Copycat & Nightcrawler

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The mutants stepped into the dimly lit bar with Kurt using his nano mask to look human, Cat's eyes were brown as well as her hair. M.O.U.S.E. was hidden in her ear and the paw-shaped pin was placed above her breast, ready to be used.

"So who are we looking for?"


"Who's that?"

"You don't need to know," Cat sat down and Kurt followed her example.

"I didn't think I'd be doing this with you again," he smiled. "I'd missed it."

"What? Visiting bars together?"

"The missions. Our paths drifted apart, I thought this would never happen again."

"I always knew we'd do this again," she confessed. "I didn't know if it'd be an 'us-against-them' or 'us-helping-out-the-good-guys' kind of situation, though."

"And which one is it?"

"None, we're settling scores here," she sniffed at a drink that had been left beside her. "And this is definitely urine."

"I wouldn't say that when the bartender is five feet away, he'll take a dump on yours and call it olives," spoke a man behind her.

Cat smiled. "You're late, Bob."

The young woman looked at Kurt and nodded at the man beside her. "Bob was a Hydra agent, he gets stuff for Rocket when he comes to visit."

"Do you have what we need?" Kurt inquired.

"Do you have the dough?"

She raised a brow. "If you're so eager to get it, I'll stuff it up your ass so you don't lose it."

The man groaned. "Fine, the dough can wait."

"Start talking, then."

"Well, Jigsaw's getting close to the top."


"Mainly thanks to you," he shrugged, "you sent all of his opponents back to jail: The powerbroker, Kingpin... those who are left are no challenge. He's got the money and the brute force."


"You," he smirked. "Says you haven't gone around killing because he's got you locked in a cage."

"He's not wrong," she said through gritted teeth. "What's his point, that he'll let me out on a murderous spree if they don't do what he says?"

"That he'll send Kraven to get them, and he'll lock them up in your cage so you can finish the job."

"Wait, but Cat wasn't out in the field for long, and when she was a Gorgon no one knew she was Copycat—"

"These people knew about me way before I was an Avenger, Smurf," she explained, "you didn't know cause you were in space, but when I came back I spent half a year hunting down mobsters in New York, treated it like a fun hobby."

Kurt's face was a mix of emotions. He whispered angrily. "Why would you do that?"

Cat shrugged. "I was sad."

He groaned. "Dumbass."

"The point is that they learned to fear me, and when I became an Avenger they got real quiet, and then I disappeared. Kingpin and Russo came back..."

"And then you and Hawkeye put Kingpin in a cell, and Russo hired Kraven to get you."

"And the fact that he's got a personal vendetta towards Agent Zero didn't help my case," she sighed. "He was fortunate, his biggest obstacles ended up being just one."

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