impermissible (Charles Lecler...

By ahhbaaacaaaa

475K 8.1K 812

The daughter of Toto Wolff is no stranger to the track, but when tragedy strikes and dreams are forbidden wha... More

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f i v e

15.6K 285 41
By ahhbaaacaaaa


liked by 8,567,438 people
TMZ: Evelyn Wolff the newest Chanel model is seen back home in Monaco this passing weekend for her little brothers birthday, what do we think about the models effortless look?


username748: she is so cute

user_name738: she has cleaned her act up so much man

tiff849: whore

"I don't know if it's something I'm going to be able to do." I confessed to my childhood friend Leonora, her mother was a close friend of my dads so we grew up together.

"Nonsense, you are downright gorgeous and you've been hired for a reason." She excused as we sat sipping on our coffee just like old times.

"So what have you been up to?" I asked her as we'd only spoken through text the past few months rather than calling over the phone.

"The usual, not everyone randomly moves to Spain to become a model and then magically gets hired by Chanel within six months." She chuckled as she leaned forward over the table.

I laughed shaking my head "Fair point, how's the horse riding going? You're trying to build a farm aren't you?"

She nodded excitedly "The horse riding has been put to one side whilst we renovate the farm."

"Unusual for a farm in Monaco." I told her truthfully, she nodded along "I need a safe place to smoke my weed, you would know what that's like, do you want a spliff we could head over there now?"

I shook my head "I don't do it anymore."

Her mouth widened "What the hell? Who are you and what did you do with my friend?"

I twirled my dark hair around my fingers "Hm yeah my management team don't think it's good for me so I stopped, it was making me crazy."

"Pfft management team? Damn ev you're a whole new person." She added as she took in my outfit, the distressed jeans and the floral top.

"I'm not though, I'm just changing making some healthy lifestyle changes as we all do." I shrugged which she seemed to disagree with but we moved on from that conversation.

"Look I have missed you so much but I really need to go, I forgot to feed the dog this morning." Leonora admitted, she's a crazy animal lady.

"I don't want to go home yet, it's awkward, bringing up Lucy made it awkward. I have to stay with them until the next race and I don't know if I can do it." I admitted to her as she sat trying to understand where I was coming from.

Her mouth was wide "Oh I'm so sorry you get to still live in your parents mansion with a huge pool, an indoor and outdoor gym, a cinema room, don't forget the three wardrobes you have oh and how about-

"You don't know what it's like to be looked at like Benedict looks at me alright? I can't stay that long." I admitted to her.

As discussed with Susie I was staying in Monaco with my family up until the next race which happened to be April 30th and it's only the seventh today, it was going to be a long month.

"You have to stay home for Jack, I mean we all know you can afford an apartment but I don't blame you for staying there I mean your house is sick." Leonora commented as she threw the coffee cups "But I wouldn't go if I didn't really need to."

"Okay," I sighed "Can we meet up again soon though? I've missed you a lot."

"Oh baby you aren't getting rid of me now." She hugged me warmly as she left to the car park where she hopped into her car and drove home.

Rather than just walking home and accepting the awkwardness with open arms I decided to wander around the streets of Monaco.

When I was young I hated Monaco, overtime I've conditioned my brain into not thinking too much about my parents' divorce.

But sometimes, at night, when the stars aren't shining so bright, and the sky is pitch black, the moon wipes my tears gently, I am the only one who knows how desperate I am for one last car ride with both of my parents in the front seats, to tell my mother and father goodnight, both at once, together. At the same time, just once.

Toto, Stephanie, Benedict, Evelyn, Rosa
how it used to be.

"Nobody is that you?" I saw a certain driver heading towards me from the distance, I averted my eyes towards the blue waters trying my best to ignore him.

"Hey! Evelyn, is that you?" He asked once again getting inevitably closer to me and tapping me on the arm when I didn't reply.

I kept my eyes focused on the yachts "I'm starting to think you're stalking me Leclerc."

He instantly sounded baffled "Well you're in my home town so let's turn that theory around on you, showing up at my paddock and then to the bar and now here, very telling Evelyn."

"Touché." I replied sitting down to the floor, my legs dangling over the edge of the dock as I watched the multiple yachts go in and out.

He immediately crouched down besides me also sitting down admiring the view "How come you're out in Monaco, didn't pin you as a tourist?"

I laughed lightly, "I live here actually."

"What? I've never seen you out here before?" Charles immediately quizzed, confused as to why he'd never spotted me around.

"I'm hardly ever actually here, I'm always travelling so I'm here less than anywhere else but this is home." Shrugging I turned to the side to take in his appearance for the first time today.

"Me too, you know the racing schedule. For someone who doesn't attend many races what are you doing with yourself?" He asked genuinely intrigued.

I explained to him "Well within the last six months I've started modelling and it's been extremely hectic in terms of travel."

"So the modelling is a recent reason, but I don't think I've ever seen you at the track and I've been racing in formula one for three years." He admitted rubbing his hands together, I noticed his watch immediately.

"I've definitely been more than once in the last three years, just stay in the Mercedes paddock though," I paused "Watching the races in real life just makes me sad so I don't go much."

"How come?" He asked, so many bloody questions.

I rubbed my arm consciously "I guess I just wish I could do it too, maybe I'm more jealous than sad but that sounds worse doesn't it?"

He didn't make me feel like a bad person for saying that "A little but it's fair, I've got to ask if you want to race why don't you?"

"My dad."

"Toto doesn't seem like a dad who'd forbid his daughter from racing at all, it's actually kind of surprising." Charles admitted as he turned his gaze back to the waters in front of us.

"You don't know me at all," he turned to face me "then you'd understand why."

"Seems like I'll have to get to know you then." He confirmed turning back to my face, his expression sincere as he looked at me.

"You can't look at me like that," I whispered as I turned back to the water in front of us.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not supposed to like you."

The smile he gave me was soft and then he said the words that made my heart stammer "But I like you very much, Evelyn."

I'm not sure you want to do that Charles.

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