Aurum ✧ Peter Parker

By IncognitoInkwell

5.8K 169 2

Ava Stark, the rebellious and sarcastic daughter of the renowned Tony Stark, finds herself at a boarding scho... More

✧ ˚ · cast .
✧ ˚ 1· one .
✧ ˚ 2· two .
✧ ˚ 3· three .
✧ ˚ 4· four .
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✧ ˚6· six .
✧ ˚ 7· seven .
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✧ ˚11· eleven .
✧ ˚ 12· twelve .
✧ ˚13· thirteen .
✧ ˚14 · fourteen .
✧ ˚ 15 · fifteen .
✧ ˚ 16 · sixteen .
✧ ˚17 · seventeen .
✧ ˚ 18 · eighteen .
✧ ˚ 19 · nineteen .
✧˚ 20· twenty .
✧ ˚ 21 · twenty-one .
✧ ˚ 22 · twenty-two .
✧ ˚ 23 · twenty-three .
✧ ˚ 24 · twenty-four .
✧ ˚ 25 · twenty-five .
✧ ˚ 26 · twenty-six .
✧ ˚ 27 · twenty-seven .
✧ ˚ 28 · twenty-eight .
✧ ˚ 29 · twenty-nine .
✧ ˚ 30 · thirty .
✧ ˚ 31 · thirty-one .
✧ ˚ 32 · thirty-two .
✧ ˚ 33 · thirty-three .
✧ ˚ 34 · thirty-four .
✧ ˚ 35 · thirty-five .
✧ ˚ 36 · thirty-six .
✧ ˚ 37 · thirty-seven .
✧ ˚ 38 · thirty-eight .
✧ ˚ 39 · thirty-nine .
✧ ˚ 40 · forty .

✧ ˚ 10· ten .

166 5 0
By IncognitoInkwell

┌─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

The rhythmic beeping of the monitor seemed to echo through the room, a constant reminder of the hospital setting. Ava had finally stabilized enough, and she convinced her father and Pepper to get some rest at a nearby hotel instead of staying cramped in her hospital room. Now, she was left alone, surrounded by the sterile walls and the dim glow of the monitors.

Ava let out a frustrated groan, trying to find a comfortable position in the hospital bed. The blankets felt scratchy against her skin, and she pulled them up over her head, seeking some solace from the glaring overhead lights. Despite her exhaustion, sleep seemed elusive in this unfamiliar environment.

The minutes ticked by, and Ava's mind drifted to thoughts of her dorm room, where everything was familiar and comfortable. She longed for her own bed, the cozy corner where she would sit with her friends, and the sound of laughter and chatter that filled the air. But for now, she was stuck in the hospital, surrounded by the constant reminders of her illness.

As she lay there, her eyes began to drift shut, and the beeping of the monitor seemed to fade into the background. Slowly, exhaustion overtook her, and she drifted into a fitful sleep, hoping for a peaceful night ahead.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

When Tony and Pepper arrived bright and early the next morning, the hospital room was dimly lit, and Ava was still fast asleep, her face peaceful in slumber. They decided not to disturb her and quietly sat outside in two visitor chairs, their presence a comforting support for each other.

Tony's expression showed a mixture of concern and determination. Pepper recognized that look, knowing that he was contemplating something important. "What's on your mind?" she asked gently, giving him space to share his thoughts.

Tony took a deep breath before responding, "The whole reason we sent Ava away was to keep her safe, but she's not safe there anymore. She got hurt, and I can't bear to see her going through this. I think she should come home with us, where we can take care of her properly."

Pepper considered his words carefully, understanding his concern. "I don't know if she's going to take that well, Tony. That school has become her home now, not with us," she explained. "We need to talk to her about this delicately, and let her make the decision herself."

Tony nodded, his mind still conflicted. "She is my daughter. Her mother left her with me, and I can't let her go through this alone," he said, his voice filled with a mix of love and protectiveness.

Pepper placed a comforting hand on Tony's shoulder. "We'll talk to her when she wakes up, and we'll do it gently," she reassured. "Let's give her some time to rest and then we can approach the topic with care."

The morning sunlight filled the corridor, bringing a sense of warmth to the otherwise sterile environment. Tony and Pepper made their way to the hospital cafeteria, trying to put their thoughts about Ava's situation aside for a moment.

Over breakfast, they discussed plans for the day, knowing that they needed to handle Ava's situation delicately and make sure she felt supported. They shared memories of happier times with her, reminiscing about family trips and fun moments together, hoping to bring a smile to their own faces and Ava's.

After breakfast, they returned to Ava's room, finding her just starting to stir awake. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Pepper greeted with a warm smile.

Ava smiled back, feeling grateful to see both of them there. "Morning," she replied softly, still feeling a bit groggy from her nap.

Pepper leaned down, placing a tender kiss on Ava's forehead. "Did you manage to get much sleep last night?" she asked, concern evident in her eyes.

Ava's smile wavered slightly as she recalled the restless night she had endured. "Not as much as I hoped," she admitted, her voice tinged with exhaustion. "The beeping of the monitor and all the hospital noises kept me awake."

Tony's concern was evident in his eyes as he spoke, "We're sorry, sweetheart. We should have found a way to make you more comfortable."

Ava shook her head, not wanting them to blame themselves. "It's okay. I know you both stayed by my side the whole time. That means a lot to me," she said, reaching out to hold both of their hands in hers.

Pepper leaned down to kiss Ava's forehead, her touch gentle and reassuring. "We're just glad you're okay," she said, her voice filled with motherly affection.

Ava nodded, feeling their love and care surrounding her. "I am," she replied softly, "thanks to both of you."

Tony pulled a chair up to Ava's bedside, the metal legs scraping softly against the tiled floor. He reached out and gently took her hand in his, the warmth of his touch offering both reassurance and firmness.

"Ava, honey, I know you might not want to hear this," Tony began, his voice serious yet filled with concern, "but I think it's best if you come back home with us."

Ava looked at him, her eyes filled with frustration and hurt. "Dad, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I can't just abandon everything at school," she said, her voice quivering. "It's the first place where I felt like I belonged, where I found friends who understand me. I won't just let you take that away from me."

Tony's expression hardened, his concern turning into determination. "Ava, this is not up for debate," he said firmly. "I'm your father, and I will make the decisions that I believe are best for you."

"But it's my life, Dad!" Ava exclaimed, her emotions getting the better of her. "You can't control every aspect of it. I need to be able to make my own choices and face the consequences of those choices."

"You're not ready to face the consequences, Ava," Tony retorted, his voice tinged with anger. "You've proven that with your reckless behaviour. I can't just stand by and watch you put yourself in danger."

Ava's eyes welled up with tears, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. "I'm not a child anymore, Dad," she said, her voice shaking. "You can't keep treating me like one. I need you to trust me and give me the space to grow and learn from my mistakes."

Tony's resolve wavered for a moment, but he quickly shook it off. "I can't do that, Ava," he said, his voice stern. "I can't bear the thought of something happening to you. You need to come back to New York with Pepper and me, where we can keep you safe."

Ava's heart sank, realizing that her father wouldn't budge on this matter. She knew she couldn't change his mind, no matter how hard she tried. With tears streaming down her cheeks, she nodded reluctantly, feeling defeated. "Fine," she whispered, "but don't expect me to be happy about it."

The tension in the room was palpable as both father and daughter struggled to find common ground. 

"I know it's not easy, sweetheart," Pepper chimed in, coming to Ava's side and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "But we'll do everything we can to make the transition easier for you. We'll find a way to stay in touch with your friends, and you can come back to visit whenever you want."

Ava nodded, appreciating the support from Pepper. She knew deep down that her father and Pepper were just trying to protect her, but it still felt like her autonomy was slipping away. "I need some time alone," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Please."

Tony's frustration was evident as he paced back and forth in the hallway. He couldn't shake the worry and fear for his daughter's safety, but he also understood the weight of the decision he had just made. He knew he had to be strong for Ava, but his heart ached at the thought of uprooting her life once again.

Pepper approached him, placing a gentle hand on his arm to offer comfort. "Tony, do you really think this is what's best for Ava?" she asked softly. "She's scared, and moving to a new city, a different country, away from her friends—it's a lot for her to handle."

Tony sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know it's a big change," he admitted. "But I can't ignore what happened. Her safety is my top priority."

Pepper nodded, understanding his concerns. "I know you want to protect her, Tony," she said. "But sometimes, protecting someone also means giving them the space to make their own choices and face their own challenges."

Tony looked at Pepper, a mix of emotions crossing his face. "I just don't want her to get hurt again," he said, his voice breaking slightly. "I don't want to lose her."

Pepper reached out and gently held Tony's hand, offering him comfort and support. "I know," she said softly.

As Tony stepped out of the hospital elevator, he found himself torn between the weight of his decision and the need for some fresh air to clear his mind. His footsteps echoed through the empty hallway as he made his way to a small outdoor area. He looked up at the sky, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the city. But in his heart, there was only a cloud of worry and sadness.

Meanwhile, Pepper excused herself to take an important phone call. Her face showed the seriousness of the conversation, and her mind was preoccupied with business matters. She knew that Tony was struggling with his decision, and she felt the pressure of balancing her responsibilities as CEO with her desire to support Ava.

Back in the hospital room, Ava sat up in bed, clutching Mr. Snuggles tightly. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and she felt a mix of anger and sadness at her father's decision. She didn't want to leave her friends and her newfound sense of belonging at school, but she also understood that Tony's concern for her safety came from a place of love.

As another tear rolled down her cheek, Ava found herself yearning for her mother's presence. She missed the late nights spent waiting for her mom to come home from work, the comfort of their small apartment in Malibu, and the moments of laughter and joy they had shared. She wished she could seek her mother's guidance and share her fears and uncertainties.

The hospital room felt suffocating as Ava grappled with her emotions. She wanted to feel grateful for her father and Pepper's love, but the weight of leaving her new home weighed heavily on her heart. As she held onto Mr. Snuggles, she whispered softly, "I wish you were here, Mom. I could really use your strength and wisdom right now."

The hospital room's door creaked open, and Tony stepped inside, his face reflecting the turmoil within him. He spotted Ava sitting there, clutching Mr. Snuggles close to her chest, and a pang of guilt washed over him. He wished he could ease her pain, to find a way to mend their fractured bond while still allowing her to be her own person.

"I'm sorry, Ava," Tony's voice softened with sincerity as he approached her bed. "I know this is tough for you, and I want you to know that I never wanted to cause you pain or take away your freedom."

Ava stared at her father, unsure of what to say. She felt a mix of emotions - anger, hurt, and confusion - swirling within her. She didn't know how to bridge the gap between them, and words seemed inadequate at the moment.

Tony, sensing her silence, continued, trying to find a way to connect with her. "When we get back, I promise to throw a big party for you," he said, trying to bring back memories of happier times. "We'll have all your favorite foods and make pancakes every morning, just like we used to."

Ava remained silent, her expression still guarded. She appreciated his effort, but she knew that their issues couldn't be resolved with pancakes and parties. There was a deeper trust that needed to be rebuilt, and she wasn't sure if they could get there.

Tony's heart sank at her silence, but he understood her reluctance to engage. "I'll give you some space," he said, stepping back toward the door. "Whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be here."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Ava's emotions were a swirling storm inside her as she stood in the hospital room, listening to the doctor's words. Part of her was relieved to be finally leaving the hospital, eager to break free from the confines of the sterile walls that had become her world. But at the same time, the prospect of returning to New York felt suffocating, like a heavy weight pressing down on her.

Her father's insistence on taking her back home only added to her frustration. The memories of her childhood in Malibu were bittersweet, and she didn't want to be reminded of the past she had tried so hard to leave behind. The news of her old home being gone was a painful reminder of the loss she had experienced, but she didn't have the energy to delve into the details.

Pepper's thoughtful gesture of providing comfortable clothes for the flight felt like a small silver lining amidst the turmoil. Despite her anger, Ava appreciated the effort and knew that Pepper cared for her well-being. And Sarah, her dear friend, had been a lifeline in this stormy sea of emotions. Sarah had been there for her through thick and thin, and Ava found solace in their conversations, where she could express her feelings without judgment.

The day of departure arrived, and Ava reluctantly boarded the flight back to New York with her father and Pepper. Her heart felt heavy with unresolved emotions, but she kept up a façade of composure. She was tired of fighting, and part of her hoped that maybe, just maybe, being back in New York would provide her with some clarity.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Once the plane touched down, Ava glanced out the window and saw Happy standing there with one of her father's sleek, blacked-out cars. She knew the paparazzi would be waiting, eager to capture a shot of Tony Stark's teenage daughter. Ava took a deep breath, bracing herself for the inevitable chaos.

"Welcome back," Happy greeted them with a warm smile, his eyes filled with concern and relief.

Ava managed a small smile in return, appreciating the familiar face amidst the chaos. As they approached the car, Tony placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We've had a floor made up for you in the Avengers tower. It's where everyone has been staying since the facility upstate is still under construction," he said, trying to sound optimistic.

Pepper, sitting in the passenger seat, turned to Ava, her expression gentle. "It's going to be an adjustment, but we're here for you, Ava," she said, her voice filled with warmth.

"I know you're trying to make things better," Ava said softly, her gaze fixed on her hands. "But I had a life at St. Johns, and now everything feels so different."

"We understand, Ava," Pepper replied. "It's not easy, but we'll do our best to help you settle in and make new memories here."

Tony added, "You'll have your own space on the floor, and you can decorate it however you like. We want you to feel at home."

Ava appreciated their efforts, but she couldn't shake the feeling of being uprooted from the life she had built for herself. "I just need some time to process everything," she said, her voice tinged with sadness.

As they stepped inside the elevator, Ava couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and apprehension as she looked around at the high-tech interior. The doors closed, enveloping them in a moment of privacy, and Tony's concerned gaze lingered on her. "I know this isn't what you wanted, Ava, but I promise we'll make it work," he reiterated, his voice gentle.

Ava's fingers fidgeted with the hem of her sweater as she glanced up at her father. "Do all the Avengers live here?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tony smiled softly, appreciating her curiosity despite her reluctance. "No, not all of them," he replied. "Barton has a family, and nobody's seen Banner since Sokovia. And Point Break's off on his planet," he said with a hint of humour. "Why? Do you want to meet them?"

Ava shook her head quickly, her expression determined. "No. No, I don't," she said, the thought of meeting more people feeling overwhelming in her current state of mind

The elevator ride seemed to stretch on, the silence between them both comforting and awkward at the same time. Ava's mind was racing with emotions and questions, and she wondered how she would navigate this new life in the Avengers tower. She knew that her father and Pepper cared about her, but she still felt a sense of resentment towards them for uprooting her from her life at school.

As the elevator doors opened, Ava followed Tony out into the spacious living area of the floor that had been prepared for her. The sleek, modern design and advanced technology reminded her of her father's usual style, but she couldn't fully appreciate it at the moment. Her eyes were drawn to the large windows that offered a stunning view of New York City, the city she once dreamed of living in, now feeling like a place of entrapment.

Tony gestured towards a set of rooms adjacent to the living area. "Your bedroom and private space are over there. Take your time settling in," he said, giving her some space.

Pepper stepped forward, her caring gaze never leaving Ava's face. "We'll give you some time to yourself, but don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything, okay?" she offered.

Ava nodded, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. "I will," she replied softly.

As her father and Pepper left her alone, Ava closed the door to her room behind her and sank onto the bed. She buried her face in her hands, tears flowing freely. The weight of everything she had been through, the anger towards her father, the fear of the unknown, and the sense of loss for the life she had left behind all crashed over her. In the solitude of her new room, she finally allowed herself to grieve and process the overwhelming emotions that had been building up inside her.

└─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

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