past and future (Modern AU :L...

By Alie-Heart

26.8K 821 94

A 27 year old woman named Norie Chausiku is in a relationship with Levi Ackerman, they've been together for 8... More

Short Flashback


141 7 1
By Alie-Heart

Eren breathed heavily as he tried holding up the weight's above his head, he's been wanting to work out with Levi so he took the chance. Though he didn't know that his workout routine was so death causing.

"Focus brat" Levi said as he ran on the treadmill only wearing shorts as a towel hanged around his neck.

"I'm trying but I can't-" Eren wheezed out.

They didn't notice Jiro crawl into the shed happily since he was with the girls who were painting the fence, the baby was gurgling towards them but they couldn't hear him since the treadmill and the sound of Eren yelling in pain overpowered it.

"Dad I can't!" He yelled.

"Yes you can, thats an easy pound"

Jiro crawled as he stopped and sat on top of a metal rod that holds the weights, Levi stared at the wall blankly at the sound of Eren's yells. Though his eyes widened when he saw his 1 year old.


Eren screamed and let go as the weight slammed on the medal rod causing the other side to lift up and Jiro was sent flying up as if it were a seesaw, Levi quickly got off the treadmill and caught the baby who landed in his arms.

Jiro giggled and clapped his hands, Eren sat there in fear as Levi turned to him with a glare.

"MOM! MOMMY HELP ME!" Eren screamed in fear as Levi yanked his hair that he was growing out and pulled him back inside.

"Norie! Where were you-"

Levi froze when he saw Mikasa trying to help Norie off the fence, her pants got caught on one of the woods making her hang down on the other side.

"Sorry dad, I'm kinda in a situation" Mikasa says.

"You are?!" They heard Norie say from the other side.

Norie looked up and saw her neighbor staring at her, she walked out since she wanted to water her plants but saw her hanging by the fence.

She smiled and awkwardly said "hi Ms.Syeph! Beautiful day to water the plants right? The sun's out and bright, what a lucky day"

"Levi help me!"


"Be careful okay? Text us when you're ready to get picked up" Norie spoke as she and Levi drop off Eren and Mikasa at the mall.

"Yeah! We'll text you when we're with Armin, see you later!" Eren said as he and Mikasa waved and went inside.

The couple then turned back and sighed at how silent it got, well, not that silent. Jiro was in his car seat laughing at the light up sea animal plushies above him.

"Now what?" Norie asks.

"Food?" Levi suggested.

"I'm not hungry"

"Does Jiro need anything?"

"Nope, not now"

"Do we need anything?"


She then smiled and said "let's take Jiro to the park! Have a little day out, we don't have to go back home"

Norie turned around to look at Jiro and says "baby you want to go to the park?"

He smiled and squealed making her smile and say "yeah! The park!"

"Let's get going then!"

They drove to the park and surprisingly their wasn't anyone at the playground, their was a couple people but they were sitting by the benches or playing sports at the field.

"Let's see, how about we take him to the swings first" Norie said as Jiro was in her arms and walked towards it.

"Hold on" Levi says as she stopped her.


He began spraying the swing and wiped it with a wiper after, he then dried it with a rag and turned to his wife and son who stared at him blankly.

"It's filthy"

Norie shook her head with a smile and walked towards the swing and carefully went to place Jiro inside but he picked up his legs in fear.

The same thing Eren did when he was younger when they tried dipping his feet at the beach, the couple blanked and went to do it again but he raised them up.

"Baby you don't have to be scared" Norie says.

She then looked at the swing next to her and smiled.

"I got an idea, here"

Levi grabbed Jiro as Norie sat on the swing and smiles towards the baby while saying "look my love, their isn't anything to be scared of! Come on!"

"Levi see if you can put him in now"

He lifted Jiro above the swing seat and luckily the baby sat inside with ease, Norie laughed and clapped.

"Yeah! Wanna swing with Mama? Come on!"

Levi carefully started swinging Jiro when Norie softly swung back and forth while talking with the baby, Jiro giggled and clapped his hands making her laugh as they both swung in unison.

Levi couldn't help but feel his heart swell up and melt at the moment unraveling before him, his eyes softening when he heard them laugh. Feeling himself fall in love with Norie for the infinite time since she looked beautiful with the air blowing through her hair from each swing and her smile making it 100 times wondering.

Jiro was a split image of her which made the moment better, his dimples and two growing front teeth. His laughter and smile making him smile as they continued to swing.

After that they took Jiro to the playground where Norie sat the baby on Levi's lap so they can go down the slide, she fixed his hair and onesie so she can take a picture of them.

"Wait hold on" she said and ran back.

Levi let her fix his shirt collar and hair before returning to her spot with her phone and smiled.

"Alright! And go!"

Jiros confused face turned into happiness when Levi brought them down the slide, Norie smiling as she took the video and photos of them. They laughed as the moment was cut off when Jiro gurgles and vomited out the yogurt he had for lunch.

Norie stopped when Levi had a face of "wanting to die" since it landed on his pants, Jiro then smiled and clapped his hands.


"I have a pair of pants in the car, please take him now"

After he changed they took Jiro towards the empty part of the field of grass to see if they can have him practice his walking, the couple stood on either side as Levi held the baby.

"Okay on 3 you let him go and I'll start calling out to him!" Norie called out.




Levi carefully let go of him as Jiro stood by himself, Norie started calling out to him with her arms stretched out. The baby smiled and slowly wobbled and took a step forward, she cheered as Levi stayed close behind Jiro just in case.

"Come on baby! You got this! Come on!" Norie laughed as he was fully walking towards her.

Levi was getting more excited when Jiro was reaching Norie closer without him falling or tumbling down, the couple went quiet when Jiro reached her but Norie cut the silence and yelled in happiness.

"You did it! My baby walked, he walked!"

"See if you can walk to dada! Go on, you can do it!" She says and placed him down.

Levi crouched down and said "come on my boy, come here"

Jiro squealed and walked towards him as Norie captured the moment with her phone since she wanted to send it to Hange, Erwin, her mother and Kuchel. Levi smiled lightly when Jiro reached him with ease.

"Levi he walked!"

He felt the air from his lungs get knocked out when Norie hugged him and they went falling back with Jiro in their arms. The baby laughed and looked up at them as Levi laid back on the grass.

"I'm happy! Mamas happy!" She said and repeatedly kissed Jiros cheeks as Levi smiled at them.


"Guys!" Hange called out as she busted through the door.

Norie was feeding Jiro apple sauce as Levi cooked lunch, Eren and Mikasa were upstairs since they had bought them a game after receiving their grades, and the couple promised them it if they had gotten a good report card.

"Can't you knock four eyes?"

"Sorry I'm to excited! I got a notification on my email that they're having a highschool reunion!"

The couple froze and immediately said in unison "no"

"Come on please! Don't you ever wonder how the others are doing?!"

"No not really" Norie responded.

"I couldn't give a rats ass" Levi says after.

"Besides, we haven't really been away from the high school since Eren and Mikasa go there."

"We can go out for drinks after, Erwin will arrive late since he has that meeting but he told me he's willing to go. Even Moblit!"

Norie looked at Levi who opened his mouth and Hange waited for his response but received a:


"Please! Norie tell your shorty husband!" Hange cried as Jiro smiled at her facial expression.

"Well, theirs always an option to leave Levi. We can use a night out, I promise if you want to leave then we can go." Norie spoke as she cleaned Jiros mouth.

Levi stared as he saw Hange look at him in plead while Jiro yanked on her ponytail, he turned back to Norie who smiled lightly.


"Yay! It's tonight so find something ravishing so we can show them we got blessed by the gods!" Hange said.

"Wait tonight?!" Norie called out but she was out the door.

"Dumbass" Levi mumbled.

"Then we'll have the teens watch Jiro, they can order pizza."

"My loves! Come down here please!"

After a few seconds they saw them walk down the stairs and went towards them as Eren says "what's wrong?"

"Can you do us a favor? We need you to watch Jiro tonight-"

"No! Please! There must be another way!" Eren begged.

"Have mercy" Mikasa blankly said and kneeled next to him.

"10 bucks and you guys can order pizza for dinner if you stand up and shut up" Levi says

"We'll happily look over Jiro!" Eren happily said and grabbed Mikasa grabbed the baby from Norie.

Hange had texted the couple later on that she and Moblit were on there way, and that Erwin was too. Norie and Levi dressed up as they made sure to sign in the form they sent so they can check the list when they get there.

