our weird friendship anomaly...


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Who knew that escaping a school would result in stumbling upon the world's most dangerous beast? Well, luckil... Еще

Welcome to Nevermore Academy - 1
Farewell Nevermore Academy - 2
On the Prowl - 3
Howdy? - 4
I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5
First Stop, Somewhere - 6
A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner - 7
A Shopping Spree! - 8
Howl Not Howdy - 9
After the Silence - 10
A Successful Plan - 11
The Search for Wednesday Addams - 12
Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13
Nightmares and Festivals - 14
We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15
Starved - 16
I Should've Killed You When We Met - 17
Hearts Are Broken - 18
If You Died, I Would've Killed You - 19
Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20
A Change of Plans and A...? - 21
Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22
Scars and Nicknames - 23
Woe Is Love Mi Sol - 24
Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven? - 25
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 26
Bury Me in My Blood - 27
Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28
And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29
Days Gone By - 30
The Kooky Disappointment - 31
SoulMates - 32
Train to Francisco - 33
"Home" at Last - 34
Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes - 35
Home Is Where the Heart Is - 36
Letters to SoulMates - 37
Surprises, Surprises... 38
more than just a weird friendship anomaly - 40
Rain - 41

Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy - 39

670 28 16

She hates it.

Even before she even thought about packing and preparing her luggage for travel, she knew she would hate it.

Every part of her body loathed the idea of this process.

She loathed the idea of being sent to a boarding school for outcasts and troubled people- again.

But these days she loathed the journey from home to the prison that people call school.

She loathed the journey more than the academy itself. She couldn't stand how it was a two-day horse ride no matter what.


Why... why were the common-people unable to create a train track from New Jersey to Vermont?

As the stagecoach rattled down the dusty road, Wednesday gazed out the window, lost in thought about humanity's stupidity sometimes.

Are humans in the late days of the industrial era so incapable and stupid of building a railroad that stretches across the United States vertically? It seems that way, since all railroads go across the country rather than up and down so far.

Apparently they were too busy working on other projects for the country and state as well.

She hates it.

She loathed it all; the fact that it would be a two-day trip from home to Nevermore.

The anticipation of the whole thing surrounding the return to Nevermore Academy filled her with a mix of emotions.

And now, from an overall perspective.

Clearly, this girl was over exaggerating and overreacting on the way to the academy from home... her entire family had planned it to be on schedule with orientation.

If they went any earlier, then they would be sitting around doing nothing, waiting for the orientation. Maybe perhaps setting up traps and decorations that would scare them out of their skin... literally.

Well, whatever...

She is an Addams after all.

And this was a serious matter.

It had to deal with a certain supernatural shifter who happened to be the one and only for her life.

So she had the right to complain.

She didn't care if she sounded selfish... but she wanted the academy close to her home or the one in San Francisco, so that in any case of an emergency or distress... they can escape the academy to there easily.

And she wasn't thinking about the shift of a werewolf, but rather the general well-being of the werewolf.

But... this is where it all began. And this is where the werewolf chose to restart.

So, in the end she was grateful for it anyway.

And now returning to her loathingsome...

She loathed the idea of it being a two-day horse ride away.

It certainly didn't help with her parents constantly showering each other with affection.

It was one thing she didn't miss when returning.

What was different however was that this time she was more intense and careful in listening to the romantic moments they shared at the academy and afterward.

With her expressionless face, her ears remained observant and studied every single conversation said about how they showed each other their love.

Why was she doing this? Well of course, she had to show her lover other ways of affection.

She didn't ask for how else to show affection because she knew once she did, her parents would drone on about it running through the Addams blood.

Maybe it did, but she didn't want to hear those words repeated like an insane mantra.

The long journey gave Wednesday time to reflect on her life, her family, and her ways she could with the werewolf.

Anyhow, she was relieved that the torturous trip was coming to its end.

Their journey to Nevermore Academy was about to come to an end within just a few minutes.

Nevermore Academy was less than a few minutes away.

A few minutes away...

A few minutes from seeing her wolf again...

It had been a few months since she's seen the blonde, and it had been merely a few weeks since the blonde sent the letter about going back to Nevermore.

Oh, how she missed the cotton-candy dyed tips of her golden-blonde locks that were so silky and beautiful, framing her flawless face perfectly with her warrior scars of strength and bravery.

It was quite a surprise to the goth when she learnt that her lover wanted to return. It was a risky decision-very bold- but Wednesday knew it was a decision to take a step into growing further out of her shell. It definitely took a lot of courage for the werewolf to come up with that idea.

She couldn't have been any more proud of her werewolf.

And if all hell goes loose, the ravenette will be there to catch her.

THEY... will catch each other, when all things go wrong.

Wednesday was so focused on thinking about how they would be there for each other she didn't realize that they were already approaching academy grounds.

She didn't even notice other students' stagecoaches and carriages departing.

She could feel her body rising in tension as their stagecoach got closer and closer to the grounds of Nevermore Academy.


And closer...

Less than ten seconds away and...

There it was...

It was just as she remembered...

Many brick walls with parts covered in moss and vines, with open metal gates that welcomed the Addams.

The only thing different was that it wasn't beautifully captured in the pouring rain and just the bright sun.

It was the wrong sun, Wednesday told herself.

The sun of her life must be somewhere on the grounds of the academy, perhaps in her room already.

"Ah... welcome back to Nevermore Academy, dear," her mother smiled with a content hum.

"Oh Tish... Cara Mia! I remember us here like it was yesterday!" her father awed and held his beloved's hand so gingerly and kissed along her cheek, his other hand resting gently on her baby bump. He paused mid-kiss and then grinned toward his daughter, "My little scorpion, you remember it like it was ten months ago?"

Wednesday glared at her father, "You should be fortunate that I am not running away this time."

"Oh certainly, my dear Wednesday... why else would you run away?" Morticia chuckled.

"I will not be running away," Wednesday emphasized the I. She repeated herself, "I will not be running away this time. It will be a "WE.""

Her parents looked at each other and gave the "I-knew-it" look.

Wednesday crossed her arms, "And even that will be unlikely. Besides it being an atrocious school, she wants to try and return to a normal life. She wants to be here and so... will I."

Her father smiled with glossy eyes before actually bursting into sobs, "Oh, our little scorpion has grown up so much, Tish!" he wiped away his tears with his handkerchief.

"Drop the "little" Mon Cher... she is our scorpion," her mother smiled with a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Wednesday went to roll her eyes but stopped when she realized the entire carriage had been stopped for a while.

"Pugsley!" she growled and snapped her fingers, waking up her poor-sleeping brother, "Why didn't you inform us we have stopped?"

"W-what? Sis, I'm not your alarm or something! And hey! You woke me up in a really good nightmare-"

"I do not care. Let's move," the ravenette swiftly moved out of the carriage door opened by their butler.

While Lurch let out the rest of her family and collected her luggage, Wednesday couldn't stop herself from admiring the design of the building once again.

She still found it a shame the gothic castle had been turned into a miserable prison called "Nevermore Academy."

It being a gothic-castle was the only reason she wouldn't burn it down. That intrusive thought returned as they passed by a torch hung on the wall.

They passed by some security staff of the academy, which Wednesday forgot that was part of the reopening and going on from this day forward.

Obviously with the disappearances from the past, there was needed extra security.

Apparently there was a new reformation in the staff and faculty section and so the walls were always secure.

But even with all these new additions, it wouldn't even slow down the Wednesday Addams...

They passed by some other families and students who obviously were freaked out by the Addams, and then they finally approached the main hall.

Morticia creeped up front and smiled at her daughter.

"Well, dear, it is time for you to meet her again!"


"I'm not sure whether to question how you and another one of our students have returned but... it is good to see you, Wednesday." the too-happy toned voice of the headmaster chirped.

That voice... is back again...


She was dressed too bright once again... like it was the opposite of a funeral.

"Well, Miss Thornhill... we are just horribly grateful you've allowed her to enroll again. She couldn't be any more miserable to return," Morticia chuckled.

"Yes! We give our greatest thanks! Without you... our dear little scorpion wouldn't find the most important thing in her life!" Gomez laughed.

"Oh?" Headmaster Weems raised a brow.

"They have lost their minds," Wednesday muttered.

The headmaster looked at Wednesday for a few moments before laughing gently, "Well, it is no matter. We are just happy to open our doors again for students to return to. I am sure it will be a 100% safe environment for Wednesday here."

Morticia's facial expression suddenly shifted from soft to stern, "If it is not 100% safe as you said, my dear Weems, then you will find yourself in the backroom of our Manor... just a little warning," she chuckled.

"Oh, Morticia, always so light with the threats to me, I greatly appreciate it," Weems smiled, "oh, and congratulations, by the way!" she pointed out the new member of the Addams Family arriving soon.

The tall ravenette gave her thanks as she looked down at her stomach, talking to it about how he would be soon attending Nevermore Academy.

Poor Pugsley- who was sleeping again- didn't even get talked to about attending Nevermore.

"Well!" Gomez lightly punched his fist on the armchair, "Shall we go see Wednesday's room?"

When her father finished that sentence, Wednesday's eyes immediately and subtly lit up.

She had this strange feeling that... it would be a room of satisfactory.

All the Addams followed Headmaster Weems through the halls...

As they tracked up flights of stairs and along corridors, Headmaster Weems mentioned that during the temporary closure of Nevermore Academy, one of their teachers had to be let go. She knew the Addams Family enjoyed the ideas of human chaos and corruption, so she decided to enlighten them on that subject.

Wednesday found it quite intriguing how the most disgustingly-smiley teacher who was obsessed with plants had been let go.

It surprised her even more when Headmaster Weems told them how she was under investigation of "child-manipulation."

Definitely a strange case.

Everything was strange. For starters, Nevermore Academy deciding to reopen in the middle of the supposed-semester and such.

Soon, the teacher case of Miss Thornhill and small-talk were over.

Those conversations had ended when they had begun ascending the steps that were all-too-familiar.

Several flights of stairs going up a tower, in Ophelia's Hall? It was definitely the one.

It was definitely going to be the room she had when she was here before.

They had finally reached the top of the tower.

Wednesday stood before the door, taking silent deep breaths as she prepared herself to see her again.

She could feel it... she could feel that she was just a few steps away from seeing her love again.

Her love was just on the other side of this door, waiting and waiting...

The brightness and colors would return in the best way possible for Wednesday Addams.

Before she opened the door however, Weems strolled upfront with a curious smile, "I will say... what a coincidence... your roommate is also another student who has returned. The school is happy to have her back but it is most definitely a coincidence that you and her have returned together."

Her eyes darted between the members of the Addams Family before smiling, "Do not worry. I won't question it. For now," she smiled especially to Morticia who just returned a mix-glare smile.

She let out a small sigh, "Well, let's not keep your new roommate waiting?" Weems grinned.

And then... they opened the single door and stepped in.

"It's so... vivid," her father remarked but those words went through one ear and out the other completely as Wednesday rushed forward.

"Wednesday, meet E-" she couldn't even finish her words as the goth disappeared from her sight.

Both of them felt their hearts beating rapidly just from the sights of each other.

Both of them felt the electric sparks of love run through their veins already.

Both of them finally felt the satisfaction fed to their longing for each other.

She was finally here.

They were finally here.

They were here.


And that was all that mattered.

Under the sunlight mixed through rainbow-window tiles, and beneath the frilly hung drapes and decor that looked like a rainbow and unicorn's vomit, there she was.

She was as beautiful as ever.

Never had she been not beautiful to Wednesday.

Oh, how their hearts were immediately warmed and filled with passion just from the sights of each other.

Her feet raced so fast from her bed to literally a foot away from Wednesday.

The blonde stared into the goth's eyes, both filled with amazement and shock together.

And then... a small grin crept up onto the cotton-candy blonde's lips.

And Wednesday couldn't help but smile.

"Howdy, Roomie!"


"Hello, Enid," Wednesday made one single swift move and embraced her wolf.

Immediately, Enid's arms wrapped around the small frame of Wednesday, tightly squeezing her in a warm hug.

She missed this as well. Very much she did.

The two hugged each other for what felt like eternity. They needed their bodies to recharge of each other's warmth and love.

They didn't realize how long they had been hugging until a little snicker came from an annoying boy.

"Say... nothing... and you will find yourself living to see the next day," Wednesday glared.

"Nice job, Sis," Pugsley gave a thumbs up.

"Oh... how... dreadfully wonderful!" Gomez gasped.

"You must be Enid Sinclair!" Morticia let out a crying sigh, wiping away tears that for some reason had formed.

The blonde showed her bright smile and nodded, acknowledging all of their greetings and questions.

Headmaster Weems stepped to the side and simply walked out of the dorm, smiling to herself. She was happy that Enid finally had found someone. And she won't question the history of them.

And now the Addams Family were left in the room with the werewolf.

Wednesday's happy feelings were managed to be hidden from her family's sight as they started storming Enid with compliments.

She had never seen Enid blush so much until now. She was completely red as Wednesday's family told how every part of her was beautiful and amazing, and how she was able to capture the short ravenette's heart.

Wednesday wanted to intervene and halt her family from bothering her wolf, but she could read Enid's face that she was looking forward to this.

Satisfied in knowing that Enid was pleased with her family's questions, Wednesday sat to the side. She hid a smile under her goth looks and just gazed at the beauty.

She admired the way her werewolf talked, the way her mouth moved, her lips moving up and down as she answered several questions from Wednesday's family. The way her head tilts in cute ways with her hair swaying around, still framing her beauty.

Her bright smile and mesmerizing diamond eyes never fading as she happily talked to the rest of the Addams Family.

And let's not forget, the way they were all so fascinated with the retractable claws- that were painted in rainbow colors. Disgustingly beautiful but elegantly deadly. Even Lurch had a reaction with his eyes widening as they watched Enid slice through a pillow with ease.

Wednesday didn't realize how long she had been sitting there, listening to the music of Enid's words and laugh, until a ray of the earth's sun shined through the window and into her eye.

She now felt the Earth's fading warmth of the setting sun on her face.

Has it been so long already since they arrived? When they arrived, it was only after the mark of noon, but now the sun was coloring the world an orange flame which would quickly become a void with stars.

Her eyes glanced over the other side of the room and there she was barely able to hold in a smile.

The sunlight hit through Enid's colored window tiles and made an exquisite color filter over Enid's face. It just bolded her unique featured colors even more.

But, with remembering how much time had passed, Wednesday's family needed to be terminated from their room.

After she let Enid finish another question, she swiftly glided in front of her family members and crossed her arms, "You have overstayed your welcome. Please leave immediately if you wish us not to cause violence."

Enid peeked her head around the ravenette's small frame and grinned, "Aw, but Wednesday, your family has been so lovely!"

Morticia and Gomez immediately understood. She smiled and reached for the werewolf's hand, gently rubbing it, "Wednesday is right, dear Enid... we have stayed far too long. We should've left our raincloud the moment we saw you."

"Yes! How unintelligent we are!" Gomez laughed in agreement, "It has been long time since our deathtrap has seen you, and here we are stealing you from her!"

"The only intelligent part of you is sending me here so I can leave to help find this lost werewolf get back on her tracks," Wednesday said monotonously.

"Very true, my dear daughter," Morticia chuckled.

"But either way, I would've found Enid myself," Wednesday continued to show her stubbornness.

"Our only intelligence is love!" Gomez continued playing along, "But, my deathtrap, you have the intelligence of everything!"

"Aw, it's okay..." Enid pouted, "I know Wednesday is pulling your leg. You are definitely smart in everything as well!" she looked between the adults and they all shared smiles.

She let out a soft sigh as her eyes glanced over the grandfather clock, quietly ticking, "Well guys, it has been a great pleasure meeting all of you! I'm so happy to have finally met Wednesday's family!"

"Yes, and now they must leave," Wednesday sighed as she looked down at her brother sleeping.

Enid let out a little awe of noise as she observed Pugsley snore away with a bit of drool, and then chuckled feeling sorry as she watched him get yanked up onto his two feet by her love.

"Please be careful, Wednesday!" Enid smirked, "Even though I have plenty of brothers to deal with, I wouldn't mind a-"

"She's going to say it!" both Morticia and Gomez squirmed in excitement.

"A brother-in-law!" she finished and laughed.

Wednesday swallowed down the blush that was rising to her cheeks. NOT, IN, FRONT, OF, HER, PARENTS.

And it definitely didn't help when Enid added another brother-in-law as she hinted at Morticia's baby bump.

Soon after Wednesday sweeped her family out of their room, and Enid congratulating the Addams Family on the upcoming Pubert, the door had finally shut.

Enid let out a very content sigh as she slumped on the bed, staring up at her decorations on the ceiling. She couldn't believe she had just met Wednesday's family and... Wednesday was finally here!

Oh, right!

Enid sat up in a flash to look where her goth love was. And with perfect timing, she managed to catch Wednesday mid-blush from the other side of her room.

Turns out Wednesday couldn't keep the blush down from earlier forever, so now her pale cheeks were tinted red.

Enid giggled from her bed, swinging her legs happily, "Hello, ΦΕΓΓΑΡΙ μου... Αγάπη μου."

Wednesday, with a flutter in her heart and a spider crawling her stomach once again, smiled, "Hello, Mi Sol... Mi amor."

"Finally, you are here at last."

And now they end their journey of return... and begin their adventure through life...


The room was split half-in-half. One side, lights and colored everything dazzled Enid... the other of dullness and darkness gloomed Wednesday.

But that didn't stop them from invading each other's spaces and showing their love.

Their beds didn't remain alone for that long, quickly during the night they had pushed them together directly in front of the window split.

Eventually they will figure out a better way of organizing their room, but for now... this was good enough.

They were just happy to finally be together again, and knowing that they will support each other through their time here in Nevermore Academy... and beyond.

The pair were now walking down the flight of stairs that would eventually lead into the quad- or... the pentagon.

Due to it being the weekend before school officially starts, they hadn't adorned their uniforms just yet.

Apparently Wednesday was able to convince the academy to prepare her a specially made uniform.

And Enid definitely guessed it: no color.

The pair walked side-by-side, brushing their shoulders over each other as their hands were interlocked.

They passed by students in their own leisure and businesses.

The only strange and weird faces they received were Wednesday, being an Addams goth.

And none... at Enid.

She knew it was unrealistic but she imagined Wednesday as a goddess who changed the whole world in seeing her as a normal human like everyone else. The whole academy's personality seemed to have flipped somehow.

Well... mostly flipped.

Sure there were some strange looks, but they ended up in awkward waves or greetings.

Not a single insult.

Not a single glare.

Not a single bad moment.

Wednesday and Enid made it peacefully and happily to the main grounds in the "new" persona of the academy.

They had passed by too-friendly faces.

One of them had raven hair like Wednesday, the only thing was that it was all loose and let down, and she also apparently wore sunglasses indoors. She smiled and gave a very warm hello to the pair.

Another friendly face- or perhaps two friendly faces were a set of twins. The twins also gave a very welcoming hello to the two lovers.

And then a very young boy with curly hair and thick glasses. He was "too-friendly" where he wanted to invite them to go see bees and learn everything about them.

In the end, Wednesday was filled with satisfaction that the academy was no longer an immediate effect of sadness to Enid.

From the looks of it, Enid was enjoying herself here.

Finally... Enid was going to find herself a comfortable place to learn.

It's not the first day and maybe there will be a few bumps along the way but... she was brave.

Enid was so brave and strong, she will be able to push through those struggles alone. Wednesday figured she would be there to catch her in case she slips, which will be very unlikely.

And so, at this point going forward... their future was going to be bright.

Maybe a bit too bright when Wednesday realized ALL of Enid's brothers decided to enroll into Nevermore Academy.

Where did this come from?!

All her brothers decided to join the academy with her... even the one who was well-near being a mature adult.

Well, whatever... this just proved further that Enid was going to be supported all the way forward.

Enid had the love of her family and Wednesday here... and by the looks of it, maybe some friends.

It was going to be an interesting journey through life forward.

Oh... and even more interesting...

Wednesday and Enid came to a stop when they saw several students gathering around a corner of a wall.

They both gained a little bit of reminisce as they realized it was a news board.

With hand-in-hand, the blonde and the goth read between the student's heads at what news they were making a commotion about.

Headlines read "Shocking news! The controversial hunter of Northeast America has gone missing!"

Both Wednesday and Enid looked at each other with subtle surprise before looking back at the article.

"Controversial hunter, Joseph Crackstone, has gone missing! Jericho's authorities' chief Donovan Galpin declared him missing after his former hunting group tried reaching him! He resides in Jericho but is nowhere to be found for the last few months! It is rumored he went chasing after a "werewolf" and then nothing else..."

Once again, Wednesday and Enid looked at each other.

This time the Addams gave a soft look and squeezed her hand, reassuring Enid that everything is okay,

The cotton-candy blonde returned a soft smile, accepting it would be and that she had Wednesday by her side.

The two could feel each other's beating hearts through the spirits. Their love and will is strong...

Simultaneously, the two looked back at the news board to see what else the students were chatting about... and then it made both of their eyes widen.

The headline read "Shocking news! Recent surge of campers have been found dead around the mountain trail between Jericho and Nevermore Academy! Authorities say it's a bear, but "witness" say it's a supernatural mythological hyde-monster! What could this "hyde-monster" mean?"

Campers found dead? Not a bear? What silly nonsense is this hyde-monster?

Oh, it was definitely going to be an interesting journey forward...

(author's notes):

If I'm gonna be honest, 2 chapters ago I just remembered that Joseph Crackstone was a character in the show, haha.

He was the overarching villain of Wednesday! And I figured why not reveal that he was the hunter that chased down Wednesday and Enid? Alternate universe, makes sense I guess, right?

Oh well, I would like to apologize dearly for the delay! With my semester coming to an end mixed with feelings on writing this.

I had to rewrite this chapter several times (17), many times I felt like it didn't fit as a "ending" to the story or fitted it. And at the same time I don't want to see this story go!

I apologize again for this being a short "final" chapter! Sometimes endings are best short and sweet... but I hope the true finale/ epilogue can also help make up for it!

So, before our last chapter and farewell to this story, I present to you-

A timeline of our weird friendship anomaly...

(P.S. due to the unspecific and vague setting this story is set in- I decided to make the school terms based around Japan's school years. They begin in April and end in March!)


April - Nevermore Academy school year begins, Enid Sinclair enters!

May - Enid is unfortunately depressed and is cursed by the blood moon one night, her first wolf out! And the first body of students massacre. 6 students go missing. Enid would now turn every full moon as a "lonely" werewolf.

June - Enid's lonely birthday. 3 students go missing.

July - 1 student goes missing.

August - 1 student goes missing. This would become the main source of her nightmares. Enid realizes and runs away and becomes August's 2nd student missing.

September - no student missing. Enid is running around Vermont, lost and then cursed, she turns into a "permanent" werewolf. Fortunately nowhere near any humans.

October - nothing happens...

~ our weird friendship anomaly begins ~

Near end of October - Wednesday Addams enters! -and then escapes. She meets Enid and their adventure begins. Nevermore Academy shuts down.
~ chapter: Welcome to Nevermore Academy
~ Farewell Nevermore Academy
~ On the Prowl
~ Howdy?
~ I Could Just Drown You Right Here
~ First Stop, Somewhere
~ A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner
~ A Shopping Spree!

End of October - Enid turns into a werewolf in front of Wednesday.
~ Howl Not Howdy
~ After the Silence

Beginning of November - Addams Manor receives newsletter about Wednesday going missing.
~ A Successful Plan
~ The Search for Wednesday Addams

Middle of November - Wednesday's silent birthday.

End of November - Enid turns the second time in front of Wednesday.
~ Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm

Beginning of December - A seasonal holiday festival.
~ Nightmares and Festivals

End of December - Hunter confrontation. Enid experiences near-death but lives and starts being more open with her feelings.
~ We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do
~ Starved
~ I Should've Killed You When We Met
~ Hearts Are Broken
~ If You Died, I Would've Killed You
~ Even You Are Music to My Ears

Beginning of January - Their adventure continues and Enid kisses for the first time.
~ A Change of Plans and A...?

End of January - Bandit confrontation. Enid gets her face scars and Wednesday gets a shoulder scar.
~ Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight
~ Scars and Nicknames

February - Confessions are made in the month of love. Ironic.
~ Woe Is Love Mi Sol
~ Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven?

End of February - Enid's memories fully return.
~ Time Flies When You're Having Fun
~ Bury Me In My Blood
~ Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf
~ And the Winds Will Call Your Name

March - Nevermore Academy would've ended its school year. Wednesday and Enid begin the closure of their adventure.
~ Days Gone By
~ The Kooky Disappointment
~ SoulMates
~ Train to Francisco
~ "Home" at Last
~ Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes
~ Home Is Where the Heart Is

March thru June - Wednesday and Enid stay connected. During April, Nevermore Academy would've began a new school year.
~ Letters to SoulMates

June thru August - Enid's birthday is finally celebrated. Enid decides to return to Nevermore with Wednesday.
~ Surprises, Surprises...

Middle of August - Nevermore Academy reopens, Wednesday and Enid enroll as students and roommates.
~ Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy

Onward - The closure of their adventure, the beginning of their journey...
~ more than just a weird friendship anomaly

Thank you for coming along this adventure with me.

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