our weird friendship anomaly...

By DaytimesMoon

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Who knew that escaping a school would result in stumbling upon the world's most dangerous beast? Well, luckil... More

Welcome to Nevermore Academy - 1
Farewell Nevermore Academy - 2
On the Prowl - 3
Howdy? - 4
I Could Just Drown You Right Here - 5
First Stop, Somewhere - 6
A Dog Always Comes Back to Its Owner - 7
A Shopping Spree! - 8
Howl Not Howdy - 9
After the Silence - 10
A Successful Plan - 11
The Search for Wednesday Addams - 12
Third Wolfing Experience's a Charm - 13
Nightmares and Festivals - 14
We Work. We Shouldn't, but We Do - 15
Starved - 16
I Should've Killed You When We Met - 17
Hearts Are Broken - 18
If You Died, I Would've Killed You - 19
Even You Are Music to My Ears - 20
A Change of Plans and A...? - 21
Never Bring a Non-Silver Knife to a Werewolf Fight - 22
Scars and Nicknames - 23
Woe Is Love Mi Sol - 24
Like a Golden Retriever and a Black Cat, or a Raven? - 25
Time Flies When You're Having Fun - 26
Bury Me in My Blood - 27
Enid Sinclair, The Lonely Werewolf - 28
And the Winds Will Call Your Name - 29
Days Gone By - 30
The Kooky Disappointment - 31
SoulMates - 32
Train to Francisco - 33
"Home" at Last - 34
Don't Say Goodbye... I Hate Goodbyes - 35
Home Is Where the Heart Is - 36
Surprises, Surprises... 38
Welcome Back to Nevermore Academy - 39
more than just a weird friendship anomaly - 40
Rain - 41

Letters to SoulMates - 37

598 24 22
By DaytimesMoon

Her boots stepped through the large gates and across the pavement.

She followed down the decently constructed houses of the private neighborhood, only seeing a person or two walking around.

The sounds of nature were nearly dead silent, but this was how it was when she first arrived in this area.

The sun brightly shined down on the neighborhood, casting long shadows that Wednesday stepped across.

She continued down the road, passing by some residents who raised questionable stares, a few recognized her as the one who brought the lost werewolf home.

Once again, this was definitely the neighborhood of the Sinclairs.

The Addams' boots came to a halt as their home came into view.

Her dark-chocolate eyes studied Enid's home closely.

It looked... brighter?

The curtains were open and there were new flowers being planted for the Spring season.

Wednesday approached swiftly, her eyes glanced over the mailbox that read, Sinclair Residence.

She carried her feet up the small flight of stairs and stopped right before the front door.

Wednesday raised the back of hand toward the door, taking in a deep breath due to finally seeing Enid again...

And then she knocked on the door twice, in beat with a Addams Family signature theme they practiced at home.

She waited, and waited, until suddenly her breath hitched when she felt a presence rush from upstairs.

The goth gulped as she waited for the door to swing open and be embraced into open warm arms.

And then it finally did.

After an unchain and twist of the lock, the door opened but slowly instead.

Wednesday's eyes quickly adjusted to the dim-lit hall inside.

She didn't see her bright werewolf so it must've been her father or one of her brothers.

"Excuse me, I-"

Wednesday felt all the air leave her lungs.

Her eyes went wide as she saw what was happening in the far room.


Blood was splattered everywhere.

Limbs and shreds of clothes and weapons were scattered across the floor.

There stood a few unknown people in the bloodiest room.

They all held lit torches and pitchforks.

What the- Wednesday head snapped toward the neighborhood and saw it was still the same.

This... this is your home- no, this is not your home, right, Enid?! Wednesday rushed in, passing by nobody as if the door was opened by a ghost.

Enid, no-no-no, don't tell me- Wednesday approached the group of people standing.

She immediately recognized what they were wearing and they were all in the gear of hunters.

But... but this is a private neighborhood accepted by- Wednesday didn't know when, but the tears had already fallen as she saw what the bloody hunters were standing around.

She shoved the murderous brutes aside and let out a gasp.

More tears streamed down her cheeks as she saw a familiar werewolf laying limp, in a pool of blood.

"Enid!" her voice sobbed out as she collapsed to the ground.

The pink and blue colored ends of the fur had to be hers... and her blue eyes-

Oh god, Enid's magnificent blue eyes were open and dull.

Her eyes were filled with nothing but death.

"Enid!" Wednesday sobbed again as she lifted up her head into her lap, "No, no, no, Mi Sol-" she gently caressed the werewolf girl's jaw.

It was covered in slashes that were marked with silver, Wednesday couldn't bear to look at her body which was covered in arrows marked with silver.

Her blood was boiling and being fueled with rage as she stared up at the hunters who all cheered for the death of the Sinclairs.

No... her family? Her family too?!

Wednesday suddenly felt the weight in her lap lighter, she looked down and realized Enid had turned back to her human form... and Wednesday wept loudly.

Her innocent and flawless body ruined... ruined by delusional minds of people who "hunt" to protect.

Her mouth hung open with blood leaking out the corners.

Her diamond-blue eyes still remained the same... dull and lifeless... only now they were crying as if she cried before her death.

Wednesday sobbed her love's name as tears fell onto her lifeless body.

Her hand trembled as she stroked Enid's colored locks, stained with bloodshed of her own.

She cradled Enid's head close to her with one hand, while the other reached for her concealed knife.

She was going to kill everyone standing in this house... they all did this to the Sinclairs.

Wednesday was going to make them pay for what they did.

She gripped the knife so tight she had to loosen up before destroyed the handle, and then she stared forward and lunged-

But suddenly Wednesday lunged forward onto a bunch of sheets.

Sheets of cotton.


They were bedsheets.

All in black, but outlined by bone-white.

The entire room was black.

Wednesday finally breathed when she realized where she was.

She was in bed.

She was in her bed.

She was in her own bed at home... back in New Jersey... in the Addams Manor.

Wednesday sat back against the bed frame, hitting her head hard against the wood.

The goth let out a shaky sigh as she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

Wednesday gritted her teeth and wiped the tear away, "Why?" she muttered to herself.

Why did she have such a terrible nightmare? This was not her usual terrible nightmares... it was an unbelievably sadistic event.

Curses, Wednesday didn't realize it until now that she had ripped one of her own pillows to shreds.

It bore resemblance to something Enid did when they first met.

Her head snapped around, searching for it until she finally found it.

Wednesday's hand quickly snatched the red-fox stuffed animal and hugged it to her chest.

She took in the small warmth and slight scent of Enid it gave off, calming her down from her unusual nightmare.

She sat like this for a few moments before her eyes panned to the wall.

Wednesday stared out of the window at the rising sun beyond the land.

And that's when she remembered something vital of connections these days and age.

How could she be so stupid?

How could she forget such a way to stay connected?

So, within a split of a second, Wednesday had escaped her bed and appeared in the chair of her desk, her fingers rapidly typing away as several words appeared on a paper.

The ravenette needs to reassure her that such a terrible nightmare will never truly happen.

And that this would be a delightful way to stay connected with her werewolf.


She yawned as she stretched in her chair.

"Thanks," she whispered and then a sudden cluster stormed up next to her.

She rolled her eyes as the other two clamored around and play-fought.

"Ya welcome, E," her eldest brother chuckled and took the bowls away to the kitchen.

"Come on, you dumbass, you had the jump on him!" Alden laughed at his younger brothers who were tackling each other.

"Buzz off, Ald-"

"Yeah, B! How come you had the upper hand and yet you're falling on your ass right now?" Desmond sneered before taking an unfortunate hit to the privates.

Enid winced, it was a pain that only boys could share.

She sensed someone approaching the door and her head immediately snapped toward it.

The door unlocked and swung open revealing a bulky man.

The blonde did a small run and wrapped her arms around him, "Hey, Dad!"

"Hey, kiddo," he patted his daughter on the back and shut the door.

"Whatcha get?"

"Oh, just some extra things from the market and grabbed the mail on the way in," Murray lifted a bag of market items and then the other with a stack of envelopes and papers.

Enid oooed at the items as he brought them to the dining table.

The table had been freshly refurbished, though it would've been nice to keep the knife slash that Wednesday made, it was nice to see her father being back again.

Her father was true to his words and brought back his hobby of woodcrafts.

"Boys, don't kill yourself," he sighed in disappointment as Alden joined the fight with his younger brothers.

Enid bounced on her toes next to her father, looking in awe at the random things he picked from the market.

He started flipping through the papers, mumbling about the usual envelopes until suddenly his fingers stopped on one of them.

He raised an eyebrow but then smiled through his beard, "Enid... you have a letter."

"A... a letter?" the blonde's eyes furrowed.


"A letter- uh, like what?"

He chuckled, "It's a personal letter," he slipped out the envelope and lowered it to Enid's eye level.

At first, Enid was frightened. She had sadly never gotten a letter before, and the way that her father said it was personal made her first think about how it was discovered that her lone wolf was behind the murders but then-

But then...

She saw the handwriting on the envelope.

And after a deep breath to calm down from her small panic attack, she smiled.

Only one person had that handwriting... and only one person would go so far and have an all-black envelope.

"Thanks, Dad," she gave a light peck on her father's cheek and zoomed up the stairs into her room, leaving him to deal with her brothers.

Enid shut the door and jumped straight onto her bed, laughing excitedly.

