The Viscount and The Traveler...

By PrincessChyna1

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Addison Hannah is a girl new to London, but not just London... the 18th century. 1814 to be exact. The strang... More



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By PrincessChyna1

Anthony- This is a crossover chapter

I sat in my study with Addison's Diary in my hands. I opened the book and turned to one of my favorite entries she wrote. 

Dear Diary,

2 Days ago... precisely. Since then, I have not been the same. Since that night, when I partook in the Devil's dance with none other than HIM. It was as if oblivious feelings surfaced and I could do nothing other than accept them for what they are. I haven't seen him since, not that I am complaining... although Eloise has invited me over and I do not know how to explain to her that I don't want to see her eldest brother without her assuring me things would be alright. I'm craving to see him unfortunately. Ugh, I am steering clear of him from here on out because I for one can't be messing up in this time period.
-XOXO Traveler

Dear Diary, I know I try to make entries short and simple, but the Viscount makes everything complicated. I needed to see him today, it's why I took Sir Thomas up on his offer to the wrestling match. I was displeased to see him with his ex-mistress, but who am I kidding I would have given anything just to be in his presence once more. After I left the room I found him in, I prayed for him to follow after me, but he did even better. He sat beside me at the event, along with Collin and Benedict of course creating a great distance between Sir Thomas and I. I really felt bad for Thomas, he's a good friend to me but at the same time I was happy to be near the Viscount. Each time a fist connected with one of the fighters jaw, I slightly jumped and I felt the Viscounts hand on the small of my back in the most comforting way possible. He also whispered sweet things in my ear every chance he got. If I'm not careful, I'll end up hurting him. How can I even be with him? He deserves someone on his level and from his time... I'm neither of those things. I should have known he told Eloise to invite me over for dinner. Before I left with Sir Thomas though, I think I hurt the Viscount. I practically told him that I'm inlove with Sir Thomas because I knew he would try to prove a point to the poor man. I didn't want bad blood between the men because of me so I had to lie to Anthony, if he only knows my heart is starting to belong to him. I only wish I could see a future with him yet I know whatever this is between he and I must be taboo. I hate how my heart betrays me for that Anthony Bridgerton, yet I love every second of it. 

I could not help but smile at how much of our encounters she recorded. As much as she says our love is something forbidden, or never should have happened, I don't believe such things. It was as if I was made for her, and she for me. I love her with every beating moment of my heart and I know one day soon I'll meet our boy and have many more children. I got up to pour myself another cup of scotch, but suddenly the room felt as if it was shaking... I immediately came to a stand still. 

"Brother? Are you alright?" Benedict asks, coming into my study as the room stopped shaking as quickly as it began

"Yeah? Did you feel that?" I ask him

"Feel what?" 

"Shut the door" I say to him as I resumed making my drink. "Want one?" I ask him, holding up my glass

He nodded and did as told, then said to me "I know how much you miss her and being there during pregnancy on nights like this" 

"Nights like what?" I questioned 

"The moon; you normally rant about Addison's pregnancy during the full moon but I thought it strange that you hadn't said one word about it today" 

"Tonight's a full moon?" I questioned walking towards the window 

"Hmm; must have slipped your mind" He said as the room began to shake yet again

"Surely you felt that" I say turning to him as I clutched the window 

"Yes, but what the hell is happening there?" He asked pointing at the portrait that hung above my desk, it was a painting of Addison holding her stomach and the whole thing was glowing

"That's the first time I've seen that happen" I said awestruck as the shaking slowly stopped

"We have to check on everyone else" Benedict says quickly running out of my study

When I got to the door, I saw Benedict bombarding Eloise with questions as she looked at him as if he grew two heads. 

"Is he high again?" She asked me, but I came to realize the shaking is only inside of my study. I looked back at the painting of my wife, to find it was no longer glowing. 

I looked towards Eloise and Benedict once more before going back into my study shutting the door afterwhich  the glowing of the painting began yet again. 

"Touch it" I heard a whispered voice echoed in my head. I slowly walked towards the painting. I started rethinking my decisions, because I must look completely crazy at this point, I summed it up to me having one too many glasses of scotch. Just as I got in front of the painting, the door to my study flew open and the glowing on the painting stopped. I looked back in disbelief, to find Eloise and Benedict arguing in hushed tones. 

"Shut the door quickly" I said to them

Just as the door shut, the glow of the portrait began yet again. 

"Well, you see it don't you?" Benedict asks I guess referring to Eloise

I turned back around to find my younger sister standing there with an awestruck look on her face. She started spewing obscene language before quickly regaining her composure. 

"Touch it" I heard the voice echo in my head yet again

"Well, quit standing around and touch it" She said moving towards where I stood

"Wait, you heard it too?" I ask her as she nodded quickly 

"So did I" Says Benedict 

"W-wait, I think we should touch it together" I state 

"Well then, lets get to it" Benedict says coming to stand beside Eloise and I 

"One the count of three" I told them 

"One... two..." Benedict began 

"Three" Says Eloise as the three of us slap our hands on the painting 

As if on cue, the room began shaking rapidly and things began to drop off the walls, as the painting started to disappear and was replaced with what looked to be a moving scene. The people looked distressed and many of them were crying. 

"What's going on?" Eloise asks

"I don't even know" I say to her, never taking my eyes off of the former painting 

"Wait, isn't that right there Addison?" Asks Benedict "Down on the ground" He says pointing a silhouette on the ground as his hand disappears into what once was painting. His eyes grew as wide as saucers before he pulled his hand out quickly. 

"This must be some sort of portal?" I ask him 

"I don't know, but if we never try we'll never know" He shook his head 

Eloise stood on my desk looking at the painting intently. "It's now or never" She said before leaping forward entering into the portal

"This should be fun" Benedict shrugged before following Eloise 

"Out of all people I have to do this with. It's these two." I sighed to myself

"Get in here quickly" Benedict's head pokes out from the portal, giving me a scare

I did as told and jumped through the live portrait 


Eloise sat beside Addison's collapsed body along with Aria, and they both looked to be distressed. Anthony alongside Benedict attempted to push past the people in the strange background before quickly realizing they could walk through them. 

"Addison, you have to wake up now" Aria says to her sister with tears streaming down her face 

"What happened to her?" Eloise asks looking at Aria

"Not now... my sister needs me. I refuse to be communing with the dead right now" Aria mumbled to herself "Shoo evil spirit, get away from my sister before I get holy water for you" She said glaring at Eloise oblivious to the fact that Eloise is not exactly dead or alive. The reason she could see the 18th century being is because she knows about time travel and believes in it. 

"Evil spirit? I just want to know what happened to my darling friend Addison." Eloise replied back as Benedict joined her side where she sat on the ground 

"Oh good. The husband" Aria remarked turning around to see Anthony standing above her looking at Addison's body lay flat on the ground. In that moment, realization hit and Aria collapsed alongside her younger sister not believing her eyes. 

Anthony leaned over to Addison with tears streaming down his face "You promised me you would return, is this your way of leaving me?"He said to his unconscious wife

"Brother, kiss her now" Eloise says as the EMT arrived moving people from around both Aria and Addison 

Anthony quickly bent over and pressed his lips to his wife...5 seconds later her mouth opened wide as she gasped for air. The breath had returned to her body and the EMT quickly placed her on the gurney and began to take her into the ambulance as Anthony, and Benedict followed.

Eloise however, she stayed behind closely watching the scene of the family members in grief. Alana who was dealing with the police and EMT's finally came back to see Aria being held by Vince who told everyone not to touch his wife, after all he is a doctor. He splashed a little bit of water on her face causing her eyes to flutter open quickly. She sat upright looking at her husband. "I love you" She told him right before he kissed her. 

Alana helped her sister off the ground, before she bombarded her with questions. 

"We'll be back" Aria said turning to her husband as he gave her a look to which she gave a signal that only he knew to let him know she saw a ghost. He nodded in understanding. "Where's Addison? I saw her husband" She whispered to Alana

"Who's husband?" Alana asks 

"I saw the Viscount" Aria whispered 

"What? Where in a vision? A dream? Whe-" Alana started to rant before Aria cut her off 

"This white witch is pissing me off" Aria says as a roaming Eloise was coming up behind Alana

"Who?" Alana asks, turning around her face immediately turns red as she watches Eloise walk up to her

"What's wrong? You look as if you've seen a ghost" Eloise says looking between Aria and Alana with a little chuckle

"Are you not a ghost?" Aria asks her getting annoyed 

"Oh good, you can see me" She smiles in triumph "Nobody else seems to hear or see me" 

"Who the hell are you?" Alana asks 

"Eloise Bridgerton. And who must you two be?" 

