8-Teez Makes Chaos (spanking...

By yonghoonsvocals

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A fictional story about the chaotic life of the kpop group Ateez. When Ateez's beloved Manager-nim takes a va... More

Hongjoong's Worry
The New Manager
San's Secret
Yunho's Torment
Yeosang's Hunger - Part 1
Yeosang's Hunger - Part 2
Jongho's Injustice -Part 1
Jongho's Injustice - Part 2
Jongho's Injustice - Part 3
A Fight
Maknae's Loneliness
Forgiveness at Last
Cruel Words - Part 1
Cruel Words - Part 2
Cruel Words - Part 3
2022 Christmas Special - A Little Too Much - Part 1
A Christmas Special - A Little Too Much - Part 2
When the Hyungs Are Away...
Cruel Words - Sequel (part 1)
Cruel Words - Sequel (part 2)
The Runaway
The Pranksters (part 1)
The Pranksters (part 2)
Heart of a Leader
Heart of a Leader - Part 2
Silent Suffering
A Moody Maknae
A Really Bad Day
Don't Test Me
Knight in Shining Armour
It's hard being a hyung
8 Makes 1 Team
2023 Christmas Special - A Christmas Monster
Christmas Special - Tis the Season to be Jolly
Christmas Special - Holiday Blues

Revenge is Best Served...in the Dead of Night

1.6K 18 200
By yonghoonsvocals

Hongjoong stirred as something in him nagged at him to get up and start the day. He had so much to do, so much to take care of. But he also wanted to just lie in bed and avoid all the responsibilities that were weighing down upon him.

He glanced at the window and saw that it was already bright outside, as the sun peeked through the curtains. Sighing, he went to move, before realising his arm was trapped beneath Wooyoung. Using his free hand, Hongjoong gently raised Wooyoung's head and slipped his arm away.

Glancing around the room, Hongjoong couldn't help but smile fondly at his sleeping members. Jongho was fast asleep, tightly curled up into a ball, and hugging his blanket. Yeosang was against the wall beside him, his blanket tucked about him like a cocoon. He had given up his bed for San.

Although, Hongjoong had suggested that San could just sleep with Wooyoung, like they often did, both San and Wooyoung had insisted their hyungs sleep with them instead. So while Hongoong had slept with Wooyoung, Seonghwa was still fast asleep with San snuggled tightly beside him.

After gazing around the room one last time, Hongjoong quietly stepped out of the room, and headed down the stairs. He made a call for a breakfast delivery, then headed to his own room. Opening the door quietly, he peeked in. Mingi was lying sprawled out across the bed like a starfish. Hongjoong headed over to him, and seated himself on the side of the bed.

The movement caused Mingi to stir. Reaching out, Hongjoong leaned down and touched Mingi's foot. Mingi's eyes flickered open and he sat up quickly. Hongjoong laughed teasingly, before patting him on the arm.

"You all good?"

Mingi nodded as he stretched his arms out wide and yawned. "It was a good sleep," he murmured in a slurred voice. "You should have slept in too, hyung."

Hongjoong shook his head. "There is too much to do today. I ordered breakfast, so we can eat together before we all go to the company." He paused as his sharp eyes took in the way Mingi tensed up at his words. "Mingi, there is something-"

Mingi bowed his head, and rubbed his face wearily. "I know, hyung. I will apologise to Mr Cheol."

"Mingi," Hongjoong protested, reaching out to grasp Mingi's hand. "You are not apologising to anyone. In fact, I should be the first one to apologise to you. I am so sorry I did not listen to anything you tried to say to me. I am sorry for not noticing how much you were struggling. I am sorry for not pushing you to tell me the truth. Most of all, Mingi...I am so sorry for not protecting you."

Tears were prickling at his eyes as he spoke, and he gazed up at Mingi in earnest. "Will you forgive me, Mingi-ah?"

Mingi flushed at his words, not knowing how to react. He ducked his head to hide his embarrassment. "Of course, hyung. I don't want you to blame yourself."

Hongjoong shook his head. "No, I was partially to blame. I was so taken up with stress that I neglected you all and my duties of being the leader. I will do better in the future, I promise." He patted Mingi on the arm again, before rising off the bed. "We all need to talk as a group when you come out. There is something you need to know."

Mingi frowned at this, not understanding why everything sounded so serious. But he pushed himself off the bed, and followed Hongjoong out into the living room. To his surprise, the rest of the team were all lined up there as if waiting for him. Mingi stared at them all awkwardly, his steps slowing down, as he tried to hide behind Hongjoong...which obviously did not accomplish much.

Hongjoong stopped before the other members, and gestured sternly to them. Jongho stepped forward, almost eagerly, and bowed his head.

"We want to apologise to you, Mingi-hyung. We were playing a prank on you. The...the dorm was never haunted. It...it was just us." He glanced up, trying to gauge Ming's reaction. Mingi was just gaping at them in silence, his mind working to piece it all together.

Yeosang stepped forward next, his hands clasped nervously together, and his eyes filled with tears. "We are really sorry, Mingi. It was really mean."

"And we are sorry we never said anything," San said, his face showing his earnest repentance. "We never meant for you to get hurt, but we know our actions led to that. So, we really hope you can forgive us."

