• Only Time Will Tell •

بواسطة jada_nb

67K 2.2K 408

Just read you won't regret it... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
New Characters!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Brief Intermission
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
*Announcement: New Story!!*
~ The Final Chapter ~

Chapter 32

620 17 2
بواسطة jada_nb

~ Three Months Later ~

Omniscient POV:

Before they've known it, time has flown by and the group of seniors are now within a month and a half of graduation. College is right around the corner, but then again, so is summer before that. And boy, do they have plans.

As of now, just as a little update: Hunter asked Tina, on Valentine's Day, to be her girlfriend. And the two have been inseparable ever since. Kingston and Silas are going to the same college so they'll be rooming together in the future. Aria and Dylan are still in decision mode about their future plans. Sade's mom's wedding is a week after spring break; that weekend. Lauren and Sade are going six months strong. Though Sade is very much unaware, Lauren secretly submitted her portfolio of designs to NYU Fashion. To her knowledge, she was considering just talking to Lauren about their future plans before making any moves just yet. On the other hand, Lauren's dad hopes she returns to Europe for at least a year or two for schooling. She's hesitant, because of her girlfriend, but college in Europe had always been her plan.


Today was a Sunday, and it's a bright and early morning. Lauren and Sade had brunch plans with Hunter and Tina. This would be their first time meeting the mystery girl that Hunter couldn't stop smiling about. Sade and Lauren hadn't really seen the other group members as of late, due to their own individual lives occupying them. They also hadn't been together in-person all weekend, so the two were itching for a long overdue embrace.

It's around 10 am now and Lauren's just pulled into Sade's driveway to pick her up. Meanwhile, Tina's at Hunter's place doing the same.

She shot her girlfriend a text, letting her know she was outside. Soon appeared a rather cheerful Sade as she ran happily down the steps from her front door. Lauren stepped out of her black, new modeled, Honda, sharing a smiling expression as she met her girlfriend half way.


She doesn't have a POV this chapter, but for visual purposes, here you go.


The two about collapsed to the ground as they tackled each other with an enormous embrace. Soft giggles and kisses were shared before they pulled away.

"I've missed you Honeybee!" Sade said to her girlfriend before interlocking their hands and bringing Lauren's to her lips.

"Oh I promise I've missed you more." Lauren shined a bright smile.

The couple headed for the car and got in. Even though they Facetime each other and text all the time, it was nothing like being in the presence of one another. They'd been between school and work all week, and their schedules were different now so they'd hardly seen each other. It was fine though because tonight, Sade planned to stay over at Lauren's, and probably would remain there for half the rest of the week.

"So, how's your dad? He hasn't called me in a minute, he alright?" Sade asked, prompting Lauren to shake her head, chuckling to herself.

"He's fine, I assure you. This past week was my mom's birthday, so he said he wanted to take a few days. But he's been okay, just not around his phone." Lauren responded.

Lauren's dad, Keith, and Sade have grown close ever since her the passing of Lauren's mother. He's always considered her like a second daughter even when the two first got together. But after the unfortunate event, Keith has shown his appreciation toward what Sade's done and been for his daughter. She's appreciative of how welcoming and accepting he is, considering a father of her own is absent. The two have a playful and joking relationship, and Keith's always calling Sade to complain about whatever comes to mind and offer help for whatever she may need. They've grown to consider each other family by now.


Introducing, Tina:


"So, are you nervous?" Hunter glanced at Tina, wiggling her eyebrows with a smile. Tina nudged her shoulder while driving with one hand,

"Shut up-" they shared a laugh. "And yeah a little," she muttered. Hunter looked over at her girlfriend with knit eyebrows,

"T, you have nothing to be nervous about, I promise you guys are going to hit it off like that" she snapped her fingers. Tina chuckled,

"Shit I hope so."


