Lost in memories || Harry Pot...

By ToTiredForShit

103K 2.8K 965

Diana Potter, though a year younger, had the best bond with her brother James. They where best friends. And I... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Inimicos amantes
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Small interception
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58

Part 31

1.3K 43 25
By ToTiredForShit

The Yule ball.

It's the only thing people where talking about that day as it was announced in everyone's first period class.

Diana was met with boys asking girls out and the other way around, but that was mostly girls asking boys because they themselves where to young to go to the ball at all.

"Professor?" Diana heard behind her. "Professor wait!" She turned around and saw Seamus making his way to her. It corridor was quite empty, only a few hufflepuff students making their way to their classes.

"Can I help you, mr Finnigan?" Diana asked with a kind smile. "W-well, you see, I have this bet with Lee Jordan, a-and I uh..." his cheeks were red and he looked down at the ground.

'Please don't tell me this is what I think it is.' Diana thought to herself. "What is it?" She asked, still smiling. "Well, it would be really cool if you went to the ball with me." A grin formed on his face and Diana shook her head.

"Honestly Seamus, please, just get your shit together and ask Mr Thomas out, I've been waiting for more then three years." She said and he was speechless for a second.

"Did you just curse?" He asked and then suddenly the exact words she told him processed trough his mind and his cheeks became red.

"I- what?" He seemed rather confused and Diana just shook her head a lopsided grin. "You hear me, now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to teach." She said and left.

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"Andy! Andy wait for us!"

Diana sighed and turned around to be met with the twins, Lee Jordan and Pippa.

"Professor, can I ask you a question?" Lee asked with a big grin on his face. "No, Jordan, I am not going to the Yule ball with you." She said.

"What? How did you know?" He asked disappointed. "I talked to Seamus, and" but she was cut off by George. "Wait, you're going with Seamus then?" He asked and she shook her head.

"What, no! First of, that's very illegal, and second of, who says I'm not married?" She said with raised eyebrows. She did not have a second thing to say, so just said the first thing that came to her mind.

"You're married?" The twins said in sink as the three boys looked at her in disbelief. "I- Well, I could be." Is all she said with a sheepish grin.

"Had he not died right after he asked you to marry him." She heard Pippa mumble and they all turned to her. "Sorry, pause, what?" Fred looked at Diana, then Pippa, then back at Diana.

"I am... so confused." Lee said. "Point is, I'm not going to the Yule ball with you, goodbye now- and have fun with your dance lessons." She slowly walked backwards as she said this and Pippa gave her a look that said 'don't leave me alone now!'

Diana just looked right back with a 'you got yourself in this situation, I'm not getting you out of it.' Then she quickly walked off.

⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆

Diana had eventually given up on getting everyone to do their homework during her lessons as they where all just talking about the coming Christmas and the ball.

She just let them play games and do their thing, she didn't mind that much because her lessons weren't that important anyway.

"Are you going to the ball, Professor?" Ginny Weasley asked when Diana sat worth her and her friends to have a friendly chat.

"Oh, probably." She just shrugged with a smile. "Are you going with someone?" Mathilda, one of Ginny's friends, asked. "Oh, no. I don't have someone to go with." She said and Ginny giggled.

"I heard Lee and Seamus asked you." She said and Diana breathed out a small laugh. "they did. Some others as well, though, I of course said no. It is very illegal and if it wasn't it was still very weird." She said and the girls around her chuckled.

"And you, are you all going? Because you'll need a date and all." She said and they all shared glances.

"Well, all of us except Mathilda, she hasn't found anyone yet." They said and the girl looked upset. "I probably won't, I mean, it's quite soon and everyone probably already has a date." She said.

Diana felt really bad, she couldn't imagine what it must feel like to be the only one of the friend group without a date to the Yule ball, meaning you couldn't attend.

"I heard Ernie MacMillan doesn't have a date yet." Diana said and Mathilda blushed slightly. "No, but I can't ask him." She said shyly.