She felt so giddy!

First of all, letters?

Wednesday would be the first person to send her letters!

She couldn't believe it!

And second of all, WEDNESDAY!


Yes, Wednesday!

Oh, gosh, she was so thrilled that she couldn't hold the envelope still.

But then her hands froze.

"Oh, wait- how do you open a letter?" Enid blinked in confusion as she turned the envelope.

As said before, she had never gotten a letter before. And she didn't pay attention when everybody else opened envelopes.

She looked at the flaps and tried lifting it but it was stuck.

The poor werewolf didn't know that it was intentional to keep it sealed.

And then she started whimpering, unable to figure out how to open it.

She stopped in her struggle when the door was knocked on a few times.

"Hey, kiddo?"

"You can come in, Dad!"

The door opened slightly and revealed his friendly smile through his beard, "Hey, sweetheart, you okay? I heard you... crying?"

"Oh, c-crying? No, I was just... upset that I can't open this," Enid shamelessly raised the envelope and shrugged.

Her father walked in with an amused scoff, he sat on the bed next to her making it sink a lot, he raised his hand to take the paper.

"Here, you can open them through the flap on the back," he started gently peeling the sealing flap from the envelope, revealing an opening to the contents inside.

Enid was surprised that you were meant to rip it open, but in her father's case he gently peeled it open leaving it nearly intact.

"You can rip them open however you want, Enid, well actually open them without damaging what's inside," Murray chuckled.

"Thanks, Dad," she giggled and kept the thought of keeping Wednesday's envelopes in her mind.

She will open them gently, but it was nice advice.

"No problem," he stood up, making the bed pop to its normal shape.

"Well, I'll let you be because... obviously it's a personal letter," he bowed his head, "from a very lovely someone I can tell," he attempted a wink.

Enid blushed and shooed him out of her room, "Get out," she laughed and they both waved as the door closed.

The cotton-candy blonde sighed and stared at the two individual papers in her hands.

She carefully placed the black envelope on her desk and hopped back on her table with the white folded letter.

It was folded so pristinely and precise, obviously the hand of Wednesday Addams.

She scooched up on her pillows, getting comfortable as she gingerly unfolded the paper.

Immediately, a big smile crept onto her lips.

To my dearest Enid,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I regret to inform you of late of this letter.

It has come to my knowledge that I myself can be unintelligent at certain times, such as right now. Regretting to inform you of the lateness of this letter.

I had awoken with an unpleasant nightmare. All nightmares to me are always entrancing, this one however has taken a toll on me.

And before you start worrying your tail off, it is fine. I haven't had a terrible nightmare before, but I know for sure it will be the last.

But this nightmare had made me remember what my unintelligent brain had forgotten. Letters.

So now with my recollection of sending letters, I shall be communicating with you this way for the indefinite time being.

I hope you are okay with this, Enid.

If not, I will force my way from home again to see you. I wouldn't hesitate to do so.

The Addams Manor address is written in the corner for your convenience.

And use this mailing organization, they are under the Addams Family- and before you ask and write me- yes, we do bribe them to send letters within four days.

That will be the quickest way for us to communicate across the country rather than the commoner's pathetic two week wait.

Anyway, I should end this letter soon before your beautiful diamond-blue eyes get tired of reading.

I hope to see you soon, Mi Sol.

With loathed love,

Wednesday Addams

She was glad to see more of her typewriting, a bit mixed with her own handwriting.

But most of all, she was overjoyed to see Wednesday communicating with her in this way!

Enid blushed at the little compliment Wednesday put about her eyes, she held the letter close to her chest and smiled, "Oh, Wednesday... oh, Wends, I love you."

The same-said diamond-blue eyes looked around her room, observing her desks and bookshelves.

And then she caught it.

Enid jumped off of the bed cheerfully whilst at the same time holding the letter gently. She rushed by the shelf and swiped up the papers and pencils, not wanting to mess around with the quill and inks.

She literally hopped onto her chair and placed the paper down, ready to write back straight away.

She would ask her father for help with packing it and sending it to her love!

Filled with excitement and love, Enid wrote her letter and sent it out before the sun had fallen and the moon rose.


Wednesday elegantly wrapped her fingers around the strings and ceased the vibrating sounds of her cello.

Her other hand with the bow froze immediately as a series of knocks rapped on her door.

"Yes?" she sighed, reaching forward to her music sheets and putting herself back to the beginning.

She sat with her cello in a dramatic sense. She was playing her cello in the perfect spot of being right next to her window under the moonlight of the Waning Gibbous moon. It was as if she was on stage and all the candles surrounded her in the darkness.

The door creaked open in hollows and then the gloomy mistress of the Addams Family swiftly stepped in, "Dreadful evenings, my little rain cloud, I am grateful for your sounds to be played for our ears again," she gave a smile.

"What brings you here, Mother?" Wednesday rested her cello and the bow before standing, "And yes, what a dreadful evening it has been, it could use more fallen crows outside my window."

Her mother let out a deep chuckle, "Well, Lurch had come back with the mail."

Wednesday's eyes immediately softened, "The mail?"

It had been exactly eight days since she sent a letter to a certain cotton-candy blonde... and with her math obviously being correct as always... Enid's letter would have arrived by now.

And because of her eyes becoming soft, she wished she didn't let that side show.

Her mother immediately took note of it as a sly smirk grew in the corner of her blood-red lips, "I can see you are excited. Even more thrilled than getting ready to go gravedigging or your first autopsy."

"Be quiet, Mother, you didn't see anything."

Morticia let out another deep chuckle, "Oh, you're right, Wednesday... I didn't see you getting excited to see what your little wolf had written back."

"I will have her disembowel you."

Morticia laughed greatly this time, holding a hand above her mouth, "Oh, such a delight! I get to see her wonderful form and her claws that are as sharp as my grandmama's-"

"You are not invited to our wedding."

Morticia gasped but then knew she had to tease, "It seems like I'm not the only one preparing for your wedding so soon."

Wednesday grinded her teeth and rolled her eyes, her mother always seems to have a way to get back at her.

"Just give me the letter, Mother," the ravenette extended her hand.

The mother smiled warmly and rested the brightly colored letter on Wednesday's hand, "And you said you were allergic to color."

And before Wednesday could say anything back, her mother had already disappeared through the shut door.

She growled as she heard the quiet footsteps fade away.

She rolled her eyes and started walking toward her desk with her eyes glued to the new letter.

It was indeed colorful.

It was very Enid.

The envelope was colored in dashes of pink, blue, and yellow.

Although the handwriting was scribbly and all scratchy, it was cute and Enid.

Wednesday lit the lantern by her desk and examined the envelope.

Her hands quickly took her letter-opener, a scalpel, and a pair of tweezers and clamps.

She was going to keep this envelope in its best condition, not ruining it or tearing it in any way.

It seems like Wednesday and Enid both had the same ideas of preserving their lover's envelopes. Mutual minds.

It had become like a surgical procedure, Wednesday used the clamps and tweezers and ever-so-slightly pulled the folding tab of the envelope away from the other side.

The letter-opener and scalpel precisely cut away stuck pieces while keeping its form.

And after a short minute of Wednesday's surgical skills, the letter was opened flawlessly. Not a trace of imperfection or tear in the paper.

She slipped the letter out from the slit and couldn't hold back a smile at how it was folded.

The letter was folded like a heart.

Wednesday's own heart fluttered and skipped a beat, as spiders crawled around in her stomach.

Oh, Enid, she awed.

Wednesday's steady fingers carefully unfolded the paper, wanting to keep it in its best form.

And after another few moments of precision movements, the letter was fully open.

She was able to read Enid's slight scratchy and scribbly handwriting, admiring it as she did.

Dear my loving Wends,

Wednesday resisted an eye roll at Enid using her nickname in a letter, but she had a small smile anyway at it. She did miss hearing or seeing it.

Dear my loving Wends,

Oh my gosh hiiiiiiiii! howdy! howdy! hi Wednesday!

Welp cant write for shit I sinclairly sincerly sincerely I sincerely apologise apologize for my terrible writing and I forgot to be a good person and not say innapropite inappropriate language.


Again sorry Wednesday for my bad writing skills! I wish I had that clicky type writer like youuu.

Im just so excited!!!!! Really im so excited!!!

Ok but seriously Im sorry for how bad the letter is starting off but like you said before I must COMMIT to IT!

Anyways YES! Your letter did find me well! (i think that makes sense)?

And Im so sorry it happened to you. I know u you told me not to worry but you know me :p

Im glad you're okay Wednesday! And Im so happy youre writing to me! It makes me so happy!

Of course Im okay with this way of talking! Just talking to you makes me more than happy! :)

Annnd awwwwww you care for me so much that you will do anything for me without thinking twice? ;)

Jk jk jk

kinda lol

Anyway I am doing great Wednesday! Being back home has been really really nice.

Without mom here feels so free and like I want to move again.

My brothers have been treating me nice as well!

Ooh and another thing is that dad is making all my favorites a bunch!

Maybe a bit too much even but Im glad he is making my favourite favorite foods! I love it so much! You know me!

And Im not gonna question how you guys managed to bribe a U.S national mailing company to deliver faster lol.

You do so many wonders Wednesday :)

And thank you for complimenting my eyes. And I think I will end this letter soon so your beautiful chocolate-brown eyes can stop reading my junk haha!

