Bowser x Luigi

By SpookyRr

137K 3.9K 6.8K

the name is so original. I know, I forgot the picture my friend gave me for this story, so don't mind it if t... More

Chapter 1: Caught by the koopa king
Chapter 2: The Koopa Prince
Chapter 3: The king wants you
Chapter 4: Mario!?
Chapter 5: Drama in the castle
Chapter 6: The rescue mission!
Chapter 7: Luigi's recovery
Chapter 8: The talk
Chapter 9: My room
Chapter 10: Dessert
Chapter 11: Curiousity
Chapter 12: Bait (Angsty)
Chapter 13: Time for action
Chapter 14: A busy cage room
Chapter 15: Seperated again
Chapter 16: The thoughts
Chapter 17: The punishment
Chapter 18: Sharing a room
Chapter 19: Taking care !NSFW!
Chapter 21: Left behind
Chapter 22: A calm day
Chapter 23: Words hurt
Chapter 24: Running away?
Chapter 25: Love or lust? !NSFW!
Chapter 26: Stress
Chapter 27: The Truce
Chapter 28: Suspicions
Chapter 29: Betrayal
Chapter 30: Gossiping
Chapter 31: What happens at 3 AM?
Chapter 32: Where did Mario go?
Chapter 33: Kamek and koopa's
Chapter 34: Drama at dinner
Chapter 35: What have you done!?
Chapter 36: Midnight therapy
Chapter 37: A lied apology
Chapter 38: What happened to Luigi
Chapter 39: Saving Luigi (Pt. 1)
Chapter 40: Saving Luigi (Pt.2)
Chapter 41: Saving Luigi (Pt. 3)
Chapter 42: Lost memories
Chapter 43: The return
Chapter 44: The party
Chapter 45: Sneaky Fights
Chapter 46: the.. WHAT!?
Chapter 47: The wedding
Chapter 48: Mario's Big Day
Chapter 49: King Boo!?

Chapter 20: He's not here!

3.3K 97 92
By SpookyRr

[Luigi's POV]

I woke up before Bowser did. I gently got out of his arms and got off the bed. My landing on the floor was pretty loud, but he stayed asleep.

My behind still hurt, but I went over to the door and checked if it was unlocked. It was! I quickly checked if he had a note and pen somewhere, so I could tell him I was just with Mario.

After searching for around 10 minutes I finally found a pen for the note, I wrote the note and put it on the nightstand.

I quietly left the room, making sure I didn't make too much noise. I ran to the cage room, even if it hurt, it is worth it! When I was near the room, I noticed there were koopa's guarding the room.

How would I be able to pass that? Hmm, I could stomp them as Mario did. Ooo, yes! But... wouldn't that hurt them? Hmm...

I felt around in my pockets and found the pen from earlier, did I put that there? Eh, no time to question. I threw the pen to distract them and ran behind them into the room.

I closed the door behind me and cheered. Woohoo! I did that!! And they didn't even see me!!!

I looked up to see that Mario wasn't there. Huh!?

"Luigi! You're too late!" - P (Peach)

"W-what do you mean too late?" - L

"They took Mario somewhere after Bowser hurt him... which was a week ago." - P

"WHAT!?" - L

I could feel my heart sinking to my feet. No... Mario...

Peach yelled something, and before I realised it the Koopa guards were already holding me. I hit one and kicked the other once my arm was free.

Before I realised it I ran out of the room. I couldn't control my body anymore. I ran towards the nursery and went inside.

Mario was lying there... beat up... his eyes closed. The nurse looked at me in shock but didn't say anything about it. I ran over to Mario's bed and fell on my knees. I cried so hard, I hadn't even realised that Mario was already awake.

"Lu?" - M

I looked up at him and wiped my tears away. He's alive!! I got up and hugged him, careful to not hug him too tight. He put his arms around me.

I was still sobbing while he gently patted my back. I wiped my tears away and looked at him. He looked back at me like he was about to cry too.

"I-I didn't hurt you right!?" - L

"Nono! I-... I missed you." - M

I hugged him again, I didn't want this moment to ever end. We put our foreheads against each other before returning to the hug.

I put my hands on his face, "Who did this to you!? I will kill them!"

"Eh... Well who do you think hurt me?" - M

"I don't know, that's why I'm asking!" - L

Of course, I had my suspicions that it was Bowser, but I just didn't want that to be the truth.

"It's Bowser who hurt me, did he hurt you that bad to make you forget he was bad?" - M

"Oh no no no! He just showed me a really... nice... side of him. So I didn't think he would do that!" - L

Mario raised his eyebrow, did I say something wrong? "Why did your cheeks get red when you said that?"

I felt my face light up even more, oops?

[Mario's POV]

I looked at his bright red face, does he have a crush on Bowser or something? Nah, he wouldn't. Right? I mean... Bowser's our enemy. There's no way he'd have a crush on him!

And Bowser hurt me... and him! Why would he like someone that hurt him? Maybe that's why they needed to talk privately though...

He looked at the nurse, who had already left. Then he looked back at me, his nervous chuckle concerned me even more.

"Luigi, you can't be serious. Bowser!?" - M

He rubbed his hand over his arm, "I'm sorry! He..."

His 'apology' got interrupted by the door opening again, it was Bowser. He looked at us, grabbed Luigi, and left with him.

I can't believe it! My brother with my enemy!? What kind of betrayal is this? I thought it was each other before anyone, but now he's with my fucking enemy!?

I would've been okay with him and anyone else but BOWSER!? WHAT IS HE THINKING!? Bowser can't even treat him right! I bet after a week of them together he hurts him again!

The nurse came inside and helped me up, "Ready to see if you can walk again?" This is a perfect time to escape. I nodded and walked to the hallway with them, slightly holding onto them.

Once their hand was off me, I ran as quickly as I could. I sprinted towards Bowser's room, if I want to free Peach, I need the keys.

I hid in front of the door and peeked through an opening, all I could see was Bowser yelling at someone. Probably Luigi.

I got in as quietly as possible and left the door a little open. I hid behind a big plant in the room and listened to what was happening.

"What were you thinking, running out of my room like that!?" - B

"I'm sorry! I just saw that the door was unlocked, and I- I missed my brother so much!" - L

"You should've asked me! What if those guards got you!? Y-" Bowser got interrupted by Luigi.

"The guards did get me! Y-you should do something about them- I could easily kick them off!" - L

"You... did... WHAT!?" - B

I peeked from my hiding spot and saw Bowser coming at Luigi, do I save him? He IS my brother...

I hid my head in my hat. I warned him about this!

"You should be happy that I like you! Else you wouldn't be standing here anymore!" - B

Huh!? I put my hat back on and peeked again, I could see Luigi calm down as Bowser left the room.

I got out of my hiding spot and searched around the room. "What are you searching for?"

"The cage keys, do you know where they are?" - M

"Eh, no. But I can help you search!" - L

I smiled at him and we both searched the room. He seemed to panic suddenly, "Hide, hide!"

(The end of Chapter 20)

Woohoo! Another cliffhanger! And also another part! :D

My apologies for this to be late, I had a weekend where I wasn't too sober lol. Chapter 21 will come sooner I promise!

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