I Alone Am The Honored One (R...

By Drunken_Crow

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What Would Happen If The Strongest Man Alive Were To Be Born In Another World. A World With No Curse Spirits... More

Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: The Test
Chapter 4: Preparation Are Needed
Chapter 5: The Attack
Chapter 6: Old Scars Still Hurts
Chapter 7: The Dance
Chapter 8: Mount Glenn
Chapter 9: Reasons Revealed
Chapter 10: The Fall Of Beacon
Chapter 11: The Fight To The END *Redone*
Chapter 12: Last Stand
Chapter 13: Scraps Of What Once Was
Chapter 14: Reunion
Chapter 15: Meeting
Chapter 16: Baby-Sitting
Chapter 17: Training And Cookies
Chapter 18: *UPDATE!!!*
Chapter 19: Argus Limited

Chapter 3: Rules Of Strong People

5K 76 64
By Drunken_Crow

It was now the next day after the exams for the passing students. While they would be in class, Geto and Gojo were assigned a mission by Ozpin to investigate outside of Vale, specifically south from a small village where Grimm were reportedly lurking, according to the village leader.

Geto: That was quite a job.

Gojo: It's alright, but the Grimm there were quite weak.

Geto: It made the job easier to protect those folks from the Grimm, at least.

Gojo: Yeah... but still. It was so lame!

Geto would laugh and smile at his best friend's reaction.

Gojo: Why are you laughing, you bastard?

Geto: You had such high hopes for this mission, only to find out that it was a bust.

Gojo: Tch...

Geto: Hold on, isn't that the Silver-Eyed girl?

Gojo would look in the direction where Geto was looking and indeed, it was her. She didn't seem to have a happy vibe around her.

Geto: How about since I helped the village people and evacuated them, you go and help her to make it even?

Geto knew this would annoy Gojo.

Gojo: I was the one protecting them! But fine, you hurry up and grab me a drink and come back.

Geto: Hai hai.

Geto had a smile from Gojo's reaction and left to grab a drink from the vending machine.

Ruby: Weiss... Where did you go?

Gojo: Oi, Red.

Ruby: Huh?

Gojo: Why are you down in the dumps? Already depressed about school or something?

Ruby: N-No, of course not! It's just... what Weiss said...

Gojo: Don't go sulking or anything. So, Weiss, huh? Expected her to be cold. Did she get it from Winter?

Ruby: Wait... you know Weiss?

Gojo: Yeah, of course. I'm her older brother.

Ruby: You're her brother?

Gojo: I'd rather not explain or deal with pointless past things. So, what did she say?

Ruby: She said that I didn't work for anything and that Professor Ozpin made a mistake...

Gojo: Look, you need to be strong. Don't let others like her tell you how to be a leader. The only one who can tell you how to be a leader is you. Just try to be stronger. Don't allow weaklings to bring you down. As for what Oz is thinking, there's no real point in knowing completely what makes him think that, but Oz wouldn't just make you a leader for no reason.

Geto, who returned with the drink, would throw it at Gojo, to which he caught it and started to drink it.

Gojo: Thanks, Suguru.

Geto: You're Ruby Rose, right?

Ruby: Ah, yes, that's me.

Geto: Nice to meet you. Sorry about Satoru here. He isn't the nicest person to people he sees weaker than him.

Gojo: I tried to be nice since she seems like a kid.

Ruby: I'm not a kid!

Ruby puffed up her cheeks and went on her tiptoes to make herself taller, but it only made her seem more childlike.

Gojo would tilt a bit down and stick out his tongue teasingly at her, as Ruby caught a glimpse of his eyes and stared deeply into them. Ruby began to think about how beautiful his eyes were.

Gojo: Sure, kid~

Gojo started to tease her.

Ruby: Just because you're tall, handsome, and have eyes I could stare at forever doesn't mean you're an adult!

Ruby would recoil back on her words as she became embarrassed.

Geto: Seems like you already have a fan, Satoru.

Gojo would crouch down to Ruby's height and have a smug smile as he pulled on her puffed cheeks.

Gojo: Aw~ She's angry~ Thank you for complimenting me~

Gojo starts to laugh.

Ruby: Hey! Stop laughing! Just because I'm short doesn't mean I stop growing!

Ruby tries to protest against Gojo but fails.

Geto: That's enough, Satoru. It's best to let her enjoy her imagination while she's still young.

Gojo stands back up as Ruby continues hitting his chest with an angry expression, even though she still has that pout.

Ruby 5'2"?

Gojo/Geto 6'3".

Gojo: Heh, you're right.

Geto: Well, the name is Suguru Geto, so please call me Geto, and this is Satoru Gojo.

Ruby: Wait, not Schnee?

Geto: Ah, you did tell her.

Gojo: I ain't hiding anything.

Geto: Satoru's real name is Satoru Schnee, and he is Weiss' older brother by one year. He changed his last name to not be associated with the Schnee name.

Ruby: Is being a Schnee that bad...?

Gojo: Eh, I just rather not gain an instant reputation like the Schnees have. Also, I hate the name Schnee. It disgusts me, especially with all the stuff our father is doing with the Faunus. And having such a weak man as my father is horrible to think about.

Geto: In short, Gojo just hates his father and the reputation that the Schnee name carries because of that man.

Ruby: Oh... um... does Weiss know that you're... well... here?

Gojo: Nah, she doesn't. I honestly don't care whether she knows or not. Now, Geto, let's get back to Oz's office to report the mission.

Geto: Alright. Have a good day, Ruby.

Gojo would only do a two-finger salute behind him as they both walk to the office.

Meanwhile, Ruby leaves and decides to think about what she can do to try to improve as a leader. She then decides to try her best in her studies as the first step.

Over a week has passed, and Gojo and Geto haven't been in class because during a mission, they found a potential enemy using small orbs filled with pure emotions that attract Grimm to their location. It's not a good thing to think about. Ozpin allows them one week off of school to investigate it. They have yet to locate the accurate location and the person behind these orbs, but they do have potential locations that Gojo managed to put together. Despite Gojo acting like an idiot, both he and Geto are geniuses in most fields, both in class and in fights.

Ruby has yet to tell Weiss about her brother being in the same school, as she has been focused on studying to do her best. She has also grown closer to Gojo and Geto in the short time they've been here, as Ozpin sent them on very important missions. He knows that they will always get the job done, whether by force or peaceful means. However, Gojo and Geto haven't received a mission from Ozpin yet, so they are walking to the cafeteria, smiling as they banter with each other.

As soon as they enter the cafeteria, they hear someone in pain.

Someone: Ow, that hurts!

This piques their curiosity, and they stop talking as they see Velvet, who is a good friend to them, having her ears pulled by the new student of Team CRDL, led by Cardin Winchester.

Velvet: Please let go...

Cardin: Did you guys hear that these were real! HAHAHA!

Dove: Heh, what a freak!

Velvet: Ow!

Meanwhile, this is happening, everyone but the first-year students stops talking as they stand and back away. This action is noticed by Team RWBY and Team JNPR.

Yang: Hey, Adan! What are you guys doing?

Adan, a friend of Yang who is a third-year at Beacon, looks terrified, confusing her.


Yang: What the hell are you on about?

Adan: I-It's them!

Adan points towards the entrance, where two people are standing side by side. Yang and everyone know the white-haired man with the glasses, but they never knew his name.

Ruby: Oh, it's Gojo and Geto! Hey, guys!

Yang: You know them?

Ruby: Yes, they're extremely friendly despite Gojo's attitude. They are kind.

Blake: I see... But that doesn't explain why everyone backed away when they saw them.

Yang: Adan, what's the deal with them that got you and everyone scared? Ruby said they're kind.

Meanwhile, they were speaking, Geto and Gojo walk over to Team CRDL with serious expressions, standing behind Cardin and looking down at them.


Adan, including everyone, sprints out of the cafeteria, yelling "THEY'RE BACK!" or "EVERYONE RUN!" This causes Team RWBY, JNPR, and the first-year students to be confused about why the second and third years are running away in fear.

The first move is made by Gojo, who reaches out and grabs Cardin's arm that was holding Velvet's ears, clenching it tightly.

Cardin: AHH! MY ARM!

Then, when Cardin team jumps onto the table in mid-air, they are suddenly blocked and slammed to the ground by something that shocks and scares them. It's a massive Beowolf, its claw on two of Cardin's teammates' chests, while the other one is being held down by Geto.

The ALPHA Beowolf releases a massive roar straight into their faces, causing them to pass out from the sheer terror.

Everyone would be terrified.

Pyrrha: A Beowolf Of That Size?!

Blake: Where Did It Even Came From?!

Meanwhile Geto and Gojo wasn't fazed and this Surprised Velvet who hid behind Geto by This Creature.

Geto: These First Years Obviously Are Quite Cocky, Ain't They Satoru...

Gojo: You're right, Suguru.

Ruby: Gojo, Geto! Why is there a Grimm here?!

Geto: Fear not, Ruby. The Grimm is under my control. Normally, I wouldn't do this, but I hate racist people.

Gojo: Yeah, I feel the same.

Cardin: B-But they are animals! D-AHHHH! You gonna break my arm!

Gojo: Hm, you've got quite a mouth there, brat.

Ruby: M-Maybe that's enough...

Velvet tugs on Geto's sleeve.

Geto: Yes?

Velvet: It's alright now...

Geto: Satoru.

Gojo: On it!

Gojo grabs Cardin and slams him through the table headfirst, shattering his aura and knocking him out. Gojo then grabs Cardin's ankles.

Gojo: Sorry to disturb your lunch. Continue, we shall bring these weaklings to the sickbay so they don't die and remember this beating.

Geto: Sorry for our harsh actions, but these four needed to learn not to pick on others because of race. Goodbye Team RWBY and Team JNPR.

Geto and Gojo drag two people each as Velvet stays behind with the two highly wary teams.

Ren: What... happened...

Velvet: Hm? Oh, right... Sorry, I forgot you're only first years... Um... Okay, well, if you have any questions about what happened, just ask...

Yang: Could you explain why they just destroyed Team CRDL like that? Wouldn't they be suspended or worse...?

Velvet: Well, in a normal case, you're right. However, because it's those two, then that rule is decreased severely.

Blake: But why? Also, why did everyone run when they came in?

Velvet: You see, those two are Beacon's strongest team, and it's even said that they will be the strongest Huntsmen in history. As for why everyone ran away in panic, they have been known to fight with each other in some cases, to the point where it gets out of hand and they would destroy the entire area, including this cafeteria. Every second and third year knows that when those two have serious faces, a fight is about to ensue, and this cafeteria was about to be destroyed for the fourth time if Team CRDL was considered strong by them.

Ruby/Yang/Pyrrha: The strongest...?

Ren/Blake: Wow...

Jaune: Scary...

Weiss: They destroyed the cafeteria four times already?!

Nora: Pancakes.

Velvet: They may seem like bad people with what everyone says about them, but they are actually extremely kind. Gojo has a bad attitude that needs fixing, while Geto... he is just... so nice and cool and amazing...

Velvet starts thinking of Geto and chuckles to herself with a blush. She notices she is being watched and gets embarrassed.

Velvet: S-Sorry...

Weiss: Even if they are strong, why are they treated differently than others?

Velvet: Oh, I forgot you don't know... Well, it's thanks to Gojo scaring everyone with the way he talks, acts, and his powers. Being paired with another one of the strongest students for their power in the same team, and not to mention how both of them are also the smartest students in Beacon. Because of all this, they became relied upon by the Headmaster for either extremely dangerous missions that require a team filled with veteran Huntsmen or to hunt down evil organizations that would normally not be allowed for anyone but them to handle.

Yang: You're joking, right?!

Weiss: No... way...

Ruby: So awesome!

Everyone else is just speechless.

Velvet: Well, it may sound amazing, but they are sent on missions quite a lot. Though sometimes they get lucky and have around a month off from missions and school just to relax and train.

Nora: Wait? They don't need to do school?!

Velvet: Um... They do need to do some regular assessments, but things like classes that we all do don't really apply to them. But they do sometimes go to class, mainly only matches class since they like to see any strong people fight so they can go against them...

Ruby: Why did you sound sad at the last part?

Velvet: Well, it's just that they are so strong that either students who get paired with them would back out instantly or get knocked out after one serious punch from Gojo or be hit out of the ring by Geto's power. They even went against every team in Beacon, including my team, but only one of them was needed to knock all of us...

Yang: Th-Those guys are really that strong?

Velvet nods.

Ruby: Wait... Geto said that Grimm was under his control... back in the exam, about that Grimm that helped and protected me...

Velvet: That must be Geto's doing if Gojo was there with you guys.

This finally solves the confusion of the Grimm case they all thought about.

Velvet: I'm sorry to take up most of your guys' time, though...

Blake: Why did you answer our questions, though?

Velvet: Oh, it was a request from Geto to make sure any misunderstandings that may happen get solved. He says that he needs me for it, and only I can do it...

Velvet smiles to herself.

It's pretty obvious that the faunus bunny girl has a crush on Geto.

Velvet: I better get going now. Bye, guys!

Team RWBY/JNPR: Bye.

Yang: Now I can't wait till I get to fight them!

Pyrrha: Same, it will be great!

Ruby: Okay, Team RWBY! Let's get going to our last class of the day, then we shall train! We must get strong so we can do as much as Gojo and Geto can!

_WBY: Fine... / Okay. / YEAAAAH! I'm so pumped!

Ruby and everyone else go back to their classes as Gojo and Geto have already explained things to Ozpin, with Ozpin giving them a cane to their heads as punishment and advising them to handle things more peacefully.

Geto would admit they went too far, but Gojo would just shrug.

They promised Ozpin that they will never do that again... after they went out for a drink and walked to their dorm.

Gojo: I wonder when we will be getting a new mission?

Geto: No idea, but we need to review our intel for the organization behind the accidents.

Gojo: Yeah... Well, since we have nothing to do, let's just chill. I wanna continue playing my Digimon game.

Geto: Didn't you finish it already?

Gojo: It's a new version that was released four weeks ago.

Geto: Ah.

Ruby: Gojo, Geto?

Gojo: Ah, hey little Red.

Gojo places his hand on Ruby's head and rubs it, much to Ruby's annoyance as Gojo laughs and she tries to get his hand off her head.

Geto: Gojo, enough teasing the first years.

Gojo listens.

Gojo: No fun...

Ruby fixes her messed-up hair and looks at them.

Ruby: What are you guys doing here?

Gojo points to the room beside her team's dorm.

Gojo: Our room is there.

Ruby: Oh! You live next to us!

Geto nods and Gojo yawns.

Gojo: Well, Red, you better rest or do whatever. Enjoy your night.

Ruby: Oh, okay! Bye, Gojo! Geto.

Gojo waves her off as he walks away, with Geto behind him as they enter the dorm.

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