USJ part 3

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Tomura Shigaraki was eager to have fun with this new predicament.

The greenette he met was giving him an interesting challenge with that giant dog.

"Nomu, attack that dog." He ordered.

Izumi had Rampage counter and told him to keep Nomu busy while she took out two more cards in case.

Meanwhile, Aizawa was recovered by Kirishima and his group.

At least they were out of harm's way.

Then the Mist villain came to Shigaraki's side.

"Kurogiri. Did you manage to kill Thirteen?"

"The rescue hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse. One got outside the facility." He replied.

Shigaraki looked irritated as he scratched his neck. "Ah Kurogiri, we won't be able to win if dozens of pros showed up, even with Nomu. And he's having a tough time with the dog."

True to his word, Nomu gave out tough punches, but the massive dog shrugged the assult off and finally stomped on Nomu.

"Kurogiri. Try cornering the girl." Shigaraki ordered only for something unexpected to happen.

"Chaos Shot!" A voice said as streams of yellow bullets halted Kurogiri and got Nomu in the legs, making the creature scream in pain.

"What?!" Shigaraki said. Were the pros here already?!

"Izumi, Kyu-chan told us you were in a pinch. So we came here quickly." A female voice said as other people arrived at the entrance.

Not only was Count and Miss Silverstone there, but also the (Adult ver.) Arcobaleno, Tanaka, Sebastian, Claude, Honey, Shirahime-Syo, and the Knight Sisters.

"Wha? I don't recognize them. Kurogiri?" Shigaraki asked.

"I've never seen them either."

The Italian man, Reborn, smirked. "Let's give these amateurs a real taste of chaos."

"Remember, the priority is to protect the students!" Silverstone said.

"Yes, ma'am!"

At that signal, the new group sprang into action.

Skull used her flames to create flaming skeletons for her attack, Dance of the Dead, Lal, Colonello, and Reborn fired flaming bullets, Verde hacked into the system and got the U.A. robots to counterattack, and the others overwhelmed the villains with their attacks as well.

"Remember our priority is to protect the students!" Silverstone said.

"Yes ma'am!"

Shigaraki could not believe that this group of unknowns were easily beating his underlings.

"You don't take your eyes off your opponent!" Izumi teased as she got a card out. Using Power full force, Nomu was knocked out of the USJ.

"You still want to fight? Or must you get taken down too?" Izumi asked, Rampage still eager to fight.

Shigaraki glared at the greenette.

"She cheated..."

"Well, let this be a lesson, we Females never fight fair!" Izumi smiled.

Kurogiri could not believe what happened.

Nomu, the creature that their leader worked so hard to create. Their weapon to destroy All Might was swatted like a fly by this young lady's quirk.

Her monster was no exception. The giant dog looked powerful and was ready to attack again if they tried anything.

He was obviously not the only being she could summon, he could tell the girl was not pulling punches.

Then these unknown people took down their forces faster than they could blink.

Their situation was worse than a rat in a trap.

They had to escape.
Then a gunshot echoed as Shigaraki was shot in the leg.

Kurogiri quickly went to his aid.

"No need to fret!" Iida's voice echoed. "I've returned with reinforcements!"

And there was a great portion of the U.A. staff on the scene.

Including All Might.

Kurogiri had to retreat, especially since 13 was awake again.

"Damn it! Damn it! We failed! Game Over! Guess we..have to try again later!” he turns his eyes to Izumi glaring at her as Kurogiri begins to warp them away. “I may have failed to kill the Symbol of Peace..but the next time we meet… he's dead! And You'll pay for intervening!”

And they were gone.
In a bar somewhere.....

The same portal from the attack reemerged, as Shigaraki groaned in pain.

"Owwww, I was shot in both legs, and I got body slammed by a freaking dragon of all things! That is such a hack! And the worse is that we lost Nomu!” he groaned in pain.

"Oh?" A voice said from behind a TV screen.

"He was blown away, but not by All Might. One of the students had an unusual summoning quirk. She summoned a beast from a card and used another one to blow Nomu away." Kurogiri explained.

"I cant believe this! And after all i did to make him as strong as All Might!?" Another voice said.

"If she didn't intervene, we could have killed the Symbol of Peace. That wench. That wench!" Shigaraki growled as he scratched his neck.

"Did you catch her name at least?" The voice asked.

"Only her last. Midoriya." Kurogiri said.

"Well, for now, gather other forces for our cause. We need stronger warriors.  Take all the time you need. In the meantime. Look into this Midoriya girl. Find all information you can on her. One day, the world and even she will know to understand the terror you represent, Tomura Shigaraki." The voice said.

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