Pomegranate love (DRAFT)

By _i_like_big_butts

60 2 0

When the greek god Persephone enrolls in a school made for gods, goddesses and everything in between she meet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

7 0 0
By _i_like_big_butts

Chapter 8

I draw my boot back so that the blade is fully extended on it, "You ready with that thing?" I ask him, he nods once and we begin, he runs towards me and I dodge out of the way, his katana barely cutting my cheek. He's really serious about it, I trip him with my blade cutting his ankle. He hisses air in and looks up at me, "Done so soon, I thought y- oh come on!" He stretches his wings out hovering above me, sharp golden feathers come my way. I take the hit as they get stuck in my arm, the sharp sting of it hurts but I continue. Cam swings his katana again and he misses, there's nothing I can do about him using his wings and flying. It's sort of unfair.

When he gets close I try to slice him with my blade, it's no use, I pop it out of my boot and wait for an oppurtunity to strike. When he's swooping in for the hit I strike and dodge, the first knife whizzes past him but the second one stabs his leg. "Cam! You okay, I'm sorry!" I say to him as he falls to the ground. "No, no I'm fine, can you carry me back to the dorm?" He asks and I nod, he puts his hand around my shoulder to balance himself as we head back. "Your feathers are sharp." I tell him, he surprisingly smiles at my comment as I put his leg on the table. "Baby I can take care of it, hand me my box under the bed." He asks me, I hand him it and he fishes out some bandages and peroxide. He grabs the knife in his leg and yanks it out, spurts of blood squirt out of his open wound.

He pours the peroxide over it and I can hear him cursing under his breath. He pats it with a clean white towel, the blood soaks through, not a lot of it though. He takes a needle and sews it, I could never do that. He stitches it carefully and expeditiously, then he pats it this time putting peroxide on the cloth and patting the stitched up wound. He cleans the tiny cut on his ankle just putting some bandages over it, Then he pats the space next to him. "Come on, do you want it over with babe or not." He says to me, of course I want it done as quickly as possible. I sit beside him and he looks at my right arm stabbed with sharp feathers. The blood pools down my arm and onto the floor.

"Do you want me to tak-" I shake my head, slowly removing the soft but dangerous appendages from my arm. Each one hurts more than the last, and the blood gushes out. I do the same thing Cam did and pour the peroxide on my arm, it stings but i've always liked it. It seems clean so I wipe the excess blood off, he hands me a needle like his and I start stitching my wounds up. They're about 1 centimeter deep from what I can tell, and the needle hurts more than the peroxide by far. Cam has his hand on my thigh looking over me while I finish up. "Wait, there's tiny cuts on your face." Cam tells me, he hands me a little mini mirror and sure enough there is. I just dab them with the towel and move on from that.

"I won't pop my stitches like last time." Cam says, I think he's talking to himself. "I'm getting in the shower? Wanna join?" He asks me, just the thought of that makes my cheeks pink. I nod looking away from him, "I'll let you get in first, I know you're shy." He says which makes me even more red, I get my stuff ready for it and head in. The water on my shoulders feels so hot, I can't remember the last time I was this calm. The soap stings on my stitches, I'm careful when washing around them. Cam comes in a few minutes later with me, "It's cramped in here, I guess it wasn't made for two people." He says laughing, I rub the raspberry soap into my soft skin. "Do you want help with that?" Cam says putting his arm around me, now I feel like my whole body is burning up.

I nod slowly as he massages the soap into my back, we get all done with that and get dressed, I wear Cam's oversized hoodie and put my hands in the stretched out pocket. We chill for a while and talk, playing with eachothers hair until the sun goes down. Me and him fall asleep with me as the big spoon. I wake up and he's not next to me, "Babe?" I call to him, he pokes his head out of the kitchen with a stack of pancakes. "Hun you didn't have to do that." I tell him while stretching, he makes a gesture with his hand for me to come to him. I sit at the table and he pushes me a plate of pancakes with bacon and eggs. "I got a lot of stuff to do today, so I might as well eat breakfast." He says munching on his food, I eat mine. He takes out his planner and begins to map out his day. I guess we have a ton of stuff to do. I get dressed after eating breakfast and check on my stitches, they're red and puffy but it's only been a day since I got them.

The tiny cuts on my cheek are healing thankfully, I go back to the table and he's still writing. "Well I guess you can be my escort there." He mumbles as he writes, "So where are we going?" I ask him looking over his shoulder, "A lot of places, trust me." He sighs out looking at me, I see that he also doodles in the margin of the planner little feathers and ladybugs. I notice he put 'Hell' and 'Heaven' on there so I guess my schedule is booked. "So are we going to fly there?" He shakes his head grabbing a piece of chalk. "Alright let's go, you check around the back of the place." He tells me, I go around and give him a thumbs up, he flips through the planner stopping on a page with sigils and symbols.

He plucks a feather out of his wing drawing some blood from it, he makes a door shape on the bricks then places the feather over his palm onto the door. He says a few things in which I can assume is enochian, the door shape turns a bright white and glows. "You probably want to squint, it's bright." He says, we walk into it and the light fades into a city with a blue sky. It's even prettier than last time we went here, we go visit one of the many gardens and we see Lilith. "Lili, it's nice to see you again sweetie." I say to her, Lilith's face lights up and she goes to hug me.

Cam goes to water the flowers and I take this opportunity to talk to Lili. "Cam's your boyfriend? Well that explains it, I can smell his wings on you." She leans in sniffing my messy hair. She sits down next to me on the bench, "Heaven is pretty, but have you seen Hell? It's like a run down New York." She shows me pictures of it on her phone. Cam sits with us on the rim of the bench, "Hey Lil, I see that you met my amazing partner." He tells her, she nods acknowledging his presence. He seems so casual to her like they were best friends, we make our way around heaven running errands for who knows who. I'm beginning to like this place more and more, we finally stop where Michael lives and Cam flies us both up the highest floor,

But Michael isn't there. "The hell?" Cam says as he looks around, the place is a mess, like someone broke in. There's a note on one of the paintings, 'So if you're reading this Cam it means i'm kidnapped, don't come looking for me. I'm perfectly fine. I can handle this by myself.' I can see the color fade from Cam's face as he reads on. He paces back and forth around the room, I go to him and rub his back. "What if he's dead? What will the other angels think?" He says to himself, we stay there for a few until Cam's done freaking out. "He literally said he can handle himself, don't worry." Lilith says. He takes a spear and throws it past Lilith. "I'm looking for him." He says flying us both to the bottom of his place, "We need a plan, let's ask around." Cam tells us both and we enter one of the more busy areas in heaven.

There's angels with big and small wings walking past us, we stop at a bunker of sorts. "You really think weapons will work? There angels dipshit, lead aint gonna pierce them." Lilth says as Cam opens it, he grabs a few pistols and throws them to us he also gives us some bullets too. "Lead might not work but iron and melted holy blade bullets do." He says locking the bunker back up, I don't really understand his plan. Where the hell do we even start? We ask some angels and they said the last time they saw him he was in the mortal world. Cam teleports us there and we search for him, "He's gotta be somewhere, think Cam think. Where would the embodiment of the holy spirit be?" Cam asks himself, rubbing his chin, "A church. Obviously." A voice says behind us, it's Crowley. Cam's half demon brother, he's wearing a black suit and tie.

"Thought my opinion would be of service to you three." He says again and disappears into a cloud of red smoke. Cam concentrates on which church he could be in, then he gets it and we teleport to that location. It's abandoned from what it looks like, Cam closes his eyes and puts his palm on the door. He nods, taking out his pin and picking the lock. We enter and the smell of patchouli incense hits us, we all stay together as a group. I see the reflection of flames against stained glass, Cam goes in front and peeks around the corner, he tells us to stay there as he slowly goes in for the kill. We can't see what happens but we can hear his screams, I take a turn and peek around and he's tied up with Michael in a fiery pentagram. "That was almost too easy! Now I have enough grace t-" I can't take it anymore. I shoot a few rounds at him and he flinches but doesn't fall. I try the iron bullets, the holy bullets, nothing works, "Well look what we have here, you must be the princess that saves the day. Too bad, you didn't." He says.

I don't even know this guy, I pop the knives from my boot and run towards him, I hit hard and slit his throat open. He staggers back holding the flesh that used to be his throat but wet and slick with his own blood. I run over to Cam not caring about the fire, stomping it. "Baby are you hurt? Don't tell me he hurt you, if he did i'll stomp his he-" I'm cut off by Cam hugging me back and shaking his head. "I'm okay hun, don't worry." He says kissing my forehead. Michael nods too, brushing the dust off his suit.

"I told you not to look for me." Michael says, "I thought you were dead or worse! I had to try." Cam says hugging him tight. If I wasn't there then he and Mike would've died, But now that Cam and him are safe i'm happy, We continue our errands and go to Hell. "So we have to go through the purgatory portal, it's dangerous so stay behind me." Cam says holding my hand as we go in, we pass by leviathan's not like Jack though. Massive black creatures with sharp spines on their back peeking out of lakes. I keep my blades out still, and we come to a stop at a few boulders. "We need the blood of one, can you get some please?" Cam says to me, handing a small vial in my palm, I sneak up on one slicing away and collecting the blackish goo and return to him.

I hand it to him and he splashes it onto the rocks, I hear the rustling and see the angry leviathan running towards us. "C-can you hurry up?! There's a really pissy one right there!" I yell at him and the portal shines a crimson red, someone pulls us in from the portal yanking us from danger. It's Crowley, "Thanks man, the mission went well." Cam says scratching the back of his head. "Well mom would kill me if you're dead." He says in his smooth english-scottish accent, he looks at me and nods. "This is your spouse?" He says raising an eyebrow at me, I pull the tie from his shirt gripping it tightly. "Yes, smartass." I say to him and he clears his throat. We make our way through the abandoned streets of Hell.

As we walk Crowley tucks his tie back into his under shirt. We finally stop at a fancy looking mansion, this must be Cam's moms house. It has paintings and statues that are stolen and there are the real ones too. When I turn the corner there's two giant Cerberus like hounds, they must be hellhounds from what I can tell. I kneel down and sit with them, "Miss, those are very dangerous creatures." A demon says and I give him a dirty look. "Aw look at you two you are just the cutest little killing machines." I coo at them, one of them gets up and licks me on the cheek, it stings a little bit but I'm used to it. I pet the other one and it looks up at me with tired ice blue eyes.

Do you two want to play? I ask them, they pant at me with their razor-like teeth gleaming. There's a few tennis balls around them and I throw one across the room. The hound runs to the ball, skidding out and running back to me with full force. They're surprisingly heavy for hounds, the other one sneaks up behind me and spooks me a little bit. "You two are cute but I have to go, sorry little guys." I whine at them, I follow Cam and he waited for me. How nice of him.

Me and Cam are escorted by his brother to a large door, we both go in and it's his mom. Cam walks towards her and he gives her a big hug, I join in on it too her wooly jacket is itchy. "You like hellhounds? They're pretty powerful things." Rowena asks me and I nod at her, what can I say? Being with Hades has its perks, like giving Cerberus belly rubs. I sit down on the couch with Cam, he lays his head onto my lap. They talk about stuff but I basically tune most of it out, I nap a little bit leaning my head onto the couch. "Babe? You sleepy?" Cam says, I nod at him. He looks up to me with his big green emerald eyes, we leave Rowena's and continue with our tasks. "So what's next?" I yawn at him, my posture slumped. "Nothin, we can go home and take a nap. Or I can do my work and you can nap." He says as we go home.

It's a long way but we make it, I'm a little light headed from that whole thing. I flop onto my bed burying my head into the pillows, while Cam takes out his laptop. "What are you working on?" I ask him, my voice is a little muffled by the pillow but he responds. "Not really work, more like research on gods, it's for my own personal growth." He explains as he rubs my back with one hand and types with the other. I look at his screen and he's right, there's a lot of stuff about Ares and Athena displayed on it. "What kind of research is that?" I ask him, he shrugs at me typing away.

I hate how the weekends are so short, I don't want to go to school tomorrow. Maybe if I skip? I look at my studious boyfriend and peck him on the cheek, he smiles and continues to work. It's dusk outside and I'm ready to go to bed, I lean onto Cam laying my head onto his chest. I eventually drift off into some well deserved sleep, no dreams tonight just peaceful sleep.

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