"Tilda has a crush on him." Ginny whispered to her and Diana made an oh shape. "Hey, don't worry, I bet he'd say yes. You'd never know if you never tried." She said and Mathilda shrugged.

"I don't want to humiliate myself, he's a year older then me, he probably doesn't even like me at all." She said a bit worried.

Diana sighed. "Alright, I'm going to tell you a story, but this stays between us, alright?" She looked around the group. They all excitedly nodded.

"When I was fifteen, I had a huge crush on this boy I was friends with," she said and the girls all giggled. "One day, we got into some sort of argument and during that, he slipped out that he liked me." She said and the giggling grew, making Diana smile.

"I had no idea, and if he hadn't said that that day, a big chance would have been that we'd ended on bad terms and didn't talk to each other again." She said and the girls just nodded a bit.

"So, my point is, if you never try, you never know and in the end, you're going to be upset you never took a chance." She said and looked at Mathilda.

"So don't be scared to ask MacMillan out, because I'm telling you, you have a chance." She said and the girl nodded and took a deep breath.

"Fine, I'll ask him." She said and her friends cheered. "Who was the boy you liked?" One of the girls asked and Diana shrugged at her with a smile on her face.

"Class dismissed." She said and the girls whined. "Please, tell us!" They tried convincing her but she just waved them off. "One secret a day please." She said and they finally left the classroom.

When they left, she sighed decided on something she had been debating for a while now, yet had always been to scared to do.

She sat down at her desk, took out a piece of parchment and a quil, then started to write.

Hi, Siri

I hope this letter finds you well. I don't even know if you ever realised I knew about your innocence.

I've been wanting to write to you since forever but never really knew what to say, because, what is there to say? All I can tell you is that I believe you and can't wait to see you again.

Love, Diana

She folded the letter and made her way to the owlery. Estella saw her and flew onto her hand. "Hello there, girl." She said and the owl nibbled her ear.

"You don't mind bringing this to someone for me." She tied the letter to her claw. With a small hoot, the grey owl flew off and Diana watched as she disappeared to the mountains.

She walked out of the owlery and decided on going to the great hall. When she arrived, Pippa waved her over immediately and Diana walked towards her.

"Hi, can I help you?" She asked and Pippa chuckled. "These are my friends from BeauxBatons." She stated and Diana glanced at the girls and smiled at Fleur Delacour who was among them.

"It's amazing to meet Pips mother! When she didn't know you yet, she wouldn't shut up about 'ow cool you probably where!" One of them chuckled and Pippa looked away a bit embarrassed.

"Ah, so you do know. That explains the weirded out glances I got from a few of you." Diana chuckled. "Don't be embarrassed now, Pip, I am pretty cool." She poked her daughters arm and sat down next to her.

"Are you going to ze ball?" One of them asked and Diana nodded. "Yeah, probably. I suppose you all are going to, especially since you have to open the ball." She looked at Fleur.

"I am very excited. I 'eard it is going zo be amazing." She said with a strong French accent. The other girls also had accents, but Fleur's was very noticeable.

"She 'as been asked out by a lot of people! Even that red headed boy." One of them chuckled. "I suppose you mean a Weasley? Which one exactly, there are quite a lot." Diana chuckled.

"Oh, she means Ron. He sort of yelled it across the hall, he's currently dying out of shame." Pippa laughed and Diana shook her head in amusement.

"Maybe Ron and Harry just need to go with each other, would be quite funny wouldn't it?" She said and the girls nodded while chuckling.

Suddenly Diana yelped as an orange cat jumped onto the the table. "Crookshanks, what are you doing here, where is Hermione?" Pippa recognised the cat.

It just meowed and rubbed his head agains Diana's arm. Diana smiled and petted it as it purred. "Is it Hermione's cat?" She asked and Pippa nodded.

"Yes, I have no idea what he is doing here." She stated and Diana just looked at it. "He looks so... familiar." The cat meowed and she just shook her head.

"I'm talking nonsense. Now, it was very nice to see you but I'll be taking my leave." She said and stood up. "You're late on Astronomy homework, by the way. So you better hurry up." She told Pippa and then left.

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