Forbidden Love [Completed]

By callmeCRAZY8

54.9K 2.8K 748

Love comes in forms of different perspectives, rather it's designed to fulfill happiest or shatter someone in... More

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Author's Note


1.1K 74 37
By callmeCRAZY8

"Where are you going?" Kate was asking me, again, where I was going as I was getting ready. I was in my room, pulling a shirt over my head before she came in and asked me.

"I'm hanging out with a friend."

Kate kept looking at me for a moment. "But not Lucas?"



"Just this woman I met a month ago."

"Where did you meet her? You hardly go out."

I look at her before shrugging, and grabbing my perfume. I sprayed it on me then caught Kate watching me through the mirror.

"Wow.. she must be special if you're wearing perfume."

I roll my eyes then saw her smiling at me. "She's a friend."

"Where did you meet her?"

"I met her at a lot of different places. But I don't have time to explain." I looked at the time on my phone, then realized that I was already late. "I gotta go." I rushed towards the door then Kate grabbed my arm.

"Remi.. is there something you want to tell me?"

I gave her a confused look. "What?"

"About this woman?"


I saw her look at me a little longer before releasing my arm. She nods towards the stairs, then I rushed up then before almost running into Mason.

"Where's the fire?" He joked.


"She's meeting her girlfriend." Kate said behind me.

I turn to see her smiling at me with her arms crossed. I looked back at Mason, and saw him giving me a confused look.

"Is this the same one from the other night?"

"Wait," Kate said, making me look back at her. "you knew about this?" She said towards Mason.

"She's not my girlfriend. She's a friend."

They both gave me a look but I groaned before walking to the door. I left in a hurry as soon as I was outside, then got into my Jeep, and left.

The ride to her house was a little nerve-wrecking like always. I kept the music loud, and my mind on the road as I was driving.

I had texted Amaya a few hours ago, asking when she wanted me to come over. She said as soon as possible, and that made me nervous.

The way this woman has me feeling all different types of emotions that I never felt was scary.. very scary.

But Amaya was different, and I'm starting to realize that I like her more each day.

Once I pulled into her driveway, I sat there for a few moments before finally getting out. I was trying to calm my nerves when I was walking up towards the front door, then realized that I was acting really stupid right now.

Over a woman.

I never been this way with anyone, and we're just friends. I had to calm down a little before I made an idiot out of myself.

Alina opens the door before smiling at me, and allowing me to walk inside. I saw her shut the door once I was inside, then I followed her into the living room.

I saw Amaya sitting in that same spot again as I approached her, which made her look up from her book and make eye contact with me.

"Hi, Remi." She smiles.

"Hey." I sat down near her then saw her look over at me before looking away with a smile on her face. I sat there for a moment before looking around the living room.

After a moment, I saw Alina walk into the living room, then stopped. She looked over at us then slightly smiled before turning her attention towards Amaya. "My job called."

"What did they say?" Amaya asked.

"Wants me to come in and train someone." She looks between us, and I looked over at Amaya.

Amaya glances at me before looking at her sister. "Then go."


"I'll be fine. Remi is here."

"I hate to ask Remi to stay here. She probably has other things to do." She said before glancing at me.

I looked at her before shrugging. "Not really."

Alina looked at her sister before sighing. "Amaya, what if-"

"Go." Amaya smiled at her sister.

Alina was looking between us for a few moments before sighing. "I shouldn't be long. Maybe a few hours. Amaya, if-"

"It's ok." Amaya smiled. "Go."

After a moment, Alina left to get ready, and my attention went back to Amaya. I saw her looking down at her Bible before looking at me.

"You don't mind staying here? I can get her Rachel to come be with me. That's Alina's friend."

"I don't mind." I said. "I have nothing to do."

Which was the truth, and the fact that I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay here with her, but didn't tell her that.

Alina came back into the living room after a moment, and I noticed that she was a nurse. I looked at her scrubs before hearing her speak to Amaya about how late she will be back.

"Maybe around eight. At the latest." She looked at me. "Are you sure you're ok with this, Remi?"


She looks over at Amaya for a moment before looking back at me. "Can you walk outside with me for a moment?" I slowly nod then saw her smile at her sister. "We'll be back."

I followed her outside, which made me confuse as I watched her shut the door. I followed her down to the driveway before she stopped and turned towards me.

"In case you take her somewhere, I was going to go over how to get her wheelchair in and out of the vehicle."

"Oh, ok."

We walked towards my Jeep, and she asked to open the back. I watched as she was looking around in there before turning towards me. "I was making sure you had enough room. So, obviously you have to pick her up and put her in the passenger seat, then place her wheelchair in the back."

"Got it."

"Just making sure this isn't too much for you."

I shook my head. "Not at all."

She slightly smiled before nodding. I saw her close the back of my Jeep before reaching into her pocket, then pulled out some money.


"I can't take that." I looked down at the fifty in her hand.

"This is for food if you take her anywhere, and gas money."

"I'm not taking that."

She smiled before grabbing my wrist, making my hand hold out before placing the money in my palm.

I didn't argue this time as I placed the money in my pocket then watched as she smiled at me.

We walked back inside, where Amaya was watching us when we entered the living room. I sat back down next to her then saw Amaya looking at me before Alina came back in.

"Well, I'm gone." She walked towards Amaya before hugging her. She looked at me once she pulls back then smiled. "I'll see you when I get home."

"Bye." Amaya said.

After she left, and the front door closed, I saw Amaya go back to her Bible. I looked around for a moment then heard the book shut, and Amaya was placing it in her lap.

She looked at me then smiled. "What do you want to do?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Cause I invited you over." She looked around for a moment then moved away from the bookshelf, towards the living room entrance. "I'll be back." She said before leaving the living room.

I sat there and looked around at everything, trying to figure out where I could take her. I wanted to ask if she was hungry, but I knew that if I didn't eat then she would ask questions that I didn't want to answer.

But I wanted to take her somewhere.

After a few minutes, she came back then stopped in front of me. I saw her smiling at me as I stood up, which I saw her eyes remain on mine.

"You want to go somewhere?" I ask.


"Wherever you want to go."

She smiled. "Wherever you want to go."

It was useless arguing with her, so I decided that we would go to the lake. I told Amaya, and she was happy about that as I followed her out of the living room.

"Let me go get ready." She said, which made me stop and look at her. "I'm fine." She said with a smile as she turns to look at me before going down the hallway.

I took this time to walk around the house and look around. I saw the kitchen in view before looking down the hallway towards the front door, then looked at the pictures on the walls.

There were some of Amaya when she was little, and I saw one with two other people. I looked closer and realized it was her parents, and Alina was in the same picture but a little older.

After a moment, Amaya came back then smiled at me once she stopped. "I'm ready." She moved towards the door, and I followed. "Here's the key. You can lock it."

I grabbed the key from her, then opened the door as she moved out of the house. I closed the door then locked it, and placed the key in my pocket.

She went to my Jeep as I was walking behind her. I saw her stopped at the passenger door, then looked over at me as I stopped near her.

"Do you mind.." She looked towards the Jeep then back at me.

"Not at all." I saw her smile as I opened the door. I turned towards her as she was watching me, then I stood next to her before placing my arms underneath her to pick her up.

Surprisingly, she was light. I placed her into the passenger seat, then made sure she was ok before pushing the wheelchair towards the back, and placing it in the back.

After that was done, I went to the driver side and got inside. I saw Amaya looking around as I started the Jeep, then backed out of the driveway after a few moments.

"So, we're going to the park?"

"Yeah." I looked over at her. "Is that ok?"

"Of course." She smiled before looking out the window.

The ride there was silent, but I kept looking over at her as she was looking out the window. I looked her over before looking back at the road when we were getting closer to the park.

Once we were in the parking lot, I parked then got out, and walked towards the back. I grabbed the wheelchair out, and pushed it towards the passenger side.

I opened it to see Amaya smiling at me as I placed the wheelchair near. I placed my arms underneath her, then lifted her up and placed her in the wheelchair.

Once she was sitting, I shut the door as she was moving towards the park entrance. I followed behind as she stopped after she was inside.

She looked up at me and smiled before moving towards the lake. I followed as she was looking around, then started moving around the lake.

"This is beautiful." She said, making me look around. It wasn't dark yet, it was only five but the sun was setting in the horizon.

We went around the lake, looking at the water or looking around. We didn't really talk about anything, but she would compliment my outfit, which wasn't anything special.

She stopped a few times to look at the water, and I couldn't help but look at her. She had a smile on her face, which made me admire her as she was looking at something.

"It's nice outside." She said, looking up at me. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah." I looked around at everyone that was walking around.

We continued to go around the lake, then Amaya stopped once she saw a rock. I picked it up then handed it to her, seeing her smile as she grabbed it.

I watched as she skipped it in the water, then looked at me. I grabbed a rock then skipped it in the water, which made her smile.

"That was good."


We went around the lake again, and I looked down at Amaya as she was crossing her arms once she stopped. I saw her shaking a little, which it was a little cold outside tonight.

I took my jacket off then saw her look at me as I walked towards her, and stopped behind her. I placed my jacket over her, which made me slightly smile as she grabbed it and held it to her.

"Thank you." She looked at me when I walked in front of her.

"You're welcome."

As we stopped there, I saw her holding onto the jacket. She looked around before meeting my eyes, then smiled at me, but wasn't moving.

"You want me to push you?"

She looked at me for a moment before nodding. "Will you?"

"Of course." I stood behind her before pushing her around the lake. It was nice outside, which Amaya seemed to enjoy as I was looking down at her.

Once we were around the lake, we stopped, and Amaya looked up at me once I walked in front of her. "You want to go get something to eat?"

"Sure. Where do you want to go?"

"Wherever you want to go." She smiled. I nodded then pushed her out of the park, towards the parking lot.

Once we were at my Jeep, I stopped at the passenger side before opening the door. I lifted Amaya up, then placed her in the seat before pushing the wheelchair to the back, and placed it inside.

After I got into the driver side, Amaya was looking out the window when I looked over at her. I started the engine then left the parking lot of the park.

"Where do you want to eat?" Amaya asked as she looked over at me.

I looked over at her before shrugging. "I'm not hungry. But wherever you want to go, I'll take you."

"That's ok." She said before looking at the window.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a little confused.

She looked at me before shrugging. "If you're not hungry then I'm not either."

That made me furrow my eyebrows as I was a little confused. I saw Amaya smile at me before looking out the window.

I drove around, asking her again where she wanted to go but she never said anything. She looked at me, smiled then looked back out the window.


"Yes, Remi?" She looked at me.

"Tell me where you want to go."

She smiled. "Where do you want to go?"

I sighed then looked around before seeing Chic-fil-a. "I guess there." I pointed, and saw Amaya look at the same place.

"That sounds good." She smiled at me.

Once I pull in, I decided to go through the drive-thru, then asked Amaya what she wanted. She told me, then I looked at the menu, but didn't really want anything. I knew Amaya was watching me, so I ordered something before pulling up to the other window.

After I paid, I got the food then handed the bag to Amaya after setting the drinks in the cup holder. I saw her look through it, pulling out my food, and handing it to me before placing the bag in her lap.

"You want to pull into an empty parking lot to enjoy our food?" Amaya asked.

"Sure." I looked over at her, and saw her smiling before reaching into the bag.

Once I found an empty parking lot, I turned the Jeep off after rolling the windows down. The breeze that came through was nice as I looked down at the chicken sandwich in my lap, unopened.

Amaya was already eating her food, so I pretended to eat mine when she wasn't looking. I made sure to toss some pieces out to make it seem as though I ate, and to make sure she didn't ask any questions.

"This is nice." She smiled over at me.

"Yeah." I grabbed my drink, then took a sip from it. I felt my stomach start hurting after drinking it then I placed it back in the cup holder.

Amaya kept eating, and I looked over at her a few times. I saw her wipe her mouth before looking over at me, which made me look away.

"Remi?" I look over at her as she was watching me.


"Can I know more about you?" She asked.

I looked at her for a moment before shrugging. "What do you want to know?" I saw her smile before looking down at the bag in her lap.

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty."

She nods as she smiled. "You live around here, right?"


"Have you lived here your whole life?"

"No, I moved here several years ago. I moved here with my sister."

She nodded then grabbed her drink before taking a sip from it. I saw her wipe her mouth before looking at me, and leaning back into the seat.

"I'm full." She smiled.

I looked down at the wrapper in my lap before grabbing the bag from Amaya's lap, and tossing it int there.

She looked at me as I took a sip of my drink before setting it back in the cup holder.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." She smiled.

I really wanted to know why she was in a wheelchair, but I felt like she would either tell me when the time was right, but I wasn't sure if she would or not.

"Um.." I stopped when I realized that I shouldn't ask that question. "Did you enjoy your food?"

She looked at me a little longer before smiling. "Yes. But that wasn't what you wanted to ask."

I shrugged as I looked out the window. "I changed my mind."

"Don't be afraid to ask, Remi." She said, making me look over at her.

"Why are you in a wheelchair?"

She looked at me before looking out the window afterward. I knew that I shouldn't have asked that, and now I regret it.

"It's a long story." She said as she looked back at me. "But I'll tell you one day. If you agree to continue seeing me."

That made me stare at her before furrowing my eyebrows. "Yeah." I said, which made her smile.

After we were done, I drove back to her house. I looked at the time, and saw that it was a little after seven, so Alina would be home soon.

Amaya was getting tired as she was closing her eyes a few times before looking out the window. I caught her dozing off a few times, which made me want to smile.

As I parked into the driveway, I looked over at Amaya as she had her head back a little but she soon looked over at me once I opened the door.

"We're back."

She nods as I got out, and walked to the back to get the wheelchair. I grabbed it out, then closed the back door, and pushed the wheelchair towards the passenger side.

I opened the door, and saw Amaya looking at me. I saw her smile as I pulled the wheelchair close then saw her try to unbuckle the seat belt, but couldn't.

"I got it." I leaned over her, then unbuckled the seat belt before leaning away but caught Amaya looking at me.

I noticed how close we were, and I felt my throat dry up as I pulled back but Amaya grabbed ahold of the back of my neck, making me look at her as we were closer now.

Her eyes flickered to my lips then she pulled me closer to her as our lips touched. I felt my heart hammer in my chest as her lips were soft, and sweet.

Our lips moved together, and I could hear a ringing in my ears, which made my heart beat faster.

When we pulled back, we stared at each other for a moment, and Amaya smiled. I smiled at her, which made her chuckle as I pulled back but hit my head on top of the Jeep.

"Are you ok?" Amaya asked.

"Yeah." I rubbed the spot, then saw Amaya covering her mouth. I shook my head before lifting her up, and placing her in the wheelchair.

I shut the door afterward, then pushed her towards the house. I stopped in front of the door, unlocked it then pushed her inside.

"I'm tired." She sighed.

As I pushed her down the hall, she told me where her room was. I pushed her towards the room, then inside before turning the lights on.

Her room was nice, and cozy. I liked the lights that were on the walls, and that caught my attention cause they were blinking.

I pushed Amaya towards her bed, then helped her in. I pushed the wheelchair out of the way, then walked back towards her as she was pulling the covers on her.

"I'll wait until Alina gets here."

"Thank you, Remi." She smiled.

I sat on the bed before nodding. "You're welcome."

Amaya smiled at me before leaning up, and grabbing my hand. I looked down at it before looking at her as she was looking at me, which made me smile.

The way this woman has me feeling is crazy.

"Can I ask you something?" Amaya asked.


"Alina usually reads to me before I go to sleep, and since she's not here, I was wondering if you could."

"Sure." I said, which made her smile. I moved up on the bed, next to her, then saw her lean over towards her bedside table to grab something.

When she had her Bible in her hand, I stared at her as she looked over at me. I saw her open the book, then flipped towards a page, and handed the book towards me.

"We left on John twelve." She looked at me as I slowly grabbed the book.

I stared at it in my hands, not liking the feeling I had then sighed once I knew I couldn't do this.

I handed the book back to her, and she stared at me as she grabbed it. "I can't, I'm sorry."


When I looked at her, she had confusion in her eyes. I looked back at the book before sighing. "I don't believe in that."

Amaya was quiet after a moment as she looked down at the book. I saw so many emotions running through her eyes when she looked back at me.

"You don't believe in God?"


She stared at me for a moment before looking back down at the book. "Oh.." I heard sadness in her voice, then heard Alina's voice from downstairs.

She walked in then stopped once she saw us, which made her smile. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Remi was about to leave." Amaya said, making me look at her.

But she didn't look at me.

I got up, then looked at Amaya once more before walking towards the door. I saw Alina give me a confused look as I said my goodbye, then left.

For some reason, my chest felt like it was breaking as I was walking out of the door. I walked towards my Jeep, got in then left a few moments later.

I had so much on my mind on the way home, and an aching in my heart that hurt really bad. I never had this feeling before, and I knew it was cause of Amaya, and what I said to her.

Thankfully Kate was already in bed when I got back home, but Mason was still awake. I tried not letting him hear me when I came in, but he stopped me once I walked through the hall.

"How was your date?" He asked.

"It wasn't a date." I saw him smile, but I ignored him as I walked to my room. I closed the door then fell onto my bed as I was tired.

I may have messed this up.

I went to sleep that night when so much on my mind, not knowing what was coming tomorrow. 

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