOU GOT MARRIED AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!?!" screeched Zoey at an unholy level. "Well, that's one way to break the news, I guess." thought Wyatt, now ashamed as he shook his head again, knowing Savannah wasn't gonna be real happy with him tonight. "Yes. But again, I don't know what Savannah was thinking when she sent you that text." said Wyatt as he watched Zoey start to leave the bakery. "Where are you going?" he asked curiously. "To pay a visit to my now official sister-in-law. Smell you later, dork." said Zoey teasingly as she plugged her nose. "Right back at 'cha, weirdo." "No seriously. Smell you later. When was the last time you showered?" asked Zoey in disgust as she got in car and drove off for Wyatt and Savannah's apartment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Savannah Dillon was in the middle of making brownies for Wyatt when she heard a knock at her apartment door and was a little surprised to see Zoey standing there, looking like a little kid coming off a sugar high. "Uh, hey Zoey. What's up with the nervous shaking?" she asked curiously as she led the pregnant woman over to the couch. "Wyatt told me what you guys did a few weeks ago." said Zoey with a knowing smirk on her face as she watched Savannah open and close her mouth a few times in disbelief before she finally sighed in defeat. "Alright, you got me. Yes, we flew down to Vegas and eloped. Happy now?!" asked Savannah incredulously, looking at Zoey with wide eyes. "Yes. Yes I am. But I'm just a little confused. Why did you send me this text even though you and Wyatt both explicitly agreed to not tell anyone you guys eloped?" Zoey asked curiously, handing Savannah her phone for her to read the text, which made her start laughing uncontrollably like Wyatt did.

"I was drunk!!!! Shortly after we got back from Vegas, we were invited to one of our friends' birthday parties at The Sazerac Bar and I guess we both had a little bit too much to drink because when I woke up, Wyatt was singing "If You're Happy And You Know It" with a pair of boxers on his head while doing jumping jacks on the balcony." said Savannah, shaking her head in embarrassment at the sight. "TMI, Savannah. Anyways, I think you should just save everyone the trouble of having the big church wedding and just post about it on social media. I mean, really. What's the worst that could happen?" asked Zoey nonchalantly, as she stood back up. "Anyways, I gotta go. It was nice talking to you today, though. However, please don't do anything stupid like that ever again. I was about ready to murder Wyatt because of that text." said Zoey, chuckling as she walked out the door, leaving Savannah alone again. "I make no promises." she answered a few minutes later to no one in the apartment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After talking about with Wyatt, they ultimately decided to put a post out on Instagram. They figured it was the least they could do to make it up to Zoey after she nearly put Wyatt six feet under because of that stupid text.


My Everything - @SavannahD
Liked by @Zoeys_Show, @yourfavdunngirl and 582 others 
Shortly after putting it out on Instagram, Savannah took a screenshot of the post and sent it to Zoey. "There! Happy now?!"

Zoey's answer was short and straight to the point. "Yes. Yes I am."

Unfortunately for them, Ben saw the post and his reaction was less than positive, to put it nicely. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that's a wrap on my end of my collab with yourfavsosslunatic. Now, I had to drastically revamp the ending of this part after reading Part 1, but I hope you guys still enjoyed reading this one. 'Til then, Ciao 4 now, besties! Love you!!!!! 😘😘😘😘

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