USJ part 2

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When Izumi found herself falling down, she quickly used Flight.

Before falling to the ground, she levitated in the air.

Looking down, she spotted Pony, Todoroki, and Tooru in the Landslide Zone.

As she also spotted villains there, she moved to react only for Shoto to trap some villains with ice while Pony used her Earth Magic.

"Quick thinking you two. Though Tooru was there as well, but I got her out of harm's way." Izumi said as Armor carried their invisible companion.

"Thanks Izumi."

"But still. I knew something would go wrong. These guys used the press as cover to get into school files while we were in the cafeteria." Izumi said.

"And all the teachers were busy trying to get the media off the grounds." Kero added.

"Obviously they are after All Might." Suppi finished.

"But All Might's the number one hero! He can't be beaten by these guys!" Tooru said.

"But if they spent so much time planning, they may have a way to kill him." Pony warned.

"That's right." Izumi said as she looked at the trapped villains. "I recognize some of these villains. Mostly low-time thugs they use intimidation to get around. In fact I don't think they have ever trained their quirks."

"I agree. From what I can tell, only three or four villains here are really dangerous." Todoroki said thinking back to the villains in the Central Plaza.

Izumi then thought....."They also may not know what our quirks are, or Pony would not be here."

"But we need to check on the others." Suppi said.

"Yeah, they may need help." Kero agreed.

Izumi nodded. "Tooru, I need you to head for the Entrance to get help. Avoid the Central Plaza and avoid any villains." She said as Tooru gave a thumbs up.

"Pony, stick with Todoroki, I'll look to see if the others need help." Izumi said to them as they agreed on the plan.

As Izumi used Flight, she would help those in the Mountain Zone as one villain hid the earth and attempted to attack Kaminari.

Attacking the villian with Sleep, he went out like a light.
Everyone else she saw were doing pretty well, but then she spotted the strange bird man about to attack Aizawa and Vlad, the former having his elbow damaged from the Hand Villain.

"Rampage! Take down that creature!"

Tomura did know what to expect except for using Nomu to take down All Might.

But then....

All of a sudden, a giant black dog came out of nowhere and bodyslamed Nomu, who flew across the Central Plaza into a wall.


He then looked at the one responsible. The greenette he met at the store. But it looks like she doesn't recognize him.

But he became intrigued as he scratched his neck a little.

"How interesting. A summoner mini-boss? I was looking forward to All Might, but I guess taking you down would be a good way to break his pride." He smiled from behind his 'mask.'

But unknown to them, a peculiar creature saw what was going on.

It quickly headed for a certain pet shop.

Landing on Count's shoulder, Kyu-chan frantically informed his master of Izumi's situation with squeaks.

"I see. We'll need to inform the others." He said.

Here was where everyone is....

Landslide zone: Izumi, Kero, Suppi, Pony, Todoroki, Tooru

Entrance: Uraraka, Iida, Shoji, Manga, Sero, Mina, Sato, Setsuna, Ibara

Mountain zone: Kaminari, Momo, Jiro, Kosei, Kinoko, Setsuna

Downpour zone: Fumikage, Koda, Juzo, Jurota, Kuroiro, Reiko

Fire zone: Ojiro, Aoyama, Rin, Kaibara, Kendo

Flood: Shinso, Tsuyu, Awase, Kirashima

Collapse: Bakugo, Tetsutetsu, Bondo, Monoma, Yui, Kamakiri

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