Classroom of The Elite : The...

By Featherpen287

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Set in four years after the graduation of Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the story is now focused on an entirely new ca... More

Chapter 1 : First Day
Chapter 2 : S-system
Chapter 3 : Class C
Chapter 4: Karaoke
Chapter 5 : Class B
Chapter 6 : Danger and Curiousity
Chapter 7 : Class Leader
Chapter 8 : Sukeban
Chapter 9: Triangle
Chapter 10: Scammer
Chapter 11: Dark Eyes
Chapter 12: May 1st
Chapter 13: Crossroad
Chapter 14: Study Group
Chapter 15: The Biker
Chapter 16: Fist
Chapter 17: Mini-test
Chapter 18: Passing Grade
Chapter 20: The Handshake
Higashi Teiichi's SS: Siblings
Kasai Himiko's SS: Threads
Kurose Yukie's SS: Their Crush
Satonaka Ayase's SS: Guilt
Bonus Chapter: Characters Profile (first batch)
Chapter 21: Inquiry
Chapter 22: Uneasiness
Chapter 23: The Gap
Chapter 24: Dinner
Chapter 25: Her Secret
Chapter 26: His Regard
Chapter 27: Dating Advice
Chapter 28: Birthday Party
Chapter 29: Tether
Chapter 30: Superiority Complex
Chapter 31: Snare
Chapter 32: Troublemaker
Chapter 33: Assault or Accident
Chapter 34: Investigation
Chapter 35: Testimony
Chapter 36: Preliminary
Chapter 37: The Trial
Chapter 38: Second Suspect
Chapter 39: Compromise
Chapter 40: Special Exam
Nanahara Mari's SS: The Bad Ones
Higashi Teiichi's SS: Catalyst
Satonaka Ayase's SS: Girl's Talk
Ishikawa Sousuke's SS: Interference
Bonus Chapter: Characters Profile (second batch)
Chapter 41: The Cruise Ship
Chapter 42: Reputation
Chapter 43: The Island
Chapter 44: The Rules
Chapter 45: Securing the Base
Chapter 46: Managing the Camp

Chapter 19: Mid-term Exam

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By Featherpen287

Three days before the midterm exams, Satonaka gathered the tutors to listen to their progress reports. That night I called Sawatari to ask her about the outcome of the meeting. As the midterms were just around the corner, I could feel a bit of tension in her voice.

"How was the meeting?" I asked.

Sawatari sighed over the phone. "We simply reporting our progress."

"So... is there a problem?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because right now my status is like a casual worker in class C. If there's a problem, maybe I can help."

Sawatari was silent for a few moments before finally answering. "Everyone is improving, but some students are still having difficulties in certain subjects. Kazami-kun is terrible at English, his math is even worse, and so is Togashi-kun. Your friend Iwa-kun is almost as bad."

Of course, a month will not be enough to improve grades in all subjects. It's no wonder that Sawatari is tense. I'm sure Satonaka is currently also feeling nervous about it.

"Not to mention that thanks to someone's actions, we don't know anything about Nanahara-san."

"Hey, you saw the improvement back then, right?"

"Yes, but that still doesn't guarantee that she will study her own."

"I told you already, you don't need to worry about Nanahara."

"Why are you so lenient towards that girl? You have a crush on her?"

What the? Seriously? No, on second thought it wasn't that weird if she thought so. I admit, I did go a little soft on her, but for a different reason.

"Of course not," I countered. "I just thought that if I get too hard on her, she would just fight me back tenfold."

"But you have no problem getting rough with Kazami?"

"...That...the idea wasn't mine. It was Shinji's idea, after all, Kazami was a thug, so it didn't matter if he got beaten once or twice. Different people require different ways to handle them."


"So... do you think they can pass the midterms or not?"

"...No, they won't be able to." Wow, that's a bit harsh even though I agree with her.

"So you have a plan or something?" I asked. I already have a plan myself but I also want to hear Sawatari's solution. Who knows if she happens to have a good idea.

"We have no choice but to use the remaining time to focus on each student's weakest subjects."

"Isn't it bad to stress them out right before the test?"

"Indeed, but what other options do we have?"

So in the end it was up to me to save them. Even if I kept quiet, surely tomorrow Satonaka would call me for advice. However if tell them too soon, then it's possible that some of them might change their mind on the day of the exam. I can only speak on the last day.

"Actually I have an idea."

"Really?" Sawatari asked in a skeptical tone.

"Yes. It's pretty simple but I'm not going to say it now."

"Why? Midterm exams are only three days away. If you don't say now then when?"

"Don't worry, you'll know soon enough."

"But, don't you think we'll need to prep—"

"I told you, my idea is very simple. We won't need any preparation. Just wait until I call you again."

