will byers x male reader.<3

By sadusernamelol

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you thought your life as a closeted gay kid in the 80's was insane, wait until you find out your best friend... More

chapter 1- got me.
chapter 2- ok?
chapter 3- eleven.
chapter 4- Mr. Clark.
chapter 5- secret.
chapter 6- make this fly!
chapter 7- hurt.
chapter 8- should i stay or should I go?
chapter 9- look sad.
chapter 10- run.
chapter 11- the compasses.
chapter 12- your turn.
chapter 13- friends don't lie.
chapter 14- 012.
chapter 15- papa.
chapter 16- missed you.
chapter 17- happy Christmas.
chapter 18- mad max.
chapter 19- zombie boy.
chapter 20- i got you.
chapter 21- dart.
chapter 22- numb.
chapter 23- superspy.
chapter 24- map of Hawkins.
chapter 25- no one can.
chapter 26- mind flayer.
chapter 27- do you remember?
chapter 28- close the gate.
chapter 29- snow ball.
chapter 30- movie.
chapter 31- welcome home.
chapter 32- lies.
chapter 33- asshole.
chapter 34- new host.
chapter 35- monster.
chapter 37- fireworks?
chapter 38- the battle of starcourt.
chapter 39- new year.
chapter 40- the arrival.
chapter 41- weird.
chapter 42- ridiculous.
chapter 43- why didn't you tell me.
chapter 44- the number.

chapter 36- memory.

553 13 4
By sadusernamelol

It's the next day and eleven decided she wants to try and find heather and her family and or billy so we can actually try to stop the mind flayer. I offered to help but she said she wants to try alone first.
So, she's now in one of the rooms and the rest of us are waiting in the living room. It's been like twenty minutes since she started using her powers.
"It can't be good for her ri be in there for this long." Mike says, stressed out.
"Mike, you need to relax." Max says.
"What if she gets brain damage or something?"
"Oh shit. Is that like a real thing?" Lucas asks.
"Nope." I say.
"No, it's not. He made it up. Mike doesn't know what the hell he's talking about."
"Oh, and you do?"
They keep arguing and i get bored so i walk over to where will and Jonathan are.
"Yes, from the Hawkins post. I- i called a couple of days ago about the- yeas, yes um.. i was just.. following up to see if anything else had gone missing. Or if- okay. Sorry to bother y- -Nancy says on the phone with someone who hung up on her at the end.- who's next?" She asks Jonathan who has a list of phone numbers if people who could have any information on the rats.
"There is no next. Unless you want to start calling random people's homes." Jonathan states.
"It doesn't make sense."
"What part of any of this make sense?"
"There's a pattern ok? A consistency to their behavior. They've been feeding on these chemicals since this started, and- and what they just stop out of the blue?"
"Maybe they have all the chemicals they need. Maybe they've all turned into those.. things?" Will says.
"But what about the source? I mean, did the mind flayer just suddenly stop infecting people? And even if the flayed are monsters now, why can't El find them?"
"Okay, can you guys settle an argument? For us? -Max asks, walking over to us.- who do you think should decide els limits? Mike or eleven?"
"Eleven." I say.
"The way that you frame that is such bullshit."
"It's not bullshit mike! This is your whole problem. It's also precisely the reason why she dumped your ass!"
"El dumped you?"
"Yeah, cause she's conspiring against ne! She's corrupting her."
"No, enlightening her."
"Mike dont start, i don't have the patience to deal with this again."
"The fact is, she's bit yours. She's her own person, fully capable of making her own decisions."
"She's risking her life for no reason!"
"For no reason? Mike, the flayed are out there doing gid knows what."
"Killing, flaying.."
"Transforming into monsters."
"And els not stupid. She know her abilities better than any of us."
"Exactly, that k you!"
"And she is her own person."
"With her own free will."
"Exactly! El has saved the world twice and Mike still doesn't trust her."
"You wanna talk about trust, really? After you made her spy in us?"
"Wait, what?"
"Oh, she didn't tell you this?"
"Your girlfriend used els powers to spy on us."
"No no no, i didn't make her. It was her idea. And why are we even talking about this, seriously?"
"Yeah, who cares?" Me and will say.
"I care!"
"Yeah! I guess girlfriends don't lie, they spy."
"We were just messing around."
"Wouldn't it be so funny if i was taking a massive shit or something?"
"You weren't."
"But what if i was?"
"Then gross."
"Seriously mike?"
"I'm just trying to demonstrate how careless max is with elevens powers. Infact how careless all of you are. Your treating her like some kind of machine when she's not a machine. And i don't want her to die or get flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the earth. So can we please just come up with a new massive plan because i love her and i don't want to loose her again!"
"Wow, you're very discreet mike."
"What's going on?" Eleven says, getting out if the room she was in.
"Nothing! Nothing."
"Just a family discussion."
"Do you need help?" I ask.
"I found him."
We sit down at the living room and eleven decides to spy on billy now that she knows where he is.
She uses her powers then after a bit she finds him again and takes the blindfold off.
"What's he doing now?" Max asks.
"In his room." El says.
She goes get a glass of water and i go with her.
"Hey El, i know you're way better at this whole power thing than me but promise me you won't overwork yourself. If you're feeling kinda tired it's ok to ask me to help you."
"I'm ok. Thank you, y/n."
I walk back over to the rest of them.
"Ok, and that's not normal right?" Nancy asks.
"Billy staying in his room on the fourth of July? No, that's not normal."
"He wants us to find him."
"Yeah, that's what Im afraid of. If we go to billy then the rest of the flayed know where we are."
"It's a trap, i agree. Well be ambushed."
"We won't be surprised. Well know it's coming and we will kick their flayed butts."
"You mean El and y/n will kick their butts."
"It's too risky."
"Yeah, and unnecessary. Killing the flayed won't stop the mind flayer. We have to find out where it's spreading from. We have to find the source."
"Billy knows it Billy's been there. To the source."
"Yeah, but-"
"It's a trap. I know. We can't go to billy. But i think there's another way. A way for me to see where he's been."
"I'll help you this time." I say.
Me and El sit down Infront of the static tv and get ready to use our powers.
"El, i know you think you have to do this but you don't. It's just, you've only done this before once and your mom she loved you and wanted you to know what happened. Billy's minds is sick, diseased. The mind flayer is in him."
"He can't hurt me. Not in there. And y/n will be there."
"Yeah, but we don't know that."
"Mike, i need you to trust me."
"Yeah. Just, be careful."
We both out on the blindfolds and get ready to get into Billy's mind.
I concentrate on billy and soon i appear in the black void and next to me is eleven. We both share a look then see in the distance billy, sitting on his bed completely still so we start walking up to him slowly.
