chapter 5- secret.

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"so.. what you were talking about earlier today. That's the upsidedown right?" I ask.
"Yes." She responds.
"Do you know what created it?"
"Yeah, but what or who created the gate?"
"The bad people."
"What do you mean the bad people? Are you talking about who did this to you?" I say pointing to her tattoo.
".. yes."
"Well, shit." Dustin says.
"Did they do something else to you?"
"I think we're done now." Mike says.
"She's clearly uncomfortable! Let's leave it be for a while, ok?"
"You know what mike? Sure. Fine." I say leaving the basement.
"Where are you going?"
"Find another way to find will."
I start walking away but get stopped by someone, i look over and see Dustin.
"Y/n, what's going on?" He says.
"What do you mean?"
"It just feels like your hiding something from us, you know we can talk about anything me and you, right?"
"It's just.. complicated, ok?"
"Maybe it doesn't have to be! Maybe i can help you through it!"
"Look it's not something you get through or anything! I have to live with this even tho I'm not proud of it and it scares the shit out of me ok? I'm afraid it's just who I am." I say as my eyes start to water.
Dustin doesn't say anything he just hugs me.
"Look, you don't have to tell me what it is but know I'm here for you ok? We all are."
"Thanks Dustin."

will byers x male reader.<3Where stories live. Discover now