chapter 20- i got you.

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I wake up and take a shower, while I'm in there i look at my cuts. I've been clean for a few days now because i was afraid will would find out about them but i have too many scars and they won't disappear so i figure why bother?
I feel so numb. Nothing i do brings me joy, most days I'm living on autopilot like I'm not even here. I'm just so tired of waking up every day. But i know i couldn't do that to my friends, not after all of what they've been through. I still wonder though, would it be better if i just didn't exist anymore?
I stop myself before i get my razor and decide I'm not gonna do anything yet.
I get out of the shower and get into my Ghostbusters costume sense me and the guys are all going as them. I get my bike and start going to school.
After a little while i get to the part of the trail where we all meet up and we start biking together to school.
"Who you gonna call?" We sing as we park our bikes.
"Ghostbusters!" Will says as he walks over to us.
We all say hi and then Mike gets into ab argument with Lucas because they were both the same character.
"Guys.. guys! Why is no one else wearing costumes?" Dustin says.
"Crap." Lucas says.
We walk in and people start making fun of us, obviously.
"When do people make these decisions?"
"Everyone dressed up last year."
"It's a conspiracy I'm telling you."
"Just be cool."
"Who you gonna call? The nerds!" This guy's says.
"Whatever, lest just go to class."
"Hey, I'll be right there I'm just gonna go to the bathroom first k?" I say.
"Yeah, sure."
I put the backpack from the costume in my locker and head the bathroom.
One i get there i get in a stall and grab my razorblade. I was trying not to self harm but apparently i only needed a little push to give up no matter how stupid it is. I cut myself 10 times in one arm and put the razor back to my sharpener. I start cleaning the blood a bit and suddenly get this huge migraine.
"Shit!" I whisper yell trying not to get any attention.
My head starts buzzing and suddenly I'm in that black void again. The same one I used to be in when we were looking for will. Only this time i didn't see him, i walk over to the couch someones sitting in and notice it's eleven! Her hair is a bit longer now and she's watching tv. I don't know where this is tho.. before i can say anything i snap back to reality.
She's alive? Where is she is she ok?
I get out of the bathroom stall and go to the sinks to look at my reflection and make sure my nose isn't bleeding.
I go check and to no one's surprise yeas, it's bleeding. So i take some tissues and clean the blood, after that i go to class.
The day goes by normally after that and i we plan to meet up to treat or treat in a few hours.
I get home, bandage my cuts so i don't have to worry about them, grab a bag and bike to where we agreed on meeting up.
Once i get there i say hi to the guys then we see wills car pull up.
"Hey, will!" I say as he starts walking towards us.
"Y/n! Hi!" He says hugging me.
"You ready for tonight man?"
"Yeah! It's gonna be awesome!"
We hang out for a while then start treat or treating.
"I swear if we get another 3 musketeers I'm gonna lose it."
"What's wrong with 3 musketeers?"
"What's wrong with 3 musketeers?"
"No one likes 3 musketeers!"
"Yeah it's just nougat."
"Woah, just nougat? Just nougat? Ok it is top three for me."
"Top three?"
"Top three!"
"Oh God! Give me a break."
"Seriously i can just eat a whole bowl of nougat straight up."
Someone with a Michael Myers mask and a fake knife comes up to us trying to scare us.
Will gets scared so he jumps over to me hugging my arm. I hold his hand to make him feel better.
I don't get scared sense i saw them coming but the others scream like babies i mean Luca's scream sounded like a whistle wich made me laugh.
"Holy shit! You should have seen the look on your faces! And you? Who screams like that? You sound like a little girl." Max says after taking off the mask.
"I know right? Also love the costume it's such a good film." I say.
"Thanks! Hey, you guys coming or not? Oh, i heard we should hit up loch Nora, that's where the rich people live, right?"
Lucas and Dustin fan girl over her then walk next to her all exited. Their crush on her is so obvious it hurts.
Me and will realize were still holding hands so we let go and start blushing like crazy.
After a while me, will and Mike start walking a bit behind the other three sense we notice mike is acting weird.
"What are you doing?" I ask will who turned his video camera over to me.
"Recording, do something!" He says with a chuckle.
"Why are you filming me? Your the handsome one here~" i say making him blush.
"Aww your blushing!" I say mocking him.
"I'm not!" He says turning the camera over to Mike to hide how much he's blushing.
"Did you agree to this?" Mike asks.
"To her joining our party."
"Yeah, i mean they wanted her to come tonight so why not."
"It's just for Halloween."
"You should've checked with me."
"Well, they were exited. I guess i thought you'd be ok with it."
"She's ruining the best night if the year." Mike says while walking faster to catch up with them.
I say behind with will.
"Watch it zombie boy!" This guy's says.
"Why don't you watch it you fucking failed abortion of a human being." I say as i walk closer to will.
"Trick or treat freak!"
"Boo!" This other guy says scaring will making him fall down.
"Fuck off will you!? Fucking idiot!" I say as i kick one of them in the nuts and push him away.
I fall down and suddenly I'm back at the upsidedown and everyone is gone, even y/n.
"Y/n? Y/n?! Y/N!" i scream hoping me can hear me.
The huge shadow monster i keep seeing appears out of thin air but this time much much closer to me.
Where's y/n? I really need right now!
The shadow looks at me so i start running away and hide under these stairs heading up to someone's house.
"Will!" I hear y/n yell as I come back to reality.
"Y/n?" I ask hugging him tight.
"It's ok. It's ok. I'm here with you. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." He says while drawing circles around my back so i calm down.
"Will! What's wrong? I couldn't find you guys, are you hurt?"
"Holy shit!"
"Is he ok?" They ask as they follow mike over to us.
"I don't know!"
"He's fine! He's fine. Just, give him a minute." Y/n says while holding me tight.
It's ok. It's ok. Y/ns here. He's got me. It's fine.
Right now i feel like nothing else matters in the world except for me and him. I calm down and am able to focus back on reality.
"We're gonna get you home ok?"
Mike says as he grabs one of my arms and helps me get up while y/n helps with my other arm so i can regain balance.
"Alright take it easy-" Dustin says trying to help me.
"We've got him." Mike says.
"Mike? Y/n?"
"Keep treat or treating, I'm bored anyways."
"Sorry guys, I'm gonna go with them. Have fun!"
We start walking away and i quickly turn to y/n and hug him.
"It's ok will. It's over now. Your safe, i got you." He says.
"Yeah.. okay." I say as we go back to walking.
I make sure I hold y/ns hands the way back to Mike's house.
We get to his house and sit down, mike puts our candy on the table and we talk a bit about what happened.
"It's like.. like in stuck."
"Like stuck in the upsidedown?"
"No.. -i hold y/NS hand for comfort.- you know on a view-master when it gets like-"
"Caught between two sides?"
"Yeah yeah, like that. Like one sides our world and the other.."
"The other slide is the upsidedown?"
"Yeah.. and- and there was this noise coming from everywhere... Then i saw something."
"The Demogorgon?"
"No. It's was like this huge shadow in the sky only, it was alive.. and it was coming for me."
"Is this all real? Or is it like the doctors say, all in your head?"
"I don't know. Just.. just please don't tell the others okay? They won't understand."
"Eleven would."
"She would?"
"She always did."
"Sometimes i feel like i still see her. Like she's still around, but she never is."
"Me too.. today at school i swear i saw her but then she was gone, like it was all just my imagination.."
"I don't know.. sometimes i feel like I'm just going crazy."
"Me too."
"Yeah.. me too."
"Well, if we three are going crazy we'll go crazy together, right?"
"Yeah, crazy together." Will says as he rests his head on my shoulder.
After a while will has to go home.
"Hey, will. If you need anything at all call me ok? I'm gonna keep my walkie talkie next to me at all times."
"Yeah.. ok."
"Make sure to get some rest alright?"
"I will. Thank you for uh, well everything today."
"Don't mention it. I always have your back."
"Night, y/n."
"Night." I say as i start biking home.
I get home and lay down after the day i had.

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