Miss Williams Holds Herself Accountable

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"I do not need this shit right now!" Riri snatched papers from the board. "I swear to God, I was doing so well! Goin' to class on time! I must be dumb as hell— real dumb to think the princess of Wakanda and a young Avenger gonna show up at my doorstep and then shit about to pop off!"

Cat looked at her freaking out remembering how Peter had reacted when Tony had gone to his apartment to recruit him. It was a different world then, smaller.

"I think that I'm actually gonna take my chances with this merman— because at least he never brought the FBI to my garage!"

"I like her," Cat sentenced.

"Hey! Namor sank an entire ship of CIA operatives because of your little machine," Okoye informed her. "So those popo out there, are the very least of your worries."

"Oh, man," Cat muttered. "Is it wrong that I kinda like that Namor guy too?"

"Remember who's making your suit, Copy," Shuri warned her, then spoke to Riri. "Listen, we need to work together to get out of here. General, they've got us surrounded, maybe we should just split up?"

Okoye laughed. "Out of the question. Does this vehicle work?"

Riri made a face. "No."

"She's lying."


"I'm sorry, you're not the one that's paying me," Cat shrugged.

"Everything in this lab works," Shuri pointed at the next option. "Including this bike."

"Don't even think about it," Okoye warned her. "Besides, there are four of us."

"Three of y'all. I'm takin' this."

Cat looked up and she felt a strange mix of emotions at the sight.

"You built one..." she said in awe.

"Whoo! I knew it! Don't tell me that you built this in two months!"

Riri chuckled. "I spent years on this. On and off... you okay?"

The mutant blinked back the tears. "Yeah! Jeez, I don't know... sorry, give me a minute..."

"Man, is it that bad?" Riri said worryingly.

"No," Cat turned back to her. "No, I just... Tony... it's a good-looking suit."

"You met Tony Stark?"

"He raised her," Shuri said. "All the Avengers did. Excuse her if she gets emotional. Have you flown it yet?"

"That thing can fly?" Okoye asked skeptically.

"There's an entire youtube channel dedicated to sightings of me."

"Spider-man and I had one of those when we first started."

"Didn't Spider-man come way before you did?"

"Riri, don't get on my bad side."

The lights went off abruptly. Cat activated M.O.U.S.E.

"Come!" Shuri handed the young girl a com, and Cat linked hers to their signal. "So we can communicate—"

"Don't try to scurry off—"

Cat nudged Riri forward. "You better soldier on, kid."

"You sure you good with what you got?" The girl asked her.

"Those are just men," Cat drew out her claws. "I won't even need my knife."

"The tactical unit will breach the entrance in three, two..."

Copycat: Genesis -(Marvel Fem!OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz