Rise of a New Cardcaptor

By chu1luc

5.6K 171 14

The beginnings of a new Cardcaptor is about to begin! Izumi is determined to be a great hero with her Midori... More

The Starting Line
Battle Test pt 1
Battle Test pt 2
Filler Chapter
USJ part 2
USJ part 3
Preparation for the School Festival
The U.A. Sports Festival
Calvary Battle!
The Semi-Finals
The U.A Sports Festival Finale!
Prolouge to Internships

USJ part 1

497 13 1
By chu1luc

The next day, Izumi grimaced as she spotted reporters just in front of the school.

"I'm guessing they are looking for All Might. Being hired as a faculty member is a big deal for him, since he was a student here." Izumi said.

"Anyway, let's get inside." Kero nodded.

Taking the opportunity when the press was talking to Aizawa, Izumi snuck by in time for the U.A. Barrier to activate.
Class is now in session....

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video feeds and went over your results." Then he turned to Bakugou. "Bakugou. You're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss."

Bakugou just grumbled a "Whatever."

"Alright now let's get to buisness. I'm sorry that I have to pop this on to you..."

"What now...it isn't another test is it!"

"You all need to pick a Class President,"

The classroom then exploded with noise as the others stood up from their desk, hopping up and down, yelling:

"Oh! I want to be Class President! Pick me!"

"I wanna do it too."

"Yeah, you're gonna need me."

"Oh you mean the position that is meant for me."

"I'll be the Leader!"

"I'll do it! Me! ME!'

"Everyone is worked up about this. I thought a Rep's duty is a bunch of extra work." Kero said confused.

"Normally yes, but it's a way to get noticed by agencies and prove you can lead a team like a real pro." Izumi explained.

"Be Quiet!"

Everyone turned to Iida who was now standing up.

"This is a task with great responsibility, where you must carry and pull everyone's weight! Just because you want the position doesn't mean you can have it!"

Iida looks at everyone in the classroom with a gleamed in his eyes, "It is a position that requires the great esteem and trust of our fellow classmates! The only true worthy one shall emerge from a democratic choice that reflects from the will of the people!"

" Which is why we must settle by vote!"

It would have been cool for what his speech said but he too had his hand raised in the air, showing that like everyone he wanted the position.

But, we've known each other less than a week. Well, most of us that is..." Tsuyu argues, while acknowledging Izumi, Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Shinso, Kirishima, and Mina, as their own groups of childhood friends.

"True, most of us have little to no reason to vote for anyone but ourselves." Kirishima added.

"While both of you have a point, it also means that anyone able to get multiple votes was deserving of the role as even now they've made a good enough impression on their peers. Aizawa sensei, may we hold an election?"

"I don't care, just decide before the end of class, and don't bug me. I had a rough patrol last night." Eraser grumbles and slips under his desk to nap.

"Excuse, me. While I understand the election part, I think at least some may not be in favor because we all have lives that keeps us busy." Izumi stated.

"True. I have siblings to watch on weekends, so I can't be elected." Tsuyu said.

"My old man runs a bakery and I help out there, so I'm out too." Sato said.

"I'm just not interested. Too much of a hassle." Tokoyami stated bluntly as Mezo and Ojiro agreed that they weren't interested either as they had karate class.

Though in the end.....

Izumi Midoriya: 8 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu: 4 votes

Iida Tenya: 3 votes

Others: 1 or 0 votes

"Ok, who voted for her?!" Katsuki yelled.

"Hey, did you really think anyone would vote for you?" Sero quipped.
At Lunch Rush's eatery...

Izumi was having her special gararagator bento with Kero and Sunni. Sitting with her was Iida and Ochaco.

"How did I get eight votes?" Izumi groaned as she ate. Kero was eating pudding. Suppi had sushi.

"I think Tokoyami, Aoyama, Tsuyu, and Shinso voted for you. Along with me, Kero, and Suppi. I dont know who else." Ochaco said.

"You are. It'll be fine." Iida said, assuring the boy. "Your courage and judgment at critical moments make you worth following. That is why I voted for you."

"Wait, you voted for me?" The greenette asked, surprised. "To be honest I voted for you. So did Kero and Suppi." Izumi confessed.

"You three voted for me?" Iida asked in shock.

"Yeah, you have the part down." Kero said.

"Yeah. I mean, you've got glasses and everything." Uraraka said.

'She just talks without thinking, doesn't she.' Izumi thought to herself.

"Wanting to do it and being suitable for it are different issues. I merely did what I judged to be correct." Iida explained.

"Merely?" Midoriya said, repeating the bluenette. "You don't usually use that word."

"I've been thinking." Uraraka began, getting the attention of the rest of the table. "Are you a rich boy, Iida?"

"I tried to change how I talk because I didn't want to be called that." the boy said, hanging his head. Feeling the stares of his friends, he told them the truth. "Yes, my family has been heroes for generations. I'm the second son. Do you know the Turbo Hero, Ingenium?"

"Yeah, He's a really popular hero who has 65 sidekicks working at his Tokyo agency!" Izumi said, before realizing. "Wait, don't tell me!"

"He is my elder brother!" Iida said proudly. "He is a likable hero who honors the rules and leads people. I set my sights on being a hero because I want to be like my brother. However, I think it is still too soon for me to lead others." Iida continued. "Unlike me, Midoriya realized the point of the practical portion of the Entrance Exam, so she is more suitable for the job."

"I think that's the first time I've seen you smile, Iida." Uraraka said.

"I smile!" the bluenette yelled, almost insulted at the girl's words.

"Actually, I just did what I thought was right." Izumi admitted. "Heroes are supposed to help people, not just beat up villains. When All Might made his debut, he rescued people from a fire." She added.

"Right. That distinguishes a real hero from glory hounds. You gotta put the peoples' safety first." Suppi added.

Then an alarm went off.



"Level three?" Iida asked.

"That means someone got past the barrier!" A third year said. "We gotta leave!"

However, it only resulted in the students panicking and shoving against each other in a hallway.

Izumi being rational, was behind the mob, looking at Kero and Suppi.

"Kero, get to the window. Who trespassed on the grounds?" Izuko said.

Kero looked out the window floating above everyone. 'Hey! It's the press!' Then he floated back to Izumi.

"It's just the media, but it looks like all the teachers are trying to get them off the grounds." Kero said.

Izumi looked above the mob and got an idea.

Having Kero go into his true form, Izumi flew on his back to get everyone's attention. And used Voice to get their attention.

"Everyone, everything is fine! It's just the press outside! Nothing to worry about! Now if there are any class reps or vice reps here, please help your class evacuate, calmly, but stay alert!" Izumi announced. At that, representatives of their classes did just that.

However, Izumi was still confused.

How could the press get in?

Did someone else get them in?
"For today's hero basic training, it's turned into a class with 1B and four instructors, All Might, Vlad, me, and one more person." Aizawa said.

'Four? I guess the security scare made them more wary.' Izumi thought.

"Excuse me! What'll we be doing?" Sero asked.

The black-haired man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white card with 'RESCUE' written on it in bold blue letters. "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training."

"Looks like it'll be a big workout." Kaminari said, a bit scared of what he'll need to do to pass.

"Idiot, this is the ultimate duty of a hero!" Kirishima responded, smiling in anticipation. "My arms are ready to rumble!"

"No one can beat me in water, ribbit." Asui said confidently.

"I'm not finished. What you wear is up to you, but keep in mind you're not used to your costumes. We'll be going to an off campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. So get ready."

Izumi was excited.
At the bus, while Iida suggested a boarding strategy, the open layout ruined it.

"Wonder who we'll be seeing?" Kaminari asked; as he reclined in his seat

"Maybe it's a rescue hero, like Cementoss?" Sero guessed.

"What if it's Power Loader or even Hound Dog?!" Ashido jumped in place. Her comment got more noises of agreement.

"I don't think so. Aizawa-sensei said 'rescue training', as in 'every kind'. Rescue missions can happen anywhere with any conditions. The third member must be a pro rescue hero known for their work in various disaster situations. Putting all that together--and UA's small prospect of rescue heroes employed--our third instructor would likely be the Space Hero: Thirteen." Izumi said to herself.

She looked up, finding everyone nearby looking at her. "What?" He asked.

Kirishima is the first to break out of his silent stare; "Midoriya, that was so manly! How did you know all of that?!" Blinking in surprise at the suddenness of the comment, Izuko blushed.

"W-Well, I like heroes, so I try to stay on top of the news, and since I was planning on going to UA, I did some research about the heroes that work here... Thirteen was just the most obvious guess out of all of them, though Ectoplasm is a closer second."


The greenette listened as her classmates talked animatedly about various things; Shouji, Kouda, and Tokoyami talking about the benefits of a Ouiji board in one's bedroom; Kirishima, Ashido, Sero, Kaminari, Jirou, and Yaoyorozu talking about middle school; Uraraka, Asui, Iida, and Aoyama talking about the upcoming rescue training; Ojiro, Sato, Hagakure, and Shinso talking about favorite rescue heroes; and Todoroki and Katsuki not talking to anyone, more focused on the passing trees.

Izumi was patting Kero and Suppi on her lap when someone called her name.

"Midoriya," Tsuyu said. She was across from him, and her bland stare was slightly unnerving, but Izuku powered through it.


"I know you've explained it before, but your quirk doesn't make sense, kero."

Izumi blinked. "W-Well, that's probably because it's a special quirk, and it's common for them to not make sense."

Tsu nods her agreement, but she continues, and at this point most of the bus is quiet. "That may be true, but from my perspective, it seems a little too good to be true, kero. You have a sentient quirk companion, and card spirits that have minds of their own, kero. All of that is quite something."