Both Alana and Aria's faces dropped completely. 

"What's wrong?" Eloise asks looking in between the two "Did I say something wrong?" 

"A&A, ma Viv told me to tell you both to meet her at the hospital" Darren their cousin said walking right through Eloise "She rode in the ambulance with Addison, she also said something about hallucinating and they are thinking about sedating her" 

"No. No. Tell our husbands we've left to go to the hospital, and not to come until we've contacted them" Alana said 

Darren nodded and quickly left to do what his cousin said. 

"You two lets go" She said looking at Aria and Eloise 

"We have to try and beat the ambulance to the hospital" Alana said as they all got to her SUV

"What is this device?" Eloise asks gesturing to the car

"We have no time to answer that, just get in" Aria said as the doors unlocked 

Eloise walked through the closed back door, as Alana and Aria got in the driver and passengers seat. Alana sped all the way to the hospital breaking some of the laws, but she didn't pay it any mind, after all her husband is a police officer and would deal with her tickets anyways. The only thing that mattered was her baby sister. They arrived just as two EMT'S were taking Addison out of the ambulance. Aria hopped out along with Eloise as Alana went to park. 

"Aunt Viv, did you get my text?" She asked seeing her aunt as they all rushed into the hospital 

"I told them" She nodded "But your sister kept looking off into space as if people were there" She said lowly

"People?" Aria asked 

"Yeah" She nodded as Aria looked up to see two male figures, one which she realizes is the Viscount, along with an EMT about to take her sister in the back

Alana rushed past her family members, in order to aid her Addison. "I need a moment with my sister in private before you take her to the back" She said to the EMT

He nodded and walked away giving her some privacy. Aria, Vivian, and Eloise were about to walk over to where Addison was, but Alana quickly stopped them saying she needed a private word. 

Alana looked down at her little sister with grief etched across her face. "Addy, they are going to take you back there and sedate you because they think you're hallucinating" 

"Bu-But Anthony's here him and Benny look" Addison mumbled pointing a shaky hand to where her husband and brother in law stood

"I know" Alana smiled "Along with your good friend Eloise" She said pointing over to where Eloise stood beside Viv and Aria. Addison shifted herself on the gurney to where she could see her family, her eyes grew double its size before she looked back up at her sister in disbelief. 

"You see them too?" Addison asks quickly as she nodded

"Now, I know you want to be conscious enough to relish whatever time you have left to speak to your husband, so I'm going to need you to comply and not talk to him, for now at least. Just let the doctors get you situated in your room, then when it's just us who knows, you can talk to him. I doubt it's going to be right now since you're in labor... so just comply okay?" Alana rushed out 

"Okay" Addison nodded "I want you all in the room while I'm delivering though" 

"We will be, as long as you're not sedated. If you are you'll end up getting a Cesarean and I doubt you want that" Alana answered her. Addison just shook her head "So please comply" Alana told her as she nodded 

"I will" Addison assured her 

"By the way, it's a pleasure to meet you Viscount Bridgerton and Mr. Benedict Bridgerton" Alana said acknowledging the two for the first time 

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well" Anthony said extending his hand as Benedict pushed it away 

"Are you deaf brother? Nobody else can see us" Benedict says shaking his head at Anthony 

"Please make sure neither of them converse around people" Alana said to Benedict before signaling the technician back over. He came over quickly and rushed Addison in the back with Anthony and Benedict following close behind. 

"Is she alright?" Vivian asked Alana as she nodded  

"She's fine. I just hope they don't have to cut her" Alana responded 

"I doubt they will" Aria said "Aunt Viv, how are you doing?" She asked her aunt in a concerned tone

"We lost daddy already, I'm just praying Addison doesn't leave us as well, and she delivers the twins safely"  Vivian shook her head. She has to carry the burden of the family now since she's the eldest child. "I hope she has them before 12. It's still daddy's birthday" 

"I'll call Darren" Aria mumbled walking away

"No, I need to stay here, I must ensure my niece is okay" Vivian argued 

"Aunt Viv... you have one too many things on your plate right now. You have to at least insure things at grandpa's house is in order" Alana said sternly 

"D said he'll be here in 20 minutes" Aria said sitting back down

"Twins?" Eloise asked looking between the two sisters who could see her, neither of which answered her so she just gave up and sat quietly as well. 

