The Past

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Cat left her apartment in the best of moods the following day. Parker left, but they'd reached an agreement, and now she was on her way to see the Parker of her universe. Things were going well.

Peter walked out of his school's building with his face buried in a notebook. He was scribbling notes and muttering stuff to himself, an earphone was plugged into his right ear. Cat whistled twice and Peter stopped abruptly. He spotted her, a bright smile adorning his face as he put the notebook away and rushed down to meet her.

"Hey!" He hugged her. "What are you doing here?"

"You told Kate to come and brainwash me," the young man tried to come up with an excuse, but Cat dismissed it. "And it worked, obviously. I can't say no to Kate. She and Harley are taking care of things."

"Really?" His smile widened. "That's great!"

"Apparently none of you are okay with just waiting for Kraven to find me," she said sarcastically. "Would you believe it?"

"So you're not mad?"

"I'm here to thank you," she shrugged. "I'm trying to leave my bad habits behind, I'm the one stuck in them, so it's hard to tell when I'm doing it. You saw it right away. I'm ashamed to say I suck at following my own advice."

He beamed. "Not so much lately. It's the first time you accept our help without putting up a fight. Didn't come at me showing your fangs..." Peter stares at her appreciatively, tilting his head to the side. "You'd be really scary with fangs."

"I might just get my teeth fixed to get the look back," she smirked. "Anyway, are you ready for lunch?"

"For— for lunch?" He blinked.

"Yeah, as a thank you for not letting me fall back on the 'if it kills me, it kills me' mentality." Peter stared at her weirdly, she felt self-conscious about it. "Unless you have other plans..."

"No, it's not that," he replied quickly. "Sorry, er... I don't wanna sound rude..." he raised his shoulders in discomfort.

Cat smiled, guessing what he was thinking. "You're wondering if I can afford it?"

He wrinkled his nose. "I'm sorry."

"It's a fair question," she laughed. "I know exactly where to go, and it's affordable, and you can't say no."


"I promise it's nice," she locked arms with him and pulled him along, "and you really can't say no. You helped me, so I'm gonna help you!"

"C, what are you—" He stopped and looked at her neck. "Is that a hickey?"

She urged him to walk faster. "If you wanna hear about Parker's latest visit, you'll come with me."

"What!" He looked around and lowered his voice. "Parker visited you again?"

"All in due time," she patted his arm. "I'm hungry."


"This is your worst idea and that says a lot."

"Calm down, boy," Cat skimmed through the menu. "She might not even be here today."

"Welcome!" MJ showed up behind the counter. "Can I take your order?"

Cat and Peter stared at her stunned. "Yeah!" The mutant looked at the menu again. "I will have a... Coke. And the burger with the double cheese and bacon. No onions, please."

MJ quickly scribbled down her order, then she looked at Peter. "And you?"

He gave a start. The young man spoke in a high-pitched voice. "Same thing."

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