The pleading trio all turned in union to glance at Wooyoung, and San gestured for him to say something too. Wooyoung shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, as though trying to remember what to say. But his fidgeting movements slowed, and he stood still for a moment. When he looked back up, tears had filled his eyes.

"Oh, Mingi," was all he said.

And that was all that was needed. Mingi stepped quickly forward to let all 4 members surround him in a tight hug. "I wanted to be mad, but I am just glad it wasn't for real."

Hongjoong let them have their moment, before he spoke in a serious voice. "The reason we are going to the company is because they are going to explain it to Mr Cheol. We will be leaving once breakfast is done."

As if he had said the magic word, Seonghwa appeared through the doorway, holding a takeaway bag. And in that moment, everything was forgotten.

* * * * *

The Ateez 99' line apart from Yunho all shifted awkwardly as they faced the dance instructor. Mr Cheol was understandably confused on why he had been asked to meet with them in the practice room, and why they were all lined up in front of him like a guilty bunch of children. Judging by the way, Hongjoong stood near them with his arms crossed and his watchful eyes upon them, Mr Cheol could at least tell they were in some way in trouble.

"Well?" Mr Cheol finally asked. "Am I allowed to know what is going on?"

The maknae line glanced at each other nervously, their eyes arguing over who would speak first. In the end, it was Jongho, as he saw Hongjoong go to move out of the corner of his eye.

"It wasn't Mingi's fault yersterday, sir," he spoke up, abruptly breaking the silence. "It was us. We had been playing a silly prank on him and it affected his sleep. Mingi didn't know about it."

"But Hongjoong disciplined us, sir," Wooyoung quickly piped up, just in case Mr Cheol got any ideas.

Innocent Yeosang however, didn't understand his friend's motive. "But Seonghwa-hyung said we must accept any punishment you give us. We disrupted the practice and caused Mingi to be unfairly punished. We are really sorry, sir."

He bowed respectfully, before noticing in confusion that the other three members were silently glaring at him.

Mr Cheol however couldn't help but smile at the naive younger man.

"Don't worry, I am sure that Hongjoong took care of it well. I am very disappointed however that none of you said anything. And Mingi, I know I owe you an apology. I am very sorry for not searching for the real issue before punishing you. But as for you four," he quickly added, as he noticed the others looking a mite too comfortable. "If you hadn't all come trooping in with your tail between your legs, I really might have punished you here on the spot. It is only because I respect Hongjoong's authority and know that you all seem quite sorry that I will let you off this time. You may play around with your team members, but don't ever let it cause trouble in my dancing classes again. You understand?"

The four all quickly nodded and bowed low. "Yes, Mr Cheol. We won't do it again."

"Alright boys. Well, I can see you all clearly look too sore to be dancing today, so instead, how about I take you all out to lunch?"

The Ateez members all cheered in excitement over this. And Wooyoung of course had to ask the question that was on all their minds.

"Are you paying, sir?" he asked cheekily, quickly ducking as the dance instructor playfully swatted the back of his head.

"Yes, I will pay," Mr Cheol laughed. He reached out and patted Mingi on the back. "Your drinks and desert is also on me, Mingi-ah."

When Mingi beamed happily back at him, Mr Cheol slipped his arm about his shoulders. "Okay then. What are you all standing about for? The food isn't coming to us."

The members all laughed, as he herded them out the door. And the awkward tense atmosphere of earlier completely vanished as they all argued about what they wanted to eat. Wooyoung dropped a step behind, and swung his arm over San. San flashed him a relieved smile. He had been the most anxious about what might happen if Mr Cheol had been angry about their behaviour. And Wooyoung knew that. So as he pulled, San tightly to his side, he attempted to lighten him up.

"Well, this is almost worth last night," he joked, teasingly.

Little did he know, that someone walking behind him had heard every word. And in their bitter angry mind, they decided Wooyoung hadn't learned his lesson.

* * * * *

Hongjoong leaned back in his chair with a soft sigh. The project was finally completed, and within time before the deadline. He would review it tomorrow, ask for feedback from some of his seniors, and then have it finalised. It had been a difficult piece of work. Hongjoong much preferred to write songs from his heart and dedicated to their concept, rather than collaborating with big name brands to promote their products. But he also didn't like to turn down opportunities that could benefit KQ and Ateez. And he had also decided to challenge himself away from his comfort zone.

It was good to feel the stress fade away and leave his mind at peace though. With the troublesome project out of the way, he could focus on his team again. Maybe they should take some time out of their schedule to go somewhere. They could always use one of their variety shows as an excuse to have some fun together. He would have to ask the other members in the morning.

Thinking of the time, Hongjoong glanced at his watch. It was almost one in the morning. There was almost no point in going back to the dorm now. He might as well just sleep here at the studio and send the project away in the morning. But the thought left his mind as quickly as it had entered. Despite having spent all morning with the team, Hongjoong suddenly realised he missed them terribly. He hadn't been around them in a comfortable mood for a long time. The last several times he had been around them, was mostly to scold and discipline them. The thought depressed him.

