James Wilson

By onechicagofan4

14.3K 227 59

Younger brother of Cory and Jordan. ⚠️TW include abuse, drugs, suicide, death etc⚠️ They'll be a mix of what... More

The Wilsons
First Day of School
Blame pt2
Telling someone
Kicked out
Mr Qureshi
Found out
Visiting home
Staying at Missys
Weeks later
Last day of Ackley?
New family
Surprise Pt 2
Homework struggles
First day at waterloo Road
Not you again
Pt 2
The question
A month later
Any ideas

Calm down

220 3 0
By onechicagofan4

I must have read the sheet like 100 times but it still wasn't making sense.
I didn't want to ask for help because I didn't want to seem stupid. I was trying to focus on the words but they were just going bold and not, fading away and kinda swirling. The letters were swapping places and the lines were blurring into each other
James: urgh
David: do you need some help?
James: no I'm fine
I was getting frustrated.

David pov
I could see James was struggling with the work but he refused help. He was getting frustrated and upset. He was fiddling with his right ear which I noticed is something he does when he's feeling negative emotions.
David: take a break
He put his earphones in and started listening to music.
It was the last half of the day and more people got sent into the cooler.
David: silence please
I went to James and told him to get on with his work.
After 10 minutes he started mumbling something. He started getting restless and that when I realised he hadn't taken his meds since breakfast. He started humming and tapping his pen against the table
??: can you stop?
James: sorry
After 5 minutes he started again
??: oi you freak. Stop
James stood up knocking his chair over in the process
James: what the fuck did you just call me?
??: I called you a freak. I mean that's what you are right. 12 and can't read. Your own brothers didn't want you
David: Will that's enough
James: you son of a bitch
James went over and pushed him and Will punched James. James punched back and I went over and broke it up.
David: Will Miss Mason now
I went over to James and he pushed me away and started throwing chairs.
David: everyone out
They all left. Tom walked in
Tom: you alright?
He then looked at James.
Tom: what happened?
David: Will Davies. He called James a freak and brought up stuff about his homelife
Tom: where's he now?
David: sent to Rachel
Tom: how do you calm him down?
David: leave him to see if he'll calm down. If he doesn't then I have to restrain him so he can't lash out
Tom: you got it handled?
David: yeah
Tom: alright I'll see you later

Tom left and James weren't calming down. I went over to him and wrapped my arms around him making sure that he couldn't go anywhere.
David: hey your okay. We just need to get you calm
James: get off me. Get the fuck off me. Please
David: not until you calm down
James: get off me *huh* *huh* *head jerking* *tongue clicking*
David: you need to calm down bud
I've noticed that he does these things when he is angry or upset
David: it's okay.
James: Get off please
He then started to break down
James: I-I'm sorry
David: hey it's okay. Let's sit down okay
I guided him to a seat.
James: how did he find out about my brothers?
David: I'm not sure maybe they got it from someone from your old school
James: maybe
David: we need to find something for your anger
James: I know. I'm sorry
David: hey it's okay. We'll figure it out.
James: *huh* *huh* *grunting*
David: it's okay
He was calming down
David: this hasn't been a good first day has it?
James: nope. It's not as bad as my first day of year 7 tho
David: how?
James: well I got in trouble all day. My brother insulted the whole school. He got sent home so I went after cause I thought dad would hit him. School rang dad to tell him I left and I nearly got battered
David: I'm sorry you had to go through that
James: it's fine. Do you think Sheryl will be mad?
David: she won't be happy but she won't be mad. Tomorrows a new day but I'm guessing Miss Mason will want to see you now

James: okay. Can you come with? It's just that I don't want to kick off
David: Sure.
We walked to Miss Masons office
David: We keep it calm and listen to what she has to say. No interrupting
James: okay
We walked into her office
Miss Mason: not a good start is it
James: he started it
Miss Mason: sit down. I've been getting endless complaints from numerous members of staff. They're saying that your rude, disruptive, aggressive the list goes on. I've read your record. You've always be in some sort of trouble. And what was that with Will?
James: he started it. He was talking shit about my family
David: oi language
Miss Mason: you've got 2 days in the cooler
James: what about Will?
Miss Mason: he's not getting punished
James: how the fuck is that fair? He fucking started it
He started playing with his right ear and then fidgeting with his hands. This was not gonna go well.
David: why don't you go and find Donte see if you can help him with the van
James: okay
James left
David: come on Rachel. You can't punish one and not the other. Eddie back me up here
Eddie: I agree. Rachel you've just proven that he can get away with violence
Rachel: James has a history of violence and being disruptive
David: Will wound him up knowing he'd get a reaction. He called James a freak and saying about how he can't read can't read. To get the reaction he wanted he made a remark about how he's not living with his brothers
Rachel: what was said?
David: he said 'Your own brothers didn't want you'
Rachel: what happened after?
David: James pushed him and Will punched James. James punched back and I went over and broke it up.
Eddie: Will isn't as innocent as you think he is Rach
David: what Will did was worse
Rachel: what made will start?
David: James hadn't taken his medication so he was getting restless and tapping his pen
Eddie: that shouldn't have warranted the response he got
Rachel: okay fine Will has 2 days in the cooler too

James pov
I went to the playground and Donte was still working on the van
Donte: you alright kid?
James: yeah
We were working on the van
James: hey Donte
Donte: what's up
James: you ever feel like no matter how hard you try you'll always mess things up
Donte: all the time. but you've got to just focus on the fact that you tried to do the right thing but it just blew up in your face. Why?
James: it doesn't matter
The bell went
James: I should go
Donte: you ever need a break you can come and work on the van
James: cool thanks Donte
I went to the car park to meet Liam and David. Liam ran up to me
Liam: good day?
James: Amazing I even got 2 days in the cooler
Liam: what did you do?
James: someone was making fun of me so I pushed him then he punched me so I punched back.
Liam: did he get in trouble too?
James: of course not I'm the trouble maker
David: actually
James: oh my days! Where the fuck did you come from?
David: watch your mouth.
James: sorry
David: Wills gonna be in the cooler as well
Liam: can we go home now?
James: I call shotgun
We ran towards the car and I jumped into the passenger seat. We picked up Lila and went home
Liam: where's mum?
David: I guess she's still working. We'll order in after boxing
James: save us from your cooking
Liam: No food poisoning for me
David: haha very funny. Go get out your uniform.
We ran upstairs. I got changed into my shorts and a T-shirt. I went back down and Liam was already there ready to go
Liam: you coming with?
James: yeah I'll give it a try
We went to boxing and it was actually quite good. We went home had dinner. I had a shower and went to bed.

David pov
I was watching tv in bed when Sheryl walked in
Sheryl: hi baby
David: hi how was work?
Sheryl: tiring
David: there's some Chinese in the oven for you
Sheryl: I'll have it later. How were the kids?
David: they all went boxing today
Sheryl: and?
David: it was good for them. Lila loved spending time with them
Sheryl: what about school?
David: Lila and Liam had a good day but James not so much
Sheryl: what happened?
David: well he got blamed for something he didn't do so got mad. In budgens lesson he refused to read. He spends most of the day in the cooler and got into a fight. He's now for 2 days in the cooler
Sheryl: we need to get him to take his meds

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