Take Your Time

By ccj-11

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What happens when you are in high school trying to figure out who you are and what your purpose in the world... More

Take Your Time
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27

Chapter 26

862 30 0
By ccj-11

Caitlin POV

I shoot up breathing heavily.

"Holy shit." A voice gasps. "You just scared the shit out of me."

I look around. "Where am I?" I start panicking.

"In our hotel room." Katie answers. "You took a shower and then passed out. Are you dehydrated or something?"

It was a dream? "I need to go." I shoot up off my bed. "I need to find Peyton."

"Who is Peyton?" Katie stares at me confused.

What is going on?

Katie starts laughing. "Taking a nap messed you up." She is clearly amused. "Are you sure you want to go find Peyton?"

Peyton POV

I exit the bathroom after taking a long shower. I walk gingerly to my bed as the pain in my knee is almost unbearable.

"Seriously?" McKenna stares at me with her head tilted. "Aren't you supposed to be going out with Caitlin?"

"No?" I climb up on my bed. "I don't even know if I will see her tonight."

McKenna rolls her eyes. "Didn't you have a bet? Also, it seemed like you guys were on good terms while we were watching your old school absolutely destroy the other team."

"She never said what she wanted." I state. "Plus, my knee hurts too bad to leave."

McKenna looks at me unconvinced. "Are you using that as an excuse because you don't know if Caitlin still thinks you are a hoe after your friends uncovered your past?"

I shrug. "I have no idea what Caitlin thinks. She is very hot and cold." I state truthfully. "But I am not using it as an excuse. I am not even planning on going to visit with my dad. Any pressure on my leg hurts."

McKenna stares at me for a solid minute. "What Caitlin and you do to each other seems so exhausting." Of course, her comment goes back to that. "Being with a guy isn't like that, maybe you should give it a try."

"Do you even know what it is like to be with someone?" I fire at her. "You make that statement like you are in a secure relationship that everything is golden."

McKenna opens her mouth then shuts it. She walks over to her suitcase and grabs some clothes. "I am going to shower."

The door to the bathroom shuts and soon music comes blaring through the door.

I lay my head back on my pillow and go to rest my eyes. The instant they shut; I heard a knocking at the door.

"McKenna!" I yell towards the bathroom door. "Ugh." I slam my hands in the bed in frustration.

"Coming." I groan as I get off my bed. The instant I put weight on my leg I panic as the pain is overwhelming.

I take a deep breath and slowly walk to the door.

"I hope this is important." I say while I open the door.

Before I could get a full look at who was at the door, I was being pushed back by the force of soft, but very aggressive lips on mine.

The force of being pushed back hurt my leg so bad that I had to pull away by pushing Caitlin away.

My eyes were watering and there was no hiding it.

"Oh god!" Caitlin whispers. "You didn't want me to do that did you?" She looks horrified. "I got to go."

Caitlin turns to leave but I grab her hand in time keeping her from doing so. "It's my knee." I let out a frustrated breath.

Her eyes go down to my knee and back up. "It's that bad? Should we get a coach or your dad?"

"No." I plead with my eyes. "I'll be fine. It's just sore." I am not sure if that is the truth or wishful thinking. A sore knee should not bring me to tears.

Caitlin looks unsure. "Do you want me to leave so you can rest?"

A big part of me wants to say yes, only so I can lay in bed and cry about my knee as I fear there is more wrong than just a bruise or soreness.

"Why did you come here?" I question the girl in front of me. "Did you want to talk, maybe about what you heard last night?"

Caitlin runs her hands down my arms and stops at my hands. "No, not tonight."

"Do you want to watch a movie?"


By how she came in here all hot I know what she wants to do, but I decide to keep firing off questions. "Do you want to talk about my old school for the game in two days?"

"Absolutely not." Caitlin smirks. "I want to kiss you." She bites down on her lip. "And I want to keep kissing you."

A smile grows on my lips. "Do you think that is a good idea, without talking first?"

Caitlin runs her hands back up my arms then cups my cheeks. She leans in slowly and places a soft kiss on my lips. My stomach flutters with the simple touch.

"I think this is a wonderful idea." She kisses me again. "Don't you?"

"Definitely." I take a deep breath. "But I think we should move it to my bed."

Caitlin quirks her eyebrow. "Moving a bit fast, are we Peyton James?"

I playfully roll my eyes. "It's either the bed or I collapse on the floor because my knee hurts standing up."

"The bed it is." Caitlin takes my hand and walks me over to my bed. "Just so you know, it's really hard to hold back right now."

I look at the brown eyed girl as I carefully sit on my bed. "What has gotten into you?" I tease. "First the elevator incident when the coach heard you talking about being horny and now."

"Ugh." Her cheeks went red. "Don't remind me about that! Do you know how awkward it was to look at him today at the game? Luckily, I think he forgot already."

I carefully slide my injured leg up on the bed and get comfortable. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but that was an act, wasn't it? You were trying to prove to McKenna you weren't bugged by something."

"Yes." Caitlin easily admitted. "My mind and thoughts have been so messed up. I honestly am embarrassed for how I was that whole day."

"Don't be embarrassed." I patted the spot by me for her to come sit on the bed. "With what you just said though, don't you think we should really talk things out?"

Caitlin leans over and captures my lips with hers. "We do need to talk, just not here. We need to do that at home."

"Ok." I stare right at her. "But no running from it, by either of us."

"I won't." She gives me one more quick kiss. "Do you want to hear what I want for winning my bet?"

"I think I know." I look down at her lips and back up to her eyes. "But let's hear it."

"Two things." Caitlin smirks. "First, I want to kiss you until you kick me out."

A night of kissing Caitlin sounds like a perfect night. "What is the second?"

Caitlin gets a very serious look on her face causing my heart to start beating a little faster. "No more bets. It now makes me think of Kara which we will talk more about. I would rather not do these bets anymore."

I nod in agreement. "Ok."

Caitlin leans in and places her lips against mine. After a couple of short kisses, she switches position from sitting beside me to sitting on my lap. I place my hands on her lower back as she leans in. Our lips start to go in sync. It wasn't long that her tongue ran along my lips wanting entrance which I granted without hesitation. As we continuously make out, I run my hands under her shirt and up her back. I dig the little fingernails I have in her skin and run my finger down her back. This causes her hips to grind in me causing a light moan to escape her mouth. Cailtin breaks the kiss.

"Why did you stop?" I grab at her shirt and start pulling it up. "That was hot."

Caitlin puts her arms up helping me with her shirt. "I am going to turn your light off."

She carefully gets off me and turns all the lights that were on off. She comes back over and straddles my lap once again.

"Where did we leave off?" She gets me out of my shirt to match her. She then leans in and whispers. "I remember."

She passes my lips and goes to my neck. "Uh." I close my eyes and lean my head back. "That feels good."

McKenna POV

I finish getting ready and give myself another look over.

I look down at my phone and send a text to Logan.

McKenna: Hey, are you staying here, or did you go back home?

I pace back and forth nervously. I would assume he is staying here with his parents, but it's not like he and I talk.

Logan: I'm here. Anything to miss school

McKenna: Do you want to hang out? I don't feel like being stuck in a room with Caitlin and Peyton...

Logan: Sure. Better than watching Aunt Callie and Peyton's dad hopelessly flirt back and forth.

McKenna: I knew it! Better not tell Peyton. She will cut your head off.

Logan: Better tell Peyton not to come to the lobby then or to wear a blindfold if she does. Btw that is where I am whenever you are ready.

The last thing I am going to do is tell Peyton her dad and Callie are flirting. I mentioned they look cute or whatever it was I said, and she snapped on me. I don't want to be around her when she finds out. She will probably somehow blame me if I'm near.

I grab my phone and shut off my music that is playing then slip my phone in my back pocket.

I exit the bathroom and go to tell Peyton I am leaving, but as my mouth opens, I freeze. My eyes are wide, and my mouth is just hanging open as I stare at my roommates bed in the dark. I can still see enough with the light from the moon coming through the curtains.

"Oh god."

Those words were not said by me.

I look to the door and back at the bed. "Leave." I tell myself.

My feet finally listen as I head for the door quietly. I turn the doorknob softly and step out. Before shutting it all the way, I poke my head in one last time. It's almost as if I don't believe what I am seeing.

I make my way down to the lobby. My eyes are scanning all over trying to find Logan. This place is packed.

"McKenna!" I turn to the voice calling my name.

"Hi Paige." I smile at Caitlin's mom. "Did everyone leave you?"

She nods her head and I follow the direction of the nod. "They are over there. I am walking back from using the bathroom." She informs me. "Where is Caitlin and Peyton?"

