chapter 18- mad max.

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The year went by actually pretty quickly and before i know it it's already Halloween.
Everything pretty much has been the same i mean the party is great, will is doing better, no one knows Abt my self harm so you know it's ok.
I've been spending a lot of time with Dustin i mean his mom basically adopted me now, not to count the cat mews that little thing loves me.
Will and i have become basically the best friends we spend a lot of time together.
Right now I'm hanging out at Dustin's and in a few minutes to an hour were gonna go to the arcade.
"Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!" Dustin says as he runs around the house looking for some coins that might be laying around.
"Calm down dust you look like your running from a killer clown!"
"Ugh just another penny!" He says throwing it away.
"Dustin careful, you nearly hit mews!" His mom says.
"If that landed on the cat id have to punch you, you know the rule. Protect mews at all costs."
"Can I please check under your cushions?"
"Mom please it's an emergency!"
"Hey you found some."
"Let's go, love you mom."
We go to his room and talk to Lucas through he walkie talkie.
"Lucas, do you copy? I've got four quarters, what's your haul?"
"Take your puny haul and multiply it by five." Lucas says.
"While you were scrounging around like a homeless bum, i mowed old man Humphreys lawn."
"Old man Humphreys got that kinda cash?"
"Just call mike already."
"You call mike."
"I have to go take a shower from doing real work, like a man. Over and out."
"Let him cause if he doesn't shower we have to walk around his sweaty ass all night."
"True. Mike, do you copy? Mike do you copy?"
"Yeah yeah, i copy." Mike says.
"What the hell are you doing on this channel?"
"Well Lucas and i have six bucks total, what's your haul?"
"Shit! I don't know yet."
"What do you mean you don't know yet?"
"Hold on. Call will."
"I'll do it." I say grabbing the walkie.
"This one you wanna call huh?" He says mocking me.
"Shut up. Hey will, you copy?"
"Hey y/n! I copy."
"Great, so Dustin and Lucas have in total six bucks plus what i have so .. yeah ok we have ten bucks so far, what's your haul?"
"Cool, so counting what i have we have 14 bucks."
"Ok, see you there then."
"Ok, bye y/n!"
"Bye will!"
"How did you get so much cash?"
"I got it from my dad. He didn't see I'm in the clear."
We get our bikes and go to the arcade.
Me and the guys park our bikes and see wills car pull up.
"Hey!" We say to him.
He gets out of the car and walks up to us.
"Hey y/n!" He says hugging me.
"Hey will! You look great."
"T- thanks!" He says blushing.
"Lest go."
We get in and start playing a few games.
After a while Dustin is gonna try and beat the record of a game but me and will are playing a game.
"No! How do you always win in this one?" Will asks with a cute smile.
"I mean at least I'm good at this one i suck at the others."
"That's not true."
"It's true."
"Okay maybe it is but i can help you practice!"
"Sure, why not."
"Hey guys c'mon! Dustin's about to get the record!"
I put my arm around wills shoulders and we walk over to them.
"Oh Jesus! I'm in unchartered territory here guys."
"Down down!"
"I'm going I'm going! -he says as we all talk at the same time.- shut up shut up shut up! No.. no! No i hate this overpriced bullshit! Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!"
"You're just not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day. But until then, princess Daphne is still mine!"
"I don't get why they like her so much, what's the big deal?" I whisper to will.
"I know right! She's not that cool." Will whispers back.
"Whatever I'm still tops at centipede and dig dug."
"You sure about that?" Keith, the guys wo works here and looks like he lives off of Cheetos says.
"Sure about what? Your kidding me, no no. -he runs to the other games to see the highest score.- no! No!"
"751,300 points!?"
"That's impossible."
"Who is mad max?"
"Better then you."
"Is it you?"
"You know i despise dig dug."
"Then who is it?"
"Yeah, spill it Keith!"
"You want information then, i need something in return." He says looking at mike.
"No, no. No way! Your not getting a date with her."
"Mike, c'mon just get him the date."
"I'm not prostituting my sister!"
"Mike is right that's just creepy in every way you could imagine."
"But it's for a good cause."
"No, don't get him the date. Know what. He's gonna spread his nasty ass rash to your whole family!"
"Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious you prepubescent wastoid."
"Oh I'm the wastoid? She wouldn't even go on a date with you. You make like what? $2,50 an hour?"
"Okay I'm stepping in Dustin's right i mean she's Nancy and you are a fucking 45 years old looking teenager that looks like a mall rat after being run over and your just being disrespectful to women now so i suggest you shut the fuck up and rethink your entire life in your mom's basement later tonight."
"Thank you!" Mike says.
I look back at where will was but see hes standing outside.
"Hey, I'm gonna go check on will."
"I'll come with you."
"Will? Will! Are you okay?" We ask as we get out of the arcade.
"Yeah.. i just.. i needed some air."
I can tell he's lying but I'm not gonna bring it up now Infront of everyone.
"Come on, your up on dig dug. Let's take that top score back huh?"
The rest of the night goes by normally but i can tell will is a bit off sense then.
Everyone starts going home and I'm with will waiting for his mom to pick him up.
"Hey, will. Are you okay? You seem a bit off sense you went to get some air."
".. can you promise me you won't tell anyone?"
"Of course, you know you can trust me."
"I saw the.. the upsidedown again. It was right here out of nowhere.."
"Shit are you okay? Did anything happen to you? Cause I'm ready to slap a bitch if i need to."
"No I'm fine thanks y/n." He says laughing a bit at my reaction.
"Ok, but if anything happens call me alright? I'll come over anytime if you need to."
"Okay, i will. Thanks."
"No problem."
Wills mom gets here and he goes home and i bike to my house. After that i fall asleep.
I wake up and get ready for school. Sense we don't have uniforms i decide to put something cute on.