After saying that I ended the call despite Sawatari's protests. I'm sure this method will work. Now, I need to call Satonaka.


The time has finally come. Today we will have a midterm exam. Everyone looks very serious today. None of them said anything, let alone joked. Today their fate in this school will be decided.

The first subject for today was Social studies. This lesson wasn't that hard and I noticed my friends weren't showing much reaction to the questions. Problems started to occur during Mathematics and English subjects. I saw that Kazami, Iwa, and Togashi were all breaking out into cold sweats. On the other hand, Nanahara looks very serious but doesn't seem too troubled either.

Just before the Math test, I saw Sawatari go to Kazami's desk and then to Togashi. Maybe she dropped some last-minute tips for them. Surprisingly, she had a caring side too. Maybe this is the reason why Satonaka appoints her as a tutor. Honestly, I'm starting to be impressed with this girl.

In the end, the exam time has passed. We have all done our best to ensure that none of us are expelled. The results of the midterm exams were announced in the homeroom session the next day.

In contrast to normal days, all the students sat quietly in their seats. No one was joking and playing around. Most were waiting for Shionome-sensei's arrival nervously. Even if someone chatted, the conversation would be about exam results.

"You're so tense, Shinji," I said to Shinji beside me. He was so nervous that he forgot to put on his iconic beanie hat.

"How could I not be tense?"

"Relax, you've studied enough don't you?"

"Still, I can't calm down. I studied until I lack of sleep, and because of that I had a hard time concentrating on the last subject."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine, my friend, and how about you?" I looked back. "Are you feeling nervous?"

"Not really," Nanahara answered flatly.

"Look, Nanahara is relaxed even though we don't know if she studies every day or not."

"No, she just doesn't care about anything," said Shinji. That assumption wasn't exactly accurate but Nanahara didn't say anything at all.

Suddenly the class door opened and Shionome-sensei entered the class carrying a fairly large roll of paper. Everyone held their breaths as Shionome sensei stepped onto the podium. There was no obvious difference in her expression.

"Good morning, students." Sensei greets us as usual as if this was just a normal homeroom session.

"Um, sensei..." Iwa raised his hand. "Is that..."

"Yes, these are the results of the midterm exams," suddenly the air grew heavier. It was as if we were about to face a death sentence. "Now calm down and pay close attention. I will announce the results of your midterm exams."

Shionome sensei pasted the paper on the blackboard. Several curious students got up from their seats to get a clear look but were immediately reprimanded by sensei as if she had eyes in the back of her head. Sensei then took out the red marker and time slowed down. Whoever's name is under the red line, will fail the exam. Sensei calmly made a line...on the bottom of the paper.

"Congratulation. You all passed the test."


Instantly the class became extremely noisy. All the students cheered happily and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Even Kazami almost jumped up from his chair. I believe our class is the noisiest one. Shionome-sensei didn't try to stop this commotion at all. She let her students celebrate their success. They have all tried their best.

"We did it, Yukiharu! We did it!" Shinji shook my body.

"What did I say."

Nanahara behind me just take it easy. Meanwhile, Kasai...still as usual. The girl looked relaxed even though she had just lost a bet. I wonder what she will do after this. Could it be that she has prepared another plan to persuade me? Who knows.

"Wait a minute," Gilang said to friends around him. "Why the top marks..."

It was then that the students noticed a slight oddity. In yesterday's mock test, Sawatari was in first place with an average score of 95. Currently, she is still in the top ranking, but this time her average score is no more than 75. Seeing that I smiled with satisfaction.


The day before the midterm exam. Satonaka gathered students with grades over 70 for a meeting in her room. There were about ten or eleven of them. Kasai also came with them with her lollipop. This meeting was held at my request. Satonaka's room was exactly how I imagined it would be. Very feminine and neat, but now is not the time to bring that up. Satonaka pushed aside her coffee table to make room for all of us sitting on the carpet.

"So what's your plan?" Sawatari acts as their representative, getting straight to the point.

"I know that I disturb your study time, and for that, I'm sorry but don't worry, this won't take long."

"Just get to the point." Sawatari was really impatient.

"Today I want to ask for your help, to help our classmates," some of them started to look at each other. "Everyone is trying their best, but surely you know that there are some students who are still having trouble with certain subjects..."

"Yes, we know that," said Matsunaga. "It is indeed difficult to get significant improvement in all subjects within a month."

"Exactly," I nodded. "If we fail in just one subject, we will be immediately expelled, and considering that everyone is studying hard, then the passing grade will also automatically increase. You know what I mean, right?"

"Wait a minute..." Sawatari interrupted, she understand it immediately. "Don't tell me you want us to lower the passing grade?"


"You're kidding me!" Ikeda begins to grumble. "Why should we lower our score? Do you think we get our grades for nothing? No! We studied hard for it."

