Little Do You Know - Chim

By _itscaamille

8.8K 522 144

Cheryl Fernandez-Versini adjusts to a brand new life in following what she has longed for. Within the first d... More

Chapter 2 - I prefer Cheryl.
Chapter 3 - time of death
Chapter 4 - All it takes
Chapter 5 - Walls
Chapter 6 - Expressing Feelings
Chapter 7 - Surprises
Chapters ?
im back heres whats happening

Chapter 1 - You don't know me.

1.4K 39 7
By _itscaamille

Authors note: this story is very similar to greys anatomy, at least this first chapter is! No one is famous. This story will be written in third person!! The italics in the beginning and the end of the chapter however is Cheryl's own thoughts.

We all wish for things to be the easiest they can be. To do no work, live through life walking the easy pathway. Take the easy route. Zero complications. Nothing to worry about. That's what I used to think...

The alarm clock went off abruptly shaking Cheryl out of her deep sleep instantly. She didn't realize where her surroundings were. The brunette scanned the room then sighed with relief, she's in her own house thankfully. After last weeks mix up of waking up to a complete strangers home she has never failed to ensure that she's in her own house whenever her eyes open. Picking up her phone Cheryl saw the time her eyes widening. 7:30.

Right away she took the covers off her body and scrambled out of bed putting on any clothing item she can find, trying to make everything matches of course. She took the risk of not following in her parents foot steps. She will make them proud, she put far to much on the line. Looking into the mirror one last time the brunette nodded and sighed.

"Today is the first and last day of my life." Cheryl said to herself before grabbing her keys off the shelf and heading out the door.

Walking into the room late was bad enough as it is. Some heads turned others flinched but never gave her any notice, thank god. The man leading the group of young adults looked up at her then continued to talk once again.

"Welcome, all of you. Take a look around. This will be your new home now. All of you will live and breath in this hospital. Some of you will crack under the pressure, others will choose to get switched. This is no longer a school, this is a game. Be prepared to see what life has thrown at you. Medical school was a test, this is how you apply everything you've ever learned. Welcome to the next years of your life as surgeons."

The man once again looked at her making the brunette gulp with nervousness. There's not going back now. Her parents aren't here anymore, this is her doing, her choice, her move. Everyone started to pile out of the operation room. Then moving straight towards their locker room, the intern shed some of the attending surgeons said. It's where the fresh blood gather for rounds, talk amongst themselves and just where they contemplate as to why they made this choice.

"Hey brunette!" Cheryl turned around as she tied up her shoes.

"Me?" Cheryl pointed to herself.

"Who have you got?" The blonde walked up to her.

"Williams. You?" Cheryl stood up adjusting herself making sure she was in proper order.

"Sweet same! I'm Lily. Lily England." She stuck out her hand.

"Cheryl. Cheryl Fernandez-Versini." Shaking the blondes hand was rather weird to her. She recently moved from the big apple to the west coast. Talk about a fish out of water.

"Come on we better get ready for rounds." Lily told Cheryl as both walked out ready to see what they have to face day in and day out for the next couple of years.

"That's Williams?" Cheryl pointed at the lady.

"What were you expecting short stuff? Williams is the best resident they have here. We're lucky to have her." Another blonde stood beside her.

"Excuse her, she has no filter really. I'm Nicola Roberts. This is Sarah Harding."

"Cut the introductions Roberts." The shorter lady otherwise known as their resident. "Welcome fresh meat! Now for the next year or so you will be answering to me. You will answer every page I get, if I call for you no walking you run. I don't want any wimps, you will be facing through very serious injuries so if you're squeamish well better walk out that door now."

The four 24 year olds looked around nervous. This is far more intense than what they signed up for. Far too intense.

Cheryl gulped loud enough for the other interns to hear but not enough for Williams to hear. Thankfully.

"Welcome to the rest of your lives." Williams nodded as she walked off with a trail of interns following at her feet.


Within the first shift all of them learned just how intense the surgical wing really is. All four women dealt with so much trauma coming in that they were in over there heads. Nicola almost passed out, her skin turned white and for the rest of that shift a bucket was placed close enough for her to hurl into.

By lunch time Cheryl had everyone pegged for who they seem to act like. No one had her pegged though and Cheryl was happy enough to hear that, she will never tell them who she is, who she truly is.

"So Cheryl what's your story?" Sarah, Nicola and Lily piled up around Cheryl in the intern room.

"What is this show and tell? We're surgeons." These words shocked the three. They thought they had her pegged, quiet yet overly intelligent. Guess they were wrong.

"Little brunette has some sass. No but seriously what's your story." Lily seems to be giving off the most caring vibe to Cheryl today.

"I have you all pegged. Right down to how you act, body language. For me you'll never know. So don't bother trying." Cheryl spoke out.

"Oh really you have us pegged? Well then share." Sarah replied. She in fact liked how open Cheryl was being.

"Lily England over here is shy telling from how closed off she is in big crowds exactly like she was this morning. Other then being shy she's also very straight to the point.
Sarah Harding big blonde bombshell. She won't let anything get in her way.
Nicola Roberts. You are a follower. Maybe you'll change my mind but that's what I'm saying." Cheryl stopped speaking slamming her locker door abruptly. "Don't try to figure me out. I'm more complicated than any of you ever will be."

Cheryl never meant to come off rude. She wanted to protect herself. She herself is indeed very soft when people really see. She doesn't want them to notice. If any of them do there's no going back they'll become to attached to one another and they don't even know who she truly is.


The sound around her engulfed what she had gotten herself into. Music blaring, she didn't expect this much noise from a bar out near the ocean. From New York it was this bad. Her phone went off alerting her to go outside for a bit to smoke, clear her brain after a nearly 12 hour shift, tomorrow will be a full 24 hour shift as well.

"Hello?" She spoke through the phone.

"Chez? It's Lance!" Good joy she forgot to call him after her shit.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Lance! I completely forgot to call you after work!"

"It's fine." He paused hearing the faint but obvious sound of the bar music playing. "Are you out by that new club? Misty?"

"Yes I am actually. Figured to look around Orange County while I'm here. Quiet place, although the bar does make a good martini. Why'd you call?"

"She wanted to speak to you. It's pasty her bedtime but insisted she needed to hear your voice before bed."

Cheryl sighed. "Put her on the phone."


"Hi baby how did your day go?" Cheryl smiled on one of the phone hearing her daughter speak was music to her ears.

"It was good. Daddy and I had a tea party! I wish you could come." Cheryl also heard the mood drop from her tone.

"I will next time okay baby? I'm picking you up right after work so we can get the entire weekend to ourselves."

"You promise?"

"I promise. Off to bed now okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too honey." She closed her eyes to stop the tears that were about to fall.

"Don't you dare cry." Lance spoke again.

"I'm such a horrible mother."

"No you're not!"

"You don't need to say that Lance. I know I am. I should be with her but instead I'm working my ass off as an intern at a hospital. What have I done."

"You followed what you wanted to do. You are not a horrible mother."

"I'll pick her up on Friday Lance. Thank you for this arrangement you've set up."

"Thank you for choosing the hospital close to where I live so I can still see her."

Cheryl ended the phone call and went back inside towards the blaring music. Sitting at the counter she locked her phone and ordered for another martini.

"Hey." She turned around to see a blonde looking right at her sitting herself next to Cheryl.


"Can I buy you a drink?"

"And what are you supposed to be? You need better lines than that my friend. I ordered my drink already."

"My apologies. So, what's gotten into you tonight?" This took Cheryl off my surprise.

"What are you talking about." Just then her drink got placed in front of her and Cheryl nodded at the bartender with a smile.

"You seem so stressed out of your mind. What's the story?"

"I happen to have no story."

"Everyone has one. It's how they always end up at a bar all alone at almost midnight."

"You're being really persistent aren't you?" Cheryl laughed showing her dimples.

"Ah and dimples too how cute."

"Okay blonde you sure are observant."

"I'm sorry if i had the wrong idea if you don't like women I'm so terribly sorry. This is so embarrassing." Kimberley laughed her face being flushed.

"No it's fine. You have the right idea though I'm bisexual." Cheryl never really openly told someone this besides of course Lance.

"Well there's a head turner. I'm Kimberley."


I never really was one for rude behaviour. It's how I tend to defend myself. I never thought it'd come to the point where I would use it all day. There's no easy way to say this but, in life there will never be an easy way out. There's no such thing. Now I know.

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