The doctor came out from the back after what seemed to be an eternity to the family. He walked over to update them on Addison's health status. 

"Good evening family of Ms. Hannah. I would like to inform you all that she's doing way better than we anticipated. Her babies are healthy and are about to enter this world. She's around 7 centimeters dilated so she should be giving birth around 11" The doctor informed them "Is there any questions?" He asked the family 

"When can we see her?" Viv asked 

"I can take you all to her room if you'd like. She's up and conscious" The doctor responded 

"That would be nice" Alana said as everyone except Eloise got up to follow the doctor 

"You all go ahead I'll be right there" Aria says "Hey you. Let's go" She says turning back to Eloise 

"I- I don't think I should follow. I've never witnessed such a thing before" Eloise began her rant 

"Look. It's a part of life, you're what 700 years old?" Aria asks trying to lighten the mood 

"18" Eloise says simply 

"Oh. Well are you not married by 12 in your century?" 

"What? No" Eloise shook her head looking at the buzzing phone in Aria's hand "Uhm, your small device is flashing like lightning" Eloise says pointing 

"Oh it's just Darren" Aria replies, looking down at her phone before putting the phone on speaker"Hello?" 

"Tell ma I'm outside" Darren's voice spoke through the phone

"My goodness the little box is talking!" Eloise exclaims

"Okay, I'll let her know" Aria informs him

"Wait, is lil cousin good? How are her babies?" He asks 

"She's doing much better now" Aria lets him know "The babies aren't here yet"

"Okay then, give her a bear hug for me with my love" He said before hanging up the phone 

"Come on El" Aria says standing up 

"El?"  She asks with a slight smile as if she's gained a new friend 

"Yeah, you can call me-" Aria began before getting cut off 

"Ari" Eloise says with a short pause 

"Nobody calls me that, it was only reserved for my late mother" Aria told Eloise 

"Oh, I'm truly s-sorry" Eloise says 

"It's no problem, I love how you say Ari. It's nice to hear the old nickname, even after all these years" Aria smiled at Eloise. Thank goodness the waiting area was empty else she would look completely crazy. 

They both walked down the empty hall reading room numbers until she found room 47 which her older sister texted her. 

"Here we are" She smiled pushing the door open

"Finally" Eloise says loudly entering the room. Everyone stared at her except Vivian and the doctor they were unable to see or hear her. 

"Aunt V, Darren is outside waiting for you" Aria informed Vivian

"Alright ladies, I'll be on my way" She smiled with tears running down her face "Addison, I'm proud of you. I know daddy would've been proud as well" She said hugging her niece who was laid in the hospital bed crying as well. 

"Thanks Aunt V. For everything" Addison whispered in her ear 

"I'll walk you out" The doctor said to Vivian

"Call me as soon as you bring those babies into this world... I'll be waiting up"  Vivian said as she and the doctor both exited the room. 

"OH MY ADDISON" Eloise yells out rushing toward her crying friend

"Eloise why must you be so loud?" Benedict questions 

"I missed you as well precious Eloise" Addison smiled, reaching out for a hug only to find out they are not able to touch 

"Ladies, take it easy" Aria says "How did you all get here?" 

"Through a portal" Anthony answered almost immediately

"That would be science unexplained" Benedict pointed out 

"Swear, I feel crazy. I would rather be seeing grandpa instead of our ancestors" Aria shook her head 

"Ancestors?" Benedict asks 

"Trust me, I'll need a whole bottle of wine before going into our family logistics. Apparently those two" Aria said pointing between Addison and the Viscount "They were destined to be together because our family begins with the Viscount, one of their children will run off and take the Hannah title blah blah blah"

"What is she talking about?" Anthony questions

"Alright that's enough of that" Alana says trying to settle things "Addison how are you feeling? You look uncomfortable" 

"Can you call the doctor? I'm in plenty of pain" She admitted as Anthony rushed to her side "Now please" She cried out as the pain intensified 

Alana rushed out of the room in search of the doctors. To her luck, she found the head doctor and informed him on what was going on. Immediately he took Alana into a room with him so they can get suited up for the pregnancy. She took proper garments back into the room for Aria as a team of nurses were already waiting. 

"She's crowning doc" One of the nurses says 

"We have to move quickly" To doctor said pushing past everyone 

"I can't do this" Addison cried "It's too much pain"

"Ms. Hannah you have to push" The doctor informs her as her sisters rush to her left side. 

At this moment, Anthony looked down at his wife who's now in pain. He reached out to hold her hand but his hand went right through hers. He tried again and again but nothing happened. Addison cried out in pain wanting to be held by her husband. This brought tears to Anthony's eyes, he mustered all the strength he could and reached out once again this time grabbing his wife's hand. Addison looked up at him in disbelief. 

"Push my love" Anthony coached along with the rest of the family in the background 

At that moment, Addison had enough strength to push. She pushed and pushed until her baby boy's cries filled the room. She looked up at Anthony who was staring at his son in awe. 

"Ms. Hannah, on three" The doctor called out to her 

"One...two...three... push" Calls a nurse

She pushed and pushed but the baby would not come. 

"WAIT" She cried out "I can't, I can't do it"

"Look Addison, momma is in the corner coaching you to push this little girl out" Aria whispered making Addison's eyes widen 

"Come on Addy" Alana says holding her hand as she stared at her mother's spirit, who smiled at her proudly 

"Mama" Addison mumbled 

"Push Addison" Her mother smiled towards her, and with that she pushed one final push and her baby girl entered into the world kicking. 

"She's going to be a fighter" The doctor smiled handing her to the nurse to get cleaned off 

"Just like her father" Addison mumbled 

"What's the names of these beautiful babies Ms. Hannah?" Asks the doctor as Anthony looked down at his wife

"Can I hold my babies?" She asks tiredly as the nurses nodded putting both her children in her arms

"They look so much like you" Alana says to Anthony and he looked over at her smiling 

"They do don't they" He remark 

"What's this chubby fella name?" Aria asks staring down at the baby boy in awe

"Edmund Bridgerton" Addison answered gaining gasps from Anthony, Benedict and Eloise all at once "And her name is Audrey" She said gaining the same reaction from her sisters

"You named him after father?" Eloise asks just as Aria spoke "You named her after mother?"

She nodded in response handing the babies to her sisters. After the doctor and nurses cleaned her and the babies up, they left giving her some privacy with her family. Soon after, Addison fell asleep.

"Can I hold him?" Anthony asks Alana

"Are you able to?" 

He reached out to touch his son and as soon as his hand made contact with the little fella, he smiled taking him into his hands completely. He spent the next half hour holding both of his babies until his wife woke up slightly.

"Anthony" Addison called as he handed each of the babies to his siblings

"Addison" He said going to hold her hand

"I'm tired, really tired. I j-just wanted to tell you I love you" She mumbled knowing she didn't have much longer with him

"I love you more darling, and thank you for two beautiful babies" He whispered. 

"Will you be here when I wake up?" 

"I doubt that would be possible, my love. I can already feel myself being pulled back to my own time" He answered her 

That was the last thing Addison heard her husband say. She fell back into a deep sleep after all her body was exhausted. 

"Please take care of them for me" Anthony says looking between his sister's in law

"We will" Alana nods

"It was nice meeting you El" Aria smiled over at her new friend 

"It was nice meeting you as well Ari" Eloise chuckled 

"I don't mean to be the barer of bad news, but the portal followed us here" Benedict points out the large portal in front of the hospital room door. 

"It's time isn't it?" Eloise asks 

"I'm afraid so" Benedict nods toward his younger sister 

Aria and Alana both went to hug the three Bridgerton siblings. Lastly, Anthony moved toward his sleeping wife and twins who were asleep beside her. He placed a kiss on the foreheads of each of the twins, and one last kiss on Addison's lips for what would seem like eternity before disappearing along with his siblings like a flashing bolt of lightning. 

A/N: This was a fun chapter to write. 

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