The U.A. Sports Festival

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Over the next two weeks, Classes 1A and 1B had been preparing, strengthening their quirks for the competition.

Although, Izumi had little interest in the festival, she had to make an impact. Looking over her cards, she contemplated how to impress the audience. Izumi decided to use a different card for different people.

"Hm, I could need the Four Element cards, and I can use Big too. Hm, I think Erase is a big no, since I can't start a panic.........Kero. Are any of the cards shy in public or at a big event?" Izumi asked.

"Well those like Jump and Dash are, but I would go with the Elements, and Flight. Sword, Shield, Thunder, and the Mirror Sisters can help too." Kero said.

"I'd add in Bubbles, Power, Snow, Sand, Wood, Freeze, and Arrow to help." Suppi said.

Izumi nodded with their suggestions and thought she would be ready for the festival.

Finally the day had come......

The Sports Festival!

At the VIP suite and observation room, it was reserved for a new group of guests.

These people were the CLAMP Academy alumni.

Among them were the Arcobaleno, the Tokyo Mew Mews, the Disguise Hero Honey, Seraphina, Nokoru, Suoh, and Akira, the Knight Sisters, and other alumni.

They were groups known as:

The Thundercats.

The Silverhawks.

The Tigersharks.

Marshall Bravestarr.

Rambo V


Team Knight Rider

The Centurions


And the Defenders of the Earth.


"I'm amazed they make such a spectacle of this. But its absurd." Lion-o said.

"Indeed. I don't get why they do this for publicity. It takes away what is needed for heroism. Plus I don't like the idea of intentionaly creating child soldiers." Bravestarr said.

"Yeah, what happened to the good old days of heroism? When you defend the world for the greater good rather than money?" Flash Gordon asked as others agreed.

"You may wanna hold off on those comments for now. The event is about to begin." Mako of the Tigersharks said as the announcement was made.

"Why not? Maybe we can find real hopefuls among these kids." Honey said.


[ “Hey! Attention, audience! Swarm, mass media! This year’s high school rodeo of adolescence that you all love; the UA Sports Festival is about to begin! Everybody, are you ready!?” ]

Present Mic’s voice played loudly over the speakers, echoing around the dark room.

Two figures were watching the screen with clear contempt; Shigaraki scratched his neck at the display of the hero’s arrogance while Kurogiri distracted himself with cleaning the bar for the coming night.

“It’s time for us to open up the First-Year stage!”

The cheering of the audience increased ten-fold at the announcement, going wild for the chance to see the new hero students of UA.

The camera zoomed in on one of the various tunnels that lined the stadium’s bottom wall, letting everyone watching see the first faces of the UA hero course.


Izumi walked among her class as Kero and Suppi were on her shoulders as all the 1st years made their way to the field.

She spotted the box where her CLAMP alumni were and smiled. At least they came out here to support her, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Pony, and Hitoshi.

After Midnight explained the Obsticle Course, it was time.

Izumi smirked as she took out a card. 'As long as I don't go off course, everything is fair. And I have a good idea what the first obstacle is.' She thought as she waits for the light to flash green.





Well they tried to…

“The gates too narrow!!!” she heard some students say.

"Alright." Izumi said as she brought her staff out. "Flight! Time for action!"

“So this is the first filter,” Todoroki says before using his ice to slide through the gate as well as freezing the many feet of others.

Although he got through with his ice powers, those of 1A and 1B followed quickly, especially Izumi as Flight and Windy helped her catch up to Todoroki.

Then there was the robots, which Izumi handled with Freeze, Thunder, and Firey.

In the end, to everyone's shock, she tied for first place with Kirishima!

"Unbelievable folks! For the first time in U.A. History, we have a tie for First Place! Izumi Midoriya and Kirishima Eijirou!" Midnight announced as the crowd went wild.

Shigaraki stared at the screen, a light in his eyes that hadn’t been there a moment ago. Bright green eyes were wide in shock and embarrassment. The light disappeared as quickly as it appeared as the villain continued to look at the screen, more specifically on the greenette.

He frowned, but this time in confusion.

He vaguely remembered he had a strange dream about her over two weeks ago. But it felt too real....

"Kurogiri." He said in a calm tone that confused the mistman.

"Did you ever had a dream of a certain person that you assume that you hate? Yet you feel you can't?"

"Not that I'd know of. Why ask?"

"...................For some reason..........since the USJ Incident..........the greenette had been plaguing my mind.................yet I don't want it to stop............"

Kurogiri was surprised at this.

"It sounds like the beginning of an obsession with a heroine. I remember from the pre-quirk Era that was a popular trope, of a villian becoming obsessed with a heroine."

Shigaraki was a bit peeved at this.

He couldn't fall in love with the Summoner. She's training to be a heroine........

Yeah, I bet you recognize some of these cartoons. I grew up on them since I was a kid.

They will make appearances too.

However, these heroes and alumni of CLAMP are different from the Hero Commission. They stick to the pre-quirk rules of heroism and they have non-profit organizations. Meaning they don't do it for money. In other words, they don't agree with what the current system thinks is right.

While doing hero work, unlike those of the Quirk Era, they make sure to keep damage to a minimum and assist in cleanup and welfare no matter their profession. But recently, it led them to rise in the Public Hero Rankings.

They are also unknown to All for One so can you guess his reaction to these kinds of heroes?

Or Stain's or Shigaraki's reactions?

Plz comment!

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