Were they all sleeping well right now? Would Mingi be okay in the dark of his room? Or would he still be sleepless? Would San and Yunho have made up yet? Or would San be feeling anxious in a suffocating environment? San hated conflict and usually tried to make up as soon as possible. But Yunho didn't always get over his anger as quickly as the others did. Would they all be okay?

With these thoughts now worrying his mind, Hongjoong couldn't help but pull on his jacket and head out into the cold night. The crisp chilly air refreshed him, and as he walked, he felt a sense of nostalgia. He wanted to just take a peek at his members before going to sleep. The thought of it reminded him of his pre-debut days, when he had sat in the car writing his letter to his fellow members. A wave of happiness and pride surged over him as he thought of how far they had come now.

He unlocked the front door to the dorm and quietly headed in. The dorm was dark and quiet, so he tiptoed softly up the stairs to check on Mingi first. The younger was completely out of it, in a deep sleep.

Smiling fondly at his giant dongsaeng, he headed over to Yunho and San's room. Yunho stirred slightly as he opened the door and peered in. For a moment, Hongjoong thought he had awoken him, but Yunho only rolled over with a soft groan and kept sleeping. Peering into the darkness, Hongjoong saw with a heavy heart that San's bed was empty.

Hoping he was merely sleeping with Wooyoung, Hongjoong headed to the other trio's room. Sure enough, San was in Wooyoung's bed, hugging him like a koala. Yeosang and Jongho also looked comfortable in their own beds, so with a satisfied nod, Hongjoong went to leave them. But just as he pulled the door closed, something moved by San's head.

Hongjoong stepped back into the room, and squinted into the darkness, trying to see what it was. It wasn't Wooyoung's hand, because Wooyoung's arm was dangling off the bed, and his other was buried under San's back. His heart beginning to thump wildly within his chest, Hongjoong reached out behind him and flicked the light on.

And with that, all hell broke loose.

For as the light came on, the mysterious thing by San's head, scrambled across his neck. San shot awake, screaming hysterically and his arms flaying as he tried to shake it off.

Startled by San's screams, Wooyoung scrambled out of the bed, and sprawled across the floor in his haste.

Yeosang disappeared beneath his blankets, and Jongho shot out of his bed yelling and swatting at his own body.

Hongjoong stared at them all in bewilderment, until he realised in horror what was happening. Bugs were swarming off the edge of Jongho's bed, while a gigantic tarantula was scrambling across San's pillow. Despite his own fear, Hongjoong somehow made it to San's bed and pulled the hysterical young singer away from it. San's legs collapsed beneath him, and Hongjoong had to half drag, half carry him towards the door. Jongho ducked out the door beside him, while Wooyoung crawled out on all fours behind them. Poor Yeosang was left in the room, the blanket still pulled tightly over his head, showing his visibly shaking form.

Glancing around, Hongjoong saw Seonghwa had joined them in the hall and was staring into the room, his face horrified at the sight. In his hands, he was tightly holding a broom. Hongjoong snatched it from him and marched into the room. The only thought on his mind, was to somehow rescue Yeosang out of the infested room. As he placed his hand on the blanket to pull it free, another tarantula appeared out of the covers.

Shrieking wildly, Hongjoong raised the broom. But something grasped his wrist, and a panicked voice rang through his ears.

"No, hyung. Don't hurt it, it is harmless."

Hongjoong lowered his arm, and slowly turned to face Yunho. The world seemed to sway about him, and he felt incredibly nauseous and weak. But he still somehow managed to grab hold of the sobbing Yeosang and pull him out of the room. He guided him into Seonghwa's arms.

"Seonghwa, take him to our room. Wooyoung, are you okay? Yeah? Can you help San? Oh, San, it is okay. Calm down, buddy." He pulled San into his arms. Poor San was as white as snow, his mouth open and his eyes frozen wide in shock. San didn't even react to his embrace. Hongjoong could almost hear the pounding beat of his heart, and felt him shaking in his arms. He handed him over to Wooyoung, although Wooyoung didn't look much better.

Seeing Mingi standing behind them all, somehow looking half asleep and extremely startled at the same time, Hongjoong gestured for him to take Jongho. "Take him to the matz room as well, Mingi. I'll...I will sort this out."

He gulped as he glanced back at the room. Yunho was in there, quietly picking up what looked like crickets and small cockroaches off the beds and floor and placing them into a strange looking container that he had somehow gotten a hold of. He then walked over to San's bed and reached for the spider.

"Yunho, no!" Seonghwa explained in horror, as he saw what Yunho was doing.

Yunho almost dropped the gigantic hairy creature as he was startled by Seonghwa's sudden yell. He winced as he carefully slid it into a large jar that he pulled out from beneath the bed. "Don't worry, hyung. It's not dangerous."

Hongjoong turned to Seonghwa. "Get the younger ones out of here for now. I will be down soon."

Seonghwa nodded, but his eyes were filled with grave concern as he steered Yeosang towards the stairs.

Hongjoong stared after them, until the footsteps had faded out of hearing and he heard the door shut downstairs. Then turning slowly, he leaned against the door frame and watched Yunho. The leader's heart felt heavy and his chest felt tight. He tried to suck in deep breaths but the air just would not come.

Yunho was either obviously ignoring him or unaware that he had not left, as he walked over to Yeosang's bed and picked up the second spider.

"There, you go, Hwasa," he murmured gently as he dropped the spider into another empty jar. As the words left his lips, however, his shoulders suddenly tensed and he slowly glanced back at Hongjoong.

Hongjoong's jaw twitched, and his mouth formed a hard line. "Is that all of them, Yunho?" he asked in a tight voice.

Yunho hesitated, before heading back over to Wooyoung's bed. Pulling the cover completely off, he revealed a small snake at the foot of the bed. As soon as it was placed securely into a small cardboard box, Hongjoong marched into the room and grabbed Yunho roughly by the arm.

He dragged him back to his and San's room and shoved him through the door.

"Get down, now!" he thundered.

Yunho didn't even hesitate. The tall singer fell on his knees and put his hands up on his head.

"Why, Yunho? Go on, give me an understandable explanation."

"Because they hadn't learned their lesson. They weren't sorry for what they did to Mingi at all."

Hongjoong eyed a shoe on the floor, but knew he couldn't hit Yunho while he was this angry. Instead he spun around and paced up and down the room, pinching the bridge of his nose to try and calm down.

"What gives you the right to decide that? Seonghwa and I punished all four of them quite thoroughly. They all apologised to Mingi and took responsibility for their actions."

"Just because they gave puppy eyes and cried like babies, doesn't mean they were sorry," Yunho snapped back, his eyes dark with anger. "They'd tell you anything in that position."

Hongjoong clenched his fists tightly and sucked in a deep breath between his gritted teeth. "I disciplined them, Yunho. I punished them to teach them a lesson. What you did was just petty and cruel revenge?"

"Oh, I bet it taught them not to mess with Mingi," Yunho retorted.

Hongjoong stopped in his pacing, and slowly turned to face Yunho. He walked over to him, and bent low until their faces were inches apart. "You played a cruel prank on them, and used their biggest fears against them. So tell me, Yunho? How were you any different to them?"

Yunho's face twitched, and his gaze dropped, but he did not answer. Hongjoong straightened himself with a sigh.

"Stay here, and reflect on it. You and I are both to angry to do this."

With that, he turned and left, shutting the door loudly behind him. He headed downstairs and out onto the porch outside. He sat there on the step, his head buried in his arms as he tried to review everything that had happened that day.

Yunho had been one of the last ones to wake up and come downstairs. He had sat beside Mingi in the van and had kept by his side when they had gone to apologise to Mr Cheol. He had still stuck by him through the entire lunch and had gone with him to get ice creams after. So when had his plan fallen into place?

Hongjoong had caught Wooyoung and San fooling around and being silly several times that day, and had given them a good scolding about being more aware of Mingi's feelings. It wasn't like the two were being careless and weren't taking it seriously, but more that they were covering their own embarrassment by teasing each other.

It didn't surprise Hongjoong that Yunho had overheard and taken it to heart, but Hongjoong was disappointed and angry about how he had reacted to it. He had obviously carefully thought out his revenge and how to hurt them the most. And then he had had to follow through with it. Which lead Hongjoong to wonder how? Surely Yunho hadn't bought all those damned critters just to scare the others. Or maybe he was just that angry.

He started in fright as the door creaked open behind him. Spinning around, he saw it was Mingi.

"Are the others okay?" Hongjoong asked as he saw Mingi was hesitant to speak. Mingi just nodded. "I should go see them," Hongjoong muttered to himself, running his fingers through his hair wearily.

"Was it Yunho?" Mingi asked suddenly, inching closer to stand over Hongjoong. His eyes flickered nervously and he held his hands tightly together before him.

Hongjoong nodded. "Yes, he felt like the others hadn't taken the situation seriously and decided to punish them for it."

Mingi sank onto the step beside Hongjoong. He fidgeted his hands together, and glanced at Hongjoong as though trying to pick up the courage to ask something. When Hongjoong gave him an encouraging smile, he finally voiced it.

"Did...did you punish them, hyung? I mean, Wooyoung said you disciplined them. But did you actually..." His face flushed and he ducked his head in embarrassment.

Hongjoong sighed. "Yes, Wooyoung and Jongho got the belt for instigating it. And Yeosang and San got the brush for following them."

"Then...then Yunho..." Mingi couldn't finish the sentence.

Hongjoong reached out and put a hand on Mingi's arm. "He did wrong, Mingi. I am sure you know that."

"I know, I just...I wish he hadn't done it. Could I talk to him, hyung?"

For a moment, Hongjoong said nothing. It might be easier if Mingi told Yunho he didn't approve of it. It would make Yunho see how foolish and cruel it was. Show him that he had had no right, when even Mingi had already forgiven them. He nodded.

"Very well, Mingi. You go talk to him. I need to go talk to Seonghwa." He rose to his feet and then paused. "Mingi, what did you get up to after you had ice cream? Did you come back to the dorm together?"

Mingi frowned thoughtfully. "We had ice cream and then...Oh yeah, we went back to the practice rooms because I really wanted to try those dance steps again."

"And Yunho stayed with you?" Hongjoong wanted to know.

"He did for most of the time, then he got tired of watching and wandered off. But he didn't leave the company building, hyung. He just went to talk with the other dancers and some of the staff. He fooled around with them a bit and we walked back to the-" He cut off suddenly, and his face flushed red again.

"Mingi, did you stop somewhere on the way back?"

"No, hyung," Mingi whispered. "But Yunho left with a bag he hadn't come with. A...a big bag."

"Do you know where he got it from or who gave it to him?"

"I think it was Dae-hyun. But I am not really sure. Please, don't be too angry, hyung."

Hongjoong just patted Mingi on the arm before heading back inside. He went first to the kitchen, to grab a cup of water. He swallowed it all in one gulp, then leaned against the counter, with his head bowed in thought.

It made sense if it was Dae-hyun. Dae-hyun had been a trainee who had failed to become an idol. It was rumoured he had tried all the big 3 companies and even several smaller ones. After failing to be debuted, he had made the choice to settle as a back up dancer instead. But this had not stopped his bitter resentment, and he often had a rude attitude to idols out of pure jealousy. Upon entering KQ however, he had become interested in Ateez, and had begun to respect them for their humble and polite nature, especially to all the staff. They didn't make him feel any less for being a back up dancer, but rather showed admiration at his determination and talent.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa were kind to him, but they had tried to discourage the younger members from hanging out with him too much. He was a wild young lad and had even once almost convinced Wooyoung to smoke with him. Seonghwa had caught them however and thoroughly scolded them both on the dangers it caused to one's health.

Hongjoong groaned out loud. Why did these young'uns make him feel so old? There were barely any years between them all. He trudged back up the stairs, and knocked on Yunho's door. There was some muffled murmuring, and then the door opened and Mingi slipped out.

He exchanged a sorrowful look, and Hongjoong nodded understandingly. Then bracing himself, he entered the room.

Yunho was still kneeling on the floor, his trembling hands held to the back of his head. But large wet tears were trickling down his face, as he bowed his head.

"Are you more prepared to listen now?" Hongjoong asked quietly, but in a stern tone.

Yunho nodded. "Yes, hyung."

"Then tell me. Was it Dae-hyun? The one who supplied it all."

Yunho looked visibly startled by the question. And it quickly turned to panic. "It was me, hyung. I promised to pay him well, and he needed the money. He wouldn't have done it if I hadn't pushed him. Honest, hyung. He's not a bad kid."

"Did he know what you were doing with them?" Hongjoong asked, watching Yunho closely. He saw a look of defeat cross Yunho's face and knew the answer without Yunho having to speak. "He knew and he gave them to you anyway. That speaks for itself, Yunho."

"Hyung, they'll kick him out. Please don't tell on him."

"So, you know it was wrong enough that the company would kick him out over it? What does that say about you then? You are privileged, Yunho. You wouldn't get kicked out for it. So, how dare you drag others into it? How dare you pull a prank that you know some people could get fired for? Do you think you are higher than others?"

Yunho sobbed as he shook his head. "No, hyung. I am not."

"And what about the animals themselves. Did they deserve to get pulled into this stupid prank? They could have easily been hurt or killed in the panic that was created. What did those innocent creatures do to deserve that?"

Yunho bowed his head, his face flushing bright with shame. "They didn't deserve it, hyung."

"No one did, Yunho," Hongjoong snapped at him. "Do you know how badly you scared San and Jongho? They didn't deserve it either. I almost gave Wooyoung and Jongho the switch for what they did, Yunho. I only changed my mind, because they showed how sorry they were. And even then, a belt is no smack on the wrist. You know that. So how dare you say they were not punished enough."

Yunho sank forward, lowering his arms to bury his face into his hands. "I'm sorry, hyung. I am really sorry. But please, hyung. I will accept any punishment you give me. Just don't tell on Dae-hyun."

But Hongjoong shook his head. "I can't let him get away with it, Yunho. But I won't let him be kicked out of the company, I promise."

Yunho rocked back and forth, sobbing with both relief and guilt. Hongjoong let him be however, as he went to sit on the edge of the bed. But he knew he had to get it over with soon. Yunho was the type where the guilt would eat at him if he was left alone. He preferred to be responsible, take the punishment, and then move on. It was this that made Yunho one of the easiest to raise. If he knew he was in the wrong, he wouldn't fight his punishment. And once he had been disciplined, he almost never committed that crime again. Hongjoong finally spoke.

"You are going over my lap this time, Yunho. I thought I would never do it, considering you are considered part of the hyung line. But if you are going to act like a child, I am going to treat you like one. Because that is what it was, Yunho. Mean, petty, and childish."

He half expected Yunho to balk and protest at the mere thought of going over his lap, but to his great surprise, Yunho rose to his feet and walked over to him. Not wanting to give Yunho time to change his mind, Hongjoong grabbed his arm and pulled him over his lap. It was definitely an uncomfortable position to say the least. Yunho's tall body provided an awkward balance, resulting in Yunho almost having to hold himself up from the floor.

Hongjoong decided to just go ahead with it. Yunho would soon be feeling more uncomfortable in a different spot anyway. He didn't even give Yunho a warning. Yunho already knew what he had done wrong, so Hongjoong wasn't about to bother wasting his breath after barely catching it again from the scare he had had earlier.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Yunho shuddered as Hongjoong's hand rained down upon his backside, but he managed to keep relatively still. He had set his mouth into a hard line, and his brow was furrowed as though he was focusing with all his mind to stay stoic.

