Preparation for the School Festival

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After the USJ Incident, school was canceled the following day.

Though it was still a little tough to relax.

Izumi spent her time at Count's as he heard of the incident.

"Something tells me we have not heard the last of those two. Kurogiri and Tomura's strange." Izumi said petting a rabbit.

"Why is that?" Count asked.

"Well, the attack in total. For a group with such careful planning, the villians had no idea about our quirks and they had no real training. Yet they followed Shigaraki as if he was a leader so easily.......but why does he want to kill All Might so much? It makes no sense. Plus, when he bragged about Nomu, he addressed him as a pet. He basically has the personality of a manchild. One with a fearsome power though.... And i cant help but wonder........could he have a hand in the attack? I mean a villian would not suddenly decide to attack someone like All Might overnight." Izumi said.

".........I would console your cards in divination." Count suggested.

With his help, Izumi got:
Dark, Dream, Float, and Libra.

"Hm. It seems there we are going into unknown territory with these villians.

Dark and Float is saying that there is more to these villians than we think,
Dream stands for fate, meaning something is intended for this Shigaraki,
Libra is a warning, that something is obstructing Shigaraki's perspective." Count said with a serious poker face.

Izumi frowned. If Count was right, someone else was really behind the attack, and Shigaraki may just be a pawn.....

That night.......

Izumi also got permission to stay with Count for the night for her safety.

As Izumi slept, she found herself in a strange landscape.

They looked like ruins of a mansion overgrown with vegetation.

Izumi looked around as she saw she was in a long flowy white dress.

She found herself at a pond as she gazed out at the scenery as she soon heard someone.

"The hell? What kind of dream is this?" A familiar voice said.

'That voice...!'

She turned to see.......


"Eh?...........Hey! You're the little Summoner! Why am I dreaming of you here?" He scratched his neck.

"I would ask you the same thing."

Izumi had to be careful. Even though this was a dream.........

Shigaraki had his hood up so she couldn't see his face,

But all of a sudden......

He moved at a fast pace and slammed Izumi into a tree which strangely, didn't decay.

Now that he was closer, she could see his face.

While there were patches of eczema around his eyes and lips, he was pale skinned, and had a beauty mark at his left on his chin. His eyes were a crimson red, redder than Katsuki's, reminding her of a Demon. She also had to restrain wrinkling her nose as the smell of dust, sweat, mothballs, and strangely peppermint hit her.

She also noted that some eczema patches were on his slender neck. He had a disintegration quirk, could his eczema be a side effect?

His scratching won't help either. Could it be dehydration he has too?

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