The forgotten twin (Harry Pot...

By 7AlwaysProngs7

4.2K 97 13

On July 31 1980 a pair of twins were born, Adelaide and Harry Potter, but on the sorrowful night of October... More

authors note
characters YEAR 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

140 5 0
By 7AlwaysProngs7

I m sorry for not uploading a new chapter I wasn't home for 3 weeks due to family issues sorry, Im back so yay!!!....... 


Dear Adelaide, 

this is Jasmine, I had gotten your letter and I hope you are in good health, I miss you lots but I am happy to say that after you left I became friends with Alan and Alyssa, They seemed to have changed and I know they treated your horribly but they apologise, I hope everything is fine there, 

your friend,                                                                                                                                                                                 Jasmine

I was a bit put down on how fast she became friends with them, I dont want to be to overbearing or anything so I just turn of the lights and decide to go to bed, Maybe they made up for what they did, for how he hurt me, I decide to stop thinking about that horrid night,but it was still present there, the vivid images.

I curl up in the comfort of my bed looking out the window at the moon shining bright,


I had woken up in the middle of the night by another nightmare, I had been getting a lot of those, It's getting annoying, I check the time to see that it was almost sunrise..

I decide to write back to Jasmine and also check how Mishief is doing, Last time I checked on her, she had gotten a new friend and I realised pretty quickly that my baby had a crush, I had a good laugh and then teased her about it which ended in me running away from my owl. 

'talk about a badass owl' 

I get up and got ready for the day, I washed my hair and I dried with the spell Hermione had told me which was a lifesaver, honestly, what will I do with out Granger,

I  decide to wear my robe over my white shirt and grey skirt, since its sunrise its going to be cold, I climb out the portrait hole and apologised to the grumpy  lady in the portrait and continued my journey to the Owlery,

I read the letter I had written to Jasmine,

Dear Jasmine,

Hello, I am doing Brilliant, I am chuffed to know that you have new friends.... I have also found my match and I reckon they're the most marvelous thing to happen to me, I couldnt find two people more like us, They're as bonkers as me just like youd say how daft I was, Oh curse me I have still not even said they're names, Lyall and Castor, and coincidently Lyall is my cousin,

Well I also have to say Hogwarts is nothing Like beaubatons, I am not going to lie its so much better, I love it here, Its so much more cosier and I dont have to wear uncomfortable clothes,          Well I have so much more to say but this will be it for today,


I finally reached the Owlery which was located on the top of the West tower,I had to climb so many stairs,  I groan, Why is everything so complicated,I get up and enter it to see many owls, and the room was scattered with Owl shit and many feathers here and there, I walk through the mess and I call for Mischief, I finally spot her, She hoots happily and flys towards me, I let her perch on my arm and I stroak her fur, "hey girl, How are you" I give her some owl treats, And she eats them happily, I smile and I ask her " soo hows your little 'friend'" She gives me look and I immediatly knew to shut up, "ok, ok fine, but will you take this to Jasmine?" She hoots and takes the letter in my hand and she flys away from the window and towards a grey owl, who was perched up in the corner, She seems to animatedly communicate with the owl, I chuckle at this and then she looked at me I wiggled my eyebrows I guess she didnt like that because she starts flying right at me making me duck and she flys through the window I look out the window seeing the retreating figure of my owl, I breathe in the fresh air, smiling contently, 

After awhile I hear the door open to see Harry?, what was he doing here, He looks at me probably thinking the same thing as me, I decide to start a conversation so it doesnt get too awkward, "heyyyy, sending a letter are you" I mentally slap my self, 'what the hell was I thinking'.

"oh yea," He just says, I stand there awkwardly while he tries tie his letter to his owl who seems to be angry at him, "wait let me help you" I go towards the owl and I take out some of the same treats I give Mischief and I feed it to the Owl, at first it was a bit unconvinced but then it ate it happily, it seems to like me, I chuckle and stroke its fur, It nips my hand in a friendly way, " , you must really have your way with animals". "oh hell no, its these treats I actually randomly found, my Owl, Mischief, seems to like it a lot and it always puts her in a good mood" I say tying his letter to The owl, "oh well, can I know where you bought these from" He asks smiling, " One thing you should know about me is that, sometimes I don't remember the useful information, but not to worry ,thankfully my dumbass bought many, so I'll lend you some" He nods and takes his owl back, " Her names Hedwig" He pats the owl which nips at him and then flys away, "well she's a beauty",

"mhm" We stand there looking out into the the sunrise in silence before I broke it, " Hey, if you dont mind me asking, who was that letter for?" I ask him, his eyes widen and he seems to be in internal panic, "um uhh its for my uncle who is very reckless and can be an idiot sometimes, I was just worried about him and I wrote to him to tell him to stay safe" He blurts out,

"yea that checks out" I say 'convinced', but I could tell there was a lie there somewhere, He seemed to be relieved, I decide to go get break fast since I had nothing to do. "im going to go get breakfast" He nods, I walk Down the tower,

does he know were twins?, The 'uncle' he was worried about probably isnt an uncle, He seems to be very worried and in deep thinking.. and I have a feeling that has something to do with me being worried about someone and always day dreaming, but then that's something I do all the time-

Is it something with us being twins?. Theres a good chance of that, Or im just going crazy right now thinking were connected in some way, 

In some magical way my feet had led me to the great hall, I was a bit gobsmacked, but I brushed it of I mean this is almost nothing on the scale of weirdness in my head. I sat down on the Gryffindor table and I grab a bread roll, But a jolt of pain goes through my hand, and I drop the bread roll swearing, I hold my right hand, 

My snake shaped scar on my middle finger in my right hand seems to be hurting but then I didnt really pay much attention since it was one of the fingers that uncle Vernon had broken and was still healing, But now I look at it, It was glowing, ' what in the name of Merlin's 10th hippogriff'.

It was hurting alot, I think I ate something dodgy on accident because is it just me or is that snake moving, I was broken out of my trance when two boys sat opposite to me, 

"up early and bright arent you Rivers",

 "yea must say very gobsmacking".

I roll my eyes at the twins, " Oh!, sod off", " Good morning to you to mate" Fred and George say in unison sounding hurt, I sigh, "im sorry, im just not in a very good mood" I apologize to the gingers, "is it your time of-" I cut him of before he could say another word "not another word" I say dangerously, I guess that shut him up pretty good, "and please never ever say that to a girl you'll get an ear bashing" I advice them, 

"thanks for the advice, Well George could've used it sooner," Fred says eyeing his twin, "well at least I know why I got that grotty slap".

I burst out laughing bringing attention to me but I could care less, "wh- who did you ask", Fred answers for his brother, "Romilda starckswood", George was looking anywhere else " ohhh, Ravenclaw", "well, you couldve  had something if you hadnt gone and  cocked it up".

" well where is Caster and Lyall" I ask them, "No Idea" I nod and decide to go searching for my Barmy friends, "well I should get searching for those two or they'll be late to class", i tell the two gingers, 

"bye bye Rivers," 

"dont get lost like last time," 

I roll my eyes, " yea yea, good bye ya wazzoks" i walk out the Great hall in search of my Best friends, I walk through the halls but then after awhile I bumb into a familiar dirty blonde friend,

"Luna!, Hey how are you" I ask the blue eyed girl, She smiles at me and says "Im doing good, Here" she gives me a magazine, 'The Quibbler,' It read, 

"its new issue, My fathers the editor," The girl says, I decide to be polite, "thank you ill definitely read it", I then saw the peculiar necklace on the Ravenclaw, It was made with butter beer corks, before I could wonder more about it Luna notices and says, "it keeps the Nargles away" she fidgets with the necklace,

, I nod a bit confused, as if she could sense what I was feeling she says, " Nargles are tiny creatures that live in mistletoes, They like to steal and mess things up"

'well maybe thats whats happen to those two tossers' i thought to myself, "I should get to class now, Its good to meet you again".  i wish her good bye and leave to go to my first class, Potions, 'I couldnt find them so I decide to sod it and just go to class, I mean their probably alive.....some where'

I sit down next to Hermione Ron and Harry, " Hey, Have either of you seen Castor and Lyall" I ask them, "oh um today morning I had told the two to get ready but Castor said something merlin know what and Lyall was as good as a rock", Harry says, I sigh, 

The class starts and Snape walks in as usual in a bad mood, after a few minutes the door was harshly pushed open and two figures burst in, " sorry professor, Didnt mean to be late" Lyall apologizes, Both of their shirts and pants were unruly Lyalls tie hanging of his neck and Castors was nowhere to be seen, 

"Detention and 50 points of Gryffindor", all the Gryffindors express their  dissaproval by groaning, The two of them sit on either side of me, 

"where were you!" I whisper shout, before they could answer Snape says, " Detention Miss Rivers!", I roll my eyes and didnt even bother saying anything because Ill just get more detentions, 


Well its the end of class and Snape hates me, Ive got detention for the whole week, Ive got 10, 600 word essays and Ive lost 60 points of Gryffindor, all because I tried helping Neville and I accidently exploded a couldron....... Might have also  turned Parkinson into a hippogriff, but I will never apologize for that because she called Hermione  a Mudblood, sooo Its clearly her fault.

Well the whole of Gryffindor is pretty fed up of me losing points every single potion lesson, I mean Snape just seems to hate me so much I mean mate it hasnt even been much time since ive transferred.


O k thats it next chapter the the other schools are going to come and for the purpose of my story, There is going to be changes, eeeeeeee I cant wait

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