Battle Test pt 1

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"So how did your first day at U.A go?" Count asked as Izumi came for a visit.

"Great, there were all kinds of students there! One had a copycat quirk, another can create any non living object from her body, and this one guy had engines in his legs." Izumi went into detail of the students.

"So, Fumikage, Tsunotori, Shinso, and Aoyama got in too?"

"Yeah, and to curb the rivalry between the Hero Courses, we're having 1A and 1B together." Izumi said as Kero and Suppi had biscuits.

"But the bad part is bomb boy is there too." Kero said.

"Ah, you mean Bakugo. To be honest, a couple years ago he followed you here and I think we scared him off. He didn't come back here after that." Count smiled.

The next day, went by smoothly in Izumi's case.

The teachers were all amazing as they were dressed in their hero costumes.

Ectoplasm for mathematics.

Present Mic for English.

Cementoss for Modern Literature.

Then there was the class everyone awaited for the most.

Foundational Heroics which involved learning how to be a hero.

And that class was taught by non other than...

"I AM COMING INTO THE ROOM LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might announces as he throws open the door and enters the room.

Izumi had to hide her giggle as Suppi mutters, ".... that's not how a NORMAL person enters the room."

"And the way he's doing it.....he's obviously new to teaching...." Kero sweatdropped.

As All Might announced that they will be doing some battle training, he added. "Now we can't have you fighting each other in your school uniforms now can we? So…" he pushes a button and numbered suitcases popped out of the walls "...we had your costume designs built by Support partners all over, like Deternet and Kamino. Now you'll look like heroes, as you learn to become one. Now, get suited up and meet me at Training Ground Beta, clearly labeled on the map you were given yesterday along with your schedule."

Izumi smiled as she got her suit.

Izumi was at Count's place doing designs that she asked Illusion to pose for.

she learned the last Cardcaptor dressed in something from a shojo Manga. It gave her an idea.

"Count. What do you think of this design?" She asked as she showed him.

"I think it fits your abilities. I'd say it's perfect. Plus you could bring back a old popular trope, I believe they call it." He smiled.

Flashback end------

At Training ground Beta, she appeared with the others.

She wore a spring green dress with dark green traits on the chest, shoulders, neck, gloves and the second skirt. The costume is divided into two parts from the waist down: the long tail coats trailing down behind her legs and a skirt in the front. On the back is a pair of wings. The neck has a pair of silver wings drawn on and the chest and shoulders are adorned with silver buttons. She also wore dark green evening gloves that go halfway up the arms and the suit has silver lines and edges where the colors are separated. The boots are spring and dark green with folds which have drawn wings on each with white borders and accessories include a spring green fatigue cap with a prominent dark green stripe and white wing in the middle of the cap.

Rise of a New Cardcaptor Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz