Lost in memories || Harry Pot...

By ToTiredForShit

103K 2.8K 965

Diana Potter, though a year younger, had the best bond with her brother James. They where best friends. And I... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Inimicos amantes
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Small interception
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58

Part 29

1.5K 42 21
By ToTiredForShit

Image above is a thought for Scrub. I've seen many ideas for the Swedish short snout, including the Hogwarts Mystery one, but this one really is my favourite.

Diana woke up the next day, got dressed in the same clothes as the day before and went out. She walked towards a small group of people where she saw Elara.

"Oh, guys, this is Diana. She's here because of the incident with Grey yesterday." Elara introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Diana, I'm Aaron." One stuck out his hand and Diana shook it with a smile. "Nice to meet you to." She smiled. All the others introduced themselves aswel and then Charlie, who appeared to be the leader of all this gave everyone tasks.

Diana ended up having to move Scrub out of the cage with Aaron and a girl named Indy. She made Diana think a bit of Indigo, a friend of hers in school.

"The three of us, Charlie, are you crazy?" Aaron asked. Dragon moving was normally done with five, so Diana completely understood where he was coming from.

"Well, Scrub is pretty calm and Diana says to know her quite well, so I trust you three can do this." He explained.

And like that, the three made their way to the cage and Diana smiled when she saw him. "Hey, baby." She cooed at him and he let out some excited rumbling sounds.

"Awe, I missed you to, dear." She said and she looked over at Indy and Aaron who where smiling at her. "You got a great bond there." Indy said and Diana nodded.

"I was there when he hatched. I was the first on he saw and since then he saw me as his mother, but I had to leave because of some personal issues. I visited a few times, but it's been about 16 years now." She said.

"That must be horrible. I've got Jackie back at the sanctuary, I had the same situation as you where I saw her get out of the egg. It's a very special bond." She said and Diana smiled at her.

"Well, I'm back now, aren't I." She looked at the dragon who got her face closer. Diana slowly stick out her hand and he pushed his nose against it softly.

"I can't believe that the people that will watch Friday will see her as a monster." She said and Aaron shrugged. "Well, when it comes to her eggs, she kind off becomes a monster." He said and Diana huffed out a small laugh.

"I suppose yes. Do we move the eggs with her at the same time?" Diana asked. "Yes, we still do it like that." Indy nods and Diana looks at her big friend.

"May I touch your eggs, Ub?" She asked as she slowly trailed towards them. She slowly laid an hand on one of them. Scrub watched her closely but seemed to consent Diana touching her eggs.

"She only has one, excluding the golden eggs, what happened to the others?" She looked at Aaron and Indy. "There are no others, everyone was surprised when she only had one, but we just let it go." Indy explained.

"Alright then." Diana said and then signalled them to open the cage and move Scrub. They did and she carefully picked up the eggs.

"Look who's very calm today." Indy smiled as they led the dragon to another cave. "I suppose Diana has that influence." Aaron says and she smiled over at him.

"Could be, but I think she just likes the excitement here." Diana says as she enters the cage and safely put down the eggs.

When she walked out, she helped Aaron and Indy to get Scrub in and when they where done, went to report to Charlie.

"Scrub got in with no problems, what now?" Aaron asked and Charlie looked up from his clipboard.

"Just in time. I've got all the food schemes on here, if you'll all just get them some food." He handed the clipboard to Aaron and Diana and Indy watched over his shoulder.

"I know these by heart, you know that, Charlie." He chuckled and Charlie playfully rolled his eyes. "Just in case." He said.

The three all had a good time, feeding the dragons. Indy and Diana laughed at Aaron who had to duck when the Chinese fireball called 'Smoke' blasted fire at him.

"Smoke, such an original name, Clay has always been so original." Diana had commented, still remembering the day that her old friend had named the newly hatched dragon.

"Oh, and he's still at it. Our last Chinese fireball that was born I think two years ago now is named Fire." Aaron had laughed.

They made it trough the day without getting burned and Diana bonded with Indy, Aaron, Elara and Charlie. Also with a few other men. Diana noticed Indy and Elara where the only girls there.

"Alright, food is being made, all dragons had their third meal and have been moved, old cages are clean and we're ready for tomorrow." Charlie announced and a few cheered making Diana crack a smile.

"Oh, and... Diana still has it in her to be a dragon caretaker, applause!" Charlie pointed at her and more cheers came with a following applause. Chuckles where heard from a few, including Diana as she did a small, joking bow.

That night, she had night watch and she did it by sitting next to Scrub.

"Hey there, baby." She said. She had called her baby ever since she came out of the egg and it never changed.

"Oh, how I missed you." She whispered as the dragon who was laying down, moved his head closer so she could softly lay her hand on Scrubs nose.

"Still the cuddling type I see." Diana chuckled. Scrub them made an attempt on getting closer to her stomach like she did all those years ago.

"No, the baby's not there anymore. She's long gone, you know that." Diana laughed silently. "Pippa is a big girl now." Diana said and Scrub blew some hot air out of her nose.

"It's nice, seeing humans and dragons getting along like this." Diana turned around quickly as she saw Elara coming towards her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She apologised. "Oh, that's quite alright." Diana smiled as she turned back to Scrub. "I wanted to work with dragons because I wanted to show people they can be nice and not dangerous, yet many still don't listen." Diana says with her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Some people won't see the beauty in dragons, either because of what they learned or because they refuse to hear otherwise." Elara said, standing next to Diana.

"I'm happy you found your dragon." Elara smiles. "Have you?" Diana asks and the girl nods. "I have, you know him. It's Ender, he's already very old and will probably pass soon." She said with a sad expression.

"Ender always refused to find his forever person. I'm happy he's found you." Diana smiled at Elara. "It's funny, how dragons can bond to humans just like dogs or cats. They always look big and intimidating, yet they can have a soft spot for that one person." Diana smiled.

"Unfortunately for the person that's getting the Hungarian horntail, she's never had a soft spot for anyone and will never ever go easy." Elara chuckles.

"Nor will the others when it comes to their eggs." Diana fills in and Elara nods. "But they all have their forever person here. We where worried about Scrub and Smaug- that's the Hungarian horntail by the way. But Scrub now has you to calm her." Elara said and Diana huffs a laugh.

"I'm happy I'm here for her."

A comfortable silence fell when suddenly lots of commotion was heard.

Diana gasped as suddenly lots of centaurs stormed over the terrain. Elara turned towards them and looked absolutely shocked. Diana looked back a split second to Scrub and immediately pulled Elara down.

Flames passed above their heads, barely missing them. All four dragons started to go balistic and shoot fire everywhere, trying to get out of their cages.

Elara ran up to the alarm bell and pulled the cord, waking every person who hadn't awoken form the commotion.

People came running out of their tents and the centaurs had disappeared into the forest. "What happened?" Charlie asked as he ran up to the two girls.

"Centaurs, they where here so suddenly." Elara said worried. "They aren't supposed to be in these parts of the Forrest, their always in the dark Forrest. Their clearly on edge. Something is off, but I do not know what." Diana clarified.

"That's a worry for later, right now, we need to calm down the dragons."

Diana quickly joined people in calming down scrub and when she finally calmed Diana let the others know she could take it from here. She stayed with Scrub for another five minutes, assuring it was alright, stroking her nose.

"I'll be back in a while." She whispered and quickly went to help with Smaug.

"What can I do?" She shouted over the noice at Aaron. "He's panicked, we are going to darken the cage in order to calm him, it always works, if you stand right there and give us a heads up when we can do it or when we have to stop, that would be great!" He shouted back.

Diana nodded and walked over where he pointed. Sadly for her, she was in flame distance so she had to duck a few times, waiting for the right moment.

A few yards away, Harry was hidden in the trees as he watched all the people calm the dragons when he suddenly recognised his Professor and realised why she wasn't teaching that day.

She suddenly had to duck to dodge some flames, for about the fifth time. "Hey, rude!" She yelled at the dragon.

Harry smirked as he realised he had kind of a badass teacher. The smirk fell when he realised he had to fight one of these.

He then saw how 'Miss Sardothien' put thumbs up and the cage darkened.

Three dragons where calm now and he ignored Hagrid and Madam Maxime. Suddenly, one of the dragons let out a loud roar and flames spit everywhere.

"Diana!" Diana looked at one of the men who called her name. He was pointing at Scrub and Diana saw her in a panic.

She herself had been so busy with Smaug that she hadn't realised it wasn't smoke who made the noice.

"On it!" She yelled back and quickly made her way to the dragon, trying to calm it.

Form a distance, Harry watched as the dragon calmed down and slowly lowers its head, allowing her to actually touch it.

She now looked about as crazy as Charlie's friends who had to get little not so little Norbert in his second year.

"Calm, Baby, it's alright, you're alright." Diana whispered as she stroked her friend. She heard Smoke in the other cage also calm down.

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Diana stayed for another few days and then it was time for the tournament. She watched in anticipation as she waited to see the contestant that had to face Scrub which was the first dragon.

Cheers erupted when Cedric entered and Ludo Bagman announced his arrival. There where 'oohs' when the boy burned his face but he did manage to get the egg.

When he had it, he got away as Diana, Charlie and Elara entered the ring. Diana noticed the other two scan the crowd and slightly wave at the other Weasley's.

Diana calmed Scrub as Charlie and Elara got the chains to escort her. "Hey, calm down, it's alright. Look, you've got you're real baby right here."

She bent down, keeping eye contact and picking up the real egg, showing it to the soon to be mother. "It's going to hatch, the other wasn't, now follow me out." She said and slowly she walked the way to the exit for the dragons as she noticed the Welsh green already getting prepared to enter after.

Her eyes quickly shot around the audience and she looked at Pippa who was staring at her in amazement. Diana winked at her and then focused back on Scrub.

"Look, there is my baby." She whispered, nodding to Pippa. She watched as Scrubs eyes actually shot towards Pippa. She let out a soft groan and Diana pursed her lips and they finally walked trough.

"Did you just actually show her someone in the crowd?" Elara asked with an amused smile as she had seen what happened. "Honestly, I am surprised she actually looked, it was just a small joke, but she actually did look." Diana chuckled slightly.

"You three have to get back, you've got to get Sprout out after the second contestant." Indy and Aaron appeared to take over Scrub.

Sprout was the Welsh green, Diana was slightly amused by the name coincidence with the bubbly Professor she knew.

"Do you know who Harry has?" She asked the two and they shook their heads. "No idea, but we have to go now, Levi and Ray are waiting."

They said their goodbyes and the three of them made their way back to the ring just in time to see others fasten the chains of Sprout.

After a while, Fleur walked out and Diana's heart dropped because Harry now had two of the wildest dragons to choose from and she wished it was the Chinese fireball.

"When is Levi coming this way, I think she is about to finish this." Elara said after a while, looking behind her. "No idea, he's taking long, shall I go look?" Diana suggested.

"No, just in case something goes wrong, we need to be here to step in." Charlie said and Diana nodded.

Fleur got the egg and quickly left the ring. Cheers where heard but they quickly turned into worried mumbles as no one came to collect the dragon.

They got weird looks from the entry side but the all just gestured that Levi hadn't arrived yet. "Levi, we need you, right now!" Charlie yelled and they heard a "yes! Sorry, coming!" From the distance and he quickly arrived.

"Scrub decided for nap in the middle of the path." He said as they walked out. "Well, your dragon is going crazy, I'd work your magic." Diana said.

As Levi calmed down Sprout, Charlie and Elara got the chains and Diana quickly gathered the three remaining eggs.

To Diana's horror, it was Krum who had Smoke, meaning Harry had to put up against the Hungarian horntail.

"Oh no." She whispered to herself. "What?" Charlie asked and bit her lip slightly. "Harry had Smaugh." She stated and Elara nodded.

"We know." She stated. "Why are you so worried?" She asked. "We'll, he's the most difficult, and Harry is my student, I'm just worried for him." Diana said.

They kept watching and Krum finally got the egg when suddenly there where two sickening cracks and a panicked roar from Smoke.

"No!" Elara gasped and Diana put a hand over her mouth as she took a step back in shock. "We need to get out there now." She said as she made way to move forward.

"If we do, there are high chances on bad injury and even death!" Charlie warned her. "You signed up for this job, its something you can expect every day with this work, if she keeps acting like that, the other two will crack aswel."

Diana ran out there and she could hear the other two close behind. Luke, was also running forward to try and calm down Smoke.

"Diana, gather the eggs!" Charlie said. "It's to dangerous, I'll do it!" Elara ran forward already.

Diana was in fact, very against this for multiple reasons. Elara could die, she would leave many behind including Charlie, who was already shooting worried glances at his girlfriend. Also, she was young with a long life ahead of her.

But Diana wasn't going to voice this as that would take important seconds, so she just darted forwards at the same time as Charlie who had understood her plan immediately.

She outran Elara and Charlie pulled Elara back. Diana noticed Smoke already getting calmer, yet she had to avoid the claws and wings anyway, almost having a few collidings.

She quickly grabbed the two eggs, which she could barely hold in her hurry. She ducked for a claw moving inches above her head and then ran to the exit to bring the eggs to safety.

She heard commotion behind her get less loud and soon cheers from the crowd where heard, probably meaning they contained Smoke and where bringing him in.

"What happened, where is Elara with the other two eggs?" Indy asked, confused as the plan had changed. "Their gone, the eggs are gone." Diana said with hints of tears in her eyes, feeling horrible about the incident.

Grief was evident in the eyes of the remaining people there.

A still distressed Smoke was brought in. Diana could hear Smaug get brought into the ring and as she heard cheers, she knew Harry had also walked in.

Hi, I just wanted all of you to know that I'm currently mostly working on inimicos amantes because that's easier for me seeing I'm basing futur of of past that I haven't written yet.

So I'm mostly focused on that, but I'm trying to keep weekly updates for both.

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