A laugh escapes my mouth. "Am I not good enough by myself?"

Paige gives me a knowing look. "You know I love you like a daughter, but doesn't mean I can't be curious why my real daughter isn't with you"

"I am not sure if you want me to say what Caitlin is up to right now." I look over and see Logan. "Or down, I'm not sure who was who."

I go for a walk, but I am stopped. "What was that? I couldn't understand you."

"Nothing." I smile at Logan before looking back at his mom. "I was just mumbling nonsense like I normally do."

I thought Logan approaching would end the conversation with his mom, but I was wrong. However, she has a change in subject. "What was going on in the game today? Why was the girl on the other team trying her hardest to take Peyton down and I am sure your kick hitting her in the back of the head was a retaliation."

"Mom, why are you asking McKenna about an on field feud between Peyton and another player?" Logan chirps in.

Paige looks at her son. "I clearly stated why. McKenna kicked the ball at her on purpose towards the end of the game, didn't you?"

I am being stared down by both. I answered confidently though. "Hell, yeah, I did. That Kara bitch..." I glance at Paige. "Sorry. She was playing dirty and now Peyton is probably hurt for our championship game."

"Peyton's hurt?" A concerned male voice echoes and now the remaining adults are by us. "Is that why she isn't down here or answering my text?"

How do I get out of this? For once I am speechless and this doesn't happen a lot. I don't know if Peyton is truly hurt or not, so I don't want to speak on something I don't know 100 percent. I do know why she isn't down here though.

"McKenna and I are hanging out." Logan cuts in. "One on one for a change."

I look at the guy who I have been crushing on. "What he said."

Callie's eyes bounce between me and him then stops at me. She gives me a wink before grabbing her best friend's arm to pull her away along with Paige and Peyton's dad. I knew I always liked her.

"You remind me a lot of her." Logan comments. "Callie that is."

"Why is that?" I question as we start to walk towards the doors that lead outside. "Because my best friend is realizing she is into girls, and I am the cool one just like Callie?"

He lets a halfhearted laugh out. "Exactly. So how come you wanted to hang out with me?"

Do I play nonchalant or just go for it? Fuck it. "Are you blind Logan?" I stop walking so I can look at him better. "I got mad at you when you called me your sister for a reason. I have had a crush on you since school has started. Are you that oblivious?"

Logan shoved his hands in his jean's pockets. "I guess I am. It's just you are Caitlin's best friend so why would it ever cross my mind that you like me?"

"Seriously?" I question. "It's fine that you don't like me back, but it's not out of the norm for a sister's best friend to have a crush on their friend's brother."

He sighs deeply. "I just never let that cross my mind. I've always made myself think of you as part of our family. I'm sorry."

He really didn't need to apologize. It makes it sting a little more, but I don't let it show.

"Logan, it's fine. I never expected anything. You are going off to college anyways, so even if there was a small chance you liked me it's not like it would last."

"Exactly." He agrees that I didn't need him to do that either and I think he notices my dismay. "I didn't mean any disrespect. I promise."

He reaches out and puts his hand on my arm causing my body to shiver.

"What did you mean exactly?"

Logan drops his hand off my arm. His eyes go to hotel doors and back to mine. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Not really."

"For me?" He looks at me with pleading eyes.

A part of me wants to lie just so he tells me what he has to say because my curiosity is at a high now. "I can try but no promises, sorry."

He stays silent for a good minute. I was about to speak again but he finally started talking.

"I am going to South Carolina next year for college. I haven't told anyone yet."

My mouth drops wide open. "What? Why? That's on the complete other coast!"

"I want to get away."

I tilt my head. "What do you want to get away from exactly?"

"This city." He claims. "I want a fresh start."

"A fresh start?" I try not to laugh. "Why would you need a fresh start? Everyone loves you! You haven't got in any trouble. You don't have any so-called demons to run from. Everyone loves your family. What am I missing here Logan?"

Logan starts to walk down the sidewalk and I follow him. He then stops at a bench to sit, so I sit beside him waiting for an answer.

"My parents are gay."

"Uh yeah?"

"Now my sister is gay." Here we go. This seems to be continued from the diner. "I can't explain it. It's just a lot."

I arc a brow. "Why are you being so weird with this Logan? My guess this has nothing to do with your parents and more about Caitlin. You never had a problem with your parents before."

"I don't like it." He looks me straight in my eyes. "Are you happy? I don't want Caitlin being gay!"

"Well, it's not your choice." I state. "Plus, you don't know if Caitlin is gay, bisexual or just obsessed with Peyton."

Logan rolls his eyes. "She came out to my parents and me, which I still don't fully understand why she has been so standoffish to them. Now the school is talking about it."

"What do you mean the school is talking about?"

"The last day you guys were in school before traveling here people heard you guys at lunch talking about my sister and Peyton." Logan tells me. "If Caitlin thinks she has control on who knows, she is wrong."

Oh great, Caitlin will love to hear that. "Ok, so why does any of this have to do with you going 2500 miles away to college?"

"Because I don't like it." Logan says. "Didn't I just say that?"

I shake my head and stand up. "You know what I think it really is? I think you are running away because you are jealous of Caitlin."

He shot up and towers over me. "Jealous of Caitlin? Why would I possibly be jealous of Caitlin?"

"Because we are about to get either first or second in state for soccer and she is a big reason why. If it wasn't for Peyton on our team, there would be more talk about Caitlin. How did your football team do Logan? Oh yeah." I laugh. "Then in a couple of months we will start our softball season while you start your baseball season. The only difference is we will be winning while you guys won't be. Meanwhile Caitlin will most likely have double digit home runs and a high batting average, what about you Logan?"

His eyes narrow and his jaw clenches. I can tell I am hitting a nerve.

"Not only is the older brother not the better athlete, but now the younger sister will get a little more attention because she will be coming out to everyone. Well guess what, that news dies quick, so you don't need to have a heart attack over it."

I watch as his chest expands in and out. "I am still leaving."

That's all he could say to that. "Good. I hope you don't come back."

I walk by him, and I purposely hit my shoulder into him. I get one step past him before he grabs my hand and turns me back to him.

"Why are you being so mean?" He has a hurt expression on his face. "Didn't moments ago, you just tell me you liked me?"

"Yeah, crazy how quickly that can change." I mimic the look he is giving me. "I used to admire how you were with Caitlin, but I guess it was all an act."

He rolls his eyes. "I never claimed to be perfect. I've always supported my sister. I will still support Caitlin, but it will be from afar."

"You can't support your sister from afar if you can't accept your sister for who she is."

"I tried telling you at the diner I wasn't ok with it." Logan recalls. "I at least have always been honest about it."

"Cut the shit Logan, what is the real issue?" I place my hands on my hips. "I am not buying this whole I don't like it claim. There must be more to it. If not, you are not the guy I thought you were."

Logan looks away from me and I swear I saw water forming in his eyes. "You wouldn't understand." He says where I barely could hear him. "I'm going back to my room."

I blocked his path so he couldn't walk around me. "I am not letting you run away! What is it you think I won't understand? What is going on?"

My head is now spinning. This is not how I thought this night would go. Being rejected, yeah. All this drama? No. Freaking Chancellors.

"I love my parents and I love my sister, but now this is just another thing to bring them closer and to push me further away." Logan sighs. "Do you know what it's like to be my age and never having a true male role model in your life? My parents try but it's not the same. I always feel like something is missing."

I take a moment to process what he said. I had no clue he was struggling with not having a male figure. "Running away isn't going to help." I try to reason with him. "You have your grandfather at school. He is a male."

"He's not what I need or what I want." Logan sadly says. "He lets both Caitlin and I do whatever we want."

"So, what is it in South Carolina?" I question. "Are you just running away thinking it will help you feel better or are you running to something?"

Logan looks super nervous now. "You can't say anything. I know in a span of 20 minutes you went from crushing on me to hating me, but please you can't say anything."

"I don't hate you. I just want to ring your neck right now." I joke trying to lighten up the mood. It's starting to feel way too serious for my liking. "Like I said earlier though, I'm not guaranteed to keep my mouth shut."

Again, he takes a moment to decide whether he is going to tell me or not, but I know he is going to. The way he is acting he is desperate to tell someone.

"I've been snooping for a long time. I've been going through all the places my parents hide stuff they don't want us to find that they keep important information."

I scrunch up my face. "Sick, I'm sure you found some unexpected things on that search."

"McKenna." He groans. "As I was saying, I found my sperm donor. I know who they used for us."

My eyes go wide. "Holy shit." The words slip out of my mouth. "Please don't tell me he is living in South Carolina."

"He does." Are all the words I heard Logan say. He says more, but my attention got switched to the hotel door where I see his parents, Callie and Peyton's dad coming out.

Logan has no clue they are coming this way. "Logan!" I shout to get him to shut up.

He looks at me strangely. "Do you not ca- "

I go up on my toes and I throw my hands around his neck. The grownups were quickly approaching us, and I had no clue what was going to come out of his mouth, so I needed to shut him. I connect my lips to his. Surprisingly he kissed me back.

"Get it!" He instantly pulls away hearing Callie's voice. His eyes scan his parents and the other two before going to me. He looks like he just saw a ghost.

"Are you guys stalking us?" I joke with them trying to be the calm one here.

"Logan." Jordyn addresses her son. "Why are you out here kissing Caitlin's friends?"

Logan looks like he is about to pass out. I am guessing he thinks they heard him talking, but there is no way they did.

"He is out here kissing McKenna." I corrected his mom. "I am more than just Caitlin's friend. I am my own person."

Jordyn nods. "Ok why are you out here kissing McKenna? Are you guys dating?"



My head whips in the direction of Logan who just said yes. Please tell me he did not just say that.

"So which is it?" Jordyn looks a bit concerned. Probably because Logan is just staring at everyone without blinking.

I smack him in the stomach to try to snap him out of it. "Yeah Logan, which is it?" I repeat his mom.

He shakes his head and finally blinks a couple of times. "It's complicated right now. Why are you guys out here though? It's kind of weird having four adults surrounding us."

"We are heading to a bar that is within walking distance." Paige tells us. "You guys happen to be in our path."

"Sounds like a fun double date." I comment and watch Callie and Peyton's dad's reaction.

Callie ends up talking now. "It's going to be a blast. I'd say we could make it a triple date, but you guys are under age and I'm sure Logan doesn't want to take his girlfriend on a date with his moms."

I want to roll my eyes. The thought of them thinking I was Logan's girlfriend would have made me happy earlier today, but right now I'm still annoyed with him.

"Well don't let us keep you from having fun." I smile even though I am not really happy right now.

Logan doesn't say a thing which leads both of his moms to keep looking back at him until they turn a corner where they are now completely out of sight.

I wait a good moment before speaking in case they somehow could hear.

"What the fuck Logan?" I hit him in the chest. "Why did you say yes then say it's complicated right now when your mom asked if we are dating? You could have just said no!"

"Well clearly I was in a panic stage so I wasn't thinking." He stares at me. "Why did you kiss me?"

Did he need to ask? I thought it was obvious the reason why I did. "I only kissed you to get you to stop talking. I saw them coming and you clearly didn't. I am sure you didn't want your parents to know about your epic plan. Trust me, I won't do it again."

"What do you think about it?" Logan questions. "Do you think I am out of my mind?"

Does he not see the life he lives? His parents are amazing. Everyone loves him. So a part of me does think he is out of his mind.

"I don't know Logan. My head hurts right now if I am being honest. Also I didn't hear anything you said after confirming he lives in South Carolina because I saw all of them." I admit. "I thought I was coming to hangout with you to confess my feelings for you and then it turned into a lot of random drama." I take a deep breath. "I just want to go back to my room and go to sleep."

"Let's go back to my room." Logan says, making my eyes go wide. "We can see if there is a movie on or something. My parents aren't going back for a while so it seems."

I look at the brown eyed boy waiting for him to say he is joking.

"Why would we do that?"

"Because I feel bad for making you upset at me." He claims. "Also you said Peyton and Caitlin are doing god knows what in your room."

I think I have a decent idea what they are doing. "Ok. I guess I'll watch a movie with you only because I want my friends to be happy."

I start walking to the hotel doors. I feel Logan's arm go around my shoulders pulling me into him. "Is that the only reason?"

I stop walking and look at him "Logan, you don't have to pretend to like me now just because you revealed your secret to me. I'll try my hardest not to say anything."

I knock his arm off of me and walk ahead of him.

Peyton POV


There was a strong force to my head causing my eyes to flutter open and my hand to fly to my face. As my heart was beating fast, I breathlessly said, "Ouch! What the hell?" I rub my eyes as my vision starts clearing up.

"You need to hurry up." McKenna shouts. "I thought you would have an alarm set so I didn't bother waking you up when I went to get breakfast. We have to be in the lobby in fifteen minutes for practice."

I know McKenna told me how much time I have, but it didn't click until I looked at my phone and saw the time for myself. "Shit."

I throw the blankets off me and shuffle to the clothes I have out. I grimace in pain as my knee is killing me. This is not a good sign. I thought it would feel at least a little bit better by now. I try to ignore it for now and get ready as quickly as possible.

As I am pulling my shirt I slept in off, I hear McKenna make a remark. "Does it smell like sex in here?"

I throw my shirt to the ground and grab my clean one. "Stop."

I quickly put on my t-shirt and sweatpants. I have just enough time to brush my teeth and put my hair up. I would brush my teeth regardless; my hair wasn't a priority.

"Don't forget to put a sweatshirt on." McKenna suggests. "I would do that before you put your hair up. It's going to be chilly."

I don't waste time questioning it as I grab one of the hoodies I brought and pull it over my head. I hurry into the bathroom. As I was brushing my teeth, McKenna made her way in here.

"So.... Do you think Caitlin will be back to ignoring you today or are you guys good now?" Mckenna questions as she leans against the other end of the sink. "I am only trying to keep up with you guys."

Hell at this point I am trying to keep up with us as well.

"I don't know. I'd hope she doesn't ignore me after last night and all."

I push by her so I can get out of the bathroom. I grabbed my soccer bag and was ready to go, but McKenna was blocking the door now.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you guys didn't have sex." McKenna is unbelievable. "When I left you two last night, it sure looked like that was the route it was going if it wasn't already happening."

"You weren't here when Caitlin was here."

"Uh yeah I was." She laughs. "I was in the bathroom getting ready to meet Logan. When I walked out it was dark and one of you was moaning "oh god"."

"Oh god." I feel my cheeks get hot in embarrassment. "Caitlin and I didn't have sex to answer your question. If we did, I probably wouldn't tell you anyways. She might since you guys are best friends, but I wouldn't."

"Oh." McKenna huffs. "I get it. I am not close enough or good enough for Miss Peyton."

I sigh as I look at the time. "That's not what I meant. We need to go."

McKenna turns around and opens the door. She tries to walk ahead of me, but I grab her bag strap, keeping her right next to me. "Let go Peyton." McKenna tries sounding angry. "You are bothering me."

"I am bothering you?" I laugh. "You are the one being dramatic for no reason. Seriously get over it and stop twisting everything I say. If you don't, I honestly don't get how you expect us to be friends."

With that being said, I let go of her bag giving her the freedom to walk ahead, but she doesn't.

"Okay." She mumbles. "Whatever."

We both get in the elevator. It was quiet, but McKenna was staring at me. It looks like she wants to say something but is trying to find the right words. It worries me a little, because when has she ever thought before speaking?

Meanwhile, all I can think about is the throbbing pain in my knee. When McKenna and I were walking it was easy to ignore because it wasn't my focus so maybe if I try to keep my thoughts away from my knee during practice and the game, I'll at least make it through.

Right before we get to the lobby floor, McKenna makes a comment. "I take back all the shit I gave you about Caitlin and you being complicated. I don't blame it on you guys being girls. I blame it on her family. It's a Chancellor thing."

Before I could even question what she was talking about the elevator doors open and she bolts off. We make our way to the lobby. As we approach our team, I see that we are the last two here.

"James, Martin... it's nice for you to finally join us." Coach doesn't sound pleased. "Maybe a little more effort next time would be nice."

"Yes sir." I responded back.

McKenna however chooses a different response. "We aren't late." She shows him the time. "You told us to meet you in the lobby at 9:15 and it's 9:13."

I give her a hard elbow. "Are you trying to get us benched tomorrow?" I grumble.

"No, he has no right." She speaks loudly. "I am stating a fact that we aren't late, so he has no reason to be getting on us. Not everyone can be first, someone must be last."

I shake my head in disapproval at her. She is right, but she should have kept her mouth shut. I look at the coach who is addressing the whole team now ignoring McKenna's mouth.

"The goal for this morning is to go out on the field and do some walk-throughs. This team is unlike others we have played before, so we must outthink them."

Outthink them... out play them... make no mistakes... Hope to god Cailtin has the game of her life because she will most likely have the most shots attempted on her than she has all season.

Like on Wednesday, instead of taking a bus to the field we walk. I was doing everything not to show I was in pain because I had someone watching me.

"You are injured, aren't you?" Katie walks beside me. "Are you going to be able to play tomorrow?"

I have never missed a game in my life. A bummed knee isn't going to keep me from playing in a state championship.

"I'll be fine. It hurts right now, but I still have 24 hours to feel better." I try to assure her. "Even if it doesn't, I'll play through the pain and I'll play like my normal self. You don't have to worry about me."

Katie lets out a laugh. "You are so sure of yourself, aren't you? How are you so cocky?"

"Why are you so angry?" I question her tone and words. "I am not being cocky. I just know how my body is. Why is that so bad? It helps our team, doesn't it? I want to win, isn't that what you want too?"

"You were selfish yesterday." She tries calling me out. "You should have come out of the game when you got hurt, but you are too stubborn. You had some vendetta against that girl and couldn't suck up your pride! What if she broke your ankle and we don't have you tomorrow?"

I think she might have done more damage to my knee than my ankle.

Why does everyone want to argue this morning? "Maybe the ref should have given her a red card. That's not my fault. It's stupid to be mad. I was selfish, okay? I am sorry. I can't take it back." I tell her what she wants to hear, even though I don't mean it. Kara is the one that went there to try to hurt me. I wasn't going out there to seek revenge or whatever Katie claims.

"If your leg affects how you play tomorrow, I won't be happy with you." Katie threatens. "I started this season not liking you. Don't make me end the season not liking you too."

Because my future depends on if Katie likes me or not. "I'll be fine, I don't need you or anybody else to worry about me."

"Your girlfriend probably worries about you." Katie turns around to look directly at me. "I know about you two." Now she nods towards Caitlin. "Caitlin told me after I told her some shit about you."

She tries to walk away after that comment, but my right hand grabs her arm. "What would you know about me that you could tell Caitlin?"

"Are you telling me you really don't remember?" She shakes her arm free looking slightly upset. "Club soccer Peyton! You flirted with me, and I was stupid. I gave you my phone number. I know about your little game, and I told Caitlin about it."

I was in disbelief...There is now way is there? That is how Caitlin seemed to know before my friends said something.


"Oh?" Katie mocks. "That's all you have to say?" She looks offended now. "I am glad to know I wasn't one of the most memorable girls out of all the girls you went after. Hell, I don't even know why I fell for that. I am straight."

I sigh. "I didn't even like doing it. Kara pressured me into it and the others thought it was funny." Why can't the past be in the past? "I would get girls' numbers to amuse them and send the girls a couple of texts then be done with it. I will delete their number after."


I roll my eyes. "Say what you want Katie." I am annoyed. "Are you mad that we didn't hook up or something?" This got her to shut up for the time being.

I don't understand why this is even a conversation.

We get to the field and head to the bench. I walk over to Caitlin and set my bag down by hers.

"Morning." I smile at her trying to forget my conversation with Katie. I feel happy inside finally getting to be around her after last night.

She kicks off her shoes and glances at me with a shy smile. "Hey."

I change my shoes as well and pull off my sweatshirt. I instantly hear McKenna laugh as she walks up to me. Before I could turn to her fully, I saw Caitlin's eyes grow.

"What is wrong?" I question. Caitlin stays silent but tries to use her eyes to speak. Her eyes keep going down to my neck. "Shit." I quickly clapped my hand over my neck, but it was too late.

"JAMES!" Coach shouts and my heart instantly speeds up. "What the hell is that on your neck?"

I feel someone pulling my arm down to realize it was McKenna. "It's a hickey sir. This is how Peyton chose to represent our school!"

Our teammates are laughing besides Caitlin and myself. McKenna had this planned, didn't she? That is why she told me to put a sweatshirt on before I went into the bathroom.

"What boy was in your hotel room?" He demands an answer causing more laughter. "What is so funny?"

I smacked Mckenna's hand off me as she still had a hold of my arm. "They are laughing because I am gay, so they know it wasn't a guy. The old coach knew this."

Coach looks flustered. "Didn't I tell you to not hang out with your old teammates since we are playing them tomorrow?"

I was about to speak, but McKenna cut in again. "Odd that you would assume that she would be taking on her old teammates' coach." McKenna shoots me a grin. "It was Caitlin. She did it."

I look at Caitlin who was outed to our team by her best friend.

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