This wasn't what Hongjoong wanted though. And so he began lecturing Yunho, trying to bring his mind back to why they were even there.

"I am glad you are protective of Mingi, Yunho. I am glad he has someone to rely on and go to when he needs them. We all know how much he needs that. But this behaviour is not how you should respond. Do you think you made Mingi feel safer? Do you think he will feel comfortable coming to you if this is how you will react?"

Yunho sobbed softly at these words. He could still hear Mingi's disappointed voice echoing through his head. "I wish you hadn't done it, Yunho," Mingi has whispered sorrowfully. "You shouldn't have done it."

Smack! Smack! Smack!

"You need to answer me when I ask you a question, Yunho," Hongjoong scolded. "Do you think it was the best choice?"

"No, hyung. It wasn't my business to get involved, especially when Mingi had already forgiven them."

"So why did you make that choice Yunho?"

"Because I was mad! Ow, hyung-"

Hongjoong had tilted him forward and was targeting his sit spots ruthlessly.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Hyung, please stop!" Yunho was squirming now. One hand moved to clutch Hongjoong's ankle, while the other stayed pressed against the floor to keep himself balanced.

"I'll stop when I am finished, not when you demand me to," Hongjoong berated him, continuing to hit him in a firm and steady pattern.

"Hyung, please no more." Yunho threw his hand back to cover himself.

Hongjoong caught it and went to push it away, when he noticed a swollen red spot on Yunho's finger. His heart seemed to leap in his throat, and it was as though the world came to a stop about him. And then a dark cloud of anger formed over him.

"Yunho, what happened to your hand?"

Yunho stopped struggling as he heard Hongjoong's grave tone. His cheeks flushed and he bowed his head in shame.

"The spider bit me when I almost dropped it earlier." He glanced over Hongjoong's shoulder and saw the leader's expression. "It isn't venomous, hyung," he quickly explained. "At least, not dangerously. It's just irritated and hurts a bit."

Hongjoong said nothing, as he simply pushed Yunho off his lap and rose to his feet. He then grabbed Yunho by the arm and dragged him out of the room and into the bathroom. Yunho just let himself be pulled along. Something in his hyung's eyes told him not to defy or disobey him. It was a side of the captain that Yunho had never seen before or ever wanted to see. Once in the bathroom, Hongjoong pushed him to the tap and wordlessly shoved his hand under running water. Then he gently washed the small wound with soap.

Seemingly satisfied with it being cleaned, Hongjoong then proceeded to drag him downstairs and shove him into a chair, while he went to wrap an ice pack in a clean cloth and apply it to the swollen area. He didn't hold it in place, but instead moved Yunho's free hand over it. He then walked back over to the kitchen bench and leaned heavily against it, with his back to Yunho.

Yunho sat still, not even daring to flinch at the pain. It wasn't comfortable to be seated either, but Yunho knew better that to try and stand up. So, he sat there, holding the ice pack to the wound, and praying that Hongjoong would soon speak. The silence was worse than if Hongjoong yelled at him. It weighed over them heavily, making the atmosphere tense.

Then finally Yunho's prayers were answered. Hongjoong finally turned around and looked at him.

"Leave the ice pack on for 15 minutes, Yunho. Then come back up to the room." He turned and headed out of the room, but then paused in the doorway. Without looking back, he spoke again. "Bring the brush with you."

Yunho's head shot up and he stared at Hongjoong in horror. "Hyung," he gasped pleadingly. "It...It's in your room."

Hongjoong turned at his words, and Yunho shrank back in his chair as he saw that the leader's eyes were blazing. Hongjoong marched straight back over to him. He grabbed the back of Yunho's chair and bent down to his level.

"I fail to see the issue, Yunho," Hongjoong hissed at him. "You had no qualms about humiliating and punishing your fellow members. Besides, I am sure they will come to know you got the brush anyway."

Yunho felt his cheeks growing hot, though he wasn't sure if he was angry, embarrassed, or scared. Perhaps it was all three.

"Hyunnggg," was all he could say in a tiny protesting whisper.

Hongjoong straightened himself. "The brush, Yunho, or go fetch a switch." Seeing how Yunho's eyes widened even further, he raised an eyebrow. "I am completely serious, so don't test me. I am giving you 5 minutes. Bring one of them back with you."

He turned and left the room. Yunho watched him leave, before sucking in a deep breath. He had seen the switch that Hongjoong had left on the coffee table yesterday. Out of curiosity, he had picked it up and tapped it lightly against his palm. But even that had left a stinging sensation, so Yunho could only imagine how a full spanking with that would feel. To be honest, he was actually surprised Hongjoong was even giving him the choice. Even Yunho himself was beginning to feel he might actually deserve the switch if not the cane.

San had almost had a full blown panic attack, and Yunho was disgusted at himself for having felt pleasure about it at the time. And looking down at his hand, Yunho knew it could have easily have been Yeosang or San that got bitten. Yunho had down played the bite to save his backside, but in reality it hurt like hell. And Yunho guessed that Hongjoong actually knew that.

