Copycat: Genesis -(Marvel Fem...

By Daniela_Zenteno

231 4 6

While the world demands her to pick one identity and forget the rest, Copycat's ticking starts to echo, and u... More

The Ticking Stops.
Parker Loses Beeper Privileges.
Cat Needs A Friend
Aunt May.
Jane M. Maximoff
The Amazing Copycat.
Space & Time.
As Bad As It Gets.
C.C. Lives An "If".
Letting Go.
The Last Phase.
An Awkward Reunion.
A Night To Remember.
Copycat Gets A Call.
Miss Williams Holds Herself Accountable
The Avenger
Cat & Matthew
Friends Reunion Pt.II
Copycat & Nightcrawler
The End Of The Cycle
Time & Hope
Something Else
The Past
The Young Avengers.
Settling Scores.
Copycat Finds A Way.
Moving Day.
Cat's Path.
(Almost) Three Years Later.

White, Red, Blue, and Black.

7 0 0
By Daniela_Zenteno

Kurt got to punch her after all, and she got to punch him back a few times as well. Wade videoed the process. "I'm going to play this at your Avenger's graduation ceremony," he said.

"You'll never be inside an Avenger's compound if we can help it," she put her cloak on.

"Why didn't you call Yelena instead of this clown?" Kurt seized a pair of handcuffs.

"I did," she let him put the handcuffs around her wrists. "Wade answered."

"I took her phone," the mercenary explained, unwrapping a lollipop and lifting his mask up a bit to eat it. "She was taking all of my employers."

"Well, if you were trustworthy they would hire you and not her."

"I meant she's killing them," Wade clarified. 

"Oh," Kurt grabbed a second pair of handcuffs and Cat helped him put it on. "Have you considered working for the government? I mean it's basically the same as the mafia but at least they give you a retirement plan."

"Ha! I don't plan on retiring unless is to the lovely hands of Lady Death," Deadpool smirked. "Are you?"

"Not anytime soon," she nodded at his phone. "What did Russo say?"

"He's waiting," Wade laughed, he sounded a little crazy. "This will be fun."

"So you're like a good mercenary now, or..?" Kurt inquired, stepping closer to the man and handing him his blaster.

"He helps whoever likes best at the moment," Cat replied as Wade put their weapons in his Hello Kitty gym bag.

"She said you'd pay me with Stark Tech," Wade added as he towards the door.

"I never said that."

"Okay, one million's more than enough."

"I see why you're friends," Kurt teased her.

"I hate to say this, but quit the talking!" Wade left the lollipop in his mouth and turned to them. "Time to look unconscious."

Cat sighed. "The dumbest plans are always a success, the dumbest plans are always a success..." She muttered, allowing Wade to carry her over his shoulder.


"Coming through!" Wade was making a show of himself, swinging the bodies as he walked into the villa. "Where is my pretty boy, Krueger? I got his chew toys!"

Cat heard a guard speaking through his coms, someone approached and took her vitals. She kept her eyes closed, dangling like a ragdoll. "The babies are napping," Wade continued. "This one was already blue when I found him."

"Let him through," a voice ordered.

"Thanks! I'll take a Dr. Pepper on the rocks. Send my dinner upstairs, Alfred."

Someone muttered just how much they hated Wade, but she was thankful for his presence, the louder he was, the less they would pay attention to her and Kurt. Deadpool took them to the second floor, and then to the office on that level.

"Hi, boss, has anyone told you how ravishing you look this evening?"

"For once keep your mouth shut, Wilson," the man replied rudely. "Let me see them."

Wade threw them onto the carpet. "She doesn't look like the Gorgon I remember, but Bob said she was..."

Russo rolled her sideways to examine her face. "Those scars... I did those."

"Cute," Wade said indifferently. "I'll take cash."

Russo got up again. "Over here..."

Cat felt Kurt stirring and she kicked him lightly, they had to wait. She heard Billy shuffling a few papers, then gave Wade a thick envelope. Wade weighed it on his palm and turned to leave. "Later, handsome!"

The mutants heard Russo grabbing something else as Wade walked out and closed the door behind him. A familiar beeping echoed and ignited the fly-or-flight reaction in her. Cat's eyes snapped open and she kicked the inhibitor out of Russo's hand as he crouched over her.

She teleported and hit his head, Kurt teleported to the door and opened it, Wade had just stabbed the guard standing outside. The mercenary cut Kurt's handcuffs in one quick action and tossed the blaster at him.

The guards downstairs heard the commotion and called for backup, running up the steps in Wade and Kurt's direction. Wade grasped his katanas and went to town, Kurt closed the door again and approached her and Billy, both of them still fighting, and held his blaster up with a menacing air.

"You're coming with us."

Billy reached for an ashtray on his desk and tossed it. Kurt dodged it and struck Russo in the face with the butt of his gun. Cat broke her handcuffs in half, they could hear men arriving at the scene outside the office. Wade was clearing their path of escape by cutting off limbs and impaling torsos. 

She seized her spear and split it, turning on the taser mode. "You got new toys?" Billy laughed dryly. "Kraven will have fun with them."

"He's not here to help you now, so I guess I'll have my fun with you," she snarled.

Billy seized the gun on his belt and she hit his wrist with one of her batons, the touch shocked him, but it wasn't enough to take him out. Cat seized him by the throat and dragged him to the ground, Kurt kicked the door open and lifted his blaster ready to shoot whoever got in their way.

"You belong to me!" Billy barked at her wildly, and her eyes flared up with anger.

"Who does, William?" She kicked his face. As she did she shifted so her hair changed from silver to red. "Katrina?"

