chapter 8- should i stay or should I go?

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~in a dream.~
I'm at wills house but it's night and no one seems to be home.. i hear someone panicking and look to see will running from his house to the shed.
"WILL!!" I scream, trying to get his attention.
He can't hear me, can he see me though? I wonder as i run towards him and stand Infront of him.
Nope. He doesn't know I'm here.. he looks afraid.. almost like he's running from something.
He tries to use the gun but the light gets brighter and brighter and just like that, he's gone.
Almost at the blink of an eye I'm suddenly in another place. It's just like his house but it's darker and full of weird veins and dust particles all around.
I look around for any signs of him then spot him running into the woods and... This monster going after him.. the Demogorgon.
I run towards it and throw a bunch of rock at it as hard as i can to give will some extra time. I distract the beast and suddenly I'm in front of the castle byers.
I walk inside and see will laying down in a little ball crying. He looks so weak and I'll.. i hate seeing him like this.
"Don't worry will, we- I'll find you.. i promise." I say.
And just like that, everything fades away.
~end of dream.~
I wake up in panick then realize that it was just a dream.
"Goddammit y/n.." i say to myself as i get up from my bed and get a razor.
I know i shouldn't do this but it feels right.. will wouldn't want me to tho.. but i deserve it..
"Shut up!" I whisper, holding my hands to my ears as if to block out the noises and thoughts. I cut my arms 17 times, one cut deeper than the other making my bed have stains of blood.
I should go back to sleep.. maybe I'll dream of him again so i can be with him for a bit..
I can't sleep. I should go to Mike's, see if he's ok.
I bike there and go inside.
"Hey y/n.. how are you?" Mike's mom says.
"I'm ok.. is Mike here?"
"In the basement."
I go down at the basement and see him and eleven.
"Y/n, hey." He says.
"Hey.. i came to pick up some things will gave me but i forgot here.. is that ok?"
"Yeah.. you could stay a little if you want."
"Ok.. -i say reaching for some drawings will gave me and then sitting next to mike.- i always loved his drawings.."
"Yeah, he was good.."
Eleven is in her fort going through the walkie talkies stations. Should i apologize? She's clearly been through a lot but how could she do that to us? I don't know..
"Can you please stop that? -Mike says.- are you deaf? I thought we were friends you know? But friends tell eachother the truth! And they definitely don't lie to eachother. You made us think will was ok and that he was still out there.. but he wasn't! Maybe you thought you were helping but you weren't. You hurt us, you hurt y/n, do you understand? What you did sucks. Lucas was right about you.."
I don't even say anything all i can do is cry silently. God I'm pathetic.
"So come on and let me know.." we hear will say through the static.
"Oh my god.. is that- is that will?" I say.
"Should i stay or should I go.."
I can't believe it.. it's wills voice.. he's alive!! I knew it! That means.. eleven was helping us and i was so mean to her..
I put his drawings aside and go hug eleven.
"I'm so sorry.." i say to her.
She just smiles at me in response.
"Should i stay or should I go now.."
"Your nose is bleeding.. here." I say giving her a tissue.
"If i go there will be trouble.. if i stay then it will double.."
She hands me the walkie.
"Will, is that you? Are you there?! It's y/n! Do you copy? Over! -now it's back to just static.- will.. are y- you there??" I say between sobs.
I can't speak anymore I'm a crying mess i can't get a word out.. i pass the walkie to Mike.
"Will, are you there? -static.- will!" Mike says.
"Was that.."
"Will." She says.
After that we go to bed so we can wake up tomorrow and do something about what just happened.

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