As Bad As It Gets.

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It was time to say goodbye to her life in that universe. She had no friends except the people at the welfare, all significantly older. Parker's friends, few and busy, never had the opportunity to meet her, he felt like they'd never believe she was a real person. 

She didn't go out with him to patrol, which made the New Yorkers curious. Who on earth was that mysterious hero patrolling with Spider-man? She had Spider-man's powers, but also some others they'd never seen before— one day she was gone, had she died in a secret mission?

Cat had a kick of watching the conspiracy shows that talked about her, she was called an android, then a faux projection Spider-man would carry around to scare off large groups of lawbreakers— and then her old-time favorite (made by the one and only J.J. Jameson) she was a mercenary Spider-man hired after he'd released her from a Russian prison.

She'd fallen asleep on the couch when Parker entered down the skylight. Cat sat up, it wasn't normal for him to be so noisy when he came back from patrolling, he'd always been quiet so he didn't scare her and made her think an intruder was there to murder her.

"Bug?" She asked out loud.

She heard Parker groan in reply. Cat leaped out of the couch and opened the bathroom door hurriedly: Parker's suit had a red stain on its side. He was holding his wound tightly but he was too dizzy to get up.

"Jesus..." Cat held her breath. "What happened?"

"Tiny guy but boy did he have a killer aim..."

She pull up the upper part of his suit and stared at the bullet wound. "If he had a killer aim, why are you still alive?"

He pushed himself towards the bathtub. "If he'd had deathly aim I wouldn't be here. Dude was decent, he saw a chance and took it..." he groaned. "My god, I'm in pain..."

She pressed her hands against the wound in spite of her disgust. "You're lucky the bullet just took a bit of muscle and skin... that's gonna leave an ugly scar, though..."

"Can you put me back together so I can go to sleep?" His head fell back against the edge of the tub. "I don't scar easily, don't worry about it..."

"What about these?" She vaguely pointed at the thin scars across his chest.

"A giant lizard gave me those— one of a kind," with Cat's help he took off the top part of his suit. "A bullet's nothing to worry 'bout."

She went back to the sink listing under her breath all the things she needed, she put it on top of the toilet's lid. "So how come your senses didn't warn you about the gun?"

"More than one person was pointing at me, so I took a wild guess and—" Parker hissed when she started to clean his wound. "I failed."

"My Peter wouldn't have failed," she joked.

"Go stuff your mouth with cotton."

Cat grinned. "Hang tight, handsome. This will hurt." The young woman did her best to stop the bleeding, once that was under control, she began to stitch his skin back together. Parker started to doze off. "Hey, hey!" She slapped his face lightly. "Don't do that."

"I'm sorry, you're just such a great nurse I'm getting sleepily..."

"Of course I'm a good nurse! I'm a trained agent, I can do without my tech from time to time, you know?" She scoffed. "But I think the blood loss is the real problem..."

"I'll rest my eyes... while you finish down there..." he leaned back.

She put pressure on his injury, but Parker didn't wince. She'd numbed that part of his body before stitching. "C'mon, Webster, stay with me..." 

Cat wondered if he'd been injured internally— if he'd been hit on the head, or something she couldn't see without E.D.I.T.H. or M.O.U.S.E., and that's when she panicked. She looked around, going to the kitchen felt like a whole street away if she couldn't see him. When she finished with the bandage she grabbed him and carried him out toward the bed. "I feel like a damsel in distress," he muttered against her.

"You're the madman," she corrected moodily, placing him on the mattress as carefully as possible. "What were you doing with those guys?"

"I was looking for intel."


"We need to figure out those defense satellites, right?" He mumbled, one hand pressing his bandage. Cat slapped his hand away. "But things went south fast..."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She demanded.

"Can I get some sugar now, please?" His head fell on the pillow. "Remember I lost blood?"

"Don't lay down!" She pulled him back up and against the headboard. Cat went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple juice from the fridge. She stabbed the small box with one of her claws to widen the opening so he could drink from it easier. "Don't finish it all at once, you'll throw up," she warned him. 

Parker stared at the box and drank a little, she kept an eye on his wound. The mutant then glanced at her bloody hands. The sight made her shiver, she didn't want to imagine what would happen to him if something like that were to happen once she was gone. Parker looked at her guilty expression.

"I didn't want to put you at risk," he said hoarsely. "You keep saying how it's a relief to leave all the persecution behind, I didn't want you to go through it again."

Her gaze softened. "I rather being at risk than wake up to you bleeding out in the bathroom."

The young man stared at her hands, he held one of them and examined the blood on her fingers in detail. "I'm sorry, I know you hate the smell."

"I've had blood on my hands before," she moved away from him. "At least this time I was trying to save a life, instead of taking it..."

His eyes were fixed on her, lips pressed together in a pout. "I wish you didn't have to live like that..."

"What makes you think I have to and not that I want to?"

Parker grabbed her hand again and guided it to his chest. She'd never paid attention to the scars there, but at that moment they stood out on his skin like an encrypted message she was eager to decipher.

"D'you think I wanted to get hurt?"

Cat felt a heartbeat but she wasn't able to tell whose it was. "I think you wanted to do the right thing."

"That's what I think about your scars too."

His hand moved from hers and stopped at the crease of her elbow, caressing it. Cat was unable to push him away this time, worse yet, she couldn't move either. She stared at his scars more intently, her fingers following the lines. She pressed on them lightly. Parker breathed in sharply through his nose, she could hear his heart doubling its pace.

"Do you really have to go?" He asked weakly, it sounded like he'd held back those words for too long. "Do you want to?"

She thought of the scars Kurt certainly had gained after the hell he'd gone through, the ones Peter and Kate would get if they tried to fight Kraven, if they could even walk away in one piece. Cat moved her hand away.

"You're making it harder to figure it out."

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