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They were taken to a small housing in the cave, with colorful murals in and out of it. They found K'uk'ulkan there, or Namor, as Shuri and the others had been calling them. Cat still hadn't made up her mind as to which name she was supposed to use.

"Princess," the man spoke in English, he got up to greet them. "Welcome."

His eyes landed on Cat, and she held his gaze unsure of how to feel about him. He looked smart and strong, but not necessarily dangerous. He was also handsome, but for the first time in her life, Cat didn't think flirting was the right call.

"My warriors tell me you go by Co'kat," he said, grabbing a teal-colored cape from behind him. "But I have the feeling you go by many names..." Namor approached and placed the cape around her shoulders, Cat stayed still. "Like me."

"Maybe I do," Cat closed the cape in place, its brooch seemed to be golden vibranium. "But Co'kat is the name my father's people gave me, it belongs to me only, and I felt... I heard you'd be more interested in knowing what I am, instead of who."

 He smiled. "Both are good options, in my opinion," he pointed at the table. "Please, feel free."

Although he was being polite, Cat knew she wasn't an equal in his eyes. She was something interesting, but not like them. She wasn't royalty, so she stood behind Shuri while the princess approached the table.

"This is beautiful," the girl pointed at a bracelet.

"That was my mother's," he picked it up and handed it to Shuri.

"These are all Mesoamerican artifacts," she pointed out. "Most likely 16th century... have you been alive since then?"

Namor only looked at them.

"Your mother was human?"

He nodded. "She was. Then she became something else..."

The man then told them the story of their people, and how they were driven to the ocean after colonizers took their land. His mother had ingested a plant to save him while she was pregnant. 

"I was a mutant."

His words resonated in Cat's mind. Now she understood why he wanted to meet her. She'd told his warriors she was a mutant too, and probably made him curious. It did not mean he wanted to be friends. He had no love for the world above water, and that was Cat's home.

"Why are you telling us this?" Shuri asked.

"So you understand why I have to kill the scientist."

"What if we took her to Wakanda?" Shuri offered. "Let us go. I give you my word, she will remain in my country."

"I cannot risk that, princess."

"Then keep me instead—"

"Shuri," Cat warned her, but the girl kept talking.

"I'd love to see your nation."

Namor looked at her and then at Cat. "Well, you can't go down there wearing that. Hypothermia will grip you almost instantaneously. Your blood will become toxic, and the pressure of the ocean will break every bone in your body... or you can wear a suit," he smiled. "We have some of them. Come on!"

Shuri looked at her, and Cat snorted. At least he had a sense of humor.

"I guess you won't be needing one," Namor pointed at her.

"Yeah, that's, er, that's my mutant gene doing its magic. I can shapeshift and mimic other people."

"Even powers?"

Copycat: Genesis -(Marvel Fem!OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum