chapter 37- fireworks?

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After me and El calm down we sit down and explain what happened. Will sits next to me holding my hand.
"He said he was building something.. that it was all for me and y/n." El says.
"Building something.. is he talking about the flayed?" Max asks.
"He must be." Nancy says.
"So he's building an army just like we thought." Lucas says.
"Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread." Mike says.
"He's building it to stop y/n and eleven." Will says.
"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off."
"Like royally."
"And the mind flayer now knows that she and now y/n the only thing that can stop him. But if they're out of the way-"
"Game over."
"He also said.."
"He's gonna kill all of you." I say.
"Yeah, well that's nice."
Suddenly Nancy walks over to the window as if she noticed something.
"Do you guys hear that?" She asks.
"It's just the fireworks." Jonathan says, since there's a festival in hawkins today that a lot of families like to go to.
"Billy.. when he told you this, it was here, in this room?"
We all go silent realizing what that means.. he knows we're here. He could appear at any moment.
Will touches the back of his neck with a terrified expression.. shit. I think he's here.
"He knows we're here."
We all go outside to see what's happening while me and will still hold hands and we see the fireworks from the distance but after a few seconds we see this giant monster crawling over to us.. the mind flayer.
"What the fuck!?"
We run back inside and Jonathan and navy go get some weapons and the rest of us start boarding up the windows and blocking the doors.
"Hey, get away from the windows!" Nancy says as she grabs the shotgun.
We all walk to the center of the room and form a little group with someone facing every direction so we can have a 360 look of the place.
Some lights start flickering and the ground begins to shake as if there was a earthquake.
"It's close."
The shaking stops.
"Where'd it go?"
Suddenly after a loud silence filling the room something breaks through one of the walls and we see it's one of the mind flayers arms. This monster is like a weird giant spider wich isn't fun for me cause i hate spiders.
The tentacle looking arm throws Jonathan to the floor and after Nancy tries shooting it and runs out of bullets it starts going towards her but luckily me and El are able to stop it with out powers.
El pushes it to one side and i to the other and we're able to rip part of it of wich makes it go back outside in pain.
Almost instantly one other arm breaks through the wall over to El but she stops it, then, another one comes up to me and I also stop it we both break part of it off like we did with the first one.
The ceiling breaks and the mind flayer grabs me and El and starts pulling us up towards it to kill us but our friends grab our hands and try to keep us away from it while Nancy reloads the gun. Nancy starts shooting at it but it's still trying to take us. Lucas let's go of us and grabs the axe Jonathan had with him and starts cutting the arm untill part of it falls off and me an El drop to the floor.
When i fall will comes running to me and hugs me.
We see the part that was cut off from the flayer is still attached to els leg so mike quickly pulls it off her leg, revealing the bite marks from the flayers arm.
I help El stand up and we both walks a bit closer to the mind flayer. We focus on our pain and anger and use it to boost our powers and we are able to, together, tear the flayer in half. While it's getting back together we all decide to use this to run.
We all rush to the car and get in it.
"DRIVE!" Mike yells.
Nancy starts driving away from the monster. She decides to drive us to the grocery store so we can get some things to help with els leg.
While we're making our way there i use this moment to catch my breath.
"I'm so scared will." I say hugging him.
"I know.. me too." He says hugging me back.
We get to the store and throw a rock through the glass doors so we can get inside. We walk over to an Ile and set her down.
Nancy pulls els pants up to see the wound and starts trying to clean it a bit with rubbing alcohol.
"Woah, hey what are you doing?" Max asks.
"I'm cleaning the wound." Nancy says.
"No, we need to stop the bleeding first, then disinfect then bandage. I skateboard trust me. Mike hold this. Keep the pressure on it nice and firm ok? Were gonna need water, soap."
"Ok." Nancy and Jonathan say going to look for some.
Lucas empties his backpack.
"Does any if this help?" He asks.
"No. Go get me a washcloth and a bowl."
"A bowl?"
"Ok ok."
