The Young Avengers.

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They were on the road. Kate had gotten a van and now they were driving upstate. Kurt and the archer were in the front. Peter and Cat were at the back. The young man was dressed as Spider-Man so the others couldn't see his face.


She gave a start. "I'm listening."

"No, you're not, I wasn't even talking," he tilted his head. "You've been staring into space for ages. You know you—"

"Well, I'm anxious, Harley was kidnapped!" Cat interrupts him.

"I still don't understand how that happened, it's not like him to try and fix things himself, right?"

"No, obviously not," she said in distress. "Maybe he got taken, but how? He's always so careful!"

"Kraven's specialty, right?" The hero responded.

"I should've been cautious..."

"What we won't do is blame ourselves for something we did not do," Peter reprimanded her.

"What about things I did do?" She asked, staring at her feet. "Parker's not coming back. He just left my apartment without saying anything..."

She couldn't tell what Peter was thinking behind the mask. "What happened?"

Cat looked embarrassed. "The curtain of his reality's gonna rip apart if he continues to visit... He explained it better. The point is, he's not coming back..." She groaned and threw her head back. "I just wished things didn't suck so hard! There are so many things happening, I'm relearning why I even wanted to be an Avenger, then Parker comes and tells me he's in love—"

"Woah!" Peter intervened. "He said that?"

"I mean, dude's been coming and going just to see me, I think that's as clear as it gets," she raised a brow. 

"I thought he just liked not being Spider-Man... and you know... the sex," Peter replied in disbelief.

Cat made a face. "Yeah well, for a while, but I never believed that phase would last..."


"Because he's you," she said matter-of-factly. "You'd say anything to keep me happy, wouldn't you? I have a soft spot for Parkers, but you guys can't say no to me either."

He sighed, nodding a little. "You told me to kiss you and I kissed you. You said 'Come to Germany', I went to Germany."

"Allowances," she said defeatedly. "That's how Parker called them. You do that when you're in love, you find a middle ground. "

Peter nodded. "We've all done that for each other, C. But I know it's always been hard for you to let us do it when it comes to our relationships with you. It's like you're afraid we'll give you more than you can handle."

"Well, he fought hard to get his point across," she raised a brow. "He would not shut up until I sat and listened... but I still think it's not fair."

He laughed dryly, like he could tell what she was about to say. "What's not fair?"

"Having to choose."

"No... it's not," he agreed, reaching for her hand. "But it's also not fair that something like the blip happened. It's not fair that you've been alone most of your life. But sometimes, we have to accept that those things can and will happen, we can't put our life on pause forever just to try and keep them away."

"Yeah, I know... That's exactly why I don't even dare to dream about anything anymore," she laughed.

"What about the new Avengers?"

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