Space & Time.

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"You're quiet today," May mentioned on their way to her house. "Something on your mind?"

Cat nodded, eyes looking ahead. "I have something to do and I've been delaying it for quite a while."

The woman hummed. "It's hard, doing things you don't want to—"

"I wanna do it," she retorted, tightening the coat around her body. "It's, uh— it's... I have to go home."

Aunt May seemed surprised. "I thought you were staying here for good?"

Cat kept her eyes ahead. "Peter's only helping me get back on my feet, but there are things I've got to do."

"And you have somewhere to go to?"

"Of course," she smiled. "And they're worried sick. I wasn't meant to stay here for long... my problems stayed behind and I liked how liberating that was... but I have to go."

"You sound like you're apologizing," May said bemusedly. "I'll be sad to see you go, it's been a while since I saw Peter... well, he never talks about his life nowadays... not after Gwen..."

The silence became too uncomfortable to bear and Cat stopped right at the woman's doorstep, inviting May to walk in first. "I should hurry, your nephew's waiting for me."

Peter's aunt cupped her face. "Look after yourself, okay? My door is always open if you decide to pay us a visit in the future."

"Thank you." 

Cat felt tempted, she wanted to be someone slightly more normal than who she was in her world, at least from time to time, but to agree to that would be agreeing to mess with the natural laws of the universe, she was tired of causing trouble for everyone.


"Why are we sneaking into the subway ruins, Parker?"

"Told you we were gonna work on the beeper."

"But why here?"

"Shut up and walk!"

"Rude..." she muttered.

"If someone hears us—"

"We can handle a few guards on our own," she complained.

"Violence must always be the last option, Jane."

"Okay, Yoda. Weren't you the guy who stopped pulling his punches?"

"Rude," he pushed up a metal curtain so she could pass. "I haven't done that since I came back from your world."

"My Peter really did a number on you," she teased him, crawling under the opening.

"You say it like it's a surprise..." he grunted, shuffling after her. 

"Not a surprise, just... too good to be true. I tried to stop doing what I do many times but there's always a bigger guy, who needs a rougher beating, and so on..."

"Eh," he shrugged. "If you lived in my world, it wouldn't be that hard to accomplish."

"Is it really that quiet?"

"Well, you've been here for a month, you tell me."

"But you've fought genetically enhanced nutcases!"

"That was years ago," he climbed up to the abandoned station, then offered his hand to her.

"What is this place?" She looked around. "It's old..."

"It's old," he nodded. "My dad turned this place into a private lab where to keep the stuff he didn't want to share with Oscorp. Watch this."

Parker walked up to a wall and inserted a coin into an old turnstile. Cat felt the floor vibrating and she pressed herself against a wall. "What did you do?"

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