always been you| javon walton

By yourmom-1890

146K 1.2K 2.4K

Isabella is a fun laid back girl to be around, when her mom told her they were moving she didn't care knowing... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17 (part A)
chapter 18 (part B)
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
rest in peace
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65

chapter 40

2.2K 16 20
By yourmom-1890

which do you prefer? dr.pepper or coke?
me: dr.pepper has my heart.
(javon pov)
how is this girl so fucking beautiful. i honesty don't know but god took years working on her before he decided she was done.

fucking perfect. that's how she looks with her body laying down on her bed, legs open for me to see. naked.

so fucking beautiful. honestly breathtaking.

and god is she so fucking wet.

i haven't even touched her and she dripping.

she looks up at me from where at, my body in between her legs just looking at how fucking perfect this girl is.

when i look to her face she looks so desperate for me to touch her. to do anything to her. she wants it. needs it so badly.

she leans her hand down capturing my right hand, she glided it up to her belly button. she moves her hand that's on top of mine to right above her pussy. gliding my hand as she moves hers.

guiding my hand to slip to her clit, circling it for a little before she leans it more down to her entrance.

her eyes lock with mine as she brings her bottom lip between her teeth when she slips two of my fingers inside her.

she hums softly pulling them out a little before pushing them back in.

locking eyes with me she fucks herself with my hands. showing me just how sexy this girl looks. if i don't marry this girl then i'm fucking stupid.

looking at her face, i feel she slowly moves my hand with hers more constantly. her eyes flutter closed when she increases the speed to what she likes.

my eyes slide down to her boobs. god those boobs. so round so fucking perfect. her nipples are hard. begging for attention. begging to be played with. pinched, pulled, circled, or even slapped.

reaching my left hand i guide it up her body from her thighs up. until i reach her boobs. i circle her nipple. catching her off guard, i pinch it and pull slight roughly.

she lets out a moan. i can feel her tighten around my fingers.

she pushes my hand more making my fingers go deeper before she pushed her legs together. arching her back into my hand. she stays still for a second before she lets go of my hand completely.

i let her catch her breath. rubbing my hands up and down her thighs.

she looks at me and tries to grab my hand, trying to lead me to hover over her.

i reach to the right of me and grab the condom. i put it up in my fingers showing her that we're gonna use one.

she shakes her head in disagreement before speaking.

"but i don't want to, i love the way you feel without it." she slowed her breath making a begging face.

fuck those eyes. how can i disagree with those eyes looking at me.

"i'll pull out." i told her gettin in between her legs.

i put my hands to stand on the sides of her head. resting on the bed.

"okay." she whispered.

i reach my left hand down to my dick while i'm hovering over her. i lean in and kiss her lips with mine. my left hand guides my dick to her opening.

not wanting to rush i slowly thrust inside her. the kiss becomes loose as she slowly opens her mouth lightly, to breath out some air.
"do you need any help with your homework?" isabella asked ella when we walked into the living room. ella's on the couch with a paper in her lap and a marker in her hand, drawling on the paper.

"i's spelling ABC's." she said looking up at us and smiling.

"really let me see." isabella smiles back trying to skip to where she's at, clearly having some difficulties with doing that. thank god ella doesn't understand any of that.

ella takes her marker and puts the cap on it. then takes her paper and holds it up right in isabella's face.

"wow this is so good, when i was in kindergarten i did so bad on abc's until the middle of the school year, but that was in italy so i don't know if it's different teaching." isabella told her.

she's so perfect. and seeing her be happy with her sister is the cutest thing. even with daelo she's the most perfect girlfriend. she loves daelo, and she gets along with my family.

"can my friend come over?" ella asked fiddling with her fingers.

"what friend?" isabella furrowed her eye brows.

i sat on the couch next to isabella not wanting to accidentally overstep on ella's boundaries. i know she was scared of me, for what reason? i have no idea. but i still took it serious. so for that i try not to get way to close to her unless i'm holding her and she or isabella askes me to.

"my friend day low." she said daelo's name in two separate words.

isabella looked at me and tilted her head slightly.

"let me call him." i said getting off the couch and walking in the middle of the living room.

after getting off the phone with an overly excited daelo i nod my head yeah telling isabella let's go.

"let's go pick up daelo." isabella says helping ella stand on the couch on her feet before isabella picks her up.
"do you want to help me with my ABC's later?" me and isabella heard ella ask daelo. if he doesn't say yes then im gonn-

"yeah! can i show you my times tables too?" daelo asked ella back.

"okay!" i heard ella said with excitement laced in her voice.

"isa im hungry." we heard ella say loudly. it caught me off gaurd cause usually she's always quiet and never said she was hungry unless isabella asks her.

"what do you want to eat baby?" isabella asks back. waiting for her to respond.

"chicken lay." ella said.

me and isabella looks at eachother confused for a second. what the fuck is chicken lay?

"chicken lay?" isabella asked her after a minute of us trying to process what she said.

"yeah, with the chicken nuggs, and the orange looking yummy sauce, chicken lay." ella rambled off, trying to make us understand what she's asking for.

"chicken lay? babe what is that?" i asked isabella quietly.

"ohh, chick-fil- a?" isabella asked ella.

"yeah chicken lay." ella said back not understanding why isabella had to repeat her.

isabella nods to me and that's all the confirmation i need to know where going to chick-fil- a. unless you wanna call it chicken lay then that fine too. apparently.

not more then around 8 minutes to get to chick-fil- a drive thru. isabella gasped loudly catching my attention and apparently the attention of the kids in the back.

she doesn't even speak anything she just immediately start face timing someone. i look over to her phone trying to see who she's calling.


her facetime doesn't get picked up and she scoffs before pressing the call again button.

now i have a image in my head for when she does that to me. usually it's when i'm working or when i'm with my family that i accidentally miss her calls. when i see them i of course call back. when my call gets declined i immediately get that one same text.

"you want to talk to me now?, no, we're on my time and i'm busy. now"

i can just imagine all the sass behind the message. such a beautiful girl who knows her worth. she does claim i'm sassy, but that's just not true.

when her call doesn't get pick up she turns off her phone and tosses it in her purse.

she looks mad, like upset type of mad. she isn't too mad but i never really seen her mad before so this is new.

trying not to look at her. on the side of my face i can just feel her looking at me.

is this a bad time to say i'm scared. like i'm actually afraid of her. not cause she's gonna hit me or not cause she's done anything that traumatized me.

just cause i watched a film of an italian family and i saw how scary they are. not to mention she's half italian and mexican.

double homicide. that's enough to have me apologize before she even tells me what's wrong.

"javon, this is my final straw, i've dealt with it for longer then i should have." is the only thing she said before turning towards the window.

after ordering out food in chick-fil-a isabella brings her phone back out when it starts ringing.

immediately when she answers her moms raised voice is on speaker phone.

"isabella caterina morano sei fottutamente seria. esco dal lavoro e vado al telefono cercando di chiamarti e vedere dove sono le mie ragazze, apro i miei messaggi da instagram e vedo mia figlia che succhia il cazzo? sei fottutamente serio? ti lascio fare tutto, ti lascio essere libero e uscire con il tuo ragazzo in qualsiasi momento della giornata o ovunque. questa, questa è la merda che vieni sorpreso a fare?" we heard her mom said raising her voice slightly more. isabella looked at me with wide eyes. and that's how i knew, i wasn't surviving another day.

(isabella caterina morano are you fucking serious. i get out of work and go on my phone trying to call you and see where my girls are, i open my messages from instagram and see my daughter sucking dick? are you fucking serious. i let you do everything, i let you be free and hang out with your boyfriend anytime of day or anywhere. this, this is the shit you get caught up doing?)

"mamma lo giuro, non ero io, giuro mamma mi somiglia ma non sono io, la ragazza nel video nella particina in cui mostrava leggermente il viso, sorrideva, non aveva le fossette, mamma ho le fossette e sai il mio spettacolo anche quando mastico o parlo. avrebbero mostrato." isabella said she took her phone off speaker, all i hear is the loud voice of her mom.

(mom i swear, that wasnt me, i swear mom it looks like me but it isnt me, the girl in the video in the little part it slightly showed her face, she smiled, she didnt have dimples, mom i have dimples and you know mine show even when i chew or talk. they would have showed.)

i can hear her mom say something.

"i'll just see you when we get to the house." isabella says before hanging up.

"i'm not going inside." i told isabella when we get to her house, we're in the drive way and nobody wants to get off.

not even the kids.

"javon stop being a big baby, the worse thing that can happen is she prohibits us from being together or seeing eachother." isabella rolls her eyes like it's not a big deal.

"if she tries that your moving out, there's no way we're breaking up cause of someone else." i nod my head telling her the plan

"if it makes you feel better she actually likes you, so i wouldn't worry to much." isabella said getting out the car and going to the back, unbuckling ella.

"Isabella Caterina Morano, you better sit down." her mom immediately said when we walked in the door.

i didn't even know her middle name. it's cute though. not as cute as it would be with my last name instead.

"ella go show daelo your room, you kids go play." isabella told ella passing daelo a bag that contained their food from chick-fil-a

"isabella i let you do anything and everything, i give you your freedom as a teenager, cause i was proud of you. you didn't end up like me having a baby at 15. but this? isabella on video for everyone to see. for the rest of your life? i'm so disappointed in you, both of you." her mom said to us once the kids make it upstairs and are out of earshot.

"mom it's not me, how many times do i have to tell you, you believe the media instead of your daughter?" isabella asked her seeming kinda hurt.

"when i see the cover and that it looks like you what am i supposed to think?" isabella's mom ask softly.

"i still told you before that it wasn't me and your still going on about it." isabella said not caring how softly her mom is talking.

"isabella don't start with me." her mom said while pointing at her.

"i'm sorry but you don't trust me, that's your issue." isabella said back.

"because i know you, i know how you are isabella, i need you to think straight, you think what happened a couple months ago is your fault and it's not." isabella's mom said lowering her voice to having a regular conversation

"don't start up with that, you don't know even know what happened." isabella said back.

"isabella all i'm sayin-" isabella's mom started to said before being cut off.

"you weren't there." isabella raised her voice.

"you don't know what happened,  you don't know what i saw, you don't know what i think. stop bringing that subject up, i want to forget." isabella faced her mom with her back faced me.

"isabella i just want to help you." her mom said walking up towards her. trying to hug her.

"you think this? bringing it up in front of javon is gonna help? is that what you wanted?" isabella asked taking a couple of steps until her back hits my chest and i wrap my arms around her.

"i was hoping it would encourage you to go maybe talk about it or let someone else know about it." she said quietly.

"i just need time, everything else wouldn't help me." she told her mom before she grabbed my hand and we slowly made our way downstairs to her room.

we turned on the lights to her room. we took off our shoes and changed out clothes to comfortable clothes.
it's around 6:30 and we are cuddling in isabella's bed after watching the full movie we put on. we started it while we started eating and now it just finished 5 minutes ago.

isabella's laying her head on the left side of my chest.

she's looking up at me while it was silent. we where just admiring each other.

"what was the argument with you mom about?" i asked quietly so she doesn't get uncomfortable with the topic.

"i don't really want to talk about it right now." she whispered to me.

i nodded lightly then thought of anything, to tell her. wanting to change the topic so she's not uncomfortable and feels like she needs to tell me or anything i think of what my mom texted me about today.

"my mom said she could pick up ella everyday. so you wouldn't have to change your school schedule." i told her. wiping the eyelash off of her cheek gently . face cheek.

"really? that not too much for her?" isabella smiled lightly.

"she said it's fine and she doesn't mind. ella gets out an hour before daelo so it's okay." i told her.

i didn't really think it was a good idea of isabella to change around her schedule. and with my mom and dad being jayla and my managers i decided if i'm at school then the can't be that busy around that time.

i didn't want to tell isabella that i wasn't as supportive with her idea. i didn't want her to think i'm trying to control her as a person, i don't ever want her to be afraid of me, for something stupid. i wouldn't want her to think that she isn't 'good enough' for me. she more then enough. so much more. so fucking perfect. everywhere. and i do mean everywhere.

"you better tell your mom i told her i appreciate it and that i said thank you. if she's busy one day and she can't for her to left me know so i can leave class." isabella told me leaning in to attack kisses on my face.

"your so beautiful, and all mine." i told her reaching my left hand down to her butt and squeezing when i said 'all mine'.

she leaned down and kissed my lips deeply.
Authors note: honestly studying for finals are kicking my ass right now. but here's your super duper late update. also this book is gonna boost to more frequent chapters cause this is my last monday of school, and i'm so nervous. i'm also learning how to drive so i can get me permit in a couple months so that exciting.

2,840 words

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