USJ part 1

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The next day, Izumi grimaced as she spotted reporters just in front of the school.

"I'm guessing they are looking for All Might. Being hired as a faculty member is a big deal for him, since he was a student here." Izumi said.

"Anyway, let's get inside." Kero nodded.

Taking the opportunity when the press was talking to Aizawa, Izumi snuck by in time for the U.A. Barrier to activate.
Class is now in session....

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video feeds and went over your results." Then he turned to Bakugou. "Bakugou. You're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss."

Bakugou just grumbled a "Whatever."

"Alright now let's get to buisness. I'm sorry that I have to pop this on to you..."

"What isn't another test is it!"

"You all need to pick a Class President,"

The classroom then exploded with noise as the others stood up from their desk, hopping up and down, yelling:

"Oh! I want to be Class President! Pick me!"

"I wanna do it too."

"Yeah, you're gonna need me."

"Oh you mean the position that is meant for me."

"I'll be the Leader!"

"I'll do it! Me! ME!'

"Everyone is worked up about this. I thought a Rep's duty is a bunch of extra work." Kero said confused.

"Normally yes, but it's a way to get noticed by agencies and prove you can lead a team like a real pro." Izumi explained.

"Be Quiet!"

Everyone turned to Iida who was now standing up.

"This is a task with great responsibility, where you must carry and pull everyone's weight! Just because you want the position doesn't mean you can have it!"

Iida looks at everyone in the classroom with a gleamed in his eyes, "It is a position that requires the great esteem and trust of our fellow classmates! The only true worthy one shall emerge from a democratic choice that reflects from the will of the people!"

" Which is why we must settle by vote!"

It would have been cool for what his speech said but he too had his hand raised in the air, showing that like everyone he wanted the position.

But, we've known each other less than a week. Well, most of us that is..." Tsuyu argues, while acknowledging Izumi, Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Shinso, Kirishima, and Mina, as their own groups of childhood friends.

"True, most of us have little to no reason to vote for anyone but ourselves." Kirishima added.

"While both of you have a point, it also means that anyone able to get multiple votes was deserving of the role as even now they've made a good enough impression on their peers. Aizawa sensei, may we hold an election?"

"I don't care, just decide before the end of class, and don't bug me. I had a rough patrol last night." Eraser grumbles and slips under his desk to nap.

"Excuse, me. While I understand the election part, I think at least some may not be in favor because we all have lives that keeps us busy." Izumi stated.

"True. I have siblings to watch on weekends, so I can't be elected." Tsuyu said.

"My old man runs a bakery and I help out there, so I'm out too." Sato said.

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