chapter 25- no one can.

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I wake up about thirty minutes after i fell asleep and see Joyce and Bob are sleeping. I look over to Mike and he's very tired.
"Oh, your awake. I was waiting until you woke up." He says in a tired voice.
"I saw some bandaged on your arm.. are you hurt?"
As soon as he says that i freeze.. shitahitshitshitshit what do i do? I had one fucking job and that was to keep it a secret! Why did i have to fuck this up too?!
"Y/n? You ok? Your face went pale. Did your pressure drop?"
"I'm ok. You should try and sleep. You look tired."
"Don't try to change the subject, why is your wrist bandaged?"
"It's none of your business."
"But i want to make sure your ok!" He whisper yells to not wake them up.
"I said I'm fine now will you let it go?"
"Y/n just sow me your arm."
He grabs my hand and lifts up my sleeve revealing the bandage around my entire arm.
"Mike what the fuck?!"
"Why is your entire arm like that? What happened?"
"I'm going to the bathroom."
"No, just fucking tell me what happened y/n please! I'm worried about you!"
"It's nothing ok? It's just some cuts from when i fell down from the bike."
"Then you wouldn't mind showing it to me?"
"What? Why?"
"Y/n. Dustin told me he was worried about your mental health and i am too. Now suddenly your arm is all messed up? I don't think that's a coincidence! Have you been doing something to yourself?"
"Leave me alone, mike."
"Not untill you tell me the truth. I already have one friend who is in the hospital. I don't want you to end up like that too."
"Fine! I'll tell you the fucking truth ok? I'm a pathetic idiot who can't handle his feelings so i take it out on myself by cutting my arm. I'm also in love with my best friend who is having the worst time of his life right now when he doesn't deserve any of what's happening to him. Is that good enough for you, mike?"
".. y/n, I'm so sorry.."
"Yeah, whatever."
He walks over to me and hugs me.
"Why didn't you tell me what your going through? I could've helped."
"No you couldn't have. No one can. Now can we stop talking about this?"
"..if that's gonna make you feel better."
We go back to waiting for the start of the tests they're gonna be doing on will.
It's now morning and we're in a hospital room waiting for will to wake up. Mike has fallen asleep next to me and Joyce is talking to Bob.
"Mom?" Will says waking up.
As soon as he wakes up bob calls the doctors and Joyce walks up to his bed to see if he's ok.
"Hey sweetie, how you feeling? You ok?" She says.
"Ok, they're on their way. Hey!" Bob says walking up to Joyce.
"Who's that?" As soon as he says that my stomach drops.
"It's me, big guy. It's bob." He goes to hold his hand but will flinches.
"Are you a.. doctor?"
Nononono this can't be happening! He can't be forgetting who people are i mean, if he forgot someone like his stepfather he probably doesn't remember me, someone unimportant.
The only thought worse than losing him is having him forget everything.
"No. No, it's just me. Just.. just bob."
We get the doctor and he starts asking will some questions.
Hopper also just walked into the room after Joyce called him.
I haven't said anything yet because I'm scared he's going to forget me.
"Do you know your name?" The doctor asks.
"Will." He says.
"Your full name?"
"William byers."
"Do you know who I am?"
"A doctor."
"Have we met before?"
"I don't remember."
"You don't remember me? Ok. How about that guy there?" He says pointing at me.
I give him a small smile but still don't say anything.
"That's y/n. Y/n l/n, my.. my friend." He says.
I immediately get relieved knowing he knows who I am. I don't think i could have taken him not remembering me.
"Good, and this guy here? -He says pointing to mike.- know who that is? ... It's alright, take your time."
"That's my friend, mike." He says after thinking a bit.
"What about me, kid? You remember me? -Hopper asks, will shakes his head no in response.- they say you helped save me last night. You remember that?"
Will says no again.
"Do you remember anything that happened last night? About what happened?" The doctor asks.
"I remember.. they hurt me."
"You mean the doctors?"
"No.. The soldiers."
"The soldiers hurt you?"
"They shouldn't have done that. It upset him."
"You say it upset him. Is that him? -He asks showing will a drawing of the mind flayer. Will nods yes.- okay, i wanna try something. It's gonna seem a little odd at first, but i think it's really gonna help us understand what's going on. Is that ok?"
"Ok." Will says.
The doctors bring a living piece of one of the veins from the upsidedown that's in a box.
"Now, will i want you to just let us know if you feel anything. Ok?"
"Is this really necessary?" I ask.
"It's ok, y/n. I'm ok." Will says.
A sigh and just let them continue.
One of the doctors gets a lighter and puts the fire close but not touching it to the thing they just brought in.
"Do you feel anything?"
"Little sting."
"It stings? Where?"
"My chest."
The doctor puts the fire closer to the vein.
"How about now?"
"It- it burns."
The closet the fire was to the thing the more will feels the burns.
"It burns!"
"That's enough!" Joyce says to the man holding the lighter.
The man doesn't stop.
"She said that enough! We're done with this!" Hopper says.
I waste no time and grab the lighter from the doctor so he can't hurt him anymore.
"If you do that to him again i will burn you myself. Ok dipshit?" I say pointing the lighter to the same doctor.
"It's ok sweetie." Joyce says to will.
The doctors go and talk about what they think is happening ti will in a meeting down to hall while we stay with him waiting.
Joyce tries to get into the meeting but the guards won't let her.
Me and Mike notice will is acting kinda strange.
"Will? Whats wrong? Is it hurting again?"
"I saw something."
"In your now memories?"
"The shadow monster.. i think i know how to stop him." He says, holding my hand.

will byers x male reader.<3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin