Calvary Battle!

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With the Obsticle Course done, Midnight went to explain the next round which was..........

Calvary Battle! Bo-Taoshi!

"Those of you who placed in the top 40 from this qualifying round will move on!” Midnight yelled out an excited look on her face. “Anyone who placed lower should not worry because we have a way for you to show your stuff! Now to explain this course!”

"Participants will, on their own, form teams of eight people,” Midnight said explaining how this would go. “The rules are that you must defend while also attacking other poles to bring them down. You will be ranked by a whole. However, there is one crucial difference than in normal Bo-taoshi battles, where normally there is only two groups we will be having a total of five, and to make it more interesting we have put a price on the head of each group. As your taking down a pole you are allowed to grab for a flag that will be added to your number and in the end the two groups who have the highest points win! You will be ranked individually by what place you arrived in, and then in your group your point value will add up to a total of everyone in your group.”

"Interesting." Suppi said.

"Your individual point values start at five, at the bottom! So the student who took fortieth place is worth five points, thirty-ninth is worth ten, get it? Though there’s a twist! Watch out first place because your worth ten million points!”

At that, Izumi and Kirishima, both who tied for first, tensed as all eyes were on them.

They now had targets on their backs!

"Listen up, This match will last 15 minutes, each pole will have eight flags representing each number your team holds on it. Until the end of your match you’ll all compete to take down your opponents pole and grab the flag, but if your pole goes down your out! If they just grab the flag you have a chance to take someone else's. However if you take a pole down but you don’t get the flag than that team gets to keep their flags and it counts at the end of the battle! The flags must be at the top of the pole but remember the more flags you have the harder it will be to manage each of them! The points only count if they are on your pole which means as your running back to your pole someone is allowed to steal the flag away for themselves! Quirks are allowed, so everyone is fair game!”

"Oh boy...." Kero said nervously.

Izumi began to think rapidly it wasn’t a normal Bo-Taoshi with the point system included in it. There was more to the game then just taking people down. You could get out but would still be in the game, you wouldn’t have a chance to grab more points but if you had a high point then you still had a chance. It really only seemed to matter if you had the one million if you got out or made it to the end as long as you held that flag you were golden. It was an odd mixture but she assumed it was made to pit people against each other, to have more of an assentive to go after certain groups, and to take people down and get them out of the way so you could move up the ranks.

“You’ve got fifteen minutes to form your teams!” Midnight yelled as she watched the students began to panic at the short time to grab a team and then plan what to do.

Izumi knew that it would be tough, but she found herself with Tokoyami, a girl from the support course, Hatsumi Mei, and Mezo Shoji.

And Izumi quickly discussed a plan.

Soon the teams were decided......

Team Rin! Members; Shishida Jūrōta, Rin Hiriyū! Total Points; 125!]

[Team Kodai! Members; Bondo Kojirō, Fukidashi Manga, Kodai Yui! Total Points: 165!]

[Team Tsunotori! Members; Jirō Kyōka, Kamakiri Togaru, Tsunotori Pony! Total Points: 180!]

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