"Calm down, Ikeda-kun," said Satonaka. "I understand how you feel, but let's hear it through first..."

"Ikeda is right," I continued. "I know this sounds unfair, but this is for your sake too, don't you know that a class will receive a penalty if their student is expelled?"

Most of them seemed slightly surprised to hear that. Sawatari asks me again. "Are you sure Kurose-kun?"

"Yeah, just ask Satonaka."

"He's right," Satonaka immediately replied. "I've asked the seniors in the student council. There is indeed a reduction in class points if there are students who are expelled for violations or for failing to pass exams."

I saw some of them start whispering to each other. Occasionally hearing Shionome-sensei's name. I'm sure they must be disappointed that Shionome-sensei didn't say anything about this. This school is truly cruel.

"Now you understand, right? We can't let anyone get kicked out if you are to be promoted to Class A. I know this won't look good on your report cards, but I'm sure you understand which is more important."

"What you're saying does make sense," Ikeda chimed in. "But it feels like we pamper them too much. I don't want to sacrifice my score on every test."

"Don't worry, we won't be doing this every time, just this one time. After all, this is not pampering. If you do this, then they will be indebted to all of you."

"Well said," said Satonaka. "I agree with Kurose-kun's proposal, how about the others."

Sawatari seemed to think hard before answering. "Alright, I also agree to help."

"Since it's become like this, what else can I do but agree?." Ikeda said and Mastunaga also nodded. One by one the students in the room showed their willingness to do this. Even Kasai could not help but to agree as well.

"Well, if everyone agrees then so will I," she said with a smile. If she just kept her grades up after this, then she would be isolated by the rest of the class for being selfish. Her social life will be threatened.

"But, how much that we have to cut?" asked Sawatari.

"If possible, your score should not be more than 75."

"What? That's too low, I think 85 is enough to lower the passing grade."

"No, that amount is necessary...I mean just in case any of you change your mind. With a score that low, even if there are two or three people who score 90 and above, the passing grade still won't raise that much."

"Hmm... all right. But just this once."

It has been decided. That night everyone had agreed to lower their scores to save their classmates. I hope with this our class can be saved.


"Why are Sawatari and the others...I mean...their grades are dropping." Iwa was the first to open his mouth.

"You still don't get it?" said Gilang. "They did that to help us, they lowered their score on purpose."

"Hah? Is it true?"

Of course, half of our class would be shocked especially the students with low scores. They now realized that they had just been rescued from danger. Kazami managed to improve his scores in all subjects, but his math score was 41. Togashi's English score remained the same as on the mock test, while Shinji's score was actually pretty good except for physics. Physics was the last subject to be tested yesterday so Shinji couldn't hold back his drowsiness anymore so he had some trouble to concentrate on it. As a result, his physics score dropped to around 40. Even with the past passing grade, he would be kicked out.

I saw that Kazami's gaze was on Satonaka and Sawatari alternately. He didn't seem to think that his friends and tutors would sacrifice their grades to help him. I hope he'll show them some gratitude.

"Whoa, seriously? God, you guys make me so emotional. Thank you Yukiharu." Shinji said while covering his mouth. He almost failed so I understand his feelings. By the way my score is around 63. I could have scored 75 or more but I purposely lowered it further just in case if many people don't keep their word. Nanahara is right below me with 62 for her average score. It seems like she really can study by herself.

On the other hand, I see Togashi approaching Sawatari. "Sawatari...I...uhm...sorry for burdening you."

"It's fine, but you have to study properly for the future exam."

"Of course, I promise I will study hard."

After Togashi, Arai, Miwa and Shinji also started surrounding Sawatari to express their gratitude. Sawatari looks overwhelmed by it. Kazami also got up from his chair and talked to Satonaka then went to Sawatari accompanied by her. For some reason, he seemed a little emotional.

"Sawatari, I..." Kazami looked confused about what to say. "All this time I have misjudged you, thank you very much. I'm sorry I've been a jerk to you for so long."

Sawatari was completely surprised to see Kazami bowing. In the end, she said the same thing she said to Togashi. Kazami nodded firmly and promised to study harder. Satonaka looked so happy to see him like that. There was also one other person who looked happy, even though she shouldn't be.

"Good job, Kurose-kun," Kasai congratulated me with a bright smile. She didn't seem bothered at all by my victory.

"You look happy..." I said.

"Is there any reason not to feel happy?"

"Didn't you lose? I thought you wanted me to be the leader?"

"Yes, I lost. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy right?"

"So you're going to give up persuading me?"

"Yeah, I won't try to persuade you anymore."

"Well, that's good."

This girl gave up too easily. It was as if the bet meant nothing to her. Is she up to something? But the exam results had been announced, what else could she do at this stage? I never understood this girl's way of thinking. For now, maybe I should be careful with her.