We get close to him and he continues to sit still. We hold his hands to be able to access his mind.
"Billy, can you hear us? We want to see. We want to see what happened."
He looks at us and grabs our arm.
"Stop! No! No! No! No-" we scream trying to break free but he lets us go and we start falling while a bunch of flashes of things he's been through with the mind flayer cones up to us.
Once we stop falling we land on the ground  in a beach. We get up and look around us.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" I hear will ask.
"What about you El? Are you alright?" I hear mike say.
"Were ok." We say in response.
"What's going on?"
"Were on.. a beach."
"Okay, i may be dense but the last i checked there weren't any beaches in Hawkins." Lucas says.
"What else do you see?" We hear max ask.
Infront of us we see a woman wearing a white dress.
"A women. She's.. pretty. I- i think she's looking at us."
She starts cheering someone on and waves at us so we turn around and see a young boy with a surf board running up to her out of the water.
"You did it!" She tells the happy boy.
"There's.. a boy."
"Did you see that?" The boy says to his mom.
"Yeah, i saw that!"
"That was at least seven feet!"
"I don't know what it was but it almost gave me a heart attack."
"Ten more minutes?"
"Yeah, ok ten more minutes."
"But any longer than that and your dad's gonna be mad, ok?"
"Ok!" The boy says going back to the water.
"Billy! Watch out for rip currents!"
"I know!"
"It's billy." We say.
"It's California. It's a memory." Max says.
"I think we see it. The source." We say walking on the beach to this spot that is covered in black clouds and red lightning.
The wind gets stronger as we get closer to the spot.
"Hey! Billy, stop! What the hell is wrong with you? What did we talk about, huh!? You gotta slide!" We see this man wich i think is his father yelling at him.
"I know." The young version of billy says on the verge of tears.
"Wait! You're afraid you're gonna get hurt, is that it?"
"Well, what then? What?! What did i raise a pussy for a son?!"
"Leave me alone!" He says running away.
"Hey! That's right, run! Like you always do!"
We run after billy.
"Where were you last night? Where were you?!" His father shouts.
"I told you I was with Wendy!" His mother says.
"Stop lying to me!"
"I'm not lying to you!"
We see billy is now sitting on the dinner table while his parents are arguing Infront of him.
"You saw him again, didn't you? Didn't you?!"
"Get away from me! I said get away!" She screams, throwing some plates at him.
"You- you whore!"
"Stop it!" Billy says running over to him.
"Don't hurt her! Don't hurt her!" Billy says trying to push him away but his dad just throws him to the ground.
"You bastard!"
The men slaps Billy's mother in the face, making her fall down.
"Mom!" Billy screams.
We look to somewhere else and see another memory under this storm.
"I don't understand. Why not? Please mom, don't do this! Please come home. No. How long? How long?! I miss you!" He says on the phone.
"Get back here! -We hear billy from another memory say so we follow him and hes beating some kid up.- get up! What, are you scared to fight me? You scared?! Get up and fight me pussy! Pussy!"
We go to another memory.
"Billy, cone over here i want you to meet someone. This is your new sister, her name is Maxine." His father says, with a young max next to him.
"Shake her hand. I said, shake her hand."
"Who's there?! I said who's there?!" Another billy screams but it's a memory from this year.
He keeps screaming and we walk over to that memory, walking against the strong wind. Once we get there were no longer on the beach but in some abandoned place and we see his car with he window smashed empty.
"I think we found it. The source."
"Where? Where are you?" Max asks.
"Brimborn.. steelworks."
"We found it. Get out of there, El, y/n, get out!"
We focus on getting out and soon we start falling again and we see the flashes we saw earlier then suddenly were back holding Billy's hands, once we let it go we take off our blindfolds and get out of the transe.
When we look around us, back to where we originally were we see that no one's here. Not a single person besides me and El.
"Mike?" El says.
"Will?" I say looking around.
"They can't hear you. -We hear billy say.
We look to the room the sound came from and see billy walking out of it.- you shouldn't have looked for me. Because now i see you. Now we can all see you.you.. lets us in. And now.. you are going to have to let us stay. Don't you see? All this time, we've been building it. Eevee been building it.. for you. All that work.. all that pain.. all of it.. for the two of you."
Me and eleven are sobbing in fear at this point and we keep taking steps back as he walks over to us but we soon can't walk away anymore and we get cornered by billy.
"No.." i say, between sobs.
"And now it's time. Time to end it. And we are going to end you. And when you are gone, were going ti end your friends."
"And then we are going to end.. everyone."
"GET AWAY!" we both scream as we use our powers to throw him into the wall. Once he hits the wall we take off out blindfolds and now we're back in the normal world.
"NO!" We both scream in fear as we realize were back with everyone.
I can barely hear a thing because my heart is beating so loud and i can barely breathe from the fear. My nose is a bleeding mess and my vision is blurry.
"Y/n! It's okay! I'm here!" Will says running over to hug me.
"Will!" I say in a state of panic, hugging him like it would save my life.
"I'm here with you. It's okay. Breathe. Breathe y/n."
I sob in wills arms.. I'm home.. I'm back with them. Breathe y/n. Breathe you fucking bitch! You're making everyone worried! Stop crying! Please.. stop crying.
After a few minutes me and eleven are able to calm down.

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