"Yeah, but to be honest, this quirk appeared before, long before quirks became common. It was originally a secret magic that originated from a powerful sorcerer, but he sealed away the cards before his death. It then chose a girl named Sakura to be the next holder, and she lived 300 years ago. She sealed them again before her death too. Now they are back with me as my soul energy is the most compatible, if it makes sense." Izuko said.

"I suppose, kero."

"But still, it's an amazing quirk. You can do a lot of flashy stuff with it. My Hardening isn't really that impressive." Kirishima said.

"Nonsense, it's useful against bullets, blades and swords. I'd say it's pro material." Izumi said.

Finally, Classes 1A and 1B arrived to their destination......

"Hello students, I've been waiting for you" came the cheerful voice of a lady in a big puffy spacesuit "I can't wait to show you inside"

"Space Hero 13!" Izumi said in excitement and Uraraka cheered, "13 is one of my favorite heroes!"

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, a facility I designed myself to train you future heroes in various Disaster and Rescue scenarios" 13 announces once everyone was inside.

"Hey 13 where's All Might? Don't tell me he booked an interview today? He only has 1 class a day." Aizawa grumbles lowly as he and Vlad walked over to the Rescue Hero.

"Actually he used up too much power on the way to work and is resting in the Teacher's lounge" 13 explains quietly, raising up 3 fingers as they does so they doesn't have to reveal the secret around the students.

But Izumi heard the exchange.

'Used up too much power?' Izumi wondered.

However, Kirishima knew what that meant.

"What an irresponsible fool" Aizawa sighs 'Well, we should be fine with just 3 of us, it's introduction to Rescue protocol, how bad can it be?'

"Anyway, we should get started." Vlad said.

"Right. But first before we start, I'm sure those of you who know me are also aware of my quirk, Black Hole. A very powerful, but also incredibly dangerous one if used incorrectly or without careful consideration. With the certification of all quirks, as well as how heavily regulated they are in our society we often forget just how unsafe they can be when left unchecked. As Heroes, losing focus and being careless could be costly or even deadly for those around you. Even if trying to Rescue someone. Your previous classes with Aizawa and All Might helped you understand how powerful your quirks are and how dangerous they are when used against another person." 13 explains, the lesson hitting harder for 1A and 1B after their battle trial.

"This is where Rescue training comes in, you will be learning to use your powers to help people-" 13 was then interrupted by a power surge.

An inky black fog appeared in the central plaza of the USJ, which soon expanded into a portal or vortex-like phenomenon as people with less than friendly faces came out.

"Are they part of the lesson Sir?" Tetsutetsu asks as people start pouring out of the portal, most notably a lanky-looking man wearing what looked to be severed hands, and a jet black hulk with a metal beak and exposed brain.

"No, those are real villains." Aizawa states, making the students tense.

"13, get the students to safety, anyone who can, try contact the school, I'll hold them off."

"Sir, your quirk and fighting style is based on stealth, one on one fights, and ambushes! You're at a huge disadvantage in an open brawl like this" Iida said.

Aizawa smirks as he puts on his goggles "Well, then there's your first lesson of the day kids. No Hero is a One-Trick-Pony"

Using their quirks, Aizawa and Vlad began fighting against the villains.

"Ok, since Aizawa has the intruders handled for now, we need to all get out of here as quickly as possible and alert the staff as to what happened here!" 13 says getting everyone's attention.

"Yeah. My coms are just getting static and white noise" Denki sighs, having been fiddling with his gear to try to raise the alarm which failed.

"Mine ain't working either." Shoda added.

"One of the villains must have a quirk that's blocking their presence or jamming the emergency alert." Todoroki said.

"They probably hid as soon as they arrived here." Izumi said.

And that was when the Mist Villain appeared.

"Greetings," The black mist said. 1-A collectively tensed, and Izuku could see that Thirteen-sensei was worried. "We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, UA High School in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath."

The previous tension grew tenfold and the greenette could feel Hitoshi shaking slightly against him. 'All Might? Kill him? But, how did they even know that he would be here?' Green eyes quickly scanned his classmates, watching as each one prepared in some way or another.

"I believe All Might was supposed to be here," the black mist's voice cut through the silence; "Has there been some kind of change?"

'Change? Wait... The break-in! They used the press as a cover!'

Izumi whispered to the boy.


"I need you to run to the school and get the staff for backup."

"What?! But I can't leave you all!"

"You can and you will! As class President, I'm giving you permission to do so. Like 13, said use your quirk to save others! And here. Use this card." Izumi gave him a card.

Yellow eyes appeared out of the mist, narrowing at the sight of the students. "Well, it doesnt matter in the end," the mist man said. "This is the part I am to play." The black mist that presumably made up the villain's body grew larger, towering over the class. "I am to scatter you all, leaving you to be tortured to death!"

''Dang, No time, just-' The greenette grabbed a random student by the arm and felt themselves sent somewhere in the USJ.


Who should Izumi be with in the USJ and where?

Plz comment 🙏

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