Realising that the minutes were probably almost over, Yunho got to his feet and headed for Seonghwa's room. He paused outside the door, his mind half telling him that he would be better off just getting the switch. But considering how sore he already was after Hongjoong had only used his hand, Yunho couldn't bear the thought of trying out the switch. Sighing as his unfortunate fate, he quietly opened the door.

He kept his head lowered, trying to avoid everyone's gaze. They were all sitting on the beds. San was curled up in Wooyoung's arms on Hongjoong's bed. He looked like he was asleep, but every now and then he would give a little hicupping sob as a small shudder ran through his body. Jongho was on Seonghwa's bed, his head resting on Mingi's shoulder. Yeosang lay beside them, while Seonghwa perched on the end of the bed, caressing his head gently. But they all looked up as Yunho entered the room.

"Well, here's the whipped puppy with his tail between his legs," Wooyoung taunted. "Did you come to apologise?"

Yunho ignored the remark as he scanned the room for the cursed brush. He could hear Seonghwa quietly rebuking Wooyoung, and couldn't help but feel a little satisfied by it. But the feeling didn't last long as he realised the brush was nowhere in sight. He felt his face heating up again as he forced himself to turn towards Seonghwa. 

"Hyung?" he asked in the lowest voice he possibly could. "Where is the brush?"

But it was clearly not low enough, because he heard Wooyoung snickering at the question. Seonghwa shot him a frown before giving Yunho a sympathetic smile.

"It's in the top drawer, Yunho."

Yunho yanked the drawer open and quickly tucked the brush under his arm, as though he hadn't just asked for it out loud. He all but ran out of the room, his face flushing harder, as he heard someone muttering that he deserved worse. Outside the room, he leaned against the shut door. Tears were rapidly filling his eyes. But he tried to pull himself together, as he pushed himself away from the door and headed up the stairs.

They are right, he thought miserably. I do deserve worse.

He knocked gently on his bedroom door to announce his return, before entering. Seeing Hongjoong's dark expression, Yunho knew he had taken far longer than 5 minutes. Without waiting for an order, he simply knelt down in front of Hongjoong and held out the brush.

"I am sorry, hyung," he whispered, bowing his head.

"Sorry for what, Yunho," Hongjoong asked him.

The leader sounded tired. And not just from simple weariness. It was a tiredness that went right to the bones. Tired from a lack of sleep. Tired from overworking. Tired from hours and hours of stress. Tired from coming home to deal with all the silly drama. Yunho's heart ached for their captain.

"Sorry for everything. I am sorry that you couldn't come home and sleep. I am sorry you have to deal with me because I was stupid and immature. I am sorry that I disobeyed you after you said it was all over. I am sorry for hurting my members. I am sorry for taking my time just now and making you wait. Sorry for being so arrogant and disrespectful all night. I am just sorry, hyung."

Hongjoong didn't say anything for the longest time. He let Yunho cry softly, his hands shaking as he continued to hold the brush with outstretched arms. Finally he spoke.

"I am going to give you the brush, Yunho and then you will get 20 with the belt. Do you have anything to say?"

Yunho shook his head, the tears still falling freely. But he lowered his arms, as Hongjoong took the brush. "Just that I really am sorry, hyung. And...and I know you are being lenient with me. I well and truly deserve the cane."

Hongjoong sighed, his hard expression softening for the first time. "No one almost ever deserves the cane, Yunho. But yes, you certainly by the industry standards warrant it." He reached out and pulled Yunho towards him.

Yunho stumbled forward, letting himself be dragged back over his hyung's knee. Desperate for something to hold and wanting to have a better contact with his hyung, his hand unconsciously went back to hugging Hongjoong's leg.

Hongjoong was startled by the touch. He was not used to Yunho attempting skinship with him as much as the other members, but he also knew this had been and would be a long night for Yunho. His dongsaeng was tired and upset, and was naturally reaching out for comfort and to appease his angry hyung. Also ironically, despite being the member who got in trouble the least, he was the one who had probably received the harshest punishments. Not only for the reason that although he didn't act out often, when he did, it tended to be something big, but because he had a very high pain tolerance. Perhaps it was a bit unfair because that wasn't his fault, but you had to be harsh to get to him. It also made him the most difficult to punish in that sense.

"This isn't about me, Yunho," Hongjoong spoke up, getting back to the situation. "Yes, I am tired. Yes, I am stressed, and would rather be resting right now. But this isn't about me. You are not here just because you angered me personally. It is for your behaviour that made me angry. And what was that, Yunho? What was it tonight that put you here?"

"I played a prank?" Yunho whispered, his voice sounding muffled from his face being pressed against the bed covers.


Yunho gave a strangled gasp as his body jolted forward at the blow.

"You are not asking me questions, Yunho. You are answering mine. And be more precise."

Yunho couldn't help but squirm slightly. His backside was throbbing, the pain awakening from the spanking he had received earlier.

"I used the members fears against them, and tried to hurt them."


"You did the exact same thing that you were angry at them for doing to Mingi. Do you understand how stupid and senseless that was?"


"You may be the same age as Wooyoung, Yeosang and San, but you are still older than them. You are included in the hyung line, Yunho. Not to mention you are Jongho's hyung. Were you setting a good example to the maknae like, Yunho?"

"No, hyung. Ow, ah, please hyung! I won't do it again."


