chapter 27- do you remember?

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Will wakes up and starts looking around confused. Then he realizes he's tied up.
"What is this? ..wha- what is this? Why am I tied up?" Will says.
"Will, we just wanna talk to you. We're not gonna hurt you." Joyce says, moving closer to him.
"Where am I?"
"You recognize this? ..Do you recognize this?" Hopper says, showing him a drawing of the mind flayer.
Will shakes his head no in response.
"Hey, we wanna help you. But to do that we have to understand how to kill it."
"Why am I tied up?! -He keeps saying, freaked out as the lights start flickering and hopper holds him down.- let me go! LET ME GO!" He says until he calms down.
"Do you know what march 22nd is? -he doesn't respond.- it's your birthday.. your birthday. When you turned eight, i have you that huge box of crayons. Do you remember that? It was 120 colors. And all your friends, they got you star wars toys. But all you wanted to do was draw with all your new colors. And you drew this big spaceship, but it wasn't from a movie. It was your spaceship. A rainbow ship is what you called it. And you must've used every color in the box. I took that with me to melvalds and i put it up and i told everyone who came in, my son free this. And you were so embarrassed. But i was so proud." Joyce tells him.
"Do you remember the day dad left? We stayed up all night building castle byers.. just the way you drew it. And it took so long because you were so bad at hammering. You miss the nail every time. And then it started raining but we stayed out there anyway. We were both sick for a week after that. But we just had to finish it, didn't we?" Jonathan says.
"Do you remember the first day we met? It was the first day of kindergarten. I knew nobody. i had no friends and i just felt so alone and so scared but i saw you on the swings and you were alone too. You were just swinging by yourself. And i just walked up to you and.. i asked. I asked if you wanted to be my friend. And you said yes. You said yes. It was the best thing I've ever done. And that was the day we also met y/n and we asked him if he also wanted to be our friend. He said yes and we became best friends.. just the three of us." Mike says.
"I was so happy that you two wanted to talk to me that i didn't even think before i said yes. After that day all we ever wanted to do was hangout. We would always be at eachothers houses doing something stupid but we would also just be there for eachother whenever we needed someone to talk to. I'll never forget how safe you made me feel. Meeting you and being your.. your friend is the best thing that has ever happened to me." I say, with tears rolling down my face.
"Will, baby.. if you're in there, just please.. please talk to us. Please honey? Please, can you do that for me? Please. I love you so much."
Will starts to get emotional but as soon as he shows it he goes back to being numb, like someone flipped a switch and he's not visibly there anymore.
"Let me go." He says, calmly.
Hopper signals fir all of us to go to the main house so we leave the cabin for a bit and go to the living room.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"I'll explain it in a sec." Hopper says.
"What happened?" Dustin asks while hopper gets a pen and a paper.
"I think hes talking, just not with words." He says, writing something down.
"What is that?" Steve asks.
"Morse code." Me and the boys respond.
"H e r e."
"Wills still in there. He's talking to us."
We decide to go back to talk to him. Jonathan gets his radio and plays the song should i stay or should I go while he goes to talk to him. Hopper holds the walkie talkie behind his back so the rest of them can hear him tapping in Morse code, that way they can translate it to us while we talk to him.
"Do you remember the first time i played you this? Mom and dad were both arguing in the next room. So i played you the mix tape i made for you. And it was the first time you got into music. Real music."
We all start telling stories of times we loved with will so he can remember better and talk to us.
After a while we hear the house phone ring and will starts acting weird.
"Hey, hey can you hear me?"
"He knows. He knows where we are."
"Oh shit." Joyce says, putting him back to sleep.
We walk out of the cabin to check if something is out there and we hear weird noises coming from the distance as if from a monster.
"They're coming!"
"C'mon we gotta go!"
"Come on."
They say as they untie will from the chair, then we get him and bring him inside the house while everyone gets in.
We go check out the windows to see if anything a coming.
"Hey, get away from the windows! You know how to use this? -hopper asks Jonathan while showing him a gun.- can you use this?"
"What?" Jonathan asks.
"Can you use this?"
"I can." Nancy says, getting the gun.
We all get ready to attack while waiting for the demodogs to come. I just Stan there and get ready to use my powers. It's the only way i can really help.
One of the demodogs crashes through the window and falls to the ground Infront of us but we see it's not moving.
"Is it dead?" Max asks.
"Guys.. i don't know how to explain this but i can feel someone else is here.. someone with powers." I say.
The front door unlocks by itself and we see eleven walk in with a bloody nose.
As soon as she walks in the first person to talk to her is Mike.
We all hug her and find out hopper has been taking care of her all this time, in secret.
"I missed you, El. So much. I knew you weren't gone. I knew it." I say, hugging her.
"I missed you too."
She goes to talk to the rest of the guys and i decide to check up on will so i go to his room where he's passed out and sit on the floor, close to the bed.
"I'm so sorry will.. i wish I could help you more." I say. A while later Joyce walks in the room with El.
"He's not doing well." Joyce states.
"I know.. i saw."
"What else did you see?" We walk out the room and eleven looks at the paper written close gate from when they were decoding the Morse code.
"You opened this gate before, right?"
"Do you think that if we got you back there, that you could close it?"
".. maybe, yes."

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