Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian...

By Katelyn2910

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At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sixth year is the first year in which students take N.E.W.T... More

Chapter 1 - Olive Branch
Chapter 2 - Welcome Back
Chapter 3 - Checkmate
Chapter 4 - Choice
Chapter 5 - Back to Class
Chapter 6 - Since We Last Spoke
Chapter 7 - Answers
Chapter 8 - Poachers
Chapter 9 - Secrets
Chapter 10 - Library Venture
Chapter 12 - The First Relic
Chapter 13 - Friendly Competition
Chapter 14 - The Hufflepuff Cup
Chapter 15 - Her Move
Chapter 16 - Dreaming
Chapter 17 - The Second Relic
Chapter 18 - The Moon and Stars
Chapter 19 - Vivarium
Chapter 20 - An Old Friend
Chapter 21 - Pains of the Past
Chapter 22 - Christmas in Feldcroft
Chapter 23 - An Ominous Return
Chapter 24 - Slytherin's Locket
Chapter 25 - Encounter
Chapter 26 - A Starry Night
Chapter 27 - Family
Chapter 28 - Light and Dark
Chapter 29 - The Third Relic
Chapter 30 - Kindred Spirit
Chapter 31 - Blaine's Plan
Chapter 32 - Expecto Patronum
Chapter 33 - Helen Thistlewood
Chapter 34 - Azkaban
Chapter 35 - Ravenclaw's Diadem
Chapter 36 - Our Magic
Chapter 37 - Realisation
Chapter 38 - What We Do For Love
Chapter 39 - The Final Relic

Chaper 11 - Coming Clean

253 7 2
By Katelyn2910

Thankfully, the day seemed to pass rather quickly.
Before I knew it, I was heading to the Bell Tower Entrance to meet Sebastian, just like the day we went to Hogsmeade.

When I got there, I looked down the stairs to see him standing in the same spot, giving me a warm sense of Deja Vu.
He spotted me and smiled, causing butterflies to accompany the feeling. I practically felt like I was floating.
But I couldn't let it distract me from the task at hand.

I made my way down the stairs and walked over to him.
"If it isn't my charge" he greeted, clearly having the same flashback to that eventful day.
"Are you ready to do this?" I asked, trying to mister whatever courage I could, nerves beginning to form in the pit of my stomach.
"Yep, but I'm not the one who has to ask" he shrugged, beginning to walk out of the entrance.

"I haven't even thought about what I'm going to say..." I admitted, my mind wondering as it tripped over the countless ways I could go about this.
Sebastian noticed as he gave me a playfully nudged my shoulder with his own.
I looked up to be met with an encouraging smile.
"You'll know when the time comes. You're more persuasive than you think." He tried to encourage me, but it only made me roll my eyes.
"I don't really want to persuade anyone. I'm dreading the answer more than anything." I grumbled.
"Well, whatever their decision, you still have me." He said.
I knew that was meant to assure me, and it did in ways he would never know.
But it also terrified me.
It terrified me more than anything the others could say.

As we finally approached the North Gate, I noticed a familiar figure waiting by it.
I squinted my eyes for a moment before realising who it was.
"Is that Ominis?" I asked Sebastian, to which he nodded.
"Yes. I told him to meet us at the gate." He explained
"Oh. Okay" I said, trying to hide the disappointment I had from assuming we'd have a nice walk together, since I had told Natty and Poppy to meet me at the Three Broomsticks.
Now I was scared that they would squabble again.

"Hello, Ominis" I greeted as we reached the gate, slightly hesitant to how he would react given the last time we spoke.
He seemed surprised by my voice, straightening himself as he faced Sebastian and I.
"Hello" he said quickly before hanging his head slightly, beginning to kick the floor nervously.
"Before we head to Hogsmeade, I would just like to apologise for what happened in the undercroft, Emerald." he continued, causing me to blink in surprise.
In all honesty, I had expected him to still be mad.

"It's okay, I understand. It was a lot to process. If anything, I should be the one to apologise." I insisted, but Ominis just shook his head.
"It's no excuse. You didn't choose this, so it is unfair for me to be mad about it. So from here onwards, I will work to be a better friend to you..." he paused for a moment "both of you".
I looked at Sebastian, seeing his eyes soften as he heard Ominis' words.
"Thank you, Ominis. I promise to be someone worthy of your friendship from now on." his voice was filled with gratitude, truly showing Ominis just how much this meant to him.

Ominis adjusted himself awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to the sincerity.
"Good. Now that has been said, why exactly are we having a meeting at the Three Broomsticks? Is the undercroft not suitable for you both anymore?" Ominis asked.
I shot Sebastian a confused glare.
"You didn't tell him?" I questioned, to which Sebastian held his hands up in defence.
"I didn't know how much you wanted me to tell" he shot back quickly.
"Tell me what?" Ominis interjected, causing Sebastian and I to look back at him.
"I have something I need to share about my power. And we decided that the undercroft wasn't the best idea given how Natsai Onai and Poppy Sweeting are joining us." I explained, earning a slight look of surprise from Ominis.
I half expected him to ask why, or any sort of follow up, but he just simply nodded with a small "okay" before turning and holding up his wand, walking out of the gate.
Maybe I was just too used to Sebastian and his constant questioning.
The walk was somewhat quiet as we made our way to Hogsmeade.
There was the occasional small talk, but nothing extraordinary.
I actually quite enjoyed the silence.
I looked around as the wind blew some of the Autumn leaves across the ground, giving me a sudden but welcomed chill.
I looked up the road to see the lights from Hogsmeade brighten the dark sky as they danced and flickered in tune with the town's movement.
It seemed so magical at this hour.

I was so in awe at the sight, I hadn't noticed Sebastian stop in front of me.
I walked into him with a small thud, causing me to groan as I rubbed my head.
"Sorry. Why did you -" I was cut off as Sebastian reached behind him and grabbed my arm, keeping me close behind him.
I blushed at the sudden contact, but I was also confused by this action.
Ominis had seemed to stop too, but neither of them had said a word.

I managed to peek around Sebastian, even if only for a moment, and I saw a dark figure blocking the road.
They seemed to be staring straight at us, their hands behind their back.
Could it be a thief? Or a poacher looking for revenge? Maybe even someone looking to kidnap some students?
My mind raced as I thought of all the possibilities.

"Who are you?" Ominis called out, irritation evident in his voice.
I heard the person laugh slightly, then footsteps slowly getting closer.

"You needn't mind that, Mr.Gaunt. I am not here to harm you." they said, their footsteps stopping again.
I recognised the voice, it sounded like a woman, but I couldn't quite place where I had heard it before.

"Does that mean you're here to harm someone then?" Sebastian asked, his grip on my arm tightening, trying to tell me to stay in place.
"Not at all. I was actually just waiting to have a chat with someone" they paused for a moment, then I heard them take another set closer.
"And I believe that someone is behind you, Mr.Sallow"
I froze for a moment as they admitted they were after me.
A thousand more reasons as to why whizzing around my head.

"And what did you want to talk about?" Sebastian snapped, his grip remaining strong.
"Well, if you must know, I am from the Ministry of Magic. We have been investigating the motives of a Goblin named Ranrok. No doubt you've heard of him..."

Something in my mind clicked.
How had I not realised sooner?

"What does that have to do with anything?" Sebastian asked
"Your late Professor Fig had mentioned something about what he was after. After his death, we decided to look through his belongings, to see if he had any further insight..."

Please, not now.
Not here.

"It seems as though he had met a student that could wield ancient magic. Naturally, this has piqued our interest."


"When assigning someone to investigate, I was put forward. At first, I thought it was due to my connection to the school."

I'm so sorry, Sebastian.

"So imagine my surprise when I find out that the student is none other than my squib sister."

Sebastian's grip on my arm faltered.
I could practically see the shocked expression on his face.
I peeked around him once again, jumping slightly as I saw how close she was now.
I could see her face fully now.
She really looked like our mother.

"Sage... now is not the time" I tried to sound as firm as I could, but there was still a shakiness about my voice.
She smirked at this response.
"Hello to you too. Seems like you're still causing trouble" she held her cocky expression as she stood there, looking down on me like she always had.
It made me feel so small.

"And you're still looking for it" I glared at her, which only seemed to spur her on.
"I will admit, that is why I took on this job in the first place. But I never would have guessed it would lead me to you." she looked me up and down, a slight look of disgust washing over her features.
"All dressed in Slytherin robes, associating with pure-bloods. Mother and father would be proud" she held a sarcastic tone, causing me to roll my eyes.
I took Sebastian's shock as an opportunity to snatch my arm back, storming infront of him so Sage and I were face-to-face.
"You really just couldn't wait to bring them up, could you?" I growled, anger starting to burn inside me, which is exactly what she wanted.
"Looks like someone finally grew a backbone." she commented, her grin returning.
"I just want to know how someone like you ends up with a type of magic that hasn't been seen in centuries." she continued, a glare forming in her eyes as she bent down to my level.

We stared at each other for a while.
I wasn't going to tell her.
I didn't care what the Ministry would do.
And she wouldn't back down.
It didn't matter that we were family.
We might as well be strangers.

"Enough. Emerald is a student. If you want to talk to her, you will have to have an adult present. I'm sure your uncle will be happy to set that up." Ominis intervened, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me back slightly.
Sage stood up straight again, her eyes glancing over Ominis.
"Of course. Just thought I'd see if there was anything my dear sister wanted to say off the record." She looked over at me again.
I glared in response.
"That settles it then." she began to walk down the road, brushing my shoulder as she passed.
"Have fun. Until next time, Emmy." she called, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
That damn nickname.

"Are you alright?" Ominis asked quickly, stepping in front of me.
"Yes. Thank you." I lied.
I honestly felt sick to my stomach.
I didn't dare look back at Sebastian, knowing that I would be met with a betrayal I just couldn't face right now.

"We should keep going. Poppy and Natty will be wondering what happened to us" I insisted, walking past Ominis.
"Em-" he began, but I quickly interrupted, a lump beginning to form in my throat.
"Please" I begged.
He gave me a sad look, wanting to be of help in that moment, but the only thing that mattered right now was what we came here to do.
I couldn't think about anything else.
Or else I don't think I could hold it together.
By the time we made it to the Three Broomsticks, I had managed to control my emotions.
I could worry about Sage later.
I needed to focus on what came next.

Thankfully it was quite busy, which meant that our conversation was unlikely to be overheard in the racket, especially since it seemed most people in here were already drunk.
I quickly spotted Natty and Poppy sat in the corner as Poppy waved at us enthusiastically.
I put on a smile and waved back, making my way over as Ominis and Sebastian followed.

Once we were sat down, Natty and Poppy gave me a concerned look.
"Is everything okay? We didn't expect you to take so long getting here" Natty questioned, but I just shook my head.
"Everything is fine. Just had a small hiccup..." I looked over at Ominis who nodded in agreement, but I noticed Sebastian hanging his head, not daring to look anyone in the eyes.
"I'm going to go get us some Butterbeers..." he muttered quickly, practically launching himself off of his seat and making his way over to the bar before anyone could protest.

"So what is this about anyways?" Poppy asked, and I sighed, knowing this was the moment I had been so ill prepared for. Even moreso now.
But it was now or never.
"Do you remember how I told you I could see and wield ancient magic?" I began, which earned a slow nod from them both.
"Well... I think it's time you all knew the full story..."
"Merlin's Beard..." Poppy breathed, clearly having trouble processing what I had told her, which I understood.
"I can't believe you didn't tell us before" Natty said, placing her hand on mine "I am so sorry you have had to deal with it alone"
I shook my head in protest
"Oh no, I had Professor Fig. It wasn't my intention to make you feel guilty." I insisted.
"What is your intention then?" Ominis asked, causing me to turn to him.
"What do you mean?" I wondered.
"You explained a lot of this to me already, apart from this whole ordeal with House Relics, so what are your intentions now that we know? Surely it's not just so that we know the truth" he replied sceptically, causing Natty and Poppy to look at me as well.

I looked at Sebastian for a moment, hoping to get another look of reassurance from him, but he just sat there staring at his Butterbeer, like he had been since he got it.
I shifted my gaze to my hands, as one of them played with the sleeve of my robe, and the other was still trapped under Natty's gentle grip.
"In order for me to gain the power placed in the Relics. I was told that I needed to gather friends I could trust, in order to undergo the trials..."  I explained, my voice trailing off at the end as guilt swelled inside me.
Asking this of them felt so wrong.

"You need us to join you in these trials?" Poppy reiterated, to which I nodded.
"Okay. I'm in" she said eagerly, which made my head shoot up in surprise.
"Me too." Natty added, which made me look between them both.
"No, this can't be a rash decision. You need to think about what could happen. What happens if you get injured again, Natty? What would your mother think? And Poppy, what about your Gran?" I rambled, causing them both to look at each other in slight hesitation.

"And what happens to you if we don't?" Natty asked, to which I paused, pursing my lips as I tried to think of a way to sugar coat it.
"She does it alone. And we all lose her." Sebastian finally piped up, his voice bitter.
He looked up at everyone before continuing.
"She doesn't think we should help her, but she hasn't really got a choice, since it's the only way to get the power. And if she doesn't, facing Isidora will probably kill her. I believe in her ability wholeheartedly. While I don't particularly trust these keepers, I trust her to have our backs, just like we can have hers."

I stared at him in awe.
I had expected him to come out with some bitter response, given how his emotions usually clouded his judgement.
But for him to say that he trusted me, even though he was clearly still upset that I didn't tell him about Sage.
It made me happy to know that he was keeping his promise.

I was pulled out of my trance as Natty squeezed my hand, causing me to look at her as she gave me a determined smile.
"You helped me so much last year, even though we were practically strangers. You risked your life with me to end Harlow, and I will happily risk mine for you, my friend." she smiled, causing me to give her a faint one back.
"After everything that happened with the poachers, I told you you'd given me a taste for adventure. Glad to know there will be more." Poppy smiled, enthusiasm lacing her voice as she thought about what journey we were about to embark upon.
We all turned to Ominis, who had been quiet for a while now.
He clearly felt our gazes upon him as he let out a slight chuckle.
"Well if everyone else is agreeing to this, I suppose there is safety in numbers..." he trailed off, debating his answer.
"Come on, Ominis. Who better to be our voice of reason" Sebastian nudged him, laughing slightly as Ominis sighed.
"Alright. I'm in."
After hours of talking, we finally agreed that after classes tomorrow, we would head down to the map chamber, where hopefully Professor Rackham would have convened with the other keepers and come up with a plan.

As we made our way back to Hogwarts, I walked behind the group, smiling as I watched them all chatting away.
I had never imagined seeing Poppy and Ominis bonding over beasts, or Natty and Sebastian talk about duelling.
Something about it just seemed so peaceful.
It truly warmed my heart to see the people that mattered most to me get along.

As the thought crossed my mind, a pain seemed to sting at my heart.
I slowed down slightly, my feet dragging as the feeling began to cause faint memories to claw their way to the front of my mind.
The last time I had felt such contempt was with Sage and Hunter.
When Sage would always protect Hunter, given how he was so small.
She was always our true parent. Looking out for us both.

The memories continued to swirl in my mind, one after the other.
The suppressed emotions now rising to the surface, given how my priority keeping them locked away was now gone.
My breathing sped up with each second, tears beginning to form in my eyes.
My legs freezing as one more step would turn them to jelly.
The way this all hit so suddenly...
It was too much.

"Are you okay?"
I was met with Sebastian's soft eyes looking down at me, his hand slightly outstretched as though he wanted to comfort me.
I was confused by his sudden appearance, dragging me out of the swirling pit of thoughts.
I glanced behind him, seeing the others were still walking ahead.

"I told them to go on ahead. That we'd be back later." he explained, causing me to raise an eyebrow in question.
"You still owe me a chat" he smiled slightly.
I didn't quite know what to say, my voice seeming lost as I struggled to think past anything other than the past.

Sebastian started slowly making his way towards a bench nearby, placing himself down gently.
He looked over at me and gestured with his head for me to join him.
I struggled to get my legs to work for a moment, just staring at him as though I were a scared deer.
But eventually, my legs cooperated and I slowly made my way over to him, guiding myself down onto the bench.

We were both sat at opposite ends, practically dangling off the edge as we sat there in silence.
Not quite the chat I had expected.

I did, however, take in the view in front of us.
It was truly breathtaking.
Hogwarts was lit by the night sky, a few lights still peeking through some of the windows, just enough to make it seem alive.
Owls flying around in the moonlight.

I felt so lucky to be here.
To be able to attend the school of my dreams.
To be able to just sit here with Sebastian and admire it.
I just wished that my life before would be forgotten.

"I'm guessing that was your secret..." Sebastian finally said.
I felt his eyes burning into me, but I didn't dare look back.
I looked down at my feet as I gave him a hum in agreement.
"Is that what Ominis was talking about in the undercroft?" he asked, to which I paused.
I wanted it to be as simple as a yes or no, but it seemed like I would have to speak.
And tell him about Hunter.

"Sort of. Ominis didn't know I had a sister...but he knew I had a brother" my voice was so quiet that I saw Sebastian shuffle a bit closer so he could hear.
"How did he know that?" he questioned, his voice monotone.
"He's a first year. When his name was called out at the sorting ceremony, Ominis figured it out."
He didn't need to know about that night in the undercroft.
It wasn't like that would help anyways.

"Never thought I would regret not being there..." Sebastian muttered, a short laugh escaping his lips.
"I'm not angry, Emerald. I just want to understand why you didn't say anything." he tried to reach for my hand, but I quickly pulled it away.
I could see his hurt expression in the corner of my eye.
"I wanted to. I just couldn't... because of Anne."
I saw him freeze slightly at the mention of her name, not quite expecting me to bring it back to her.

"My relationship with my siblings is complicated. When we were young, we were practically inseparable. We cared for each other, since our parents never really did. Unfortunately, the Black family is a lot like the Gaunt's in that way." I started trying to make him understand why Ominis initially seemed like the person to tell instead of him.
"When they believed me to be a squib, that relationship shattered. Sage was going into her seventh year, and her friends made her an outcast for being related to me. She resented me, and she became just like my parents. And my brother, Hunter. Well, he was only six. My parents made sure to keep him tucked away until I left, so that I couldn't tarnish him further."
I turned to Sebastian, seeing his sad eyes looking down now.
This time, I placed my hand on top of his, causing him to look up at me.

"I didn't tell you because I haven't forgiven Sage, and I don't know if I ever can, no matter how much I love her. Even Hunter is a complicated matter. I didn't want you to think that the same could be said for Anne. From what I saw of you both, you had a bond stronger than we ever did, and parents that loved you dearly. I truly believe there is room for forgiveness for you and Anne, but knowing what it means to forgive them... I just didn't want you to lose any hope."
Sebastian stayed silent for a while, processing what I had said.
Then, a small smile made its way onto his lips, which I definitely didn't expect.
"Sage, Emerald, and Hunter. Were your parents fans of the colour green?" he chuckled.
I blinked in confusion, the last thing I had expected was a comment like that.
After a second, a small laugh escaped, a smile creeping its way onto my face now.

"Oh that's nothing. You should hear our middle names. They all mean 'silver' " I laughed, an intrigued look crossing Sebastian's face.
"My middle name is Arianell, Hunter's is Argent, and Sage is just Silver." I continued, which earned an even bigger grin from Sebastian.
"Green Silver Black. Any chance your parents were in Slytherin?" he asked.
"Yes. They met in the common room on their first day. It's quite a big deal for them" I smiled, thinking about the time Sage had told me.
I always thought it had been so romantic.

"Just like us." Sebastian commented.
I blushed, having not realised that before.
Given how I used to view it, I had never truly realised it, but he was right.
In fact, he was the first person I met here.

I didn't respond to him.
My heart was pounding at the connection.
I tried convincing myself it wasn't the same, given how I wasn't the first person he met here.
But to me, he was.
I wonder if that meant something to him?

"Now it's my turn." he said suddenly.
I had almost forgotten he had a secret to tell me too.
I nodded quickly, encouraging him to continue, as well as shake off this giddy feeling.

"When you left, Ominis and I didn't really say all that much about us, but I tried to explain to him why I wanted to help you."
I stayed silent as he prepared himself, looking anywhere but my eyes.
"With everything that happened with Anne, I have been having this horrible feeling. I spent every moment treating her like she was made of glass, when in reality, I think it is me that was fragile." His voice was small, like he was talking to himself.
My hand stayed on top of his, not moving as I waited for him to continue.

"I couldn't stand the thought of losing her, I knew it would break me. And it did.
I fell apart at the end of the year, and I think the only thing that kept me together was Ominis spending the summer with me."
I felt his hand start to move, his thumb rubbing against mine subconsciously as he stared at the ground.
I said nothing, his warm touch almost soothing, and my cold hand keeping him grounded in the moment.

"He picked up the pieces, and once he did, I realised how he wasn't the only one I needed."
He turned to me, his eyes holding emotions more complex than I had imagined.
"Without you, I don't think I would have survived any of my endeavours. I put you in harm's way."
His hand now tightened around mine, the warmth causing a shiver to run up my spine.
At least that's what I told myself.

"I thought I was going to lose you, that we would come back this year and be strangers again. But you were willing to talk, and I was so happy."
He paused, his face becoming serious, holding nothing but determination.
"When you told me about the threat of Isidora and the keepers, that same feeling came back. The feeling like I had to protect you, like something breakable. But now I know it's me. I can't lose you too, Em."

I didn't know what to say.
We looked at each other a moment.
I expected him to take it back, to say he was just worked up.
But he didn't.
He just held my gaze, his expression not faltering once.
He meant it.

I finally snapped out of it, heat rising to my cheeks as I tried to brush over his words.
"You said this to Ominis?" I wondered, my voice quiet.
"Yes." He answered simply.
"Is that why he was willing to meet us?"
"Yes. He understood." He looked away with a slight grimace, like the conversation was replaying in his head.
I knew Ominis didn't give such a simple answer, most likely gave Sebastian an earful beforehand.
But I was still glad they found a way to work it out.
Even if it was just a common understanding, it was something.

The wind blew around us as we sat there, neither of us moving as it felt like it would break whatever peace was contained in this moment.
Right now, there was no danger, for the first time in forever, we had our guards down.
The cover of the night sky and peace of the landscape allowed us to be vulnerable with each other.
Something I hadn't felt with someone in years.

A small smile tugged at my lips.
I don't quite know what came over me, but before I knew it, I leaned in.
I pressed my forehead against Sebastian's, causing his eyes to look into mine before I closed them and let out a small sigh.
"You won't lose me, Sebastian. I'm not going anywhere" I whispered.
Sebastian let out a short chuckle
"Me neither"

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