Life With The Parkers

By ItzSoniaPearl

443 108 9

Charlotte Hayes an average teenage girl living a normal life in Seattle had her life dictated for her, when s... More

Chapter 1 & The characters
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94

Chapter 51

4 1 0
By ItzSoniaPearl

"Does that sound good to you?" I asked Carson, he looked up.

We were trying to finish the project. Emphasis on 'try'. We haven't gotten anywhere. Just Carson being extravagant and going on impromptu snack breaks.

And he was definitely not gonna show up for the presentation.

It's been few days since the suspension and it has been kinda good. Carson, for some reason was also ditching school with me. Bianca missed yesterday to come stay with me and we hung out and had fun but she left before Mrs Parker got back.

"I'm done" he got up and headed to the kitchen, I watched him closely as he rubbed his neck lightly.

I got up too and followed, he was taking off his jacket. That was weird because it was really cold today.

"Are you okay?" I got up the counter, he didn't respond and walked to the fridge, pulling it open and getting out a can of Budlight, he gulped down the whole thing.

I watched him as beads of sweat ran down his neck, how can he be sweaty right now? He threw the can into the bin and leaned face down on the counter.

I jumped down and walked to him. "Carson, are you okay?" I placed my hand over his shoulder but he bolted like he just got scalded.

He turned away from me not wanting me to see his face, he kept on mumbling something under his breath. "Carson!"

"I'm fine! I'm okay!" Well, it seems otherwise. He massaged his temples and began heading out and I stood there speechless

What was that about?


I sat up, letting out a yawn. I glanced at my side clock, the time was past 2pm. I felt refresh after having a long ass nap.

I got down the bed and put on my comfy footwear and I headed downstairs to get water. I rubbed my knuckles, the scar was still evident. I was just in a sweatpant and shirt.

I jogged down the stairs and headed to the kitchen but paused when I stepped in. My eyes shot to the half bottle of vodka on the counter.

I slowly walked to it and picked up the little glass. Sniffing it , I regretted my actions immediately.

It choked me and I coughed out roughly, placing back the glass. Who dropped this here? No one was home except I and...Carson.

I headed to the fridge, pulling it open.

Carson...I froze at that spot.

Head slowly turning back to the counter. Could he do this? I slowly shut the door.  He was acting frantic this morning.

He could do crazy shits.

I immediately headed to the elevator, tapping the button multiple times. I had to check up on him.

I got in and waited for the ride to get over it. Once the doors slid open, I hurried to his door. "Carson!" I banged it and then I did the craziest shit ever by hitting the door with my shoulder.

And it landed me on the floor but then I heard ruffling on the other side, I got up and the door was swung open.

There Carson stood, staring at me boredly, I let out a relived sigh. "Shit, I'm happy you're okay. I thought something... happened" He still stared at me, I let out another sigh, pulling my hair.

He really brought out the worst in me. He was about closing the door but I held it back, he glanced back at me.

I froze at that spot as blood trailed down his nose. "Carson?"


"You're bleed-"

He dropped to the floor immediately, I screamed and hurried to him, the blood was profuse, tears was already streaming down my eyes.

I tried to wake him up, he was unconscious.  "Carson!" I tapped his face multiple times.

He wasn't complying. I knew something was wrong, I knew he had done something really crazy.

My hands shot to my back pocket but I couldn't feel my phone, I got up and barged into my room, grabbing it fom the side table.

I ran back and knelt beside him, I checked his pulse, he was still breathing.

I called Austin and he didn't pick up, then I called Jayson, they wouldn't pick up of course. They are at school.

I tried all the guys, yeah including Mason but only one called me back. "Charlotte, what's-"

"Calvin, Carson is unconscious and his bleeding profusely!"

"Okay, first you need to calm down"

"I can't! He consumed a huge chunk of alcohol and dropped down right in front of his room!" I rambled.

"Okay, there are medications for the allergy. Get him to the bed and search in the drawer"

"Okay, I'll call you once he's on the bed" I said. "I'll tell the others" I ended the call and began dragging him in.

It wasn't easy, I finally got him on the bed. Wiping the blood off his face, I turned on the lights, tucking him down in the sheets.

I began searching around, calling Calvin in the process. He supplied the name and I pulled out the bottle. "It's liquid!"

"Yeah, you gotta inject it in him, not above 5cm"

"I'm no nurse!" I yelled.  "That's the only option, we can't get the doctor there on time and the guys aren't even picking up"

Not surprised.

"I'm on my way" the call ended and I turned back to Carson, he laid still on the bed.

Minutes later

I just stared at him, I've done this before. I'm always sitting on the side, doing things to make him feel better.

He haven't moved an inch, his chest going up and down. It's been an hour and the guys haven't shown up.

What I couldn't get was why he would do this? I knew he was reckless and shits but this was absurd. He would have died.

I was home and shits still happened, I pulled my hair in frustration.


I heard a groaned and felt movements on the bed.  I looked up immediately and there was Carson staring down at me.

"One would have done the trick" he said, pulling the syringe out his arm and leg. Yeah, I panicked and stabbed him all over with the injections.

Before I could say anything, the door burst open and all the fuckers stumbled in.

Nice timing!

They began rambling out all their worry and I just stared in disbelief. What I couldn't get was how long it took them! "...what the eff is wrong with you? Second time this month" Austin scolded.

The girls were leaning by the door so I headed to them. "Are you okay?" Bianca asked, rubbing my shoulder as we headed to the elevator.

"I've had a hell of a day" they followed behind and I tapped the button for the elevator.

"You did good okay" Harley said and once the doors slid open, we stepped in and the ride started. "So, how are you and Tyler going?" I asked.

"Tell me about it, he's driving me crazy. Like someone sprinkled a little love portion in his soul" I looked away with a smile.

"You need to see my locker, wouldn't be surprised if butterflies showed up " Harley bursted out laughing.

"Well, talk about couples that are having the best time of their lives.  Chadwick and Arielle are hitting it off good"

"Don't rub it in!" Bianca yelled. We got out of the elevator and into the kitchen. I sat on a stool and put my hair in a messy bun.

"Can you believe Hailey got expelled?!" They both yelled at the same time and my eyes shot open.

"I was gonna say it first!" Bianca yelled at her.

"No, I was" Harley retorted

"What?" I was surprised by what they told me and not their childish banter. "Yeah, she got expelled" Bianca confirmed while munching strawberries from the bowl on the counter.


"I too can't believe, you need to see her face. Your fist really did justice"Harley said checking out my bruised knuckles and I laughed.

"Well, that serves her right"

"Where did you get those skills from, babe?" She asked and I chuckled. "Practice and my suspension is been awesome!"

"Carson fainted" Bianca reminded me and I sighed. "Did he consume the alcohol by mistake or something?" Harley asked, now eating strawberries.

"I think he did it on purpose" they both turned to me. "That's debatable, he isn't that crazy"

"Yeah, he wouldn't try killing himself" Bianca added to what Harley said.

I couldn't reply them, I just stared. Only if they knew who he was, he was more than crazy or irresponsible. He was psychotic.

"Yeah, you guys are right anyways" I shrugged it off. "So, how did you guys get out of school?"

"Well, you wouldn't believe it" Bianca said with a laugh. "I'll believe any shit that comes from you" I replied.

"So, Harley called me and told me everything and fortunately I was kicked out of class, so I went straight to the principal's office and told him my cat died"

"And he believed?" I asked. "No, so I told him my best friend's boyfriend is at the hospital"

"Seriously? And it worked?"

"Yeah... when I began crying" that made Harley laughed. "And you?" I asked her.

"Jayson told me, so we talked to the principal and he accepted" she replied. "Right away?"

"Sure but I had to round up some things with the girls at cheerleading practice. Of course, he would accept. It's the Parkers"

Jayson then walked in. "How's he?" She asked. "He's okay, all thanks to Charlotte" he shot me a smile and I gave him a curt nod.

"...yes,with no dressing on the side, no onion too" Austin said, walking with the phone over his ear.

"... I know you guys have a 45 minutes delivery policy but I want it here in 10. I'm diabetic, if it's not here on time, I could die and you could get sued" with that he ended the call and looked up at us.

"You're not normal" Bianca confirmed.

"Austin!!!" Chloe stomped in.

"What do you want, brat?" He asked, using his phone. "I'm hungry"


"Make me a sandwich!" She yelled and I scoffed. "Don't even think about it, Chloe. Austin doesn't know squat about kitchen stuffs"

Austin's eyes shot to me. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you can't cook" Bianca simplified it for him. "No one asked for your opinion, Brenda"

"It's Bianca!"

"Whatever Brittany. So..." He turned back to Chloe. "...what do you say you want again?"

"A sandwich"

"One sandwich coming right up" he walked to the other side of the counter and Chloe whispered to me.

"We should do this more often"

"Right?" We both laughed and I got down the stool. "Where are you going?" Bianca asked.

"I'm gonna go freshen up" I answered and she nodded. I began heading to the elevator. "Why are you adding spices? It's a sandwich not a taco!" I heard Chloe yell, making me chuckle.

I tapped the button on the elevator and the door slid open and I stepped in. It was already 4pm, today be fucked up.

The doors slid open and I was about stepping out but stopped. Carson was in front of me, he had threw on a grey shirt and jean, hair messy with pods in his ear.

I wanted to corner him and walk out since he wasn't gonna say nothing. But when I took 2 steps something made me stop, something...he said. Something you would never hear Carson say.

"Thank you"

Everything stopped, was this some kinda dream or... I slowly turned back to him and he was staring back at me.

He infact had said it.

My brain was too numb to come up with a reply, so I nodded in response. His face remained expressionless and he stepped into the elevator.

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