Wait did you just say.... (di...

By imninja

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this is a story about a girl (lyscia) who is at the top of the social ladder and then all of a sudden during... More

Chapter 1: THE FBI are after me
Chapter 3: poor poor boy
Chapter 4: a crying bella
Chapter 5: Crushed
Chapter 6: illegal
Chapter 7: Girl in the Boy's Dorm
Chapter 8: Scary Lady
Chapter 10: My Little Sethiepoo
Chapter 11: speak of the angel
Chapter 12: help a brother out
Chapter 13: Ninja Elephant
Chapter 14 (part 1): OMO
Chapter 14 (part 2): OMO
Chapter 15: Scrawny Ass
Chapter 16: Human
Chapter 17: Sucker!
Chapter 18 (part 1):Bitch is back
Chapter 18 (part 2): Bitch is back
Chapter 19: Elmo's Song
Chapter 20: Le 3 idiots
Chapter 21: Oh well
Chapter 22: Do you eat trees????

Chapter 9: Someone likes Kaden

607 10 1
By imninja

We grabbed some food and headed for a big tree on top of a hill. I chuckled at this and thought it would be perfect if it were an apple tree.  And as it turns out I was correct, I laughed while the guys just gave me a funny expression, I waved it of and we started to eat.

I felt an arm snake along my waist when I was nearly done, and since I knew it wasn't one of the guys, I grabbed the arm, twisted it and flipped whoever it was, over. The guys looked shocked and I chuckled slightly till I saw that it was Douglas, who had just moved from Tanglin last year, we were really close. Oh Fuck what did I just do to him.

'Doug, Doug shit are you ok' I heard a groan,

'Yeah I will be for a kiss' he chuckled. I smiled, rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

'What no proper one' he opens his eyes, sits up and pulls me into his lap while I shake my head. The boys look at him strangely till we explained that we knew each other from my old school. Kaden looked a bit mad at how close I was to Douglas, but I waved it of. We sat there for till everyone was done and then I climbed up the tree and sat on one of the branches, the others laughed and tried to join me, but it was just to funny as they tried to climb up, cus trust me when you see these boys clawing the tree. Eventually they decided to make a human ladder and climb up that way.

'Lyscia, you're like a monkey, did you know that? And how the hell did you do that?'

'Joel, OMO ahahaha sorry its just you had to see yourselves it was hilarious and nope I am not a monkey, I am a ninja, right Doug?'

'Yeah she is man, I mean no one stands a chance of scaring her not even, Jess' I gave him the evils for that one.

'What man, don't give me the evils, what happened'

'Jess, you mean that chick who can't sing! Please don't remind me, I could not hear for a while after that.' Everyone looks at Kaden, but soon they turn there attention to me and Doug because we were laughing so hard. Doug even threatened to fall of the tree which made us laugh harder, when we sobered up I answered.

'Yep that's the one'

'Oh but I thought you hated each other.'

'What you and Jess what happened you were like best friends' so I told them the story, all of it.

'Oh now I see why the guys, all didn't like her, when I first came'

'Yeah, and Doug before you ask she started to sing before you left. OMO I just realised something, I have a recording of that conversation with Kaden and shit.'

'Come on Lyscia let us here you know you want to' Joel and Arch are begging I pretended to think about it, but then I played it. When it was over, all the boys had fallen of the tree from laughing to hard. I was laughing so hard but still on the tree and laughed even harder when they fell. I quickly stopped laughing and jumped down from the tree, when I saw Polly and her group walking over.

'Well look who it is, if it isn't the newbie.' She sneered at me.

'Yep, and how do ya do?'

'Save it newbie I came to warn you that this is my turf. And that these are my boys, and so is that one. So stay away from them got it.'

'Wait you do all of these boys?!?' I pretend to looked shocked. I turned to the guys behind me who were just getting up and shouted at them,

'Honestly guys think of all the STDs you're getting and sharing one girl. Eeeeeew I am gonna be sick!' That got the boys on the floor laughing again and also a few of Polly's group but she just glared.

'Oh shut up!?!' She was about to say more but 3 girls came over, and got the guys back up and started telling them of. One of the girls that was with Polly said,

'Polly shut the fuck up. I am so sick of it, you're always bitching looking like a tart and all, I used to ignore it and try and change you but your just a cold hearted bitch, I've had enough so leave.' They all looked shocked but they left.

'Hey, I am Vicks, sorry about that I think you're cool and had enough of her bitching. Wanna be friends' I looked at her.

'Yeah let's be friends I am Lyscia by the way. You must of been the shy one of the group right?'

'Yeah I was but I had enough.' She was really pretty, she had brown hair with blond highlights, brown eyes and rosy cheeks, her face reminded me of snow white, with different hair and eyes. The girls that came over smiled and introduced themselves, they were Gloria, Kaitlyn and Miki. Gloria was dating Max, Kaitlyn was dating Joel and Miki was dating Seb. I found it adorable, how there first name initials worked, GM, JK and MS.

We sat down and got to know each other, and soon enough the bell rang. I had music and Doug, Kaitlyn, Joel and Vicks had it with me so we separated and headed to music. We made it just before the bell, but I needed a drink so the others went in while I got a quick drink. When I was done I rushed into class and saw my best friend before she moved to go to uni.

'Aaaaaaaa holy shit Malvin/Lyscia, what the fuck you doing here!’ we both shouted at the same time using each others name of course.

‘Um, I got transferred here, the newbie ya now’

‘Oh well I’ve been teaching here for a year now.’

‘Wait you never told me that.’ Before Malvin could say anything we were rudely interrupted by Marv.

‘Mrs Drage, why did Lyscia just call you Malvin, I thought your first name was Christina and why how do you know her?’

‘Marv, this was my best friend from Singapore that I was telling you about.’

‘Yeah there’s a story behind the nickname and hold up your married and you never told me! You know me and Veks is gonna kick your sorry behind when she comes to visit in a few months. Also what stories have you been telling them?’

‘uh Lyscia I ain’t married yet but cus I am engaged and I don’t want them to get confused between the 2. I’ll tell you the stories later ok.’

‘yeah ok and I guess that’s cool your engaged OMO I am so happy for ya.’

‘I hate to interrupt but can we please continue with class, I mean I was just about to sing here.’ Polly asks.

‘Oh yes of course, start to sing, Lyscia come outside for a minute with me’ we hear a few groans as we leave the class.

‘Right Lyscia, here it is Polly cant sing so you’re the perfect excuse for me to leave. Any ways, yes I did get engaged to my mate. I am assuming you know what that is because your in this school next thing is which are you?’

‘Um, I am gonna turn when 18, your welcome for saving you and which are you’

‘Well I was human, I became a teacher here because I wanted to learn more before I marry him, so I’ll be here for 2 more years, I met him last year oh and I am part of the Singapore pack.’

‘OMG that’s amazing same here hahaha and oh yeah Veks is part of the Singapore Pack, last thing before we go inside is that I missed you like a bitch’

‘I missed you to, oh and everyone today is singing memory from cats so you should be ok oh and you’re after Polly’ we hug for a bit then we head inside and heard Polly singing the end of memory.

‘Alright class, give a round of applause for Polly, now does anyone have anything to say about her singing.’ At this no one raises there hand or comments so Polly sits back down and Malvin continues,

‘right then up first is Lyscia, please begin’ she gives me a reassuring smile, and I walk up to the microphone that everyone seems to be using, and turn it of knowing that I won’t need it. Malvin sees this and takes the mic away.


not a sound from the pavement

has the moon lost her memory

she is smiling alone

in the lamp light

the withered leaves

collect at my feet

and the wind

begins to moan


All alone in the moonlight

I can smile at the old days

I was beautiful then

I remember the time I knew what happiness was

Let the memory live again







A fatalistic warning

Someone mutters

And the street lamos sputter

And soon it will be morning


I must wait for the sunrise

I must think of a new life

And I musn’t give in.

When the dawn comes

Tonight will be a memory too

And a new day will begin







the stale cold smell of morning

The street lamps dies,

Another night is other

Another day is dawning

Touch me

Its so easy to leave me

All alone with the memory

Of my days in the sun

If you touch me you’ll understand

What happiness is

Look a new day

Has begun’

At the end of the sung I see that everyone’s mouth is open in shock and aw. It was very uncomfortable for me but when I sing I see people but not really see them when I sing for them for the first time. Malvin seems shocked as well,

‘right class lets give Lyscia an around of applause’ Everyone clapped like crazy when that was over Malvin said,

‘Any comments on Lyscia singing and also any questions about her singing’

at this everyone’s hand shoots up, so we started at the front from left to right, starting with Polly,

‘Well that just sucked, I mean I cant believe anyone can sing that bad, I wish I could lend you some of my talent’

‘Uh, Polly have you heard yourself,’ Marv shouts

‘Polly shut up you have no talent’

‘She was amazing, how could you’ it went on like this for 5 minutes where everyone was saying mean things to Polly, that I had enough.

‘Um guys thanks and all for saying those things but why not just leave Polly alone and besides I don’t sound that good.’

‘Lyscia you were amazing, your voice sounds just like it did before. Remember how when waiting for Veks when auditing for Singapore Idol and you were singing they asked me to join, but you were like 14 at the time, so it couldn’t happen. Or the fact that you were the youngest person to ever join SLO. You were only 13 and had to be 16 but you still did. Oh and you have to stop calling me Malvin.’

 ‘nope not happening I’ve known you since I was 13 I ain’t gonna stop now and gee thanks Malvin’ by Malvin’s comment everyone was even more shocked, so I just sat down at the back and no one could talk or sing for a while. When anyone could speak it was to late for any questions or comment on my voice because the bell rang.

I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed out the door until I realized that I was supposed to talk with Malvin so I waited for everyone to leave, told my friends I would meet them in dance and headed into the classroom.

‘Lyscia, I just wanted to ask you, how did you sing like that? I mean you were always this good but I mean you made everyone want to move, a few were crying and also you’re voice its even more loud and powerful than I remembered.’

‘Mal, I just sang how I always do nothing has changed, and really a few people cried. Wow! Look I’ve gotta go to dance ok, talk later alright?’ she nods at me as I rush out of class and head to the dance studio. It seems that dance is compulsory but there are different levels to dance. I was in the highest level so I was pretty nervous as I had no idea how good anyone was. I reach the classroom and slide in, very stylishly I might add. The teacher looks up at me,

‘And who might you be. This is the top set there should be no new students.’

‘Sorry about that Ms. but I was informed that I would be placed in this set, where do I get changed’ she pointed me to a room, I headed in and got changed into a pair of princess jasmine slacks as I call them and a singlet with a large over shirt, also I put on my fav sneaks from onitsuka tiger and headed outside. Everyone seemed to be wearing slacks, or shorts and a simple singlet with trainers.

‘Lyscia fall in line and you were right about the fact that you’re in my class but I will not make this easy for you, I am Ms. Roland’

‘I like a challenge Ms. Roland’ then we started to dance, at first I thought that the dance was just a warm up for what was to come until I saw that people were struggling and that we were doing it for 20 minutes. A simple pop and lock confused people or snaking, a body wave and many more simple steps confused some. I got tired of this boring dancing and sat down head against the wall.

‘Lyscia why in the world are you sitting down, why are you not dancing with us, is this dance to difficult?’

‘No, Ms. Roland this dance is to easy actually, what happened to top group? Cus no offense but this dance is just pathetic.’ Everyone looks shocked at this and Ms. Roland looks furious.

‘Right if you’re so great at dancing why not perform for us’

‘If you insist, what genre would you like.’

‘oh since you are so good I am gonna be changing the genre’ I nod in showing that I understood. I got into position while everyone else sat down in the front and she started the music. First playing was All time low by The Wanted, so I started to do contemporary, twirling, leaping falling swinging and many more twirls, I did a small walk then a jump in the air then signifying the change in tempo in the song. It stayed on All Time Low for a while but then she suddenly changed it to The Dressing Room by Breathe Carolina, I used the up beats to be able to move more and do some fancy foot work and also a few flips and hand springs. It was insane she started changing songs more frequently with many different tempos but I kept it up and made it all fluid. I danced for about 8 minutes before she finally let me stop. And once again everyone seemed shocked, but Ms. Roland seemed pissed and shouted at me to meet her outside, so I bowed and strode out the door. When she came to talk to me she seemed even madder as I held my head high.

‘Have you got no shame! Dancing like that in my classroom.’

‘Whatever do you mean. Non of it was inappropriate all of it was decent and inside the code, the moves I did though were not even that difficult with out the flip of course’

‘Mocking me huh well then, for the rest of the lesson you are going to mop the floor while we watch.’

‘Yes miss’ I went and grabbed the stuff and headed inside to mop the floor.  The class were told to sit in one area and I was told to start in the other end. I popped in my head phones and started to mop dance as I would call it. Its really fun actually the mop was a great prop and there were many moved I could make while still doing the proper job. When class was over I put away the mop and headed to lunch ignoring other peoples stares.

‘Lyscia what you did in music and dance today was amazing, oh and I am Jenny by the way. I mean no one can dance like that well maybe Seth and no one can sing like that as well. I mean you were just OMG you know’ so bubbly blonde comes up to me as I go and sit by the tree.

‘Well thanks Jen, and who is this Seth that everyone seems to be talking about?’

‘He is my bro, older by 20 seconds.’ Kaden comes waltzing by about to sit with us

‘oh and hey jenny, what’s up’

‘Nothin’ much just talkin to my new friend’ she seemed alright and was very forward, until it comes to guys. As lunch continued I realized that she has a crush on Kaden, and I think that they are perfect for each other. Oh I hope they are mates. I chatted with everyone, and more people came to sit with us, it was insane there is no way I could remember everybodies name.

A shadow was cast over us as we layed down in the sun. I looked up to find the most dazelling green eyes to be staring down at me,

'Seth what do you want?' So this was the infamous Seth.

'Nothin' from you bro, just came to talk to Lyscia.'

'Ok hi, and your the infamous Seth?'

'Uh yeah you like what you see?'

'Ahahaha that was a cheesy line and nah I have seen better.' He looks pissed at this, but come on I was just kidding, he is the best looking guy in the world. Oh, shit what was I just thinking.

'Yeah you're right that was cheesy any ways care to talk with me alone?'

'Um how about some other time I am too comfortable right now'

'Yeah ok, see ya later then' he walks of and leaves, I see his broad back and I just wanted to jump on it.

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