She didn't know how many men Russo had, but she guessed it had to be more than a hundred, and they would continue to come the more time they spent in that place. She picked the man up and pushed him towards the door, Kurt and Wade were already halfway down the stairs, trying to take down Russo's men.

She tried to kick him again but Russo stopped her foot and pulled it forward, she stumbled but punched his jaw as she went. "Who belongs to you, Billy?" She pressed in outrage, once again shifting to her original looks with brown curls and dark eyes. "C.C. or Cat? Copycat and the Gorgon? Who is it?"

"Call Kraven!" Billy shouted to his minions. "Tell him they're here!"

"You've been waiting for me?" She pushed forward driving him to almost topple over the railing of the second floor. "Missed me much?"

"Ardently," he sneered, trying to regain his footing. "Couldn't wait to gauge your eyes out myself."

She growled, quickly passing the sharp edge of her baton over his thigh, he was still strong enough not to cry out in pain. The fight had moved to the lower floor, where Deadpool was taking most men by himself. Kurt was shooting here and there, they hadn't brought ammunition for the blaster, so he was keeping count.

Russo kicked her, he hit her shin, and when she doubled he elbowed her, slipping away from her. He jumped at Kurt and they both fell down the stairs, it wasn't a hard fall, but Kurt landed on his back, and his gun slipped out.

Russo tried to take the blaster, but Cat threw one half of her spear and pierced his hand with it, she pinned it to the ground. He shrieked in pain and anger, seizing her weapon and pulling it out. Kurt rolled over, punching the man in the process, he crawled away and teleported. Two men ran in their direction shooting like crazy, and Kurt showed up behind them and took their guns.

Cat summoned the spear's half by pressing a button on the one baton she still had in her possession, the half flew to her the whole thing stuck back together, forming the spear again. She jumped off the railing in front of Russo, who had Kurt's blaster and was now shooting at her. Cat covered herself with the jaguar cloak, and a blast of light coming from her right shot the weapon out of Billy's grip, Wade was using her blaster.


As he ran out of sight he tossed her the gun and she caught it. Russo saw a glimpse of the logo on her back as she pushed the cloak back in place, and he laughed cynically. "An Avenger? Is that what you think you are?"

"What I am is none of your business," Cat said, returning to her mutant looks. She pointed at his face with the blaster, then pressed something in her gun and a blueish light ignited from a side. "None of me belongs to you."

"If my people in New York don't hear from me, Mr. Keener will die."

"I don't negotiate with terrorists," she shrunk her spear and hung it on her belt. "Where is Kraven?"

Russo pressed something in the inner pocket of his suit, explosions came from every corner of the house and threw her and Russo out through the wide windows behind her. Cat's suit and cloak protected her from the blast and shielded her from falling on the rough pavement. Kurt teleported mid-blast and he was now over her, checking her vitals.


"I'm fine," she coughed out a bit of blood but it wasn't serious, she'd bit her tongue. Cat squirmed at the taste. "Jerk had a proper welcome ready for us..."

"Wade's inside—" he said frantically. Cat laughed, then coughed again and responded. "He'll be fine."

"The whole place fell down on him!" he insisted.

"He'll get over it," she spat out blood before pushing him away. "Don't lose Russo."

The aforementioned man was stumbling towards a vehicle, she had to admit he was resilient. Kurt picked up her blaster and shot two times at the car, ruining its tires. He lifted the blaster a third time, but Cat pushed the blaster back down.

"Wait," she said, weirdly quiet. "Let me have this."

Kurt nodded. "I'll look for Deadpool."

She took the blaster from him. "Be careful."

Cat got up and walked towards the man, Russo was trying to get away as fast as possible as injured as he was. She drew out her spear again and without a second thought, she extended it, turned on the blades, and flung it to the man's leg. Russo screamed in pain and tried to pull it out, but it had gone too deep, it had pierced through and stuck to the pavement. 

He looked back at her, pale and sweaty, there was nothing left of the handsome man he'd once been. Cat raised her blaster and pressed the button on the side once more, then pulled the trigger. A projectile came out, but it didn't pierce Russo's skin, instead, it wrapped around his throat releasing a discharge strong enough to make him kneel, ripping the muscle where the spear had cut through.

"Not nice, is it?" She got to him and shrunk her spear to release him. "I know."

Cat shot him again, this time aiming at his crotch. Russo fell with foam coming out of his mouth, she looked at the scene with a crooked grin. His suit was torn apart and covered in blood, dirt, and sweat, it was a gross sight. She could even smell a bit of urine after the shock on his crotch.

"Here's what's going to happen, Willy," she crouched, pulling the wire off his neck roughly. "You'll tell New York to drop the mission, and then..." she pressed the blaster's barrel against his left eyelid. "You'll give me Kraven."

He stammered, eyes red, and nose bleeding. "He-He'll kill you before you can g-get to him."

Cat pressed the blaster tighter against his face. "I would love to kill you..." she grabbed him like he used to do to her, squeezing his face tightly with one hand, her claws making him bleed. "But that would give the impression that I fear what'll happen if I let you live."

The mutant pulled the gun out of the way, hung it back under her cloak, and stared at him with cold eyes. "I'm not afraid of you," she held onto his face tighter, and blood flowed slowly down her fingers. "I'll kill Kraven, and you... what's that thing you said to me before?"

The mutant grabbed her baton while still holding him in place and pressed the taser against his ribcage, she let go of him and turned the weapon on to its highest level. Billy Russo let out a contained scream, his jaw too tense to let out proper noise. He fell, barely conscious.

"Justice at last," Cat's gaze was hungry. "I won."

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