 Sense we don't have uniforms i decide to put something cute on

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After getting ready i bike to school.
Once i get there i say hi to the guys and me and will walk to our lockers that are next to eachother.
We open our lockers to get our science books and will grabs a paper someone left inside his locker.
It's a news paper about what happened to him last year.. someone wrote zombie boy on it..
"Those mother fuckers-" i say getting ready to beat up the person who put that there.
"Hey, it's fine. Don't waste your time with that, let's go to class." He says after throwing it away.
"I'm sorry will.."
"It's fine really.. just don't tell the guys k?"
"Yeah, ok."
We walk together to the class.
We all sit and Mr. Clarke begins talking.
"Meet, the human brain. I know i know, it doesn't look like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this. There are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution. All working as one. No, no i did not misspeak i did not stutter. A hundred billion."
The door opens and this girl with a red hoodie and ginger hair walks in.
"Ah, this must be our new student!"
"Indeed it is, all yours."  The guy that lead her here says.
"Alright, hold up. You don't get away that easy. Come on up, don't be shy. Dustin, drum roll. Class, please welcome all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us in our curiosity voyage, Maxine!"
"It's max."
"Nobody calls me Maxine, it's max."
"Mad max." Lucas whispers.
"Well, all aboard max!"
The class goes on and now it's lunch break. The guys want to follow max to see if she's mad max, i think that's creepy but i don't have any other friends so I'm going with them.
Now were watching max ride her skateboard. She's pretty good at it.
"There's no way that's mad max." Mike says.
"Yeah, girls don't play videogames." Will says.
"Yeah they do." I say as i lay against the fence their watching from not even looking at her anymore.
"And even if they did you couldn't get 750,00 ponts on dig dug. That's impossible."
"But her name is max." Lucas says.
"So, how many maxes do you know?"
"I don't know."
"Zero, that's how many."
"Yeah, and she shows up at school the day after someone with her name breaks our top score i mean, you kidding me?"
"Exactly. So she's gotta be mad max, she's gotta be."
"And plus she skateboards so she's pretty awesome."
"Awesome? You haven't even spoken a word to her."
"I don't have to i mean, look at her. Shit! I lost the target."
Oh, there." Will says.
She's now walking back into the school but throws something in the trash. The guys immediately run up to it to see what she threw in it.
"Are we really doing this?" I ask.
"Yeah, now come."
"Got it! There we go.. it says stop spying on me, creeps. Well shit."
"William byers? Your mother's here."
"Want me to walk with you?" I ask him.
"N- no it's fine. Bye guys!"
He walks away and goes home.
"You guys think he's ok?"
"He's always weird when he has to go in."
"I don't know.. he's quiet today."
"He's always quiet."
"He's probably just tired."
"Yeah ok."
The rest of the classes go by and Lucas and Dustin decide to go to the arcade and see if she stops by. Sense it's better than being home i decide to go with them.

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