Me Lucas and will go look for what she said. We look for them but stumble across this part of the store full of fireworks and flammable stuff.
"Holy shit."
Max walks up to us and Lucas tells her his idea of killing the flayer with fireworks.
"You wanna kill this thing with fireworks?"
"Do you have a better idea?"
"Yeah, El and y/n."
"Against that thing? They're gonna need backup."
"It's true i mean I'm ok kinda bit El is really tired we're gonna need all the help we can get."
We get the fireworks and bandage els leg. After that we decide to let me and El try to find Dustin with our powers because apparently he tried to talk to Mike through the walkie talkie while we were getting things.
"Did you find him?"
"Yes, he's at the movies." I say.
"The movies? Dustin's so freaked out about the gate he decides to go to the movies? Yeah, makes total sense." Lucas says while we walk out of the store with a shopping cart full of fireworks.
"You're positive he said gate and not great?"
"Yeah, like the movie um watching us great."
"It sounded like gate."
"Wich will explain how the mind flayer is still alive."
"Yeah, we just have to shut it again."
"Then the monster dies."
"But if not, we always have Lucas's fireworks." Max says ironically.
"Keep mocking my plan, max. Keep mocking it. I wanna hear you say it again because you keep doubting me. You keep doubting me!"
"Will, y/n? Were gonna prive them wrong right?"
"Yeah, i hope so."
We get to the car and speed over to the mall. After a few minutes we get there and rush inside and get to the second floor. We see a couple of Russian guys looking around the first floor for Dustin so me and eleven decide to help them. We see this car in the middle of the mall and turn all the alarms on so the Russian guys look at it instead of finding Dustin. We throw the car at them across the mall and kill them. After a few seconds we see Dustin, Steve, robin and.. Erica? They get up from where they were hiding.
I quickly start running down the escalator toward them. Everyone also starts going down to meet them.
Dustin also comes running over to us and we hug eachother like we haven't seen each other in years.
"I'm so glad youre ok dust." I say hugging him.
"Me too.. I'm glad that you're ok not just that I'm okay." I laugh a bit at his comment.
"Hey guys." I say to the others. I hug all of them even not being so close to them I'm just glad everyone is alive.
"You two flung that thing like a ho wheel!" Dustin says.
"Lucas?" Erica's says.
"What are you doing here?!" Lucas asks.
"Ask them, it's their fault."
"True, yeah. Totally true it's absolutely out fault." Steve says.
"I don't understand what happened to that car." Robin says.
"El and y/n have superpowers."
"I'm sorry?"
"Superpowers. They threw it with their minds. C'mon, catch up."
"That's El?"
"Who's El?"
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Nancy asks.
"I'm robin, i work with Steve."
"She cracked the top secret code."
"Yeah, wich is how we found out about the Russians."
"Russians? Wait, what Russians?"
"The Russians!"
"Those were Russians?" Max asks.
"Some of them."
"What are you talking about?"
"Didn't you hear our code red?"
"Yeah. But i couldn't understand what you were saying." Mike says.
"Goddamn low battery!"
"How many times do i have to tell you about the low battery?!"
"Well, everything worked out, didn't it?"
"Worked out? We almost died!"
"Yeah, but we didn't did we?"
"It was pretty damn close."
"Okay, Russians? As in they're working for the Russian government?"
"What are you not comprehending? Am i not speaking English? We have a full blown red dawn situation."
"So it has nothing to do with the gate?"
"It has everything to do with the gate!"
Suddenly we stop our conversation as see El fall down in pain almost passing out.
"My leg. My leg!"
We see something crawling inside her leg as she screams in pain.
Jonathan finds a knife in one of the restaurants in the mall.
He cuts the wound open and starts looking for what's crawling inside her with his own hands.
"Stop! I can do it." She says as she used her powers and takes the thing out of her leg. It's a mini part of the flayer.. i think it got inside her when it was trying to take us.
Screaming in pain, she throws it across the room and it lands on the floor.
Suddenly someone steps on it, squishing it.
We look up and see hopper, Joyce and this weird guy with a beard with them.

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