Bowser x Luigi

By SpookyRr

137K 3.9K 6.8K

the name is so original. I know, I forgot the picture my friend gave me for this story, so don't mind it if t... More

Chapter 1: Caught by the koopa king
Chapter 2: The Koopa Prince
Chapter 4: Mario!?
Chapter 5: Drama in the castle
Chapter 6: The rescue mission!
Chapter 7: Luigi's recovery
Chapter 8: The talk
Chapter 9: My room
Chapter 10: Dessert
Chapter 11: Curiousity
Chapter 12: Bait (Angsty)
Chapter 13: Time for action
Chapter 14: A busy cage room
Chapter 15: Seperated again
Chapter 16: The thoughts
Chapter 17: The punishment
Chapter 18: Sharing a room
Chapter 19: Taking care !NSFW!
Chapter 20: He's not here!
Chapter 21: Left behind
Chapter 22: A calm day
Chapter 23: Words hurt
Chapter 24: Running away?
Chapter 25: Love or lust? !NSFW!
Chapter 26: Stress
Chapter 27: The Truce
Chapter 28: Suspicions
Chapter 29: Betrayal
Chapter 30: Gossiping
Chapter 31: What happens at 3 AM?
Chapter 32: Where did Mario go?
Chapter 33: Kamek and koopa's
Chapter 34: Drama at dinner
Chapter 35: What have you done!?
Chapter 36: Midnight therapy
Chapter 37: A lied apology
Chapter 38: What happened to Luigi
Chapter 39: Saving Luigi (Pt. 1)
Chapter 40: Saving Luigi (Pt.2)
Chapter 41: Saving Luigi (Pt. 3)
Chapter 42: Lost memories
Chapter 43: The return
Chapter 44: The party
Chapter 45: Sneaky Fights
Chapter 46: the.. WHAT!?
Chapter 47: The wedding
Chapter 48: Mario's Big Day
Chapter 49: King Boo!?

Chapter 3: The king wants you

5.5K 139 204
By SpookyRr

(For context of the title, Bowser wants to SPEAK to Luigi. Nothing NSFW (yet ;) ) now onto the story!)

[Luigi's POV]

After a week of being here, I was exhausted. It was hard to sleep in a cage, let alone a cage in a room where everyone walked past.

Bowser hasn't visited me in a while, which I was glad about. Though his son did visit me often, sometimes he even brought his siblings. Bowser Jr. was fun to talk to. He often made jokes about his dad to cheer me up.

Seeing Bowser Jr. with his siblings made me think of Mario.. I miss him. I really hope he's in a better position than me.

I was lost in thoughts again, but my thoughts quickly got interrupted by the loud stomping of Bowser. He was going to my room again.

I saw him open the door, quicker than last time. As before, I was holding on tightly to the bars on the back of my cage. He stomped to the cage.

I looked at him, thinking of why he could be here. His red eyes stared back into mine, but this time, his expression seemed much calmer.

Bowser grabbed his keys and opened the cage. "I need to have a word with you, Greenie. You must follow me, or you'll face the consequences." I slowly let go of the cage and nodded. He had already started walking out of the room, so I had to run after him to keep up.

Once I was walking next to him, he walked into a big room with two chairs and a desk. He sat down in the bigger chair and pointed at the chair in front of him, informing me to sit there. I did as he asked and sat down on the chair.

It was very quiet for a minute before he spoke; "Junior has been going into the cage room a lot recently. I assume he has been speaking to you, hasn't he?"

I looked at him, still quite scared. "Y-yes he has.." he looked down at me. I tried my best not to make eye contact, so I did not look back at him. He sighed. Some smoke left his nose as he did so. He put his finger underneath my chin again, forcing me to look at him. 

"Has Junior been behaving well?" I looked confused by the question, but I just answered,"Y-yeah.. he's quite nice, actually." He seemed calmed by the news and let my chin go.

"Junior told me some stories you told him."

"H-he has? Which ones..?"

He looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "Well, he told me how you got here. He's concerned about you cause of how much you cry."

I looked a little embarrassed after he said that, Junior noticed when I cried? "So.." He continued, "Make Junior stop worrying about you. Do it in any way you want. Just make him stop worrying."

I simply nodded, imagining the various amount of things he could do to me if I didn't listen. He stared down at me with his red eyes, "If. You convince my kid you're okay. AND don't hurt him. You might get a more comfortable cage." He said. I looked up at him, "I-I'll try my best.."

"TRY MORE THAN JUST YOUR BEST!" He yelled angrily, making me jump out of my chair. I quickly nodded and held onto the sides of the chair, in case he would scream again.

He looked down at me with a smirk. He got up and picked me up from my chair, holding me in his big hand. He "carried" me back to the cage room.

Once he opened the door, he walked over to my cage and put me back in. More gentle than before. He locked the cage again and left the room.

I looked down at the scratch he accidentally gave me after my first punishment. Well, I hoped it was accidental. Because it was stinging a lot. My hands felt a lot better already.

After a few minutes or hours, Junior entered the room again. He seemed happier than usual as he walked to my cage. "You're in a good mood," I said to him.

He nodded happily, "Yeah, dad allowed me to come here more often. You seem happier, too, which also made my mood go up."

I smiled at him and carefully patted his head. I went to sit down in the front of the cage so he could be as near as possible.

We talked for quite a long time until Bowser came.

[Bowser's POV]

I heard my son talking to Luigi again, so I went to the cage room. As I opened the door, I immediately saw them and walked over to them.

"Time for bed, Junior."

"Awwhh, but dad! Luigi hasn't finished telling me about Brooklyn!"

"Brooklyn?" I looked at Junior and then at Luigi, who seemed very nervous. "Well, Junior, tomorrow's another day. You need to rest." I said as I picked Junior up.

At first, he tried to make me let go of him, which had failed. Then he calmed down, and I took him to his room.

Once in the room, I put him in his bed. He immediately fell asleep. I patted his head and gave him a small kiss on his forehead, too. After that, I left the room quietly and went to my own room.

°Around 2 days later°

I made Luigi's cage more comfortable while Junior showed him around his room. In the cage, I have added a blanket and a pillow. The cage was a little bigger, too, so he could lay down more comfortably.

Junior and Luigi came back into the room, and Junior was dragging Luigi. It was quite funny to look at, considering that Luigi is taller than him.

I patted Junior's head, and he let go of Luigi. Junior left the room, and so did I, to make Luigi more comfortable in his new cage.

(The end of Chapter 3)

Little note, I made the start of this story during class. The teacher didn't even notice me, and my friend came up with a lot of weird ideas of what to add to this story. More drama will come too, don't worry <3. I just had to give the green bean a little break at the end. :D

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