"Kampaaaaai!" we all toasted with canned drinks. That day we all decided to celebrate our success after school. Unfortunately, the karaoke place could not be used because it was undergoing minor renovations, and there was no other place that could accommodate 40 students at the same time. Therefore we agree that the celebration will be carried out with each study group. We gathered in Shinji's room. At first, we wanted to go to Sawatari's, but the floor where girls lived was forbidden for boys to enter after a certain time at night so they decided to use the men's room.

" also lowered your grades, right? Sorry that I forgot to thank you!" said Arai.

"It's okay Arai-kun..." Komugi answered shyly. " I didn't do it to get a thanks."

"Ah, you're so kind. But I'll say it anyway. Thank you Komugiiiiii!" Arai exclaimed while trying to embrace Komugi. The next second he was kicked by Sawatari until he fell down.

"Don't take advantage of it you perv!"

"Hey, the pizza's coming," Kazami came back from the entrance holding three pizza boxes.

"Niiicee! This is what I've been waiting for." Togashi started drooling.

That night we were having fun. The atmosphere became very lively, especially when Arai started picking up his guitar and singing a ridiculous song whose lyrics were changed in such a way as to make fun of Sawatari. The girl replied by tapping Arai's head with a notebook.

The only one missing was Nanahara, but that's okay for now. Meanwhile, Kazami's attitude completely changed. He no longer likes to fight with Sawatari. His mouth is still a bit rude but he tends to be a little more obedient. Looks like our little sacrifice really moved him.

I also asked everyone not to say that all of this was my idea. At first Satonaka and the others felt bad that they were taking credit for this, but they agreed after I explained that it would be better if the students felt indebted to their tutors and other ranked students rather than to just one person.

"Aw, we're short on drinks," Shinji exclaimed. "You guys wait for a bit, I'll go to the convenience store"

"No, I'll go..." Kazami immediately stood up and left the room.

"Hey, wait a second Kazami-kun...I haven't told you what drink—ah, he's already gone."

I'm glad Kazami took the initiative to help, but he should have listened to what people said before leaving. At least with this, he was able to mingle with his classmates. In the future, maybe this class will be fine, after all.

Nee-chan had told me earlier that her class had passed the midterms well. None of them scored below passing grade so they didn't have to do anything either. On the other hand, I haven't heard from Teiichi yet.

"What a lively night," muttered Kasai who was sitting next to me.

"Of course, they just passed their first hurdle."

"True, but one shouldn't be happy just for getting through the hurdles at the beginning of the race, especially if they still have some responsibilities."

"Yeah, but let them have their fun. They deserve it."

"Oh, I'm not just talking about them, you know." She leaned her head against the wall while her eyes looked at me. "I'm talking about you."

"Do I look that happy?"

"Yeah, your face might be flat right now but I can tell by your eyes."

"So I shouldn't be happy?"

"Not really, but if you're really smart, then you'll know that it's too early to be happy."

"What do you mean by that? You always look so happy yourself."

"That's because I have no reason to be unhappy, unlike you..."

Confusing words. Before I had time to think about the meaning of this conversation, my cell phone suddenly rang. I saw Teiichi's name written on the screen. If he were to call me at this time then it must be something important.

"Where are you going, Kurose-kun?" Miwa asked.

"I got a call," I said while opening the door. I immediately answered the call when I came out to the balcony.

"Hello? What's wrong Teiichi?"

"Yukiharu! Listen to me!" Teiichi sounded very uneasy. "You must meet me now."

"Huh? Why? What happened?" Teiichi's tone was more than enough to change my mood. The night wind seemed to penetrate my skin and vibrate my bones. I don't know what happens but I can already sense the panic in his voice.

"Something shocking has happened, eight people have been expelled." My breath was caught when I heard it. Eight people get expelled? Who? And because of what? For failing the exam? No, that's not surprising. Teiichi wouldn't have called me if that was the case. It must be because of other reasons.

At that time, I can't really remember what Teiichi said over the phone because I subconsciously shifted my gaze toward the door, which I forgot to close. I could see my friends joking around and laughing inside the room, oblivious to what just happened on the other side of this place. Among them, I saw Kasai who was looking at me. Her eyes seemed to sense the confusion in my heart. Confusion, uneasiness, and fear. Many kinds of emotions seemed to explode in my head when I saw a faint smile on her face.


Finally the climax. Next chapter will be the last chapter for this arc. Do you satisfied with this chapter? Don't be shy to give me some criticism. 

Before we get to the second arc, I was planning on making a bonus chapter and four short stories. Out of curiousity I wanted to ask you, which characters deserves a short story? I already had four people in mind, but I'm still open to suggestion. It could also serve as a mini popularity poll of the characters. I think that's all that I wanted to say this time. See you at the next chapter.

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