So I say write back soon and I hope to see you again soon Wednesday!

But before that- how has the fantastic Mr Fox been doing? I trust he's looking after you well!

Well Wednesday it is nice to "talk" to you again.


With lots of love and lots of kisses! XXX

Enid Sinclair

Wednesday didn't know what these weird marks Enid made were.

Seriously, what is :) or :p like it befuddled her so much. Was there another part of letter writing she forgot?

And why is the ;) different from the :)?

She needs to ask Enid what they mean.

And what the XXX meant.

Wednesday at least knew what ILYSM meant from Enid. That abbreviation with all the other love remarks from Enid made her blush a deep red.

And she already started miss reading her letter, No... don't end the letter. I want to keep reading your words, Enid. Even if your handwriting's close to chicken scratch... only you can make it appealing.

Wednesday head snapped toward her bed where Mr. Fox was sitting comfortably between the pillows, He is doing well, Enid.


Enid raced across the grass as her hand reached up to the blue sky.

She did a little jump and the ball landed right in her hand. She gripped it tightly and shook it, "I catched it! Hell yeah, betcha didn't see that coming!"

Two of her elder brothers punched each other's shoulders, out of breath as their own little sister outran them.

The other brother far away just laughed, "Nice catch, Enid!"

"Thanks, Braddan!" Enid waved.

"Yo, C, E," Alden gestured his head toward a horse rider with a carriage.

Caden and Enid turned toward the road and saw the person.

"Greetings!" the horse rider tipped her hat.

"Good afternoon!" the Sinclair children waved.

"I bring you mail!"

Enid gasped. It was mail. And she sent her letter eight days ago!

If her math was correct- she kinda guesses- Wednesday's letter would arrive exactly eight days after she sent her letter!

So this must be it!

Enid threw a fastball at Braddan from afar, who was barely able to catch it, and then skipped toward the mail deliverer.

"I'll take those, thanks!" the blonde's smile beamed with excitement.

She took it from the nice lady and skipped along the path to the front door.

While the boys waved the mail deliverer off with her horse carriage, they turned to Enid and scoffed at her.

"Sorry, guys, got a letter to read!" Enid giggled.

The brothers all looked at each other, "How 'bout another wrestling match?"

Enid popped the door open and passed by her father who was about to walk out the door, "Here's your mail, Dad, got mine!" she dumped all the other papers into her father's hands and sprinted up the stairs.

Murray laughed as she turned toward the staircase, looking at the black envelope left on top of the pile, "Hey, kiddo! You forget something?"

Enid stopped at the top and turned around confused, but then she realized the envelope she was holding was yellow, "Oh, geez, you're joking me-" she sprinted down the stairs and exchanged the letters, "thanks!"

Her father just let out another chuckle before walking out the door to sit on the porch, sort out another stupid wrestling match from his sons, and sort through his mail.

Enid did the same process of closing the door and jumping onto her bed with triumph.

This time she did open the envelope by herself, carefully slicing it open with one of her colorful claws extended.

She slipped the letter out from inside, her hands shaking with excitement.

The blonde rested the black envelope by her side and unfolded the letter with a big grin.

To my ever-loving Enid,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am pleased to hear you are satisfied with this way of communication. I cannot tell how long we will be communicating this way but I am content that we are in a mutual agreement on this matter.

And do not worry about your handwriting. As atrocious it is, I admire it because it is you Enid.

I admire you for you, Enid. But please continue however you may.

I admire your commitment and sheer will.

And yes, Enid. I will do anything for you within a heartbeat. I will always find a way.

You ask me to travel to the moon, I shall learn and bend witchcraft or humanity's ability. You ask me to kill all the bears in the land, I shall do so with a single blade. You ask me to carve all the canyons with your beautiful face, I will with a single tool.

After all, I would make the winds call your name.

Now, I find it pleasing that you are able to use the mailing organization the Addams Family uses.

And I agree, it is best to hold off your curiosity on how we were able to bribe a U.S. national company of mailing.

Before I end this letter, I have four things to go over.

One: I apologize for such short letters. I am... new to such experience of communication with another through letters. You know me, Enid, so you know I do not tolerate others as "friends" and only you. You are my first and you will be my only one. Simply put, I do not know what to put in a letter entirely.

There goes my unintelligence I mentioned in the letter before.

Two: It does not matter how long your letters are. I do not care if it is a single letter or an entire act or law signed by the government... I will enjoy your writing no matter what. I will always enjoy all sorts of your presences, Enid.

Three: Excuse my informalities but what the hell are these marks you've been writing?

They are as followed:

:) :p ;) XXX

What is the meaning of this? And now that I think of it and type it, I apologize once again as I am still new to letter writing to another close-loved one.

Excuse my sudden change of formalities and tone in this letter.

So, last but not least... fourth: Mr. Fox has been doing well. He is indeed taking care of me as I am indeed taking care of him for you.

You are lucky he wasn't sent home in ashes in this envelope. I tolerate you and your absurd love for the abomination of stuffed animals and plushies.

So now I ask how is Willa- the black cat- doing?

Yours always... love,

Wednesday Addams

Enid smiles with a little scoff of amusement, Lotta big words but oh well.

And she couldn't stop giggling softly at Wednesday's "density" at the little letter pictures, or what she calls them... emojis.

And- Ohhh, gosh, how long have I been fathoming this letter?! Enid's eyes stared out the window and saw that the sun had just set and the night was pulling over the cover of darkness.

She was literally playing outside with her brothers just a few minutes ago!

Was she staring at this letter too much?

She loved how sincere and dedicated Wednesday was and the way she detailed it... even if a bit of it was sad like how she was Wednesday's only "friend."

Enid sighed and hopped off of her bed, carefully placing the letter on her bedside drawer so she could read it before bed.

She looked over at her bed with her stuffed animal army and smiled. The one up-front and center was her black cat plushie, Willa.

"She is doing well, Wends," Enid whispered.

The moon had alright come out and shined its light through the blonde's windows.

The moon, she remembered. Her eyes then panned to the wall where her calendar was and saw that the full moon was more than a week away.

Oh gosh, right... my first full moon with my... family... and without Wednesday, Enid swallowed hard but took a deep breath, telling herself she can push through and that she can do this.

And as her exercise of breaths came to an end, her father came with the perfect timing as the smell of one of her favorite dinners came through.

She sniffed and took a whiff of the air and licked her lips.

And then a smirk grew in the corner of her lips, My brothers will definitely cringe at me writing a letter on the dining table.


Wednesday took a quick pace forward, her sudden lunge making the boards creak. And then with a great arm mixed with the momentum, she threw the dynamite so far that it was hard to see the red stick.

It was hard to see until a few seconds later, the water threw up into the air with a loud splash mixed with a bang.

Pugsley laughed and applauded his elder sister as several fish started floating on the surface of the water, dead.

The ravenette had a barely visible smirk.

She took a step back, allowing room for Pugsley to throw his but then fall into the water in doing so.

But no, it never happened.

Her younger brother lit the stick of dynamite and managed to do a little run-up just right before the platform ended, and threw his explosive far off into the waters.

It landed closely left of Wednesday's fourth explosion, so the area of impact and effect could probably result in less fish being taken out.

The small stick of dynamite landed with a little splash... and then within a few moments a huge explosion threw the water into the air and caused some fish to surface dead on the waters.

The boy cheered.

"Impressive, Pugsley," Wednesday nodded with her arms crossed, "but I'm afraid I will have to become the sore winner and take the ultimate-" right before she grabbed another stick of dynamite, she felt the presence of her father instead of Lurch.

"Ahh! My little death trap! I think I have something for you!"

"Continue plasticizing, Pugsley. I will be back, dear brother," Wednesday immediately turned on her heels and swiftly sped toward her father, smoothly snatching the colorful envelope with ease.

Gomez didn't even realize Wednesday was gone when he stepped onto the porch. His eyes furrowed in confusion, "Hm? Where is our little scorpion? Wednesday?!" he looked around.

Pugsley shrugged, "Sis said she'd be back," he did a leap and threw a stick of dynamite, only to sigh in disappointment when it ended up getting caught on a tree branch.

"Oh, dear, boy... it's okay! Sometimes you can fish for birds!" the father cackled as he flipped through the remainder of the letters.

The explosion rang through the forest, sending smoke and splinters of wood in every direction.

The corpse of a crow plopped into the water.

"Ya see, son? You can always go outside of the box!" Gomez chuckled.

"You're right, Dad! Here!" Pugsley casually dropped a stick of dynamite into the hand of his father, "I'll fish for you!" and he wandered off.

"Thank you, my dear boy!" Gomez continued on flipping through the papers, not caring one bit for the lit dynamite that was about to go off.

Meanwhile, Wednesday was already in her room at her desk. She was performing another surgery on the envelope, carefully removing the fold without any trace of imperfection and then slipping out the letter.

The goth was able to do it within a minute, and then she began reading under the light of the dusk sun.

Ignoring a sudden explosion, she quickly began reading.

And once again, she was barely able to resist a small smile curving up on her lips.

Dear my wonderful woeful Wednesday,

AHHHHHHH! You responded! I never thought I see the gay day!

Me sorry again for my writing! Hehe I will try to be somewhat neat. Could still be bad writing haha.

And Willa is doing great thank you very much! She is sitting comfortably on the pillow next to me!

I uh I dont wanna sound weird but for now its like when you sleep next to me shes a placeholder.