Sade and Lauren were the first two to arrive and had already been seated. They reframed from ordering any drinks or appetizers given Hunter and Tina were five minutes away. Sure enough, in they walked, hand in hand, and wearing bright smiles. The other couple stood with wide grins to greet the two walking in. Lauren was the first to walk up to them,

"Hi babes" she said, hugging Hunter before turning to her girlfriend, extending a hand. "And you must be the infamous Tina, it's really nice to meet you." She shook her hand before pulling her into a hug. Tina was still a bit nervous, but the nerves were eased a bit once feeling so welcomed.

"I am, and hi, it's nice to meet you as well," she said before turning to Sade who welcomed her with a warm embrace.

"Don't you two look lovely," Sade said, pulling away from Tina.

The group of four then headed for their seats, couple sitting across from couple. The rest of the friend group were busy with either work or family stuff, so that left only these four for the gathering.


Appetizers and drinks were served as everyone chatted, getting to know each other a bit. Tina was easily warming up to Lauren and Sade, feeling herself more comfortable being herself around them as each minute went by. Lauren and Sade thought she was really cool so far. It was no wonder Hunter was so charmed by her. They'd be sure to make great friends.

"So Tina, I heard Hunter asked for you guys to be official on Valentine's Day?! I bet that was a dream," Sade's words prompted Tina to blush, but it was nothing compared to Hunter's. Lauren smiled at the sight.

"Oh believe me it was, I really wasn't expecting it at all."

"Oh come on T, you knew it was coming." Hunter said knowingly. "I literally told you I was going to two weeks prior."

"Okay but I thought you was just bullshiting." Tina said, making the other two laugh. Hunter shook her head with a smile, chuckling a bit as well.

The male server arrived, indicating it was now time to order entrees. The group did so and traded in their menus, then continued their conversation.

Hunter and Lauren got their usual. Tina had never been there before, so she tried a suggestion from her girlfriend. Sade decided to try something completely new, feeling tired of getting the same thing.

The food soon came out and everyone happily dove in.

"So how'd you guys meet?" Tina asked the couple across from her.

Lauren and Sade smirked, glancing at each other.

"School," they said together.

"Ah, and who asked out who?" Another knowing look was shared between the two.

"Me," they both said, causing their heads to snap at each other.

"No it was me," they said again. Sade coughed a bit, and cleared her throat, adjusting in her seat as she rubbed her chest a bit.

"Sorry," she said. "But it was me Tina, I asked. I don't know what the hell Lauren smoking." Lauren jerked her head back, trying to hide a smile,

"Me?! No, what you smoking shawty? It was me," she pointed to herself.

Sade gave her a look. "Lauren."

"What? I did-"

"You kissed me first, but I asked you to be my girlfriend." Lauren squinted before shrugging,

"Same difference." Everyone laughed.

"Oh my god." Sade shook her head, smiling, before coughing then clearing her throat, again.


Hunter's POV:

"Hey babe, I'm gonna walk to the bathroom real quick," Tina said, getting up. I stood with her,

"Okay let me come with you actually," I said quickly then turned to the couple who was engaged in their own little sidebar conversation. "We'll be back ladies." They smiled and playfully waved the two of us off.

Thankfully, it was empty once we got in there. This way, we could speak to each other without having to be on the hush about things.

"I like them," she said before going into the stall. I smiled, standing outside the door.

"I knew you would."

"Yeah yeah, point taken I guess. So do they know?" My face scrunched in confusion.

"Know what?"

"That you invited me on the spring break trip. I wanted to bring it up out there, but I wanted to talk to you about it first."

"Oh yeah, they know I planned to bring you. All of them do."

Unlocking the stall handle, she exited with a sigh of relief, "good, I didn't want to intrude or anything."

Before Tina could get too far away, I grabbed her by the waist and spun her around to face me. It was cute, the way she tried to hide her blush. Her arms draped around my shoulders as mine wrapped around her exposed torso. Her skin was as soft and smooth as a brand new silk sheet. She smelled like a citrus and strawberry pound cake. It was so potent, my eyes would subtly roll every time we'd hug or kiss.

"You'd never be intruding, I promise," I said softly. She hung her head a little,

"I hear you, I just don't like being in a place I'm not wanted."

"You're always wanted around me, T" I shined a bright smile, and she looked away, her lips curving into one as well. I just watched her with adoring eyes as she let hers wander everywhere but my gaze.

"Stop it, you know what I mean."

For a moment, I didn't say anything really. My attention was drawn in by her, and everything about her. In this moment, and in general. I adore Tina, with everything in me. She's the first person I think about whenever I get excited, happy, sad, when I wake up, or before I go to sleep. Everything about her fascinated me for some reason. The way she carried herself, her choice of words, choice of style, outlook on life, future plans, all of it. She was like a breath of fresh air, all of the time.

Earlier on in our relationship, I kind of did her dirty, which I'd still to this day apologize a million times to her for. I let my own faults and fears hold me back so much. It wasn't fair to her though, stringing her along like that as I tried to figure myself out. After some talking with Sade, I quickly realized what I had and wanted to have before I lost it. Thank god for Tina's patience.

In my opinion, I really didn't feel as though I deserved her. Much to her opposition, I didn't think I brought much to the table or had much to offer her. It must be something though, because she still hasn't left me, at least not yet.

The feeling of my girlfriend's soft, sweet scented, hand brushing across my cheek pulled me from my thoughts. Without saying anything, the two of us shared brief eye contact before she leaned in to kiss me. It was sweet, and intimate. I'd never craved a person so badly before Tina. I'd never felt lips so soft and sensual against my own, so much so that I could kiss them all day, everyday. Now that I've experienced it though, this feeling. I don't think I can do without it.


Lauren's POV:

We carried on just chatting about whatever came to mind as we ate. I've learned so much about Tina, and even Hunter while on this date. I would definitely do this again with them.

For some reason though, my girlfriend kept coughing, but not in a sick way. Progressively, it got worse the more she ate. I glanced over at her and she looked a bit pale now. It worried me to no end. I discreetly scooted closer to her, draping my arm on her lower waist as I leaned in to whisper in her ear.

"Baby, you okay? Is something wrong?" She shook her head, coughing again, as she tried to speak. My eyebrows furrowed in concern and worry.

"I don't know, I think it may be the food or my drink."

"But you always get that drink?"

"I know- I" she coughed, then scooted her chair away from the table and tried to stand. She didn't look too good, like at all. "I think I'm just gonna go to the bathroom. Excuse me y'all," Sade said to Hunter and Tina, who now shared looks of concern along with myself.

Standing to go with her, I trailed behind my girlfriend, keeping close. As we walked, I held her waist and she held onto me for support. It seemed as if her strength to walk was deteriorating with each step. What's wrong with her?

"Baby, I think you should sit. Maybe walking is too much right now." I said, and she nodded in response.

Before we could even make it to the nearest empty table, Sade lost balance in my arms. She'd completely lost consciousness and I started to panic,

"Sade?! Sade, baby wake up!" The height of my tone drew more attention than her fainting. My heart began to pound as my eyebrows furrowed in distress. "Someone help, please!"

People that stood in shock began to busy around and I soon saw Hunter and Tina rushing over to us.

"What happened?!" Hunter asked frantically. With tears threatening to spill over, I opened my mouth to speak, but words could barely form.

"S-she just passed o-out" I managed to inform them. Tina came closer and gently pressed two fingers against my girlfriend's neck. She shook her head with a worried look,

"Shit," she muttered. "Her pulse is really weak." My heart sunk at her words. She looked at me, fear in her eyes, "is she allergic to anything?" I quickly shook my head,

"No, she told me she didn't have any allergies.."

"It may be an unknown allergy," Hunter said. "I didn't find out I was allergic to strawberries until I almost died from taking a single bite," she blurted, then bit her lip in regret immediately after.

Her comment instantly made me think the worst and there was no turning back now. Tina cut her eyes back at her girlfriend slowly,

"Really babe?"

Hunter grimaced, "sorry."

Tina looked at me, trying her best to muster a reassuring expression. It wasn't really working. "Lauren she's gonna be alright. But we do need to call an ambulance, like now."

Slightly unedited so please excuse any mistakes🙏🏽


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