"Can we stay there for an hour then we can go?" Levi says as he drove them to the school.

"We'll see, but if you're not comfortable we can go. I promise" Norie said.

They arrived at the school where they saw a bunch of people who were in their grade, some who have had major changes or other who stayed the same. Luckily the couple saw Erwin come out of his car that was parked behind them.

"Hey, you both ready?" He asked.

"I guess"
The couple responded making him smile.

"It's alright, though I don't think I'll be staying for long either. Hange told me that she and Moblit are already inside, we should start heading in"

Levi was dragged inside by Norie as they checked in the list with the security and walked down the halls towards the gym. They saw it decorated with large banners and lights as music played, their was a lot of people than they expected.

"You made it!" Hange said as she and Moblit walked over.

"I didn't know it was going to be this full" Norie says over the music.

"Surprising huh? I heard that half haven't arrived yet so this is just the start. We should also find a place to sit, don't want to be standing the whole night" Moblit says.

"Me and Norie are going to go get drinks!" Hange spoke as she grabbed her arm and dragged her.

"Find us a table guys!" Norie called out as she disappeared in the crowd.

"I wanna go home" Levi mumbled.

"It's just one hour that we can stay, we're going to get drinks after this right?" Erwin says as they sat down at a table.

"Yeah, the new bar that opened downtown. Say it's good" Moblit explained.

The boys talked as Hange and Norie were at the snack and drinks table, they had actually brought ziplock bags with them so they can take some of the pastries with them. And Norie was stacking with them since she wanted to bring some for the teens.

"Oo! There's chocolate croissants, I'll be quick!" Hange said and ran to the other table.

Norie laughed and shook her head, she continued to placed cookies in the bag but froze when she heard a voice besides her.

"Caught you red handed"

She jumped and pleaded "please it's for my family! Their just cookies!"

Norie stopped when the man laughed and says "I never said I'll tell, I don't snitch"

"Norie right?"

She furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to figure out how he knew her name, but she couldn't put her finger on it so she smiled awkwardly and said " do you know my name?"

"Wow I'm hurt, I'm Ivan. I helped you with math when you first transferred here, 5th period? I use to have a piercing on my eyebrow?"

Norie thought then smiled and said "Oh! Ivan!"

"Oh my god! It's been so long, how are you?"

"I've been great, how about you?"

"Same! It's been wonderful- I'm Levi" Norie was cut off

Ivan looked beside Norie and saw Levi standing there with his arms crossed against his chest and a dead plain face.

"Levi? Dude! how's it going?"


"Levi this is Ivan, the one who would help me in math class. The one you would see during lunch when he would let me borrow his notes!" Norie says.

"I know"

"Are those wedding bands I see? You guys are married?" Ivan said.

"-10 years and 3 kids" Levi cut Norie off before she can speak.

"Jesus...times really passed by, well, I have some friends waiting for me, I'll see you around, it was nice catching up!" He says and left.

Levi watched him leave as he turned back to Norie who stared at him blankly, he blinked and said "what?"

"10 years and 3 kids" she imitated him.

"Jealousy can be a bit much on you can it?" Norie says after with a smile making him click his tongue.

"Chausiku? Ackerman?"

The couple turned and saw Kieth walking up to them, Norie smiled and said "Mr Kieth!"

"It's great to see you again, how's life treating you?"

"It has its moments but we're getting through perfectly" Levi responded.

"Hm. Also, those kids of yours, it's like you both haven't left" Keith spoke.

"Oh why's that?" Norie says with a smile.

"Considering that I see them right now with you two here, I see you both with them in class. Eren's just like you Chausiku, as for Mikasa, just like her old man"

"Today we'll be cutting open the frog to study it's anatomy" Keith spoke.

"I'm gonna faint oh my god what the hell is that?! Why does it look like that?! Levi, Levi don't touch it! IT GOT ON MY HAND! THE BLOOD GOT ON MY HAND!" A 16 year old Norie cried as she was partnered up with Levi.

"Cool" Levi only mumbled as he wrote down the notes.


"I can't look! Why is it looking at me like that?! Cover its eyes, Mikasa don't just cut it like it's nothing! Wait it got on my paper! MY ARM! THE BLOOD GOT ON MY ARM!" Eren sobbed as he fell to the ground.

"Mhm" Mikasa mumbled as she named the anatomy on the paper.

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