NOT THAT SHES REPLACING YOU! Im just saying it will help :3

But Im happy about her.

Im happy about the stuffed animals I got with you!

Im still really glad that you brought me to that one winter festival in that one town a while back. It was very nice and fun! Thank you, Wednesday!

Oh and the symbols! Right!

The new one I put :3 basically is a cute cat face expression!

They are pretty much expressions!

:) is a smiley face! See?

:p is a bloopy face. The tongue sticks out!

I like to call them emojis! I dont know why but yeah! Emojis! Faces and expressions but in writing!

Hope that makes sense :p

Oh and the XXX means kisses but through writing! Where did that come from? I have no fricking clue, haha, but I like it.

So now you know! Wednesday! Now you know what they mean! You should try them! I think it would be totes adorbs from you!

And gosh your words mean so much to mean again, Wednesday. I cant believe how lucky I am to have you!

You inspire me so much and Im getting stronger every day to push back my fears and visions of my trauma.

Im handling my trama trauma better now. Its still there but not as much. Its still there, I still hate it, but Im getting better at handling it thanks to you, Wends.

All thanks to you. ❤️

And please tell me you know that kind of emoji. :)

Also it's okay to make some friends! You could send letters to other friends in the future!

And speaking of the future. Im sure youre aware of the full moon coming soon, in about a week's time.

Dont you worry about me Wednesday! I am honestly nervous and a bit scared but I also believe in myself after everything Ive gone through and... I have my family with me now!

Please trust me on this. I have my family to help me. Although I would miss shifting into a werewolf with you, I have my family to watch over me.

Im anxious but I think I will get over it and get through. But still pray for me please haha.

My reply to your new incoming letter will probably be after I shift so I will transform with you in my mind!

Believe in me Wednesday! Like I believe in you always! Haha I dont know, that sounds weird.

Thank you again, Wednesday! Love ya!

Millions of kisses, XXX

Enid Sinclair


Enid was sitting in the backyard in a tall chair with a large canvas in front of her.

She sat under the sun with the view of the colorful forest of Spring right there, in the clear crystal view.

By her side were several cups, containers, and brushes.

She was painting!

Enid was painting the scenery that was presented before her eyes.

The blonde figured it would be nice to get back into painting as it was one of her artistic hobbies.

She had quite a shocking amount of artistic hobbies! Sure, maybe they all came from because she was bored alone, but she was glad to have them in the end.

So there she sat, under the warm sun of San Francisco, brushing light colored paints across a large canvas.

Her tongue stuck out in a cute way as she did the little decals of the environment, getting every bit of detail and shadows in.

The different tones of the backdrop or the sky, and the layers of the trees with the many blooming flowers of different colors underneath.

She decided to add in a bit of the wildlife too. Jumping squirrels, little bunnies hopping around, and deers strolling by.

Wait, were there even deers all the way in San Fran?

Enid didn't care, imagination is a great piece of mind anyway!

She continued swiping the brush around and tapping the canvas with it, until she heard footsteps approach the backdoor from behind.

The door creaked open, Enid turned around in her chair to see the youngest of her elder brothers.

"What's up, Desmond?" she chirped and plopped the paintbrush into her cup of water.

And that's when she stood up, nearly knocking over everything.

Her eyes were filled with joy immediately and a quick excited gasp left her lips.

She saw it in her brother's hand.

A black envelope.

"Uh, yeah, got the mail and found this to your name-" before Desmond could finish, Enid had already swiped it from his hand.

"K thanks, bye!" she shoved her brother up the steps of the backyard and through the door.

"Alright, sis, later-" he scoffed.

Enid decided to read it outside in the warm weather and the nice relaxing spot!

It was a chill place to be!

So the blonde sat down whilst carefully removing the letter from the envelope, which she was getting better at.

Within a few short moments and listening to the peaceful birds sing, she finally unfolded the letter and read with a big grin.

To Enid, my bright sun,

I hope this letter finds you well.

And I will always respond. Please remember that. For you, I will always do anything.

Actually to an extent, I will not go as far as trying on pink dresses, but I will do anything for you romantically, Enid.

Ah, it is good to hear Willa doing well with you.

I do not mind that it is serving as a placeholder for me.

Although my inner minds contemplate me to go and brutally unstuff that stuffed animal for taking my place, I shall allow it as we are afar.

We live from afar and our respective stuffed animals are taking each other's places for the indefinite time being. Even as I find them atrocious, I tolerate them to a level.

Still, thank you, Enid... for them.

And thank you for everything, Enid.

But not thank you for these absurd word pictures.

"Emojis"? What in the world is this?

Letter pictures? What miserable blasphemy is this?

I have never seen such dreadful use of faces through letters and signs. But coming from you? I tolerate them.