"I am so disappointed in you, Yunho. I know you are better than this. So, how dare you bring yourself so low."

Yunho sobbed hard at those words. His whole body shook with the pain, before he stiffened up. He focused with all his might on locking his body in place, as the temptation to get up and run or to fight back his hyung rose in his mind. But he knew better than to attempt either. His resolution soon caved however, as Hongjoong suddenly pushed him forward. Yunho balanced precariously, and he had to let go of Hongjoong's leg to place both hands on the floor. Hongjoong ruthlessly laid into his sit spots and thighs, ensuring not a single spot was left uncovered. Yunho's legs drummed against the floor, until Hongjoong moved his leg to hold him them down.

"If you felt that they hadn't learned their lesson," Hongjoong continued to scold, "Or that they were not taking it seriously, than you should have come to me. I was already keeping an eye on them, and I was ready to pull them aside if needed. How dare you take it upon yourself to deal with it? Are you their hyung? Are you the leader?"

"You just said I was their hyung," Yunho retorted without thinking. He immediately bit down on his tongue, wincing. Why did he have to go and say something so stupid?


"Don't you get smart with me, Jeong Yunho. It is one thing to be responsible and give a good example, and another to take it on yourself to give out punishment. And it wasn't even a punishment, it was just petty revenge. Revenge that you had no business with. Did Mingi tell you he was hurt by their actions? Did he ask you to go do what you did?"

Yunho gritted his teeth, as Hongjoong continued to focus on the areas he knew would give the most lasting impression. "No, hyung. It was entirely my idea."

"No ne on this team gets to behave like that and get away with it. No one." Hongjoong paused, before reaching over Yunho and yanking his hand off the floor. "Take a good look at your hand, Yunho. Does it hurt?"

"Yes, hyung," Yunho whispered in defeat, knowing where this was about to go.

"Now picture that as Yeosang's hand. Am I being unfair right now?  Do you even understand the risk you put your members at? What if it was one of them that got bitten? What if it was San? He almost had a panic attack as it was. Your actions were absolutely irresponsible. That is why I am angry, Yunho."

Yunho broke at those words. Everything Hongjoong had said was utterly true. He hadn't thought his actions out. He hadn't considered what could happen and if he could be responsible for them. He sobbed bitter ugly tears, his chest heaving as he thought it all over now. Finally the realization of how cruel he had been really set in.

Hongjoong pulled him up and off his lap, letting him sink back onto his knees. Yunho made a move to hug him, but Hongjoong gently pushed him back.

"It's not over yet, Yunho. You still have 20 with the belt."

"Please no more, hyung," Yunho begged him. "I am sorry."

"I know you are," Hongjoong replied. The anger had left his voice, leaving him sound strangely calm. "Since the bed is a double-decker you won't be able to lay on it. I will get you to hop in the push up position on the floor instead."

Yunho nodded miserably, but obeyed without further protest. His arms and legs shook, the strain adding in with the burning pain that throbbed from his waist to his thighs. Beside him, he heard the belt slip through the loops, and he braced himself.

Hongjoong shut his eyes to prepare himself too. His body swayed from utter weariness, and for a fleeting moment, he thought of taking back the threat. But it was too late. Hongjoong knew he had to keep his words.

"I want you to think of all the actions that led you to this point, Yunho. It's not just about hurting your members, it is also for dragging Daehyun into it. Don't you ever go dragging your juniors into your foolish plans. You hear me?"

"Yes, hyung," Yunho replied through gritted teeth.


Yunho let out a grunt.


"Are you ever going to do this again?"

"No, hyu-ah! No, hyung. Never!"


"And you will apologise to the others?"

"Yes, hyung. Ow,! Please stop, hyung. No more. I will never do it again."


"Five more, Yunho. Then it is over."

Yunho's arms were shaking. He had fallen down at the last blow, but he pushed himself back up to take the last five.


Hongjoong didn't hesitate this time. He tossed the belt on the bed and fell to his knees beside Yunho. Wrapping his arms around his giant dongsaeng, he pulled him up into his arms, giving him the embrace he had denied not long before.

"It is over, Yunho-ah. You are forgiven. Don't make me do that ever again."

Yunho sank into his leader's arms, resting heavily against his shoulders as he cried. Hongjoong's hand moved up to rub the back of his head comfortingly.

"Are you okay, Yunho?" he asked softly. "That bite did look rather bad."

"I deserved it, hyung," Yunho murmured back. "I am sorry, hyung. You shouldn't have had to deal with this. You didn't deserve it."

Hongjoong didn't answer. He just tightened his arms around Yunho. Maybe not, he thought. But it meant keeping his team together. And that was everything to Hongjoong. They were his safe place, his happiness, his whole world. And wouldn't anyone do anything to protect that? He wouldn't let anyone harm his team, even the members themselves. And they knew that. For as much as they were a part of Hongjoong's world, he was a part of theirs.

He knew he still had to go with Yunho when he apologized to the others. He knew he had to make sure they were all okay. And he had no doubt what happened tonight had set up more problems for the future. At least one of the four would undoubtably try to get even again. And he knew he also had to deal with the young dancer that had helped Yunho. But that was all for later.

For now, Hongjoong was content where he was.

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