Filler Chapter

504 14 4

Izumi was getting ready to visit Count when Ochaco and Iida walked up to her.

"Hey Zumi-chan,  you busy after school?" Ochaco asked.

"Kind of. I'm visiting a friend, he owns a pet shop. He also helped me train my quirk. Want to come along?" Izumi asked.

"A pet shop? Sure, what do you think, Iida?"

"Sure, I'll come along if you wish."
The three students then appeared at a Chinese store.

"Wow, it looks like a underground store here." Ochaco said.

"Count is half-Chinese, and the owner here. Count D is his official name, but he prefers Count." Izumi said as a bunny came up to greet her.

"Is it okay for them to be roaming around?" Iida asked.

"Ah its OK. All the animals here are well-behaved, Count has a gift with animals if you will." Izumi said petting the rabbit.

"Hello Izumi. I see you brought guests over." Count said as he appeared and Kyu-chan flew to greet Izumi.

"HI Count. This is Uraraka Ochaco and Iida Tenya. They are in my class." Izumi introduced her friends.

"A pleasure."

"Nice to meet you Count." Ochaco smiled.

"A pleasure to meet your aquatance." Iida bowed respectfully.

He then took note of the animals roaming around and like Izumi said, they were all behaving themselves. Heck, a lioness was grooming a small puppy!
"Um, I'm wondering, where do the animals come from here?"

"Nature and Animal activists from all over the world send him animals that are sick, injured, or traumatized from trafficking. And after he helps them get better, most want to stay." Kero explained as Count gave them tea and tarts as a snack.

"And it's their offspring that would be pets. Count makes sure they are carefully bred and raised in captivity beforehand." Suppi added.

"Wow! Count sounds like a hero for animals." Ochaco smiled.

"Indeed. There aren't many heroes for animals, so it's nice to hear someone is helping. Heroes focus too much on people, they dont consider animals as people, sadly." Izumi said.

"I see. Helping animals should matter as much as helping people. I need to remember that." Iida stated.
Both Iida and Ochaco were a little mystified by Count's personality, but he was a nice guy to be around.

They agreed to come back another time.
As Izumi still had some time, she could get something for dessert for her mom.

Looking through the treats, she ended up bumping into someone.

He looked to be in his late teens, early twenties. A slim man with pale skin, tinged yellow teeth, and a great deal of wrinkles around his eyes. His lips are chapped and uneven, a small mole on the right underneath, with visible scars on his right eye and under his lip. He has messy, grayish-blue hair plain red sneakers, along with black pants which expose his ankles, and a matching long-sleeved v-neck shirt. He also wears a plain black jacket over the top with the hood pulled low over his face.

"Oh I'm sorry. Um, are you looking for something?"

The boy just looked at her. He was actually wondering why she did not get scared off.

Izumi then looked at the display before him. As if he was contemplating a sweet to buy.

"I'd recommend the fruit chews. They are sweet and delicious. I can get them for you if you'd like. I'm already getting something for home." Izumi smiled.

The stranger said nothing, then used a creepy smile.

"Why offer to help a complete stranger like me? Weren't you told not to go around giving things to strangers? What if I was a villain?" He asked.

"Even if you were a villain in hiding, I don't think you would do anything in public like this store since there are cameras. Would be a foolish move."

"...............I suppose so. Thanks for the advice." He said taking the fruit chews.

"Ah, I gotta get going, mom will be home soon! Bye!" Izumi said waving with a smile.

The lanky male stared after her for a while before muttering to himself.

"She had the uniform on.........."
Guess who that male is.......

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