Strange and serious question of "why bother?" but I will allow it for you, Enid.

And no, I will NOT be using such symbols that make a bad name of the already bad language of English. I shall not tarnish it in my way, but I will let you, Cara Mia.

I will let you for anything, Cara Mia. Even from afar I will help push you through your troubling visions and unfortunate ongoing nightmares.

I wish you do not have to go through such terrible experiences but I will continue helping you through, Enid.

I will always be there for you... just as you will be for me.

Also yes, I'm aware of the incoming full moon. It is very soon from this point of the letter.

I'm afraid I will not be seeing your transformation again for the time being, but do not fret. I believe with how you've changed your family, you will make it through with their support.

Your family is there for you this time and they will help you. With them seeing you for the first time, I'm sure you will impress them with the skills you learnt with me.

Make them proud as you made me proud, Mi Sol.

Dreadfully lovingly yours,

Wednesday Addams


Dear my grumpy-cat-and-emotionless-big-softie Wednesday,

Hello ΦΕΓΓΑΡΙ μου!

Totally did not ask my dad how to write in Greek! Haha!

Didnt realize how it would be to write ΦΕΓ ΦΕΓΓ ΦΕ ok forget it, haha.

Anyway thank you again Wednesday! Those words really mean a lot to me! I will cherish them with my heart!

I will make sure to not ask you to put on a pink dress. ;)

Ooh ooh ooh, winky face! New emoji! I dont care how much you hate them you will see them everytime writing is involved! Haha!

And youre welcome Wends! Anything for you as well! You are everything to me! And yeah dont worry, when you come back you will replace as my hugger and huggee!

And heyyy! Emojis are not that bad! But once again I will use them as much as I can just to annoy you! Hehe

But maybe I can hold off it for ya and we both are in a peaceful state.

Like right now! I am in a peaceful state because somehow I can feel you right next to me.

I can feel your strength helping me push forward and even in my nightmares and visions, I still see you with me by my side and pushing me forward.

And everything went okay!

Yeah its unfortunate you didnt get to see me but I kicked ass! butt!

You were right! I did somehow end up impressing my family! They were amazed with the things I did when I was with you! Slicing through trees like they were nothing without breaking a sweat (hold on do wolves sweat?)

And running around carving things into trees and digging up borrows was done all flawlessly!

Everything went well and our hunt together went really great!

I also saw some of our neighbors running around too! That was cool!

Everything was awesome, Wednesday! Believe me! It was really cool to see other werewolves running around. Running with the pack finally!

But of course I could feel you running with me!

I can feel you running with me and the wolves altogether!

So that was my night of wolfing out with family and neighbors!

Wednesday, I cannot thank you enough. I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me... without you I wouldnt be here!

Without you I would be nothing, so... Im glad we were able to find each other.

Thank you so much, ΦΕΓΓΑΡΙ μου, for everything.

Im glad. Really!

Thank you again, Wednesday! Love ya!

I love you,

Enid Sinclair

Wednesday's eyes reread the line several times. Her dark-brown orbs going back and forth over the same line of Enid's handwriting.

She had already written a letter back for this one earlier in the day, but she couldn't get over reading Enid's letters over and over again.

So there she laid in bed, for several hours next to her lantern, rereading several of Enid's letters just to embrace Enid through.

Oh, how she missed her wolf.

Very soon! Very soon she will see her again and they will reunite!

Very soon...

Wednesday looked at the letter once more, and then the last line before the blonde's name.

The goth rested the letter onto her chest, holding it firmly but not damaging it. With her hand resting on her chest, she could feel her heart beating faster than normal. That was complimentary with her cheeks being warm.

Under the darkness of the night, a smile crept onto her lips, "I love you too," Wednesday whispered as her eyes rested.

Her other hand reached over by her lantern and then switched it off, leaving her in the pitch black dark where no moon shined.

And then she silently slept. Her embrace of slumber allowed her to enter the dream world of being with Enid.

(author's note):

I apologize I did not realize until NEARLY a WHOLE YEAR LATER that there was a formatting error on Wattpad! Mainly it was Enid's letters!

Unlike on Archive of Our Own, you can cross out text with a line to make it look like the person crossed a word out of the text.

So I tried to format this Wattpad text like that but unfortunately I couldn't find any way.

So my only best way of trying to make it seem like that is to my text crossed off like this since there's no lineout unfortunately.

To anyone who was confused during the FIRST WHOLE YEAR of this being out and reading some of Enid's letters, I truly am sorry and should've fixed this sooner!

There's probably a few instances with crossed off text throughout the entire story, I will attempt to find it and fix it! But it is pretty minimal and does little in changing the story, so don't worry!

Sorry again!

Thanks for understanding!

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